

The bumping thingy every morning from Jennie has finally come to an end.

She explained to me last night through a phone call:

Rae: Hello?

Jennie: I will find you and I will kill you.

Rae: , I’m sorry! Whoever you are! Whatever I did to you please―

Jennie: *laughs* Rae, it’s me! Jennie. *laughs harder*

Rae: Oh, hey!

Jennie: *still laughing* aren’t you going to ask me where I got your number?

Rae: No, probably from Jisoo.

Jennie: Wow. So you aren’t stupid at night?

Rae: Yep! You noticed?

Jennie: Yeah, quite surprising though.

Rae: Why’d you call?

Jennie: I just want to apologize for bumping you like every day.

I don’t have my contact lenses on very early in the morning.

Everything’s blurry so I’m like, “Get out of the way!” to avoid pushing everyone.

Rae: It’s cool, Jennie. I’m sorry for not following your instructions.

Jennie: I ain’t glaring at you too, it’s just that I want to see you clearly and apologize.

Rae: How did you know it was me though?

Jennie: The girls told me just now so I was like, “I should call her! Send me the number!”

So yeah.

Rae: You speak very cutely.

Jennie: *chuckles* Thanks~

Rae: *muffled words, screaming, feelings*

Jennie: What Rae?

Rae: *fake yawn* Nothing Jennie, I have to go! Good night! See you tomorrow! Thanks!

Jennie: Good night, Rae! Save my number~


“You overslept again,” Mina says with crossed arms.

“I slept late, I’m sorry,” I apologize.

“What kept you up all night?” she asks while we’re walking.

“Jennie called last night and apologized.”

“Jennie Kim?!”

“She’s the only Jennie we know.”

“Did she just ask for your number yesterday? At the rooftop?”

“No, she got it from Jisoo.”

“Jisoo? You’re friends with her?”

“Yeah, we met when I cut class to buy food because I slept through lunch.”


I look at her to see why she went ‘what’ then I see anger in her eyes.

I’m a deer caught in the headlights.

“How do I not know these things?” she asks, fuming.

“Because… you never ask?”

Wrong answer. Because now, the jackpot price is walking away from me.

I’m too tired for this.

Maybe later.


I’m going to skip homeroom.

Mina can’t take it when I skip, she’s going to talk to me by lunch.

Back of the school store, here I come.

I see four people already inside the store this early. Familiar backs.

I enter and find Jennie’s gang choosing an ice cream.

“Hey,” I greet.

They looked up and smile at me.

“Looking grumpy,” Jennie tells me.

I walk towards the ice cream fridge to get my own.

“Mina got angry.”

I proceed to the counter to purchase and finally lavish my ice cream.

Finally, the others pick what ice cream they want and purchase it.

Now, we’re sitting, staring at the house across us.

“Sana Minatozaki lives there,” I tell them, pointing at the large traditional Japanese house.

“That was random. But do you want us to rob their house?” Jisoo asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Minatozaki is a yakuza, can’t mess with that,” Lisa says.

“She doesn’t look like one, too cute,” Rosé says.

“Not every rich Japanese girl is a yakuza, stop stereotyping,” I tell them.

They shrug.

“What’s with Mina again?” Jennie asks.

I sigh in defeat. Did I even fight?

“She got angry because I’m cutting classes.”

“Must be hard to have a secret crush on your best friend who is apparently the model student,” Lisa says.

We nod.

“If Mina is your secret crush, then who’s your happy crush?” Jennie asks.

“You,” I answer nonchalantly.

“Do you want to date me then?” she asks.

“What?” I ask. Fully aware of the state I’m in. “I… didn’t mean it that way, like… sorry?”

They laugh at me.

“It’s really cool, Rae,” Jennie says.

The bell rings, it’s pretty faint inside the store though.

“Let’s go, can’t let the A student go B because of us,” Jennie says while standing up.

We climb the ladder. It’s conveniently placed on the wall of our school, by the store owner, for the cutting class students when they feel like getting back in the school again. Cool guy.

Jennie places a hand on my shoulder when we landed.

“Don’t skip more classes, and treat her lunch,” she says with a smile. “My offer still stands by the way.”

“Do you want to date me then?”


I went to the classroom but Mina wasn’t there, so now I’m off to the cafeteria.

From Jennie: Found her?

To Jennie: Nope. :c

From Jennie: Do you need help?

To Jennie: Do you want to help?

From Jennie: Wait by the lockers.

What a coincidence, I’m right here, by the lockers.

So I stand there thinking of what lunch I should get.

Mina is the bigger problem but let’s not focus on that.

People tend to focus on easier things.

To Mina: Mina, I miss you already.

Nah, people tend to focus on the things they love.

“Yo!” Lisa calls.

“Sup 90s baby,” I greet back.

“I pump up the jam,” she replies.

Fist bump.

“Getting along very well, I see,” Jennie says with a smirk.

“We’re bros,” Lisa says, back hugging me afterwards.

From Mina: Have you eaten?

“Mina texted!” I almost scream at them.

They surrounded me to see the text message.

“Ask her where she is!” Rosé commands.

To Mina: No, not yet. And where are you? Have you eaten?

From Mina: Rooftop. I haven’t yet.

To Mina: Stay there, wait for me.

“C’mon, we’ll help you buy food,” Jennie says.

“Getting food is easy I’m alright now guys,”



“Oh god.”

The line in the cafeteria is so long, longer than Rapunzel’s hair, or maybe even as long.

I never met her so I don’t really know.

“Get out of my way,” Jennie commands.

The students make way for her, she is like Moses.

So cool!

“You can buy now,” she tells me.

“No way! That’s cheating!” I whisper harshly.

She snatches my purse and goes to buy for me instead.

After a few seconds, she turns to us holding a plastic bag.

I didn’t plan a picnic, what’s with the plastic bag?

She walks towards us and pulls out a sandwich for each of her friends, then hands the bag and my purse to me.

“Thanks for the sandwich,” they say in unison.

“You’re welcome?”

It happens all the time, people using my money and me being fine about it.

That’s why Mina’s always by my side, to avoid bad attention.

“Do you want us to even you to the rooftop?” Jisoo asks, mouth full.

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

I do my fastest run to get to the rooftop so I can finally eat.

And see Mina, of course.

The breeze and cherry blossom petals welcome me the moment I open the door.

There she stands beautifully, looking somewhere far, under the rain of cherry blossom petals.

“Mina!” I call. She seems to be in deep thoughts.

She notices me and gives me a small smile. So I walk towards her.

Please don’t scowl at me.

“I’m sorry,” she says.


“Maybe you feel like I’m a strict mom to you or something.,”

“It’s fine, I like strict moms.”


“I mean, I like that you’re strict. Just means that you care for me.”

She smiles that gummy― to die for ―smile. It’s the first one today.

Oh, so this is how it feels like to finally get the world off my shoulders.

“I’m sorry for skipping classes and not telling you a lot of things. You know me, I’m forgetful so even if I want to tell you, once it gets poof, I couldn’t,” I apologize.

“I understand. But I need an explanation okay? Like a full story on how things happened between you and those girls.”

“Sure. Do you want me to write that in Times New Roman, 11, no spacing?” I ask jokingly.

“Just give me my free lunch already.”

“You know, I feel so bullied today,”

“Geez, I wonder why,” she says nonchalantly, snatching away the plastic bag.

Snatch my heart as well.


// krimykopi //

Comments, suggestions, uhm, contractions are appreciated! Violent reactions aren’t though. :C Just kindly GET THE OFF IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT. *spits on you* *harsh lip wipe* Thanks! t(^u^t)



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Chapter 6: This story is amazing... It'll be great if u can update again
Chapter 1: *Lol* she's savage... And i like that *singing sistar song i like that
Chapter 6: Omggg this is so good, I hope there will be more, but in case there isn’t, I really like this story
Ipopsicle #4
Chapter 6: So cute! Love your sense of humor author nim! Easy to read and well written please update soon
Chapter 6: Omg Rae really needs to get her feelings straight!! At this point she's literally just toying with Jennie!! Poor Jennie :(!! But at least they like each other in some sort of way... I just hope Rae gives Jennie the attention and love she deserves. Thanks for the update author-nim ^^!!
Chapter 6: I totally relate with the feelings thingy (definitely NOT the relationship thingy :c) I can't choose lol
Chapter 6: Love the update.
Chapter 5: Cute!! Love how Jennie shhows her appreciation for Rae!! Super cute!! And yeah, I think it's about time Rae shows Mina that she's moved on. Thanks for the update author-nim ^^!!