E for the eternal ease

All for nothing

E for the eternal ease


The first rays of the setting sun highlights the ugly, dim circles under the Sin’s tired eyes. They represent his sick commitment towards his masterplan that claims a tiny piece from his power day by day. It’s not that he wasn’t aware of the potential consequences of being around someone who is immune to his manipulation because he knows the ultimate rule of their existence oh so well. Every single crime makes them stronger but they have to feed if they want to keep their power. There is no loophole.

’Come on! Open up!’ Greed murmurs under his nose and his naturally dark eyebrows abut while he focuses on that one certain guy whose faint gaze loiters over the black girl who dips into the lake in the middle of Parc des Buttes Chaumont. The French youngster with his red snaps and starving gaze might seems to be a pushover at first glance but the demon has been trying to break into his mind for ten minutes now and pretty much nothing happened so far. The only thing he was capable of hearing is the faint echos of his greedy thoughts. Pathetic!

’Isn’t she lovely?’ The French boy raises his head up and turns towards his childhood friend with his whole body. As he looks at the other’s proud facial expressions, he can barely hide his true feelings – the bitterness glimmers in his dark eyes while the rage twitches his lower lip in such a pitiful way that even Satan could not take under his control.

The younger one clenches his right fist but doesn’t make a move.

’Hell no!’ Greed replies angrily as he listens to their conversation with his shoulder leaning against an old tree a few metres away from the unfamiliar faces. An outsider observer may think that he is a voyeur due to his obsessed gaze and noisy comments but he doesn’t give a about anyone. He keeps focusing on the teenagers in blue swim trunks.

’She is vulnerable. You wanted her for yourself in your whole life.’ He chants with his deep, supernatural inner voice that usually makes everyone sin on the spot except his annoyingly kind Claire who seems to be immune to his manly charm, too. After all, it’s been a month since they started dating and she has never told him how much she loves him or anything like that. Greed shakes his head to chase away his silly thoughts before he turns back to the young boy. ’Now, you finally have a chance to get what you deserve.’

The French guy’s clenched fist rises from the ground but falls back immediately.

’Yes. Yes, she is. You’re so lucky to have her.’ He says with a dishonest yet wide smile on his pimply face while his sight slowly returns to the cheerful girl. She plays with her friends and screams whenever someone splashes water on her trembling body. Although, the weather is warm enough for a romantic picnic, the water is quite the opposite. Still, everyone seems so happy as if the fact of spring would mean the end of the war, too.

People are so naive!

’He is a ty bastard.’ Greed murmurs without a word aloud. ’You are the one who were always by her side. She should love you, not him.’ The French boy closes his eyes and his ears become red just as his cheeks. It seems like the Sin’s manipulation finally breaks through the massive door that sheltered him during the last twelve minutes. All he needs is a little push. ’I bet, if you killed him, she would cry her eyes out on your shoulder. Then, at that moment when she is the weakest, you can get her heart.’

Not all crimes necessarily end up in murder. Sometimes a single punch could be enough if it’s ensued from greed. But today is different. Today someone has to die so that Greed can be powerful.

’You…’ The French boy turns towards his friend and raises his right arm up above his head with a fast movement full of bitterness. His shaking fingers almost touch the older’s bare neck when the faint connection between the Sin and his victim breaks into pieces due to a soft voice that tinkles in Taehyung’s ears.

’Who am I?’ Claire asks playfully as her small hands cover the demon’s cold eyes. Her grazes the demon’s back as gently as a soft breeze fondles all those mild flowers on the field at the dawn of spring and for some reason, her delicate touch makes the Sin weak.

Taehyung wraps her fingers with his own and uncovers his eyes, yet doesn’t turn around.

’Well, your skin is so soft.’ He murmurs while he lifts her left palm. Her skin almost touches his lips when he finishes what he started with a cruel smirk. ’You have to be Maria.’

He lets the waitress’ hand go while his narrow eyes loiter over the black girl who kisses her boyfriend right in front of her childhood friend. It’s a shame that he cannot take advantage of the loverboy’s broken heart. He could have been Greed’s easiest victim!

’You’re very funny.’ Claire replies quickly and her voice is rough on purpose when she lets her hands slip beside her sides. She has never been a person who humiliates herself in front of a man due to his handsome look or deep voice and she definitely doesn’t plan to start it all of a sudden. Even if it’s about Taehyung.

The corner of her narrow lips twitch a little when her head tilts to right and her eager gaze loiters over the man’s masculine figure. It’s been two weeks by now since they spent every single afternoon together and she still couldn’t get used to his company. From his lame jokes that always make her smile even in the darkest hours to his sweet compliments that wake all the sleepy butterflies up in her stomach.

’And you’re so cute when you’re jealous.’ He says with a theatrical, wide smile on his face. His anger is well hidden just as his disappointment when he turns towards the French girl with messy, blonde hair.

’Hah! You wish!’ Claire’s arched eyebrows slide over her forehead and stay there for an infinite minute as she looks directly into the Sin’s cold eyes. Her absentminded voice is so high it makes the man’s ears bleed especially when she sees the wooden basket that rests at the base of the tree. ’What’s in that basket?’ She asks curiously with her index finger pointing at the right direction.

’The most important ingredients for our perfect date.’ He singsongs sweetly and fondle her rosy cheeks with his soft fingertips. Electricity runs through her skin and forces her heart to pump in a twice as fast speed just from the way he looks at her. She cannot help herself but stand still like a statue made of marble. Her feet turn into stone within a blink of an eye.

She swallows before she replies.

’So, this time you won’t poison me.’ She asks, and her light eyebrows abut when she recalls her treasured memories of the last time when they had a quick lunch together before her shift. She walked down the street in her favourite, flower patterned dress ignoring the deceiving time when she bumped into him.

’I did not poison you.’ The Sin replies harshly before his index finger touches the girl’s nose carefully. Due to the concentration, his beautiful, almond shaped eyes turn into straight lines while he widens his fake smile. It’s something he was always good at. Hiding his true feelings, the bitterness, the greed, the disappointment and the overwhelming anger.

’But I almost died.’ She reminds the older fussily because yeah, she almost died that day, although it wasn’t just the demon’s fault. None of them were aware of that Claire is allergic to eggplant because her beloved mother always skipped this veggie when she made her favourite ratatouille.

Taehyung takes a step forward. His chest nestles to the blonde waitress’ body that automatically starts to tremble due to that tiny, itching gap that disappears when the Sin leans close to her blushed face. Their lips almost crash into each other and they literally inbreath the same air when the demon opens his mouth.

’I have no such luck.’ He whispers and his words are so faint, only the pinkie distance helps them to be heard.

Claire’s eyes goggle when her gaze takes a nap on the demon’s rosy lips. He is so beautiful the girl almost leans closer to kiss him yet she stays still because his company is the only thing she dares to wish for. But Greed sees the hidden hunger behind those big blue eyes and that’s why the demon fulfills her dream without thinking.

’I hate you.’ She mumbles at the kiss that’s so passionate her knees start to shake all of a sudden. It’s not that this is her first time – not even with him -, but somehow Taehyung has this talent of being different whenever they are close to each other. He has a strange effect on her that chains her legs and makes her already weak heart flutter. And no matter how hard her inner voice tries to warn her for the potential consequences eventually, it chokes in the pink sweetness like every other reasonable thought that tried to come to existence within the last four weeks. In an era, when you can die in the middle of a conversation, love is a luxury that everyone has to pay for. Bitterly.

’We both know you love me.’ He murmurs with a wide smile on his face after he draws back a bit.

’Really?’ She asks and a bitter grimace plays in the corner of while she tilts her head to right. She hoped that she wasn’t that obvious. ’What if you’re wrong and I only kept you close because of my own loneliness?’ Claire lowers her head. Her girlish shoes look so interesting all of a sudden.

Although her sadness is obvious, Greed doesn’t bother comforting her. He steps aside and picks up the wooden basket full of delicious, human food, then lies down on the plaid blanket a few metres from the girl.

’It’s okay for me.’ He replies truthfully because there is really nothing that flusters him when he thinks about the reasons behind those big blue eyes of hers. He doesn’t care why the other lets him to be near her because the result remains the same. They are together and sooner or later Claire will give him what he wants. It’s something that he is sure about.

’It shouldn’t be enough.’ She says under her nose before she lifts her head up to look directly into his cold eyes. She wants him to know he deserves the whole wide world so her voice is direct on purpose.

It would be a lie to say that her words did not make the Sin feel good. His dishonest smile turns into a real one for the first time they met.

’See? You care about me.’ Taehyung says before he tilts his head to left to encourage the blonde girl to sit next to him. ’For me, it is a sign of love.’

Claire takes a deep breath and another one while she sinks into the train of her thoughts. Since her beloved hometown is captured by the Germans she lost several friends and both of her parents. She doesn’t really like the idea of losing someone important once again.

’For me, love means sharing everything with the other. I don’t know anything about you.’ She confesses while she sits down on the edge of the yellow blanket. She fiddles with her fingers nervously in the same way she did when her younger brother enlisted.

Greed raises up one of his dark eyebrows while his gaze loiters over the innocent girl’s tiny figure. She looks so fragile as the dim light that paints the sky all pink and blue highlights the shape of her daughterly face. How old is she? Twenty?

’What do you want to know?’ The demon asks while he unpacks all those tasty food he bought two corners away from his momentary residence. His gaze barely graze the French waitress.

’Do you have a family? Why don’t you talk about them?’ She asks with honest interest in her eyes full of pixiedust. Her dark, blue irises literally glimmer by an ancient, elusive delight that makes the demon yearn for more. He wants to tell her everything and nothing at the same time and this unexpected feeling drives him nuts. Since this whole situation is a mess. Why would he tell her anything? Yet, for some reason he finds himself talking in coherent sentences full of frank words, lack of his usual, lame jokes.

’I had a family but they died ages ago. To be honest, we have never been close to each other because my parents were in love with my older brother unlike me. I didn’t like him that much.’ He confesses, then puts a few bit of grapes into his mouth to distract his own attention about those dim memories that start to sniff him inside.

Claire turns towards Taehyung so naturally as if she borned to be someone who could comfort the other.

’Why?’ She asks while she leans closer and closer. Her snub nose almost touches Greed’s black shirt.

Maybe it’s because noone has ever asked him about his bitter feelings towards his unfaithful family or he is just way too weak due to her closeness but he cannot force himself to stop and replies without thinking. The words that leave his mouth are heavy but turn into dowles as soon as they reach Claire’s ears. From a moment to another, they chase away those burdensome weights that dwelled on Taehyung’s chest for centuries.

’He wasn’t as special as they thought. He was selfish and stubborn. There was nothing noble in him still, he got the family business, the money, their love. Everything.’ He says and one of the tiny fruits turns into dust in his fist while he speaks.

Claire clenches her lips – those rosy stripes become white – and her palms as well before she takes a deep breath to calm herself down. She hates being angry but she cannot stand when someone who she truly cares about is sad, so rage involuntarily consumes her body for a little infinity.

’I’m sorry. I didn’t know…’ She says but before she could finish her apology, Greed’s sarcastic comment outplaces hers.

’Of course, you didn’t.’ He moans with a not-so-kind smirk on his face. The silence made by his words deepens as they both sink into the total muteness.

Claire closes her eyes, her long eyelashes pat her bare, sunkissed skin then she lies down on the harsh blanket. Her messy locks spread out like a fan and she almost looks like an angel when the dim light highlights the glory that her hair draws around her head. She has great skin for someone so ugly; that’s the first thought that comes into Taehyung’s mind while his gaze takes a nap on her features.

’What is your biggest dream now?’ She asks out of the blue when the silence becomes so loud it hurts. If she had known that his family is such a sensitive topic, she would have never asked about them. She had never intended to offend the other.

’Hmm?’ The demon puts a piece of cheese into his mouth while he hums interrogatively. Although his immortal body doesn’t force him to eat, he is one of those demons who are obsessed with the indescribable pleasure of special flavours. Crispy steaks, spicy chickens, oh so sweet chocolate cakes. Delicious!

’Your biggest dream. Something that you really want for yourself.’ She explains while she turns towards him with her big, blue eyes wide open. A dream tells a lot about a person. It shows our hidden secrets, our true identities behind those dark masks we pick up every single morning.

Greed bites back his lower lip and sighs aloud as he looks directly into the French girl’s eyes.

’Is it a tricky question?’ He asks half-frankly, half-jokingly. His tone makes the waitress sigh as well.

’I’m serious. You don’t have to say my name as your answer.’ She says, and her soft voice has edge on purpose. She tries to be as serious as she can because she wants the demon to be honest with her so she could understand him.

For an unwanted phenomenon like him it’s hard to open up after more than a thousand years of silence. When he was six, his older brother killed his raven and noone gave a about it. When he turned fourteen, that bastard heir stole his notes and captived the heart of the love of Taehyung’s life. When he became twenty-one, Silla’s newly crowned king killed him with his own sword in front of his own family. Okay, Greed was the one who tried to overthrow the throne in the first place but come on! Did he really deserve to die like a ty rat?

’Pandora’s box.’ He says without thinking and his already deep voice sounds hoarser than ever. ’I was eleven when I first read about it and I’ve dedicated my entire life to find it.’

Claire leans on her elbows and looks up to the demon.

’Did you find it?’ Taehyung lets out a faint laughter then messes up the girl’s already shaggy hair. His long finger’s pleasant touch makes her heart flutter as he on her young features.

’Sort of. I finally know exactly where it is.’ He whispers while he fills one of those shining glass that he stole from the girl’s workplace. The characteristic scent of the red wine and the mild reminder of the cheese’s taste in the Sin’s mouth make a perfect combo that makes him satisfied. ’It’s in Hitler’s personal vault.’

The air freezes for a moment and Claire forgets to breath while the Fuhrer’s name echoes in her ears. Does he really say that? Or is she deaf? There is no way a normal person would even consider to rob the most wicked human being in the world, right?

’Why is it so important to you?’ Claire helps Taehyung to fill the second glass then puts a piece of chocolate cake into . The dark cream sticks in the corner of even after she finishes a whole slice.

Greed rolls his eyes but wipes off the sweet spot with his left thumb. He even hums when his tongue tastes the mild bitterness of the dark chocolate.

’It has magic.’ The demon confesses with a cheeky smirk on his angelic face. If he truly wanted to be honest with himself, he would admit that he’s not just curious about her reactions but likes to push her buttons as well. Anyway, the Sin tends to lie even to himself. ’It’s able to hold back all the sins of the world.’ Claire sips into the wine then lies down on the blanket. This time, her head touches Taehyung’s chest. Their bodies fit tight like two matching puzzle pieces would do and she has to calm herself down when the demon’s deep voice reaches her ears. ’What is your heart’s desire?’

Claire puckers up .

’I don’t believe in magic for a long time but…’ She stops for a passing moment before she picks up the tiny pieces of her silly thoughts and turns them into a coherent sentence. What is her heart’s desire? It doesn’t will anything for a long time. It doesn’t dare to ask anything from God because she wants to save every single miracle for his brother. ’I wish I could see my younger brother once again even just for an ephemeral moment. It would be amazing.’

Taehyung pulls the girl’s warm body closer and pecks her forehead to comfort her. His manly arms embrace her and shelter her from the cold while his chin rests on the top of her head. The frowzy scent of her hair reminds the Sin of the gambler’s cold body who died in the bar at the same day they met for the first time.

’Everything will be okay. The war won’t last forever.’ He murmurs under his nose while he nestles to the French girl so lovingly it almost feels real.

’Maybe you were right about my...’ Taehyung turns Claire’s body towards his own gently so he can look directly into her big blue eyes full of stars when she speaks. She forgets to breath once again but this time she doesn’t want to remember because she knows a single sigh would be able to ruin everything. Her confession. His reaction. This strange but fluffy thing they have.

’Shh.’ Greed hisses and hastily closes that itching gap between the two of them. Claire bittersweet lips has never tasted this good before. ’I know, darling. I feel the same, too.’ He lies easily, then leans close for another wine flavoured kiss.

Yeah, it definitely became better.

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Chapter 5: I was ready for some drama and after the third chapter I had an idea how the title would be connected to the outcome of the story but I didn't want it to happen. I actually shipped Claire and Taehyung, even though I knew that the Sin was merely using her but it seemed that he got to like her for real at some point. Even the beginning of the fifth chapter proved that he had feelings for her because he started to worry about her. Claire was a lovely and lively character, I loved her bubbly personality but she was an easy target for Greed because she was a bit naive. Nevertheless, it was interesting that the doors in her mind didn't open and now that I've already mentioned that, let me tell you that I think that it was a unique idea. I loved how Greed could manipulate people, he had such tricky but effective methods.
All in all, I loved the whole story! It was exciting, action-filled, emotional and your descriptions were vivid, too. You did an awesome job! I'm happy I could participate in this collab with you! <3
makeupyourmind #2
Chapter 5: I had a feeling this was going to be a sad ending :( Claire is too pure and hopeful. So sad it is only at the end that Taehyung realises what he has lost and that he realises its his very nature that has led him to this tragedy. and love historical settings so that was a nice touch as well!
this was a brilliant story, I enjoyed reading it a lot.
makeupyourmind #3
Chapter 2: i really enjoy how you describe the way Greed manipulates other people. "opens up the tiny, little door inside their minds like a soft breeze would do" - simple phrase but gives a vivid imagery to let the reader imagine how Greed controls other people.
also liked the camaraderie between Greed and Lust. their conservations together are gold.
"His lustful voice dresses Greed’s skin into goose bumps in a creepy way that forces the older to hiss." I laughed aloud at this description of how Greed is affected by Lust haha.
Chapter 5: Ah I love this! I think you portrayed Taehyung's sin really well! He truly seemed like a demon and I love the last paragraph a lot ♥.♥ I felt so bad for Claire when Taehyung was playing with her feelings, you kept me guessing as to whether he would ever actually feel anything for her. A sad story, but a lovely one! great job~
Chapter 5: Wow, like wow! It has been a wild ride, an emotional rollercoaster for sure! From the very beginning till the end I could never guess what to expect. Taehyung has been such a complex character, a real sin, he was obsessed with the thought of being more powerful. It really fit the role of Greed. I thought that he is so deep in this world that he would really just use Claire like a toy, I would have never believed that he would fall in love but the tragic end, their desperate love made an even bigger impact. Like that he denied his feelings till the very end, only taking advantages of her but that moment when he knew he would lose her, he appreciated her and what they had. They spent together months for god’s sake, it’s normal for even a demon to get attached, he was human after all. And I liked that duality of his character, his greed for being powerful yet staying by her side even if it meant that he couldn’t reach behind those ‘doors’. I really liked those scenes when he manipulated people, it really showed his purpose and I think all this really fit the Second WW theme, you chose well. Oh, and Claire! She was such a sweetheart. I love the purity in her character, her love for his brother and her moral. I liked that he couldn’t make her sin when he wanted to but she did it for him because she loved him. The ending scene was the best out of the whole story for me because it really touched my heart, it broke it to pieces. Taehyung’s desperation and Claire’s peace because she dies in her love’s arms, the contrast was so powerful, it definitely left an impact. And that the end you mentioned what it means to be greedy and that even the Sin could get what he wanted. It was a genius way to end the story. Thank you for this wonderful journey, I enjoyed every moment of it! <3