Is she?

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"She's hitting on you!" Jeongyeon shouted on the other line that makes Nayeon pull away her head from her phone. "Argh, don't be so loud can you, and... why do you think so?" Nayeon responded with full of curiosity in her voice. Jeongyeon reiterate Nayeon's words mockingly, and Nayeon hope she could reach Jeongyeon through the phone and smack her. "I thought you're a smartass?" Nayeon huffed, frustrated, "Explain it to me then!" she demanded. 

"Well it's cringey, she asked your name to be your payment, and..." Jeongyeon let out a disgusted noise, and Nayeon on the other line rolled her eyes, "and your name was too much for your payment so she said her name so it's even! So lame!" Jeongyeon has her exression as if she'd tasted a lemon. But Nayeon, unknowingly beamed a smile.


Nayeon with her two bestfriends, Jeongyeon and Jihyo are sitted outside a coffee shop, trying to catch up with each other as they've been so busy the past weeks. 

"So tell us more about that girl." Jihyo said, wiggling her brow, Jeongyeon jump in, "Yes, that girl!" As Jeongyeon moved her chair closer to Jihyo, they are facing Nayeon, giving her a teasing look. Nayeon rolled her eyes, "I don't know too." slightly pouting her lips, "I want to know more about her too." 

Jihyo clap her hand to get the attention of the two, "Okay, let's put it this way," clasping her hand like a CEO in a meeting, "if you see her again when something is not in your way or you're in trouble, she's your destiny." 
Jeongyeon is looking at Jihyo in disbelief, "Hey, should I smack your head on the table or smack the table on your head? That's why I am telling you to stop watching too much dramas!" showing her fist, Jihyo's about to counter her but Nayeon spoke, "Forget it, let's change the subject." 



Nayeon is walking on a sidewalk, the light post is not working, It's dark as it's 9:30 PM already. She has her earphones on, when TT descends on playing she heard like someone is walking behind her. She quickly stop the music with the button on her earphone,trying to calm herself 'cause there really is someone walking behind her. Nayeon started to count 1-3 for her to run. 1 2 ... her count doesn't reach 3 as she was shocked with the sudden contact of a strong hands to her forearm, and not just that, he started rubbing up and down. and the other is on her hip, Nayeon wants to scream, but the shout stayed on and she just freezes. Many things already coming out of her head, her heart is beating abnormally, she couldn't hear anything clear, except h

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Chapter 3: Update more pleaseeeee~ it's cuteee. (My NaMo heart )
Chapter 3: It's adorable but also cringy HAHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Yes to the concept of destiny. Yes monayeon is so cute together it makes my head hurts lol. Loving how this goes.
multiply17twice #4
Chapter 1: adorable!!! looking forward for more. ^^
Chapter 2: omg AN UPDATE!! god my feels this is the start sdhwkbeks
Chapter 1: everyday is namo day that's why lol but yoU NEED TO UPDATE THIS YOU CANT LEAVE US HANGING
Chapter 1: OMG. I WANT A SEQUELLLLLL. I don't accept this kind of endings. This story is too good <3
Chapter 1: hehe looking forward for more meetings !