


Chapter 5

 ~Jo twins dorm~

Youngmin: Please, feel like your home. I order some dinner. What do you want?

Mi-cha: ehm.. I don`t mind. What about… pizza?

Youngmin: oki … ehm.. yeah I call someone right away.

Their dorm where really unclean.. it were clothes all over the place. No one have clean the disces at all. Let`s just say that everything was a mess. Kwangmin entered the room. He was really excited and jumped up and down. Like a racket he ran to Youngmin. “ see, see! I found a new pokemon movie at the store. Can we please watch it! PLEASE!!”. Youngmin had to admit, his brother was such a cutiepie at times, but now, it would just be tiring for him to watch a movie now. “ Maybe another time, we gotta prepare a bed for our quest” he added and nodded his head in the confused girls direction. Mi-cha on the other hand, was just standing there, all clueless about what she just had to live with now. Neither did she had her clothes or toothbrush, nothing. How in the world could she live with two guys she barely knew. She blinked a little as youngmin caught her attention, snapped her out from her thoughts.

“ You look tired” he said, smiling assuring as he gestured her to the couch, it was made of the nicest fabric she had ever seen, wondering how they could afford for something expensive as that, even more fascinated that they had their own apartment in the first place. “ waaah, so you two live here all by yourselves?” she asked, looking over to the male who just nodded as an answer. “Yeah, Kwangmin and I always lived by ourselves” He picked up a picture wallet he always carried around with, showing the little girl a picture of the twins and their parents. “Our parents got killed for many years ago, me and kwangmin were just kids back then. How we survived the attack is unknown for us, but we promised ourselves that we would never let that incident behind. “ his look was serious and somewhat sincere, he narrowed his eyes over to her before he spoke again. “ That’s why we want our revenge, and we never get to sleep until we know that man is bathing in his own blood”


“Blood?” she asked, widening her eyes over what she heard. “S-so the gunshot earlier, was you? What if the police catch you two. What about school, what abo-“ Mi-cha was stopped by the boy, with a finger on her lips, he gently put it down again, sighing before he spoke up again. “ What about us? It doesn`t matter, my soul doesn`t rest until our goal is fulfilled. That’s why we need to protect you from now on, because you are a weak point, and if they know about you, they will use it against us….It`s not safe for you” he explained. Breathing a little before he stood up, walking over to kwangmin to check with the food. Kwangmin was in the other half of the room, working with all his might to make the dough for the pizza bottom. “Aigoo hyung, it`s so hard, wanna help?” he begged to his brother as he showed off a little puppy eyes, knowing that his twin couldn`t resist it. “ Aish, fine, since you ask so nice” he said and helped his brother out with the food, rolling it out to a flat pancake form circle.

Mi-cha sat there, it was really weird though, weakpoint? What did that mean? How in the world could two so polite and nice boys end up like this. Chasers in the night, murderers bloodthirsty after revenge. How could someone like the jo twins be killers? Really strange, how she ended up into this salad of a mess. And because of this, she has to act like youngmin`s girlfriend? The girls at the school would get thrilled when they found out. That she was now with the most popular guys in school, that such an innocent new girl like her would end up with the troublemakers. 




Alright, again sorry for late reply, and such a crappy chapter. I wanted to try a new writing form, since I find this more comfortable and easier for me to go on with the story. I hope you like it, and please tell if you think the new writing style suits the story. ^^<3 

Thanks again for all support^^ It really gives me inspiration to write^^ <3 



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Chapter 5: Dette er spennendeee :D !!
Please update soon? This is really interesting!!
Any wishes you want to happen >8D?
I`m writing chapter 3 now... I don`t know If I can finish it today, but hopefully next week :3 stay tuned^^<3