he'll be fine rite???



i'm sorry if d main image does'nt related to this story..

actually i just sooo excited by INFINITE oppa *except sunjong..he's not an oppa for me...coz i'm his noona...kekeke* COMEBACKKKK!!!

btw...did u guys alredy listen to their new song??? how is it?? kyaaaaaaa...i luv it....

i'm talking tooo much...mian...

btw...enjoy reading this chappy ne...luv u all luvliessssss...




Chunji POV

I hugged him tight…

Blood still flowing…I tried to make it stop..but still….d bloods flowing nonstop…

Am I to moron??? How cant I realized he was just pretending??? But…why???

Why hunnie…??? Why must u pretend to forget bout us…??? U know how much it hurts me…it is painful !!!

I cant loose u….I know…I’m to fool to hurt u…I’m too fool for making u heartbroken…I’m to fool make u pain…

But…but I alredy promise myself…no matter obstacles that befall later…I just only want u…

I just only want u to be wif me….i want u to b by my side…I want u…stay wif me hunnie…stay wif me forever….I need u…I really really mean it….

His face looks paler…as his lips looks dim…his hands getting more n more cooler than before…

I cant bare seeing him like this…I buried my face on his chest…as I cried much louder…


Changjo POV

I sat beside chunji n ljoe hyung…

he’s hugging him…he’s hugging him tightly…it was sad looking them like this….

Ljoe hyung bloods still nonstop flowing…n it goes d same as chunji hyung tears…

As I dazily watching those two…I felt an arm wrapping on me…

It’s ricky…I looked at him…his eyes teary…I know how sad he felt rite now…but I stop him…I stop him from letting his tears flow too…I wiped it away from his cheeks…

“don be…” I whisper to him “don let emotions controlling u…”I said as he listened to it n he nodded then cocked his head to d another side…


Ricky POV

Changjo was rite….

Chunji hyung….must be strong….n…I will too….for d sake of ljoe hyung


Finally..they reached at d hospital…

although they’r alredy entered d hospital…but chunji still holds ljoe…he seems like he never wanna let his unconscious lover part away from him..till niel told him to place d latter on d bed so doctor can make a check up on him…

 “u have to wait outside sir…” a nurse stopped chunji  from entering d emergency room where ljoe was been pulling in…

“but…I don wanna let him alone.…I wanna stay beside him…” chunji protested

“please sir…cooperate with us…”


He felt a hand land on his shoulder…as a familiar voice suddenly talk to him…trying to stop his protest…”let them check on him ok…” Chunji turned to his back to looked at d owner of d voice as he saw GD…”he’ll b fine…ne…” *fake smile*

“this is all my fault hyung…” chunji whined…he put all d blame on him

GD sympathize on his dongsaeng…he looks sooo pathetic…as he pulled d younger into a soothies hug…

Ricky watched all d sorrowness that overcoming on chunji…he felt sank in his heart watching chunji crying over n over…he even cant endure himself for not to cry anymore…

Changjo…who noticed d visual maknae who’s goin to cry quickly pulled him in his embrace…he know it is hard pretending to b so calm…especially in this kind of situation…but he have to managed himself to b as calm as possible in front of everyone else although he felt soooo much pain inside..

 While niel ran to d hallway…crying….

he might seen strong…but no one knows how he felt rite now…since he saw chunji carried ljoe out from d bathroom..with d blood were dripping on d floor…he felt his heart was been stabbed by a sharp knife…he really wanna cried that time…but he wont let it be since he saw chunji pathetic looks…

“niel…” CAP suddenly appear…

He ran closer to d crying boy..

“how’s him???”

*wipe d tears* “doc still checking on him…” *sniff sniff*

“shhh…shhh…don cry niel…he will be safe...trust me…” CAP say…comforting niel…as d younger suddenly dragged himself into a hug

CAP was surprised by d younger action “please…hug me hyung…I need it…” niel whispered to him…then he felt a warmth arms wrapping around his body as he continued crying on d older muscular chest…




I let him cry on my chest in purpose to let go all of his sadness…although I know it’ll might tiring him much…but I wont prevent it…

After awhile…I cant heard any sound made from chunji…I looked down as I saw him sleeping soundly…he seems sorrow n fatigue too…poor him…how pain he is rite now…

I placed sleeping chunji on d couch…I took off my jacket n covered it around his body…

I turned towards d other dongsaeng who’s I meant changrick…both of them sat on d chair…sleeping too as ricky head was leaning on changjo soothing shoulder…I saw tearies mark on ricky face… I know he’s crying…luckily changjo was always there by his side…

But I wonder..where will niel be??? maybe somewhere…

Then my mind was splitting…thinking bout my lil dongsaeng…

Changjo told me that chunji parents protest bout chunjoe relationship…so I decided to left all my works in America n came to korea for a purpose of visiting them…but I never thought that this things will b happen…as long as I know…hunnie was’nt a short minded guy…but…he’s committing suicide n  it’s kinda weird…this is much different than lee byunghun that I had known before…I wonder what might make him do sucha stupid things…

As I was in dazily thought…doc came out from d room that still having byunghun in…

“how’s my dongsaeng doc???” I asked curiously about ljoe condition

“he loss many bloods…n we just have least stock of A blood type…” explained dr kim, d doc who treated my dongsaeng

“took mine…i’m his hyung btw…” I said immediately

Before getting any answer from dr kim…we’r  greeted by niel n CAP who’s running towards us…

“hyung…how’s ljoe hyung???” niel asked

“he’s fine…rite doc…” CAP guessing…as d hope can be seen sparkling in his eyes

“he will…” said dr. kim confidently…while I’m replying  them with a fake bright smile…not showing them of how worried I am…

“jaaaaa…took care of chunji n changrick…I’ll be back soon…”

“where ur goin hyung???” asked CAP

“hunnie needs more bloods since he loss it sooo many…I hope mine will b enough for him…”

“what type of blood he is??” niel ask

“he's an A type…”

“then…I’m donating too…”

“u…an A type too…???”

“ne…now…where should we go???”

“I guess both of u will b enough…come.. u guys can follow me now…” interrupted dr kim

“yesss we r…” niel answered…as he hurriedly dragging me to d room where we’r goin to donate our bloods to byunghun


- one hour passed -

One hour passed alredy since GD n niel donated their bloods…but no one from d room that treated ljoe were out yet…as worriedness was painted on each of their face…


Chunji POV

I opened my eyes barely….aishhhh…my head was soooooo much pain…I wonder what is actually goin on…

I looked around me…everything surround me does’nt seem too good…it looks like a dull place…

“ur awake…” I found niel looking at me as smile was formed by his lips

I nod…”I had a bad dream…” I let my body up…slowly

“what ur dreaming about???” GD hyung asked

“hunnie…I saw there’s many blood on d floor that flowing from his…his...ww..wrist..he...cut...” I cant continue to tell them about my dream as I felt tears was dripping

“chunji hyung…” ricky walked towards n sat beside me...

“it was’nt a dream…we’r actually in hospital…waiting for ljoe hyung…he’s still in d room..” ricky said softly through my ears…

My eyes getting wide since I heard d truth from ricky…I’m crying again

“don cry hyung…lets pray for ljoe hyung…alrite…” changjo also stepped closer as he land his hand on my shoulder while CAP also coming along n sat beside me...

“u’ll b strong rite…for d sake of hunnie…” I lifted my head as I saw GD hyung looking at me...he's smiling warmly…although i can see it is a fake...but still..he's trying his best for comforting me...

“I will…” I said…as I wiped my tears away…n pray for my luver…

“please be safe hunnie…I’ll be here…waiting for u…” I'm praying silently




wowww...i guess this is d longer one...

btw...do enjoy reading this...

i'll update d next one A.S.A.P


btw...don forget subbings n comments...


ahhhhh...forget something...




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kpopmichelle #1
Author nim if it was gonna be this sad then why didnt u put angst in the tags!?!? U could have at least warned us!!! T^T
ken_eya #2
Chapter 14: Authornim makes me cry. T^T
My ChunJoe. :(
Chapter 14: Omg authornim. Im cried like hell you know. This story really really daebak! From chapter one until the end , im crying non stop! My eyes now hurts like hell. Hahahaha good job authornim! ♥
Chapter 14: from the beginning i m not cry..but when i read this story untill the end ...im cry as loud as i could.....love chunjoe ever....
Chapter 14: why.....im cry...i think i not cry when i read this...but...i hate chunji parents in this story...i hate them so much..*still crying*....sob ...sob...i love chunjoe couple ever.........and i love your story...so much..
TT^TT ME CRIED. My ultimate bias L.Joe DIED. ;(;(
awwwww ;~~~; they're tgt ♥♥♥♥