Notice Me Hyung ~


Mingyu hummed a song randomly played on his phone through his earphone. Walking to his class, slowly closing his eyes, too indepth with the song which is definitely not a good idea. Well, who the hell walked with his eyes closed. Except for him that is. Causing him to bump into someone or something, Mingyu not sure.


He could feel himself falling. Mingyu shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to get to him. But the pain never came and instead, he felt hand wrap around his waist tightly. He opened his eyes slowly.

And there in front of him stood an angel with his arm wrap around Mingyu's waist with concern visible on his face. " You okay?" . Mingyu's knee almost melted away hearing the deep charming voice and taking in the handsomeness of the latter face. Now Mingyu isnt one who believe in love in first sight but oh boy this angel in front of him prove him wrong.

"Um .. i-i'm sorry ", he let himself go and bowed his head, mentally cursing to himself for stuttering. Already missing the warmth lingered around his waist.

Blush crept up his face and he could feel butterfly dancing in his stomach.

The day Mingyu met and fall for him. Jeon Wonwoo.

*Present Time*

"Yah Mingyu! Are you listening?!" Mingyu feel his back sting being slapped.

"OUCH! That's hurt idiot ! " Mingyu hissed as he tried to reach his back rubbing it. Jungkook rolled his eyes not feeling guilty a bit. "Ignore me again and i will do worse".

"I'm not ignoring you" Mingyu defend himself, eyes wide to make it more believable.

"Uhuh . Then tell me what i say just now" . Jungkook scoff when Mingyu averted his eyes elsewhere. "Thought so. Anyway, class already over. Where do you want to eat?".

Mingyu looked around. His class almost empty. He didnt even realize class is over. He kept remembering the accident that happened weeks ago. Hah.. Jeon Wonwoo. He smiled unconsciously.

" Anndddd there he go again". Jungkook shakes his head.


Mingyu and Jungkook are on their way to the cafeteria when they heard their name being called. Or rather shouted.

" Mingyu-yahhh ! Jungkookk-ahh!" They turned to find Seokmin running towards them wearing his infamous grin, waving his hand. Their smile turn wide. " Seokminnn-ahh!!" Both shout and run towards him. They hugged tightly. Students who happened to be there gave them a weird look which they ignore.

"Oh my god i miss u guys " Seokmin started tearing up. " We miss u too like soo soo much". A scoff interupt their moment. " Stop being so over dramatic stupid. You guys didnt meet like only TWO DAYS!!" Minghao rolled his eyes. Annoyance clearly can be seen on his small face. "two days is along time okay", Mingyu pouted letting go from the hug. "It's not. Now, wipe that pout off before i throw up.". His friends can be a total savage sometimes. "It's cute. Admit it." Mingyu stuck his tougue out.

"Okay okay.. that's enough" Seokmin say between his laughter. "Now lets eat .. I'm hungryyy", he start rubbing his stomach.

"Wait.. I heard there's new coffee shop near the block. Wanna check out?" Minghao voice out. "Then, what are we waiting for. Leggo " Jungkook sling his arm around their shoulder and walked to the coffee shop. Thankfully they don't have any classes after this.


"Is this the place?", Mingyu questioned, finger pointed on the shop in front of them. " Maybe.. it looks new so.." Minghao shrugged. " Lets just get in. I need food." Seokmin pull them to the front door.

"Welcomee !! " the guy at the cashier greeted them. "Thank youu!", they chirp smiling.The cafe looks brand new. The scent of coffee and sweetness of the food lingered aroung enough to make Mingyu's stomach grumbled wanting to be feed. There are not so many customer, maybe cause it's still new. " So what can i get for you guys?" The guy asked when they reached the counter. Seungchol written on his nametag. He have a deep voice, well not as deep as Wonwoo , Mingyu thought.

"Two ice latte, two caramel macchiato, extra whip cream, chicken sandwich. Make it for 4 people and slice of red velvet cake, please." Jungkook ordered. "Alright. Coming right up" Seungchol said giving their table number.

After they have paid their order, they went to find seats a little secluded at the back of the cafe. "Seokmin-ah, how's your mom doing?" Mingyu turn to Seokmin. Seokmin sighed. " She fell hard on the floor so her back pain is pretty bad. But she's getting better. So it's good". He shrugged, frown can be seen on his beautiful face. Seokmin have to went home two days due to his mom being hospitalized. They nod their head understanding.

"Enough of that, so Mingyu.. how's your crush going?" Seokmin wearing a smirk. His chin on his palm. Minghao and Jungkook send a knowing look. Mingyu's face heat up. Mingyu of course had told his friends about his 'little accident' with his current crush.

"Nothing's going on okay. I don't even met him at all after that." Mingyu pout.

"Excuse me sir, here's your order," a gentle voice interupt their conversion. All eyes move to look at the said person. "Oh thank you" Minghao smile taking their foods and drinks from the waiter. Ready to attack the food. The waiter nod with a small smile and left.

"But really though. Who would'nt have a crush on him. Jeon Wonwoo. He literally tops everything. Visual, studies, sports. You name it. Although i must say Jun-hyung's better in visual.", Minghao shrugged while munching his sandwich hungrily. Mingyu send him a look. " Yeah. He even got first place on that national Taekwondo tournament between universities last summer. So cool", Jungkook agreed. He's true though, almost everyone knows him.

" Well thanks for ruining my self-esteem guys" Mingyu said sarcastically. Contrast to him. He do have a look though, but he never takes his time to care about his looks. Mingyu is also the type to just settle in being a student with 'as long as i dont fail the subject' person and definitely not really good in sports other than basketball. Well, due to his height, he kind of good in it. Other than that, he just a normal person with a normal life. He sighed. " I think my chances with the love of my life is so thin that i don't think it even exist." He nibble his sandwich before take a big bite from it.

"Don't worry dude. We could definitely help you right, Seokmin?" Jungkook stop eating when he did'nt get any reply. He turn to Seokmin who stare at the counter eyes not even blinking. Mingyu seems to notice Seokmin's silence tilt his head up looking at him and turned to look at the counter. He nudges Minghao whom busy eating. Eyes full with playful glint. Looks like the waiter just now had got Seokmin whipped.

Their stiffles laughter had break Seokmin from his stare. His head snap to his friends with confuse visible on his face. "Whats wrong? What did i miss?".

"Oh nothing. I just have a feeling this is not the last time we'll be here. Just my feeling of course" Mingyu smirk head pointed to the waiter who currently serving other customer. Seokmin seem to understand as his face becomes red. "I can't believe i've been ignored three times today." Jungkook pinch the bridge of his nose pretending to be hurt. Mingyu snickered at him.


After they finished eating, they walk to the front door. Teasing Seokmin when the said waiter hold the door for them smiling all the way. " Thank you for coming. Come back again later !". Seokmin nods shyly mumble a quiet ' thank you. Of course'. "Oh we"ll surely come back, right Seokmin-sshi? " Mingyu snickered. Seokmin glared at him. "Oh I'm sure we will mr..", Minghao join him. Seokmin's face had already beet red by now. " Oh I'm Jisoo. Well that's good to know." Jisoo smile sweetly to them before he's being called by the Seungchol guy. He then nod to them and sneak a quick glance at Seokmin that does'nt go unnoticed by Mingyu before he walked over to the counter.


The next day, Mingyu sit in his class waiting for his English teacher. Beside him Jungkook and Seokmin chatted happily about random topics. He's too lazy to join them. Then he saw Minghao came into the class, sweat all over him like he just finished a marathon. Mingyu wave at him. When he spotted Mingyu, he ran to them. When he got there he panted hard, hands on his knee. " You okay there man?" Mingyu ask face hinted with concern and confuse. Getting attention from the other two. Minghao hold his hand up.

When his breathing relaxed a little, he start, " you know this English subject is required to all students right?" Mingyu nod, showing that he is listening. " Well apparently, Wonwoo-hyung currently taking this subject too". Upon hearing Wonwoo's name he sat straight giving Minghao his full attention. He is so whipped.

"And just now, i heard from other students that their teacher had taken leaves cause she's sick or something like that.. so they have to combine their class with other sections. Well, guess what?" Minghao looked at him to Jungkook to Seokmin and back to Mingyu. " He's section will be combined with us."

"No way.."

"Yes way", Minghao nod dramatically.


So here's the first chapter ^_^

I'm new to writing fanfics so let me know in the comment about it okay ;-)


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pranitha #1
Wow 97 liners as besties....meanie officially met thanks to kookie...jisoo and seokmin looking forward to see what happens next
kaijongin_1993 #2
Chapter 2: i'm soo in love with their friendship,it's cute..hope you update soon
dububaby #3