

"Good morning, sweetheart. How was your sleep?" the same, usual, heart-warming smile greeted me as I walked down the stairs.

"I slept pretty well last night, Eomma. I kinda have a weird dream, though."  I took off my backpack and pulled out a chair in front of a plate of perfectly-toasted bread as soon as I get to the dining table.

"Are you finally choose to dream of those things?" the man who sat across to Eomma's  seat folded his newspaper and took a sip from his cup of tea. He gave a pressure on the word 'those' to make sure I am on the same page as he does.

"Darling, that's inappropriate!"

"I am just wondering if our boy has finally be a man," Appa said calmly before he goes back to his newspaper. 

I chuckled. Of course I know what he meant! "Yep, I dreamed of this girl," I stretched my arms out to reach a jar of strawberry jam and a jug of milk. Two almost-silent-but-still-audible gasps heard. I smiled to the hint of Eomma and Appa's expression, but I choose not to turn to face them. I took a nibble of my toast, "She was really pretty in those pink, luxurious dress. She's blonde and beautiful."


"And she told me her name was Peach!" I said aloud with a mouthful of toast and strawberry jam. I watched as Eomma's jaw almost drop to the sight that her baby boy now grown into a man turn to relief in her eyes because she knows her baby is still there for her. I saw Appa's eyes did sparkle, and then they reflected a bit of disappointment when I said 'Peach'.

I laughed to my success of trolling my parents before I drank my milk to its very last drip. "Well, who knows if that person is actually already around, you guys need to prepare, too," Quickly, I stood up and hung my backpack to my shoulder.  I took a few more toast and left before my parents could give a response. "See you later, Eomma, Appa. I love you guys!"



A routine of 30 minutes walking isn't the most comfortable way of going to school, but it's okay since I love other people's attention. Well, if you have something to show off, why do you choose to hide? You will simply not. 

The main entrance of Bangtan High is ahead. A few girls stole a glance of me, then they whispered to each other, chuckling and smiling. I checked myself, I touched my face and patted my chest-

"What are you doing? You look like a fool," a familiar, deep husky voice heard and a warm hand placed on my back.

"Taehyung!" I face the boy who dyed his hair orange-ish. "Tell me, is there something on my face?" I panicked a bit. Well, it's not funny when it's the first day of the semester and you mess up. It's pretty normal if I panicked, isn't it?

"Technically, no."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if white marks above your lips is something abnormal, like, because you are sick or something, than it is a thing."

I quickly erased the mark Taehyung meant. "It's must be from the milk I drank before," I sighed. "I have that on a full 30 minutes walk to school, being seen by people.... So embarrassing!"

"If it's you, Kim Seokjin, I think people would think the total opposite way. Maybe they will think the milk stain is kind of seductive or something like that. Damn you, handsome guys."

"Yes, damn me!" I answered proudly.

"You are handsome, too, Tae," Jungkook ran to Taehyung's side and swung his arm to Taehyung's shoulders, causing a loud smack.

"Can you stop hitting people, Kookie?"




please see next chapter!

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