First day at school


Chapter 1
“waaah, my heart burst !” I touched my stomach. I am really nervous. I hurried and ran slowly to get to the new school. “GAAHD” typical me to lose my shoe-.-  I leaned down and placed my shoe back. It`s my first day at school, I moved to Seoul this summer with my mother.So I`m really excited and nervous. Finally! “WOOW” I jawed. The school was huge !

 My teacher introduced me to the class. Everyone seemed to be not interested either tired.  She points an empty desk, right in the middle of the classroom. I went straight to it and sat down. As the teacher said that we should take up our books from our school bag, I joyfully took my book, and yeah everything is fine, todays lesson is geometry, easy topic. “hehe” I smiled ^^ Then someone suddenly appeared.
In came two boys. They seemed to be twins? One of them is blond haired, and wear a pear baggy jeans and a jeans shirt, the other boy wears the same clothes, however his hair is black.
Teacher: “Jo Kwangmin and Youngmin, you know you are 5 minutes late?!”
Kwangmin: de*I-Don`t-care-face*
Youngmin : de*ignores*
At the time when they answered, all the girls screamed like they were fangirlsO.o
Whats with those boys? I don`t understand why they react like that! *gaahd those sobs*
The teacher signed a “SHH” sign… everyone became quiet..
The blondhaired boy went forward there I was.. Why me D: ? He just sat down, throws his bag next to him and just , well went to sleep.  I couldn`t just get to sleep like that… ? He just seemed to have a really harsh night…. Ah… don`t care-.-
The other twin sat behind us…  He was quiet, but at least awake.
The class were over. And that blond haired boy was still asleep. He actually looks a little cute^^ *Gaahd O.o, Mi-cha, whaat are you thinking? .. But should I wake him up??
I slowly went my hand to him, just to poke him a little.. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. I got frightened
Youngmin: What are you looking at? *scary face*
mi-cha: ehm.. its nothing! X.x (embarrassed)

I went to the cafeteria, it was a huge line. Suddenly someone, pushed itself in front of me.
M-C: Hey! Don`t sneak ! or I….
Youngmin: And what should you do?*threaten me*
Ah, it’s the creepy guy again -.- … he really annoys me…..
mi-cha: excuse, me I was here first, so go back, like other people do !
Kwangmin: Hey, you what do you think you are doing?! Don`t you know that is our table!?
m-c: He started this !
youngmin faced me and stared me in the eyes, with his face..
m-c: I`m not scared of you! You stupid butthead ! * face >8D*
Youngmin`s temper rised, he didn`t liked to be scold. Pushed my food away, so it scatter all over the cafeteria, and then he teared me off so I landed bad on the floor. Everyone at the caferteria gazed and people frightened. I couldn`t just let some narcistic head treat me like that. So when is stood there and smiled arrogant down at me, without him noticing I slapped him in his face. *there you go >8D*
Everyone gasped, no one had stand against the Jo twins before… I didn`t know what I get up to. But even if I look shy, I don`t let some narcistic prince`s bully me.
Youngmin his hand on his cheek, his cheek was really red… he dragged my skirt and was almost ready to hit me, but his brother stopped him O.o
Kwangmin: See what you have done now. He is really high tempered. You was lucky now ! Stay AWAY from us. He said, and he escorted his brother to the bathroom.
 I think that youngmin got really hurt… I don`t like to be violent, but it was just for protection.
I really think that this year is going to be difficult D: *Eotteoke !*

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Chapter 5: Dette er spennendeee :D !!
Please update soon? This is really interesting!!
Any wishes you want to happen >8D?
I`m writing chapter 3 now... I don`t know If I can finish it today, but hopefully next week :3 stay tuned^^<3