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Promises for Pride
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Kim Seokjin's favourite pastime activity (or so did he call that) was messing with the little humans' feelings. Not like it wasn't his full-time job but he didn't see it as a challenge. That so-called work for him was when he needed to convince a famous person − for instance, a politician − who also tried to manipulate others, so doing the same to someone who had already used the tricks of manipulation was both troublesome and time-consuming. He enjoyed every bit of it though.

So where was Pride actually? He was everywhere; in human form, in demon form, in the humans' dreams, in their head, with their reflection in the mirror... he was literally everywhere. Just like other Sins, he used teleportation to get to places but since it was limited, he made sure to have bases all around the world. He had one in Seoul, in Dubai, in Melbourne, in London, in Paris, in Los Angeles and in Egypt, too. They were all some sorts of luxurious places that someone as selfish as Pride himself would visit – casinos, 5 star hotels, banks, exhibition halls filled with paintings that each worth millions of dollars.

His bases weren’t necessarily a sign of arrogance or dignity; yet people turned those places into useless competitions and fierce battlefields. As self-confidence was within anyone, Pride only needed a triggering factor to start spreading through their veins like viruses. After that, there was no turning back.

Frankly, some people didn't have a lot to do with Pride. Of course, there were still such people around the world who were almost entirely selfless but it was rare. In this technologically-driven society where everyone wanted to compete in the worldwide race, he didn't really have a difficult job.

He was there when kids fought who's the smartest; when youngsters talked back to their relatives or to their superiors; he was there when high schoolers took the CSATs; he was there during any contests (especially beauty contests, it seemed that the competition was a matter of life and death for ladies) and he also assisted with break-ups. If love took an unfortunate (or a fortunate one for him) turn, Pride immediately crept its way into the lovers' hearts. There was a thin line between equality and superiority and most of the humans didn't notice when they reached the latter one.

Sometimes he had to be on the spot − either in human form or in demon form − to seduce the little humans, sometimes he didn't even have to be in their thoughts because people were naturally born to be selfish and prideful. As soon as they sinned, he felt as if there was some unseen force charging him up. He became powerful and his heart − that was actually not beating since the day he died − felt alive again. He felt invincible like he could take over the whole world.

This way, it came as no surprise that Sins were the second highest ranked demons in the underworld. There was just one above them − Lucifer. In the modern people's words, he was their boss. That didn't necessarily mean that he watched their every step because he liked to mind his own business, so until they didn't do anything unforgettable − in other words, anything good −, Lucifer didn't tease the Sins, neither did he reprimand them. He was there as an example, a role model and a living legend. Rumour has it that one of the previous Prides was the one who turned Lucifer into Satan and Pride himself

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The last chapter is here and someone is about to die...


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Chapter 16: I bawled my eyeballs out during the ending gah but still it's a beautiful story! Good job!
Chapter 16: Darling,
It was a beautiful roller-coaster, I did enjoyed it really much. You are super nice and super talented so you really deserved the lovely comments under this short story. Jin was an amazing Sin. My heart aches due to his death but it was beautiful and left my out of breath. Poor Humility. And that bastard lower demon! His dirty secret... aish. But on the other hand, I happy. Thanks to him Jin didn't become Lucifer, didn't lose his feelings etc. Ah, I cannot find more words. Sorry for this lame comment. I love you so much ♡
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 15: Darling,
Finally, we had the chance to see them in action (against each other, how excited!). It was fun. I enjoyed the whole chapter just like the previous ones. JIin and his princess make a good couple and the ending! I cannot imagine Humility's death. Jin won't kill her once again, I'm so sure right now. He is just like he used to be. He needs love and she loves him. Lovely yet tragical!
Have a nice day xx
Ps. I cannot believe that the next chapter will be the last, too. :/
Chapter 14: Darling,
Wow, Lucifer himself. Actually, I imagined him as a funny guy as well so I was totally satisfied when you described him. The dialogues in this chapter were my favourites and this whole situation is so frustrating and intense. He had to make her sin :( Frankly, I have a bed feeling about is. What if Humility will make him a not utterly sinful soul instead? Will he die in the arms of his love? Damn.
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 13: Darling,
Well, I think your story is a perfect medicine for my hangover because this day I was so tired I became tipsy over a fruit flavoured cider. It was like strawberry.
Hmm, Jin's sudden decision took me by surprise. I didn't dare to think that he would like to kill Humility in one way or another. I mean come on! Please don't be so cruel and love her (haha.) I hope he won't find that other way (maybe a relic could kill her actually like that hairpin that would be able to kill Greed just because it's a meaningful object from his past). I really don't know what to think.
I'm so scared right now because I accidentally saw a few comments about the last chapter and I already know that your ending will be epic. Please don't kill them both :'(
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 12: Darling,
Wow, wow, wow. Even though I knew lots of thingd about your story, you managed to surprise me. So that's why Lust's hunter looked for Pride. It's all make sense now. Wonderful.
Jin's and Humility's reactions were amazing. I did enjoyed them. They were passionate and intense. Like an italian drama, really. And this ending! Just like a little boy when he couldn't find the right words. (Sorry for my English, I'm a bit drunk right now but I felt that I have to continue this story in the way back home in the train).
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 11: Darling,
Omg, the last part of the chapter was so cute that I'm already in love with the present. I hope Jin's reaction will be flawless or at least huge. Oh, and I'm so curious about why my little virtue waited so long with this meeting. I wish I shouldn't start to dress up right now. What a pity!
Have a nice day ♡
Chapter 10: Darling,
I'm kinda sad because of Jin's point of view when it comes to his previous life but I think it's normal. Otherwise, he doesn't act like a real demon. Speaking of which, that certain sentence hurt my pride. Poor little demons who fell in love in their stories. I hope Jin will taste this sweet feeling sooner or later and he will actually change his mind. They are not pathetic :')
Since I know the plot twist I cannot wait to read the next chapter. You are amazing ^^
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 9: Darling,
First of all, thank you so much. I'm not so sure of that how much information you have but the writing part was my most successful part of all (so thank you so much, I believe that I couldn't make it without the Seoulmate page or this collab. These things helped me a lot.
However, this chapter. Well, it was like a summary but I liked it oh so much. I'm so proud of Jin. (can I say something like that?!) He is an excellent Sin and oh... I just realized that Tae is older than him. What a shame they never had the chance to meet. They would be a great duo. ^^ I cannot wait to see what's coming. I know you already uploaded the whole story but I made an oath not long ago and it's already past midnight so I go to sleep.
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 8: Darling,
I'm so sorry for being late once again. I want you to know that I never abandoned your story just because Jin became a whole new person. It was his destiny. The curse of being one of the most wicked Sins. His story was cute than cruel. You did broke my heart with Myungeun's death. Really? Was it necessary? Poor souls. At least, Jin realized he did loved her. I hope they will have a new chance in the future (present) and they will live with it. ^^
Have a nice day xx