first and second meeting

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The sun is setting, Nayeon is sitting at the farthest bench at the park where there's a lesser people who could see her bawling her eyes out. 

"Are you okay?" a female voice, cute one, Nayeon didn't even notice that someone sat next to her, she has her hands covering her whole face as she sobs non stop. She's not planning on talking back, MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS remained in her head. "Well, obviously you doesn't look like okay." Thank goodness, you have a common sense, SO PLEASE GO AWAY! another unspoken reply, after a few seconds she felt a cotton brushing on her forearm, the stranger is offering her a handkerchief. How nice of her, but it's a wrong timing for Nayeon, and it doesn't help her mood at all as she get more irritated.

Solitude is what she wants and needs right now, but maybe she chose a wrong place to go to. "It's gonna be okay so-" the woman tried again, but Nayeon reached her point, she snapped. "YOU DON'T KNOW THE HELL HAPPENED SO YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT. I'M NOT GONNA BE OKAY THE NEXT DAY, AND THE DAY AFTER THAT OR THE WEEKS AFTER THAT. KNOW WHY? MY BOYFRIEND HAS ALEADY A WIFE. F*UCK HIM, I WAS A MISTRESS FOR A MONTH. AND I LOST THE NECKLACE MY MOM GAVE ME, THAT MAKES THIS DAY SO TY. ADD THIS STUPID HEELS" Nayeon bend down removing her broken heel and throwing it away, she basically shouted every word and when she look at the girl next to her she has open, blinking multiple times. And when the girl realize Nayeon is looking at her she looks away and flattened her lips. "I'm... I didn-" Nayeon stood up abruptly cutting the girl off and started walking away, uneven as her left foor is bare.

The stranger keep up to her tracks, "You could use my slippers in my bag." another kind act of the stranger, but not to Nayeon, she halted and so is the stranger. Nayeon look back giving a sharp glare, the woman take a step back, and looks away. "You don't give up aren't you, are you planning on becoming a saint or getting a noble prize huh?" Seconds follow, the stranger remain unmoved and mum, "Don't follow me, or talk to me again!" then Nayeon

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Chapter 3: Update more pleaseeeee~ it's cuteee. (My NaMo heart )
Chapter 3: It's adorable but also cringy HAHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Yes to the concept of destiny. Yes monayeon is so cute together it makes my head hurts lol. Loving how this goes.
multiply17twice #4
Chapter 1: adorable!!! looking forward for more. ^^
Chapter 2: omg AN UPDATE!! god my feels this is the start sdhwkbeks
Chapter 1: everyday is namo day that's why lol but yoU NEED TO UPDATE THIS YOU CANT LEAVE US HANGING
Chapter 1: OMG. I WANT A SEQUELLLLLL. I don't accept this kind of endings. This story is too good <3
Chapter 1: hehe looking forward for more meetings !