First Impressions

Royal Bequeathing

The sisters are now busy drying themselves up while drinking some hot chocolate and are warming themselves near the fireplace and each of them draped with a blanket as they still fight off the shivers at the end of their fingers. All except for Chiaki with her wounded knee being carefully treated by the guy known as Park Chanyeol.

“Ne Inoo, why are you here anyway?” Rein asked Kei who was apparently the guy who saw them as they were shivering at the entrance of the roofed café.
“I was here to look for you three ne!” Inoo smiled and handed Satomi the official envelope with the King’s letter. Sato took it and read it aloud for all the sisters to know the contents.

“This royal edict is to give you three princesses of this land of Wisteria, namely, Satomi, Rein and Chiaki with the King’s grace of letting you decide. Upon reading this, you must immediately decide if you are to stay on your petty rebellion or get back to the palace where the King’s benevolence will grace you and will forget that this insolence has ever happened. If you ever decide to keep your pride and stay as to wherever you are, expect that there will be no support whatsoever from the palace and that you will be dis inherited as the princesses of this land.

Your Grace,
The King” 

Satomi read and heaved out a heavy sigh as she finished and carefully folded the letter back placed it back in its rightful envelope.
“What a very heartwarming letter from a father who is worried about the disappearance of his daughters.” Chiaki said as she faked a very touched face.
“More of a disappointed king losing his pawns in a game of chess.” Satomi said in dismay.
“Hah! Who cares about the princess whatsoever! It is not our loss! It is his loss! Like we care any less about it.” Rein huffed as she hugged her knees and puffed her cheek.
“Kei, this letter is only a spoof. I am pretty sure that he is well aware where we are by now considering how easy it was for you to locate us. If he really wants us back, then it should’ve been easy for him. But instead, he sent you this. What’s happening?” Sato asked as she looked Kei’s dark brown eyes while still holding on tightly at the letter.
“Pretty clever. As expected from the lineage of the house of Sugimoto I suppose. Well, I am here to support and assist you as to whatever your decision will be. My plan is to just inform the King that you are all alive but not to fully disclose to him where you actually are.” Kei said with a smile as he enjoys his tea again.
“Is it really ok to involve him?” Chiaki asked as she pointed at Chanyeol who is still busy tending her wound.
“He is a good friend of mine and your identity is safe with him so no need to worry.” Kei added with his gentle smile.
“Spit it out you pouty, I am sure that you are scheming something again!” Rein spouted at Kei to which he replied with a charming smile and a light pat on her head.
“Fine then since I cannot hide anything from you girls. If you are curious how I knew that you are here, it is simply because of the information that the King handed to me. The most probable means of transport and escape that you can have is by concealing yourself as part of the weekly rations and that leads me here in West Wisteria. Second, I was here to talk to Chanyeol to ask for his help in looking for you three which is not that difficult to do because I am certain that you will easily stand out and what more is that I never even needed to look for you because you are already at the doorsteps deshou!” He then smiles and hands some cookies to Rein.
“If I know, this is also part of your calculations.” Chiaki said as she gently winced in pain when Chanyeol wrapped a bandage on it.
“So I assumed you had a discussion with our worried father. What are your conditions then?” Satomi asked as she placed an eerie emphasis on the word worried. Well, the princesses have always known that their father is not the affectionate type and based on the letter sent to them, they are all pretty sure that the king will not make things easy for them should they return to their humble castle.
“Glad you asked. Indeed we had a discussion and we talked about what to do with you and that he agreed that I remotely help you girls! So the plan is that, you girls are not allowed to reveal your true identities as princesses of this country. Well, you can keep your names though since it is not that well known in the Kingdom as well. There will also be no news about your disappearance fearing that this might be taken advantage of the other states to capture the power and all those political stuff. So your background story goes as three noble ladies that survived from a horrendous event that took out the lives of your families.” Kei narrated as he leans on his chair.
“So, you also mean that we will be working here to survive or will you be benevolent enough to supply everything?” Chiaki asks as he drinks her hot chocolate.
“Well, as much as I want to provide you with everything, all  I can offer you is help to find a place to stay which is now done and yes Chiaki, you all will work here in Chanyeol’s place to pay for your rent, and your food. Please explain the rest Yeol.” He then looks at Park Chanyeol who is now tidying the med kit he just used.
“I will still give you your salaries so that you will be able to buy stuff that you like. The food will be provided here and we take turns in cooking and preparing the meal together with the other tenants. As for the rent, it will be automatically deducted from your salary. You each can get 2 pansies every 15 days.” Chanyeol explained carefully as he looks at the girls.
“You mean, there are others living here? And, what kind of work will we do?” Rein asked and took some cookies from Kei’s plate.
“Good question. I own the Café you just saw down. It is the Blue Rose Café and I am quite short on staff so I will have to assign you as waitresses or as patisserie assistants if possible. I also own a music store which is just beside the café. This whole building is mine so at the ground floor is the establishments. The second floor is where the stocks of the café and the music store are. The third floor is where you will stay with the other tenants whom I will later on introduce. The Third floor has 2 big bedrooms with three beds each and both with bathrooms. There is one common living room and dining room as well as a kitchen. You three ladies will share one room since the other tenants are using the other. No worries since they are all harmless so nothing you need to worry about. We are now at the fourth floor which is my whole space and the rooftop which also has a garden for other relaxation purposes. I do hope you will all enjoy your stay here.” Chanyeol explains as he shows them the pictures of each floor while explaining them all.
“So… for tomorrow, we will be waitresses then…”  Satomi said with a hint of nervousness on her tone.
“Yes. Forgive me since we never had girls here so we had no choice but to let you wear my clean clothes. No worries since I haven’t used those yet so they are all brand new. Tomorrow we will buy you decent clothes and have a tailor to fix your uniforms for the café. I do hope you feel comfortable with those.” Chanyeol asks nervously since it was his first time to meet the actual princesses of the Kingdom.
“These are cool and comfy! I think I prefer these than those frilly heavy dresses” Rein smiled as she showed off her big tshirt and khaki shorts which is also worn by her sisters.”
“This is my first time wearing such and I am surprised that this is quite convenient.” Satomi then smiled
“So… when can we meet those other tenants?” Chiaki asked as her stomach grumbled as they are all so hungry.
“Good timing. Dinner is ready and I will introduce you all to them at the dining area. Let’s go shall we?” Chanyeol smiled as he assisted the sisters to the third floor to meet the others.
 === ♫ === ♫ === ♫ === ♫ === ♫ ===
[Keito’s POV]
I was surprise to see Yeol leaving so suddenly a while ago and met with a friend. I don’t usually see him like that and well, it’s not bothering me until I saw three, and how should I describe them… unique??? Girls who were all drenched and Yeol welcomed them and took him to his place. He is a kind person but that was still pretty peculiar.
“Hikaru… you don’t have a beard so stop what you are doing.” Yabu tried to scold Hikaru who was restlessly pacing around us while his left hand is sort of combing an invisible long beard while his right hand is behind his back and his eyes squinting while pacing to and fro that is seriously making them all dizzy.
“Have you seen it?! Chanchan just took those three weird girls in his place! Is he hoarding them?! Are they going to be tenants?! If they are pretty, I won’t mind.” I was actually nice to think they are just unique but he described them as weird.
“Let’s not mind that. As long as Sir Yeol doesn’t tell us then we cannot assume. Maybe he just felt pitied by the fact that they are drenched. I haven’t seen them so I don’t know if they are pretty. And are you sure he took them in?” Yabu said as he was still busy reading his book.
“MY TWO GREAT AND WONDERFUL EYES saw it my dear Yabu.” Hikaru said as he widened his eyes as if it will bulge out. This guy really can do wonders on his face.
“I saw it too.” I just want to confirm since Hikaru will not stop convincing Kota and the other guy wont be convinced unless I chime in.
“Fine then. Have it your way. But that shouldn’t be a big deal. Now turn the sign to close and finish cleaning up so that we can have our dinner and rest since tomorrow is going to be a new day.” Kota stood up as we went to our routine on closing the café. Recently, we needed more manpower to run the café as we are starting to have more and more customers by the day. Just having the three of us as waiters and cashier with Yeol assisting and Jun on the patisserie is not going to keep up.
I was busy fixing the cash register when Yeol went down to fetch us. Finally a good and hearty dinner after a busy afternoon will be comforting.
“Yo! I have a surprise and an announcement for you guys over dinner. Is everything set now and can we close the café?” Yeol asked and this confirms all that Hikaru was thinking over and it seems like we will be having those unique ladies as our tenants.
“You mean those girls are going to be tenants too!? Are they pretty? It was raining so hard a while ago it made the scene quite foggy and I can’t see clearly except that they are in weird clothes.” Hikaru is now on his armalite mode and Yeol is just standing there laughing as I handed out the contents of the cash register and the financial report for the day.
“Everything will be explained over dinner so let’s go?” Yeol lead the way to the second floor and there we saw three ladies wearing Yeol’s clothes and a fancy beautiful looking guy who seemed like a noble because of his clothes.
To be fairly honest, I am surprised since I never saw a guy with such gentle features at all. He looks a bit carefree as he was just there sitting at a solo sofa while enjoying his tea and cookies. He is definitely a noble and you can tell it immediately by how he holds on his cup. If not for his clothes, I might think that he is actually a girl.
A while ago I can’t see them clearly since Hikaru was right on the heavy rain that made it all a bit foggy and my only idea is that they are wearing weird clothes so now that I am taking a good look at them, they all seem… well, they all look like they are not west Wisterians and they might be nobles since they all have that sort of regal aura with them I just can’t explain.
The tallest of them has her long and straight jet black hair neatly finished with a slim and simple headband. Her figure still seen despite her loose shirt and khaki shorts as she gets herself busy while looking at the bookshelf and looks like aside from Kota, we will have another book worm. She seems pretty serious as she observes and looks around as she seems like the elegant type of lady.
Not far from her, I see another lady with black and bouncy shoulder length hair who is sitting at the sofa with a bandage on her knee.  Unlike the other girl, she has a very blank face with a slight mysterious aura and was just playing around with the harmonica she has on hand. Her slightly chubby cheeks and her youthful face clearly shows how worn out she is. She is more of the mysterious but beautiful type.
As I turned my head to the other side, I saw another girl with short and shiny bob hair checking out the food with a big smile. She seems pretty energetic as she approached the other girl with harmonica and checks out what she is feeling. Her shirt’s sleeves are rolled up as she bounces happily around the room. She has a pretty face and seemed to be really confident and energetic but from the looks of it, she might be the one who has a feisty personality which is in contrast to her cute and gentle face. Though I guess it is still too early for me to make assumptions now but looking at them, I don’t think Im really wrong on these observations. 
Well, seems like my dear friend Kota and Hikaru are also just observing as we all wait for Yeol.
“Sorry to keep you waiting guys! Please have a seat. I am sure you are all famished.” Yeol said as he prepares the food at the table and boy is this a sumptuous feast with all the foods laid out.
“Wow!!! These are quite a lot! What’s the occasion?” Hikaru is now immediately seated at his chair as he looked at all the food served.
“Ahem… that is my place.” Kota never changes as he scolds the lady with the long hair. As soon as the girl stood up, Kota immediately froze and his eyes went wide and shouted.
“YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?” He looked surprised, well, surprised is an understatement since he really looks irritated as he pointed out to the lady who then shot him with a blank look and took another available seat and she doesn’t even bothered replying to Kota’s inquiry and just looked at him from head to toe. 
This is not every day that I see someone ridicule Kota easily. Well, not that I am his friend and that I am biased on my opinions but Kota is someone who gives out an intimidating aura most of the times. Whenever he is the waiter in charge at the café, not much customers try to go against him, unlike how they all bully Hikaru, because of Kota’s unexplainable aura that can silence people. Not that he is scary but for some unexplainable reason, he can easily be cold and irritated and that you shouldn’t really mess with him type of aura. Enough of this thinking Keito. Don’t let yourself get sidetracked with such thoughts!
“You know him neechan?” The short haired girl asked and oh! They are sisters? Why do they have little resemblance though? Ok Keito… you are overthinking things again.
“We bumped into each other a while ago while we were separated. Is all.” Whoa. Even her manner of speech is really elegant while Kota is just looking at her irritated by her very presence. I am not sure if I will be amazed at how unfazed she is and doesn’t seem to mind Kota’s glare. If glares were daggers, I’m sure that they are shooting endlessly at this lady but it also looks like she is just dancing elegantly while dodging it all. Oh dear… remind me not to spend too much time with Hikaru since now I am starting to think the same way he does.
Once we are all seated, Yeol starts explaining things. Im surprised by his formalities. Are our guest really that important?
“Forgive us for serving only these since I wasn’t expecting that you will be visiting but I hope you will enjoy our food.” Ok. Yeol is being so formal and it is so weird even Hikaru and Yabu are shocked.
“I will introduce you to the tenants who are also working as waiters at the café. This guy here is Yabu Kota, that is Yaotome Hikaru and this is my cousin, Okamoto Keito.” He introduced us while pointing each of us and the ladies just smiled and slightly tilted their heads as if making a formal curtsy while sitting. Ok. This is weird and formal and I am not used to it. Seeing how they reacted, I just sort of did the same hoping to return the gesture and not look impolite or whatever.
“Thank you for your hospitality Chanyeol and please don’t worry. We are at fault for having an unannounced and a sudden visit but we thank you for your warm welcome. Allow me to introduce ourselves in return. I am Inoo Kei from East Wisteria and these are my friends who are sisters. Satomi, the eldest, Chiaki and Rein respectively. It was nice to meet you Kota, Hikaru and Keito.” So his name is Inoo Kei. If this formality keeps on I will be losing blood.
So the long haired girl is Satomi, the eldest. The mysterious and beautiful lady is Chiaki, and the boyish and energetic pretty one is Rein. Now that we are sitting face to face, we can clearly see their features and I must say that their beauty is top notch. I am sure Hikaru will be pleased with this and… yep. He is now shaking each of their hands happily like an excited fanboy meeting his idol.
“Well, they will be staying here as tenants and will be working as maids on the café since they had to flee from their home because of an unfortunate accident. They are nobles boys so please be patient in teaching them the ropes on the work and in the household chores.” Yeol explained as he looked at us.
“Ehh?! You mean we will also be doing some household chores?!” It was Rein who commented with puffed cheeks and it looks like her sisters also have the same troubled look. Geez… these noble ladies seemed to be really pampered so teaching them housework and serving customers might not be a really easy task.
“Of course you will. There are no maids here so things will not be miraculously done. You all will do all the labor and manual work. It’s not that bad.” This Kei guy is trying to convince the sisters about it as they all gave out a troubled sigh. Next thing I heard are grumbling stomachs and the girls just looked away embarrassed.
“Apologies! Please eat up!” Yeol panicked and signaled us to eat but the girls are still not taking the food while we all are starting to take some pieces to our own plates.
“You are supposed to take some portions of the food into your own plates.” I heard Kei whispering to the girls as they were just looking at the foods and were surprised when we started taking some. I can never understand noble people.
“Wouldn’t that be disrespectful?” Satomi then asked. Seriously? Since when did the act of taking food for yourself actually became disrespectful? Maybe nobles are just used to be served with food ala carte style.
“No. It won’t unless you claim all the food to your own. This is for sharing so just take what you think is fair for you and take another portion if you are still hungry.” Wow. This Kei is like explaining basics to babies. Well, we managed to survive the dinner with Hikaru doing all the interviewing to them as they all answered very briefly. Not very friendly I suppose but they are pretty so I am sure Hikaru will still be pleased. Kota is just silent as he finishes his meal while still glaring at Satomi. I wonder what happened between them though since he clearly looks irritated with her mere presence.

After the sumptuous dinner, we did our usual chores and the girls just went into their room. Wow. So this is a noble thing huh? Eat and Run.
“It’s been a long day and they need rest. Forgive me for how they behaved. They just are going through a lot recently. Please do look after them. They are kind hearted and are nice girls once you get to know them.” Kei bowed in front of us three as he explained. Is he like their guardian or something? I am not sure why but something feels strange about them.
“We understand and don’t worry. We will take good care of them. Are you not going to spend the night here? It’s quite late now.” Yeol is right. It’s dangerous to still be out there at this time.
“Nothing to worry about. I will be ok. I will be visiting again Chanyeol. Til then I suppose. Should there be anything, just let me know ok.” Kei then smiled as he saw Yeol nodded and went out.
“Seriously Yeol? Just who are those girls?” I asked still with some unsettled thoughts.
“They are nice and noble ladies that needs our help.” He smiled innocently but I know that there is more to that.
“Not to mention pretty even if they are a bit weird and too formal but well, they are nobles. Oh oh!! Maybe those girls can help you find your girl Kota!!!” Hikaru excitedly said while washing the dishes.
“Not all nobles know each other and they just look like a bunch of brats. Teaching them will only be pointless.” He then sighed while he is fixing the table.
“Come on boys. They need our help ok! Don’t lose hope and we should get to know them first before we judge them Kota.” As usual, Yeol is just a kind hearted man afterall.
“Let’s all take some rest. Tomorrow is another day. I’ll be off to sleep. Goodnight!” I said as I feel all worn out now. Let’s hope tomorrow will actually be a good day for us all.

[End of POV]

All the three princesses went their way down the third floor with Chanyeol’s to check their room and the place where they will be temporarily be staying at. He carefully explained all the available facilities as well as the terms and conditions and the rules and regulations in the apartment.
“I’m sorry since this place is not that much to your preference as of now. I was only thinking of accepting male tenants but since this is a special case, it can’t be helped. The interiors are still not that much as compared to how you used to have things way back but this place is still pretty decent. If you notice on this room, you all will have your separate beds and you also have your own bathroom and a separate rest room as well for privacy. There is also a balcony in your area in case you need to have a view from the outside. The fifth floor is a garden so you can use it to relax. The boys are using the other room which is very much similar to this. On this floor, there is also a shared living room and kitchen as well for mini dining though we can also eat at my floor as well. Is there anything else I can help you with? Or if there are any questions, just let me know.” Chanyeol patiently enumerated the details to the girls as they were all sort of doing several things. Rein was busy trying to look at each stuff around and playing at some curious stuff she sees, Chiaki immediately sat down on one of the fluffy beds while Sato stayed beside Chanyeol and was busy taking notes on the things he is saying.
“There is no need to be formal with us and no need for apologies Mr. Park Chanyeol. Doing all of these is already too much for us to ask and we truly are grateful for all your help. I want to apologize to you as early as now since we have no experience on serving. We might be causing you a lot of trouble and we ask of your patience and consideration. We will be doing everything to the best of our abilities to be of assistance.” Satomi said with a bow and made Chanyeol stunned.
“E… Eh?! I… I mean… No need for the formalities on your side too. I mean, you can just call me Chanyeol. No need for the “Mister” part and I understand your situation so you do not have to worry. We will be doing our best to help and guide you along the process as well! Please raise your head Princess Satomi.” Chanyeol was in quite a panic when he saw the princess literally bowing her head on him.
“Well, you will be our landlord so no need to call us Princesses. And thank you for tending on my wounds.” Chiaki said as she sees the stuttering landlord.
“Technically, we are not princesses here so let’s be cool ne Landlord!” Rein smiled cheekily as she made an “ok” pose with her thumb and looked at their new landlord.
“I understand. I hope you don’t mind me calling you by your first names? And no worries. Calling me landlord makes me feel quite old. Just call me Chanyeol ok. Nice to meet you all. Well, do take a rest and have a good night sleep ok. Tomorrow is certainly be going to be a long day for you all so take a rest.” Chanyeol laughed as he sees Rein’s pose and as he looked at each of the princesses. It still is not fully sinking in to him that his apartment will actually hold the Kingdom’s treasured princesses. Never even in his wildest imaginations did he expected such day to come.
“I have one more thing to ask. The other tenants don’t know our identities right? Will it be ok for them to actually mingle with us?” Chiaki asks worriedly as she looks at their landlord.
“Yeah. Now that you mention it. The happy guy with fangs… Hikaru is it? I think we can get along well. With the other quiet guy, Kei… I forgot the name but landlord’s cousin, he seems to be quiet and I suppose he won’t mind us that much but the bamboo tall guy!! His glares at neechan seems like he will never agree of our existence!” Rein remarked as she sat beside Chiaki and looked at Chanyeol.
“Seriously? Why is he all so grumpy and everything? Did something happened between you two neechan?” Rein remarked again as she pats the bed Chiaki is at.
“I will be here at the middle. You stay away from me when sleeping since you are so messy at everything and the tides turn whenever you sleep.” Chiaki said while hugging the pillow and is also checking the bed.
“Mou! I know how I sleep ok so there is no need to emphasize things. But seriously Mr. Landlord Chanyeol san. I mean, what should we do to that bamboo guy?” Rein then pouts cutely as she looks at Chanyeol.
“Please don’t be too mean on Yabu. I mean, he might have some quite of temperament at times but he is a really kind and a good hearted guy. He is just a bit easily misunderstood. It won’t be a problem. I discussed this with Kei but it appears that your background story is that you are noble women from East Wisteria and that you all lost your parents in a tragic manner from an accident which is why you decided to get here instead. Please try not to expose your real identities. I will keep this secret from the boys as well and that I will convince them not to pry too much and ask so many questions so that it will not be difficult for you three. So, please be at ease.” Chanyeol smiled and gave them all the assurance they need.
“I will be going now. If there is anything that you will need or if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me. My door will always be open for you. Good night and rest well.” He then bid his goodbye and went out of the room to give them the privacy they need.
“Well, this is not as big as our room before but hey! It is kind of fun now that we are all together. It is like we are having sleepovers everyday from now on!” Rein happily said as she chose the bed near the windows and happily laid down as she slowly starts to feel the strain of all that happened to them during the day.
“But for how long? I mean…. Based on father’s letter, we can either get back to the castle with the hopes that he will be keeping his promise that nothing wrong will happen to us or that we will be disinherited as the princesses of the kingdom. I mean… can we actually be able to survive and live this way? Its not like, we can forever just depend on the landlord’s benevolence and Kei’s protection.” Chiaki said worriedly as she looked at her sisters and earned an eerie silence from the two.
“The mere fact that Kei is protecting us is already a bothering thought. Geez. Of all people, why him?” Rein said as she was all tired and sighed.
Satomi then sighed again and took another deep breath as she looked at her sisters who are both looking at her worriedly.
“To be fairly honest, we are at the point of no return. I don’t think that our dear father will simply take things lightly so going back there will mean that we will get back to the life we are used to but we must be ready to face his wrath, or, we can opt to stay here and struggle to survive while hoping that no one will get to know who we really are. But aside from these troubles we have, I personally think there is something deeper lurking on this issue. I just can’t point my fingers into it directly yet but that I think I should try to figure out. But for now let us…” She was cut off as she realized that her sisters are now both asleep while she was busy explaining.
“Maa… looks like my explanation is lullaby for them huh?” She then smiled as she went to fix her sisters’ positions and laid the blankets over them.
“You both went through quite a lot today. Oyasumi.” She then tucked them both as she turned the lights off and went to her bed and think things through. Unfortunately, her strength was slowly seeped away by the relaxing comfort of her bed and soon enough, she also fell into a deep slumber. 

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Exciting! Ang kulit nung trio princesses! Hahahaha
Update soonest!!
Chapter 2: Luh! Si Keito at Chanyeol Luh luh my heart