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Nayeon still feels the creeps from what the guy did, but the feels Momo is giving her is overwhelming.

The bunny-teeth girl can't even stay at one position for a minute, she keeps wiggling, turning left and right, and around the bed. The bedsheet is totally a mess, and her pillow fell on the ground. She's trying to sleep, but everytime she'll close her eyes, she sees Momo's face and it electrifies her again and again. 

She's already scolding herself for she has an early schedule for tomorrow,




After her meeting with the staff, Nayeon directly went to a jokbal restaurant for lunch. She's suddenly craving for a jokbal, maybe also because of Momo's sweet scent last night that was mixed with a jokbal smell. 

She's thinking about her again "What is your order ma'am." a kind small smile from the waiter, giving her the menu after taking her seat on left, two rows away from the entrance.  She has her point finger roaming around the menu to find what will appeal to her eyes to eat.  "Uhhmmm... Let's stay with the original." Nayeon said, pinpointing the Original Jokbal on the menu showing her bunny teeth to the waiter, the waiter smiles and nod shyly, taking her order.

While waiting for her order, her eyes explore around the restaurant, it looks so nice, the interior design, cozy atmosphere. And then her eyes landed on the poster at the wall leading to comfort rooms. It's quite far from her seat, it's on the right side. She might have thought a lot about the Japanese girl, she's seeing her even in the poster, she thought. Shaking her head, but it still looks like her, considering she has a poor eye-sight, Nayeon get up and walk closer to the poster. And it is really Momo, the girl seems everywhere she go, and to be honest, Nayeon don't mind. It just surprises her always, maybe this is destiny they're calling, funny thing is Nayeon actually doesn't believe in that sh*t (as what she HAD described when Jeongyeon asked her about it.)

She's staring , after reading what's the poster all about.  It's a dancing class, the poster has Momo's picture half-body, her wearing a loose crop top, her navel peeking out. And she remembered Momo's outfit last night. She

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Chapter 3: Update more pleaseeeee~ it's cuteee. (My NaMo heart )
Chapter 3: It's adorable but also cringy HAHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Yes to the concept of destiny. Yes monayeon is so cute together it makes my head hurts lol. Loving how this goes.
multiply17twice #4
Chapter 1: adorable!!! looking forward for more. ^^
Chapter 2: omg AN UPDATE!! god my feels this is the start sdhwkbeks
Chapter 1: everyday is namo day that's why lol but yoU NEED TO UPDATE THIS YOU CANT LEAVE US HANGING
Chapter 1: OMG. I WANT A SEQUELLLLLL. I don't accept this kind of endings. This story is too good <3
Chapter 1: hehe looking forward for more meetings !