He's Back

Catch That Windmill


[Jaemin's POV]

The entire corridor was filled with the sound of my footsteps pattering as I raced downstairs to the bakery. I still couldn't believe it - today, Yoseob was coming back from his overseas studies! I had to clear all the orders before he came so that all 3 of us could go out.



Once I was down, my hand reached out for the order list on the counter.



"Hmm, let's see," I murmured to myself. "3 loafs of bread, 5 shortcakes, 2 boxes of cupcakes and waffles ... aishh! How the hell am I ever going to get this done in 3 hours?" I complained softly, a look of annoyance crossing my face.



Just then, Soyee came downstairs as well. As usual, she was dressed in her pyjamas and still looked sleepy, yawning every few seconds. When she spotted me, she started laughing.



"Omo, you woke up so early! Pabo, waiting for Yoseob to come around?"



Rolling my eyes, I poured the sugar into a bowl. “Not true,” I retorted. My cheeks were blushing furiously though.



Yes, I had been really excited for Yoseob to return. Yes, I had dreamt about this for three nights in a row. And yes, I had been counting the days to today. But was this really what people called 'love'?



I don't know. I haven't seen him for years, for god's sake! All I know is, the 3 of us - me, him and Soyee grew up together and he doted on the both of us a lot.



Soyee rubbed her eyes, walked over to the counter and opened a packet of bread.



"Yah! That's for Seobbie," I half-yelled before cupping my hand over my mouth.



Omo. Did - did I just call him Seobbie?



Please don't let Soyee make fun of that!



"Seobbie?" She raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Aww, so now you have a pet name for him! Jaemin loves Seobbie, Jaemin loves Seobbie ~" she chanted over and over.



Aishh. How could a 21-year-old still be so childish? I couldn't help shaking my head before aiming my spatula at her.



"Yah! Shut up."



Soyee held both her hands up in defeat and walked away, laughing. "Okay, okay! Pabo. I'm going to change then go out to buy more sugar - it looks like it's going to run out before you finish those orders."



I glanced at the empty packet. "Ne!"








Slowly, 30 minutes ticked by and Soyee still hadn’t returned. I was starting to get impatient. Where the heck was she? The grocery store was only 5 minutes away!



Just then, the bell clang, indicating that someone had entered the bakery. "About time," I said, not even bothering to look up. "Where's the sugar?"



"I didn't know I was supposed to bring sugar," laughed a gentle voice which definitely wasn’t Soyee’s.



My heart stopped.



I looked up.



When my eyes met his sparkling orbs and adorable face, I felt faint.








AN: First chapter up :) How is it? Do let me know how I'm doing! I see there's already a subscriber. -throws confetti- Comments are loved <3

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hello.. new reader :))
love the new poster:D so pretty! And Jaemin, haha , don't be jealous ^_^
It's cool! Update soon ^^
ZOMG! Everything's the same except for the windmill thingy there LOL. Update soon ♥
Liking the fic so far, update soon :3