Jealousy Kills

Catch That Windmill

[Jaemin's POV]

"No, I'm just an alien come here to capture you," he said and made a silly face. I cracked up.



"Yah! Don't play around," I scolded.



Yoseob smirked. The cuteness of that one smirk was too overbearing to tolerate. I felt like I was going to just drop dead right now. He had changed so much over the years, but he still looked like himself - wait, did that even make sense?



"Sorry, but I'm hungry! Isn't there anything to eat?"



"There's bread on the counter," I pointed out.



He pouted this time. I found it really difficult to resist that particular pout, so I smiled and chose to look away. "But I want blueberry bread!"



Aishh, this boy. I rolled my eyes again. "Waeyo?"



"Because it's yummy!" He cocked one eye at me and I burst out laughing.



"Whatever ... fine, 'll bake you a loaf."



Yoseob beamed, his face radiating with shine as he started to chatter away consistently like his old self. "I always knew you'd become a baker, Jaeminnie. Out of the 3 of us, you always had the most talent for that. Remember the cake contest?"








“I don’t want to miss my chance to go for the dance audition just so you can participate in your stupid cake contest, Jaemin!” Soyee yelled in rage. “For God’s sake, the world doesn’t revolve around you!”



Tears welled up in my eyes. I never meant for her to feel so burdened down by this … all I ever wanted was to take part and do Yoseob and my parents  proud for encouraging me …



Yoseob spoke sharply. “Stop it, Soyee. Jaemin didn’t imply for it to be like that. By all means, go for the dance audition – we won’t stop you. And stop being ridiculous, you know I hate that.”



 I looked at him in surprise – it was the first time I’d heard him speak in that tone.



“You know what? I will. Yong Jaemin, aren’t you happy now? Even Oppa is on your side,” Soyee blinked away her tears. “Have fun.”



She took a few steps backward, then ran away from the both of us. I could sense Yoseob’s feeling of regret, but he was mustering all his strength, forcing himself not to chase after Soyee.



In the end, I made it. I won the cake contest, and received my trophy. I didn’t feel as overjoyed as I thought I would, though. Yoseob had patted my shoulder comfortingly and assured me Soyee would be fine after a while.



I couldn’t deny that. Ever since we were young, Soyee had established herself to be the one with a quick temper, but also the one to cool down the fastest after an argument. She didn’t hold grudges … that was the best thing about her.



Yoseob was right, of course. Everything cooled off once he apologised to her with a bunch of flowers. Her orbs sparkled happily and she hugged him tight. That night, I didn’t really sleep well. I think I knew why.



I had fallen head over heels for him.






"Uh, Jaemin?"



I shook my head quickly and snapped out of my daze. Inwardly, I smacked myself. What if Yoseob thought I was being rude? I didn't want that. Not at all.



I managed a smile, looking back at his adorable features. "Ne ... ?"



"Just wondering why you suddenly blanked out like that." He chuckled. "Back to the topic ... you're the only one among us three who knows how to bake, so it's natural to assume. Definitely not Soyee. Speaking of her - where is she?"



"She went out to buy sugar," I said as I stirred the batter some more. "In fact, she's been gone for really long. I don't think she would have gotten lost or something though ..."



Soyee crashed through the door, panting madly. Her dark brown hair was drenched in perspiration.



She panted for a while before looking up at me. "OMO. I finally got it. Seriously."



"Wow, achievement ..." I tried not to let my tone drip with sarcasm but couldn’t resist teasing her a little. "Anyway, guess who's here?"



Soyee didn't even bother to look up - she simply shrugged and looked annoyed. "The annoying postman who always doesn't insert our letters into the letterbox properly?"



I laughed. "Nope. Guess again ~"



"Aishh." Soyee ruffled her hair in frustration. "Not really the time for jokes, don't you think?" She looked up at the mysterious person.



"OPPA!" Immediately, she launched into his arms. Yoseob started laughing as well. "Still as hyper as always. You haven't changed much, have you?"



Soyee pouted. I saw Yoseob's expression change to surprise and amusement, possibly even a little of wonder. Somehow, I didn't know why but I felt rather upset when I witnessed his reaction.



Yah! Stop being ridiculous, Yong Jaemin. What right have you to be jealous? I smacked myself inwardly but couldn't help still having this stinking feeling in my stomach.



"Well, it's not my fault you suddenly came back! I thought you were coming back later tonight and I was even going to make you a cake," pouted Soyee again.



"No thanks. I'd rather have Jaemin bake my cake for me - at least I know she can bake and I won't earn myself a stomachache. Kekekeke ~" He laughed again.



"Yah, Oppa! You're mean!"



I stared down at my batter, swallowing hard. It looked ready but I continued stirring and bashing at it with unnecessary force.



Yong Jaemin, why do you feel so frustrated when you see them like this?!







AN: Wow ... 5 more subscribers? Thank you! :D

I just read through the previous chapter, and saw all the weird icons. LOL. I don't think this one has any weird icons though, kekeke.

I would really appreciate comments, to let me know how I'm doing. ^__^

Long chapter, so I won't be updating in a while ~ still writing, you see ~


amyynh: Updated! Thank you for liking it! <3

helloiloveys: I added the windmill part. Unnie think it's okay? xD Thanks for commenting dear!

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hello.. new reader :))
love the new poster:D so pretty! And Jaemin, haha , don't be jealous ^_^
It's cool! Update soon ^^
ZOMG! Everything's the same except for the windmill thingy there LOL. Update soon ♥
Liking the fic so far, update soon :3