The Red Bullet

Kpop Fanfics

An epic action oriented love story with robots/cyborgs, spies, dictators, and assassination attempts.

In a futuristic world ruled by a cruel man, an underground rebellion known as BTS plots to overthrow him. But when that same man decides to send a spy to infiltrate their group and kill one of them, things begin to change, secrets are revealed and lives are on the line.

All alone in a group of killers, there is only one choice.

Trust no one and avoid the Red Bullet.



~What am I to you, girl? What am I to you? I do love you, crazy uh do you?~

   As the music video comes to an end, the holographic billboard that sits in the center of the city, changes it's screen to read "That was 'What am I to you?' composed and performed by Rap Monster of BTS. Now back to your regularly scheduled program." The screen changes again as a female, robotic voice tells the citizens, "Welcome to Seoul, South Korea. The date today is November 26, 3014. The time is 18:00. The weather today is slightly cloudy with a cool breeze at 5 degrees Celsius." The screen finally changes to read "Virtual Paradise" as the robotic voice continues to say, "Be the first of your friends to enter 'Virtual Paradise' an escape from reality to the life you really want. Bored? Too much free time? Not feeling fulfilled in your life? Virtual Paradise will solve all of your problems, the world is limited only by your imagination. Simply step into our office and sign up with one of our representatives. Act fast and don't be the last. This hourly report is brought to you DK agency, the agency that serves and protects its people."


   "What a load of bs." A girl with dark skin and long dark hair stands in the middle of an alleyway with a light coat on. "But I suppose if I could actually afford to enter this 'Virtual Paradise' I wouldn't be as negative." She sniffs as she adjusts the bag on her shoulder.

   "Hey, lady! Move out of the way! You're standing in the middle of our game." A little boy yells at the girl.

   "Yah! I'm older than you, why don't you try showing a little respect!" She shouts back.

   "Go somewhere else, old lady. We're trying to win the LD competition!" Another boy yells as he tosses a shiny disc across the yard and it whizzes past the girl's head.

   "Aish, kids these days... No respect!" She sneers at the boys. Just as she's about to walk away, she turns and bumps into a large man, dressed all in black. A couple of other men, dressed in the same black suits stand behind him.

   "Are you Snigdha?" The man's deep voice seems to echo in the alleyway.

   "Who's asking?" She glares at him, already sure of who he is.

   "Come with us." He tells her and moves to grab her arm, but she quickly hits him with her bag and makes a run for it in the other direction.

    "Get her!" She hears him yell. They all run after as she makes a sharp turn around the corner.

   At the same time, inside the DK agency building...

   "Captain Dongwook, sir?" A man standing in front of the monitors speaks up.

   "What is it lieutenant Minwoo?" The man sitting in the middle of the room asks.

   "Our monitors have picked up something that resembles criminal activity near the western border." Minwoo says as he points to screen in the lower left corner. Dongwook leans forward as he takes a closer look.

   On the screen, Snigdha is seen being chased by the group of men. They pursue her into a more open area, where they run through a large crowd of people. Snigdha seems to be able to move faster, since she's smaller and more agile, but they don't give up.

   "Either something is wrong with the scanners or there's something different about this girl." Minwoo tells him.

   "What's wrong with the scanners?" Dongwook asks.

   "Well, here it lists all of the girl's vitals and physical information, but it's all way above that of the average teenage girl, sir." Minwoo points to the screen as the cameras scan Snigdha's body and display her information on the screen.

   Snigdha turns to see the men still chasing her, so she begins to scale the nearest building. Dongwook's eyes widen as he watches this teenage girl carry herself up the 4 story structure. She knocks on a window and someone is seen opening it and helping her in. Once the men are able to make it through the crowd, they look around and one of them grunts angrily as they realize that they've lost her.

   "Hm... Impressive..." Dongwook hums thoughtfully as he leans back and rubs his chin.

   "What do you think should be done, captain?" Minwoo asks as he turns off the monitor.

   "I have an idea." Dongwook states, standing up with his arms behind his back. "Find the girl and bring her to me."

   "Yes, sir." Minwoo bows and orders a couple of men to follow him.

   Inside the building...

   "Thanks again for helping me, Minzy." Snigdha breathes out a sigh of relief as she leans her back against the wall.

   "Hey, no problem. I was just leaving for work." A girl with short red hair tells her.

   "Still working at the pill factory?" Snigdha asks.

   "Yeah, it's boring, but it pays well... Not enough to pay your debt, but..." Minzy looks down sadly.

   "Hey, we both know that you don't have 53,683,500 ₩. If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation. I'm just thankful for all the help you've already given me." Snigdha patted her on the back.

   "I wish I could help you more." Minzy says.

   "You really want to help me? Keep working at the factory and maybe we can make enough to buy two tickets to the Virtual Paradise." Snigdha smiles.

   "Don't even joke like that." Minzy scowls. "I don't want to go there after what happened to Bom's boyfriend."

   "What happened?" Snigdha looks at her with curiosity.

   "You really don't know?" Minzy asks, then turns her head. "I better get going." She grabs the keys to her car and is halfway out the door, before she turns around and tells Snigdha, "Stay out of trouble, ok?"

   "You know me." Snigdha smiles.

   "Yeah, I do." Minzy smiles back and leaves.

   "I better work hard to find a job too." Snigdha says to herself as she opens her laptop and begins typing. An hour passes and a knock at the door is heard. "Who is it?" Snigdha stands up and looks out the peep hole when no one answers. Three men are standing outside her door and she doesn't recognize them. "They don't look like the usual guys..." Snigdha tells herself. "But just to be safe..." She slowly moves to the window and opens it, quietly sneaking out and begins to climb down.

   She hears the men knock again and nearly falls when they kick the door down. "She's not here." One of them states as they look around.

   "Where could she have gone?" Minwoo asks. All three turn towards the open window.

   "There she is!" They look at her and she stares up at them. Minwoo sticks his head out the window and points a gun at her.

   "Shi-!?" Snigdha swears as Minwoo fires. A small needle shoots out and hits her in the neck. "Ah!" She puts a hand to the wound. A sharp, stinging pain is felt before her vision begins to turn blurry and her eyelids become heavy. She looks up again to see the faces of the men start to fade as her grip loosens and she falls. The cement floor quickly grows closer before her mind goes blank and her last thought is, "I should've smacked those boys in the head before I left..."


   "She looks the same, doesn't she?" A voice echoes in the room.

   Snigdha's head rolls to the side as she slowly comes back to consciousness.

   "I don't see it..." Another voice states.

   "If her skin was just a little lighter and with a little makeup... They'd look exactly the same!"

   "I guess you're right..."

   "Wh-what's going on...?" Snigdha slurs her words. A bit of drool drips from the corner of , but she finds her hands tied behind her back, so she can't do anything about it.

   "Looks like she's coming to." She hears a man's voice. Deep, but friendly.

   Her eyes adjust to the light and everything suddenly becomes clearer. The room is dark, with only one light hanging overhead and the wall in front of Snigdha is lit up by a holographic projector.

   "Where am I? Why am I here?" She turns her head to the side to see a couple of men going through her jacket. They pull out her wallet and some papers.

   "Hey! That's my stuff!" She shouts.

   Minwoo picks up her wallet and reads her ID card. "Snigdha Desaty, 16 years old. Female, country of origin: India... Where are your parents, little girl?" He asks.

   "They're dead." She spits.

   "I'm sorry to hear that..." He looks down and puts the ID and wallet back.

   "What do you want from me? I don't have the money yet." Snigdha looks around the room, but it's all dark. She can't even find the door, but she suspects that it's behind her.

   "What money?" Dongwook asks.

   "You're not... The same guys that were after me today?" Snigdha seems genuinely shocked.

   "No, we're part of the DK agency, that's Captain Dongwook and I'm lieutenant Minwoo." He salutes. "We live to protect and serve the people of South Korea."

   "So you don't know about the debt?" Snigdha asks.

   "Well, I wasn't going to ask you about that, but since you brought it up..." Dongwook gestures for her to explain.

   She sighs before taking a deep breath and speaking, "Apparently my father had a gambling problem when he and my mother were staying in China, and when they passed away, that debt fell to me. Now the Chinese mafia is after me and I suppose having someone like me in your precious city doesn't look too good does it?" She raises an eyebrow and both Dongwook and Minwoo simply look at her before glancing at each other and nodding.

   "What would you say if we told you, we could erase that debt?" Dongwook asks.

   "I'd say bs." Snigdha scoffs. "Why would you help me?"

   "Because we need your help with something." Minwoo says, before turning on the monitor on the wall, illuminated by the holographic projector, a picture appears of 7 boys. "Do you know of the entertainment group BTS?"



   "I suppose I've heard a bit about them, why?" Snigdha looks at each of their faces, quickly memorizing all of the details.

   "We have reason to believe that one of these boys stole a very important file from one of our highly secured offices." Minwoo explains.

   "And what was on the file?" Snigdha turns to him and he just looks away.

   "That's confidential information." He says as he adjusts his tie and continues to explain. "We're not quite sure which one stole from us, at this point, but we were able to catch him on camera and even though we didn't get a picture of his face, we did get this." He puts a screenshot from one of the security cameras on the projector. The photo is blurry and a little too dark to see, but it looks like the figure of a young man escaping through a window. On the sleeve of his jacket is a small symbol.

   "Where have I seen that symbol before?" Snigdha asks herself as she thinks hard. And then it hit her. A few months back, while she was staying in Seoul, she saw some boys with the same symbol on their clothing. She didn't know who they were then, but it looked like they were filming something at the time.

   "Every entertainment group has a unique symbol to differentiate them from other groups. Fans tend to use these symbols to show their support for their favorite groups, but this photo was taken long before these boys started getting any recognition."

   "So, you want me to steal the file back?" Snigdha asks.

   "No, we want you to kill him." Dongwook tells her and she almost chokes on her own spit.

   "You want me to what!?" She looks at him with wide eyes.

   Dongwook doesn't answer her, instead he pulls out a suitcase and inside the suitcase is a small pill bottle with a red pill inside. "This is an experimental new pill that's guaranteed to kill its target within 7 seconds of ingesting. Its creator calls it 'The Red Bullet.'" Dongwook holds the pill up between his fingers as the light from above shines through it.

   Minwoo unties Snigdha's hands as Dongwook hands her the pill. "Your mission is to find the thief and kill him, using this. According to its creator, it should give the appearance of death by heart attack."

   "What if I get the wrong guy?" Snigdha asks, holding the pill as if it might bite her.

   "There will be a public outcry either way, but because you only have one chance, if you screw this up, we'd have no other choice, but to kill you." Minwoo informs her and Snigdha audibly gulps. "But, hey, no pressure, right?"

   "Right..." Snigdha puts the pill case in her pocket and looks at the photo of the boys again. "Wait... Why do you need me to do this mission? Why am I so important?"

   "Well, when we were monitoring you earlier, there was something odd about your physiology according to our computer. You have the strength, endurance and speed way beyond that of someone your age. You don't even look that strong, but our computer says otherwise." Minwoo tells her.

   "I see..." Snigdha thinks back to how she was stronger than the other boys, but she thought that, that was just how she was born.

   "Also..." Dongwook changes the picture on the screen to one of a girl that looks just like Snigdha, except with lighter skin and smaller eyes. "This is Iseul, Jin's younger sister. Our plan was to kidnap her, so that you could take her place and get closer to them, quickly and easily."

   "But I don't look anything like her." Snigdha scoffs, somewhat offended by the comparison.

   "You might not think so, but we do. And with a little help from our makeup expert, you should be ready by tomorrow morning." Minwoo changes the slide to show 7 individual photos of each of the boy's faces. "Now it's time for a crash course on who the members are and a little personality training."


   3 hours later...

   "Ugh! This is so boring!" Snigdha groans as she flops onto the bed of the hotel room.

   "This isn't your house." Minwoo coughs, getting her attention. "This is where you'll be staying for the night. Tomorrow you'll be deployed after the troops have alerted me that they have the target."

   "You mean a teenage girl?" Snigdha smirks.

   "They may be entertainers, but one of them is clearly a threat if they were able to get past our security, so don't underestimate them." Minwoo warns her.

   "I hear you, now..." Snigdha yawns before stretching and kicking off her shoes. "It's been a long day and I need some sleep, so if you wouldn't mind closing the door on your way out..."

   "The agency is putting a lot of trust in you. Don't forget about us clearing your debt and the punishment that will come if you fail." Minwoo tells her.

   "Yeah, yeah, I got it." Snigdha waves him off.

   "Good night." He salutes and locks the door before leaving.

   Later that night, Snigdha finds herself lying awake, despite saying she was tired earlier. "I wonder if I'll really be able to do it..." She asks herself, "I mean, with the help of the pill, it doesn't seem like it might be that hard, but..." She turns on her side to look out the window at the night view of the city. Thousands of lights that look like golden stars illuminate the buildings and cityscape. "I don't really know these boys, so it might not be that difficult, but than again, it's not like they've ever done anything to me..." She turns away from the window and at the sign on the door that reads, "This hotel's security is provided by DK agency, the agency that serves and protects its people." Snigdha scrunches her nose. "If they live to serve and protect their people, then my target must be a threat to them in some way... I guess I do feel better knowing that this will help keep the city safe... Also... I suppose it wouldn't be the first time I've killed someone." Snigdha tells herself before drifting off.


   "Good morning everyone, and welcome to Seoul, South Korea. The date today is November 27, 3014. The time is 8:00. The weather today is slightly cloudy with a cool breeze at 5 degrees Celsius. Be the first of your friends to enter 'Virtual Paradise' an escape from reality to the life you really want. Bored? Too much free time? Not feeling fulfilled in your life? Virtual Paradise will solve all of your problems, the world is limited only by your imagination. Simply step into our office and sign up with one of our representatives. Act fast and don't be the last. This hourly report is brought to you DK agency, the agency that serves and protects its people."


   "Snigdha! It's time to wake up!" Minwoo calls as he pounds on the door.

   "It's too freakin' early!" Snigdha shouts while pulling the covers even tighter around her.

   Minwoo unlocks the door and enters the room. "Have you already forgotten the consequences if you don't go through with this?" He asks, trying to wrestle the covers from her, but she proves to be much stronger. Eventually he just gives up and sighs. "You'd think that with your life on the line, you'd take this more seriously."


   "Forgive me if I'm not a morning person." Snigdha slowly emerges from her blanket cocoon and stares at Minwoo with a tired and exasperated expression.

   "Dongwook might kill you early if you continue to be this frustrating." He informs her.

   "I got it... I'll get ready..." Snigdha stands up and heads to the bathroom to shower, while Minwoo leans against the door and talks to her through the wall. "Am I going to get any cool supplies or gear? Like microscopic cameras and earbuds?" She asks, letting the hot water rinse out the shampoo in her hair.

   "Sorry, but you're kind of on your own." Minwoo tells her. "Security is really tight around idols, because of zealous fans, so even we can't sneak in any high-tech gear."

   "Really?" Snigdha wipes the soap out of her eyes. "So there's no way for you to contact me or for me to call for help if I get in trouble?"

   "Nope." Minwoo says. "Is that going to a problem?"

   Snigdha smiles to herself. "No, not at all."


   "Alright, there they are." Minwoo uses a remote control to direct the camera towards a small group that is shopping at the mall. "See that girl there?" Minwoo asks, pointing to the girl next to the sunglasses.

   "Yeah." Snigdha nods and takes another look in the mirror. The makeup artist did a surprisingly good job, she admits to herself. She really does look like Iseul.

   "Ok, in about 5 minutes, my guys are going to move in and capture her. I need you to be in position when they do." Minwoo tells her.

   "Got it." Snigdha nods again before adjusting her outfit. Making sure that every detail matches Iseul's.

   "Alright. The mission is starting. Move!" Minwoo says and Snigdha jumps out of the van and starts running towards Iseul, but keeps a safe distance and hides whenever the girl turns to look in her direction. Soon, Snigdha sees Minwoo's men move forward and Iseul is escorted to another part of the mall, away from the others.

   "Iseul?" One of them calls, when they notice her missing. "Iseul?" He calls again, a bit louder.

   "That's my cue." Snigdha tells herself and runs forward.

   "Oh, Iseul, there you are. Don't scare me like that." Snigdha recognizes the boy as Jin, the oldest in the group and Iseul's older brother.

   "You worry too much, Jin." Another boy laughs, she recognizes him as J-Hope. "Where did you think she went?"

   "Ah, you never know. The mall can be a dangerous place for a girl like her." He throws an arm around her and for a second, Snigdha stiffens, unused to the physical contact, but quickly relaxes, so as not to arouse suspicion.

   "We-well, I'm a bit tired. Why don't we head home?" Snigdha asks him as she fakes a yawn.

   "Really? But we just started." Jin blinks at her.

   "I didn't really get that much sleep last night." She tells him, not lying this time.

   "Ah, I see. Well, why don't you show me just a couple of things that caught your eye and then we can go." Jin asks her and she nods, picking out a few random trinkets, that really did look interesting, but she knew that she would never be able to afford.

   As soon as they are done, their manager is waiting outside to take them back. As they approach the building, Snigdha looks out the window and reads the big letters on top of the building that reads, "BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT".

   "No going back now..." Snigdha thinks to herself.

   "Hey, guys we're back!" Jin exclaims when he and Snigdha reach the top floor. J-Hope immediately drops his bags and takes a seat on the couch.

   "Hey, how was your trip?" Snigdha recognizes this boy as Suga and the one next to him as Jungkook, the maknae.

   "Wow... He has really pretty eyes..." She thinks when she sees Suga, but then she turns and slaps herself back to reality. "Focus... Don't get distracted."

   "It was pretty fun, but Iseul seemed tired, so we came back early." Jin tells him, before leaning over the counter and whispering,  "Is everything ready?"

   "It is, you came back just in time." Jungkook nods.

   "Great." Jin smiles.

   "What's going on?" Snigdha asks, when she notices the boys being a bit secretive.

   "Oh, nothing!" Jin stumbles and moves to the next room.

   Snigdha then looks at Suga and Jungkook, and gives them a quizzical look, but they simply shrug and go back to drinking their tea or coffee or whatever it is. She didn't really care.

   "Oppa, where are you going?" She calls out, still not completely used to calling anyone oppa.

   "Ah, just- just using the bathroom! Don't come in!" He tells her.

   "Wasn't planning on it." She rolls her eyes and wanders into another room where she finds two more boys, she recognizes them as Rap Monster and Jimin.

   "Oh, Iseul! It's so good to see you." Rap Monster says to her, in an attempt to be nonchalant, while Jimin just smiles at her in a knowing way. They're definitely hiding something from her, but she can't tell what.

   "Hi..." She says somewhat unsure of herself. She knows that Rap Monster is the leader, but with the sunglasses on, it is a little hard to tell what he's thinking. Why does he wear those? Is he undercover? Does he have an eye infection? Snigdha shook the thoughts from her head. "Why is everyone acting so strange?" She asks.

   "What do you mean by strange?" Jimin asks.

   Snigdha is about to respond when suddenly another boy runs into the room, wearing goofy looking glasses and asking, "Ok, who stole my confetti gun?" She recognizes him as V.

   "Oh, if you're talking about V, he always acts that way." Rap Monster jokes, but Snigdha tries to explain before sighing and giving up, knowing that they were being suspicious for a reason and that she would probably find out later.

   "Ah, Iseul, come here!" Jin calls for her and she follows him back into the kitchen, pretending not to notice the boys sneak into the living room behind her.

   "What is it, oppa?" She asks, attempting to look innocent.

   "I just wanted to let you know that..." He seemed to be holding back tears. "That even though you're growing up and taking on new and bigger responsibilities..." He sniffs, "I want you to understand that I will always look out for you as your oppa." He smiles.

   "That's... Great...?" She tries her best to smile back. "Now will you tell me what's going on?"

   "I suppose I have to eventually, don't I?" He nods to himself. "Alright, I think it's time, I think you're finally ready." He tells her as he turns her around and puts his hands over her eyes. "Ok, take one step in front of the other."

   "Jin-oppa..." Snigdha says in a concerned tone.

   "Just trust me." She can hear him smiling as she does as she's told and lets him lead her through the living room and down the hall to what she suspects is her room. "Ok, you can open your eyes now." She blinks as she hears chuckling in the darkness of the room and in a few seconds, the lights are flipped on and popping sounds are heard as the boys shoot their confetti guns and blow their party horns.

   "Happy Birthday Iseul!" They all shout.

   "Wow, all this for me?" She pretends to be surprised and happy, though it's not much of a stretch.

   "Nothing, but the best for my little sis." Jin smiles proudly.

   "Wait a minute, does that mean, that you were shopping for my birthday present earlier this morning? How could you leave something that important to the last minute!?" she hits him playfully.

   "Ah, sorry!" Jin laughs and then picks her up and spins her around.

   "Yah! Put me down!" She yells.

   "Whew! Gladly, you've put on some weight!" Jin jokes as he sets her down and Snigdha blushes, suddenly thinking that she should lose some weight if she's going to keep up her cover as Iseul.

   "Now that we've got that out of the way..." Rap Monster suddenly speaks up, making everyone else quiet down. "I think it's time for the real reason we're celebrating tonight."

   "The real reason?" Snigdha looks at Rap Monster, before turning to Jin who can't seem to stop smiling.

   "Let's go." He offers his hand and she hesitantly takes it as she and all the boys go the elevator. Once inside, Jin presses the button for the basement, but then he opens up a hidden panel and Snigdha's eyes widen as he enters a code and the elevator suddenly buzzes to life as it takes them to the basement or... To what Snigdha thought would be the basement.

   The elevator dings once it reaches it's floor and the doors open to reveal a long underground tunnel. "This way." Rap Monster tells her and leads her and the others down the seemingly endless tunnels.

   "What is this place?" Snigdha asks. Her voice echoing off the walls.

   "This used to be an old subway tunnel, but ever since 2516, subways have become obsolete. Everyone pretty much uses hover cars to get around these days." J-Hope explains.

   "Where are we going?" Snigdha asks, this time turning to her older brother.

   "You're going to finally figure out what it is we really do." Jin tells her.

   "What you really do...?" Snigdha looks at him confused. "You don't just sing and dance?"

   "No, that's just a cover for our true purpose." Rap Monster informs her.

   "Which is?"

   "To take down DK agency."

   "Wh-what?" Snigdha stutters, completely taken aback. "I thought their whole job was to serve and protect..."

   "It is, but they only serve and protect the wealthy..." Rap Monster says, a bit bitterly.

   "Everyone in the city lives pretty well, though, don't they?" Snigdha asks, "It's not like anyone is really poor."

   The boys exchange glances, some worried, some frustrated. "I think, it's time we showed you something." Jin tells her as they begin climbing a ladder connected to the wall.

   "Hm?" She tilts her head to the side, before following them up.

   At the top, Jimin helps pull Snigdha up as she looks inwards toward the city's center. "See how beautiful the city is? How prosperous and wonderful everything looks?" Rap Monster asks her, and she nods.


   "Now take a look over there." Rap Monster points in the opposite direction and Snigdha nearly vomits from the sight.


   In the streets below she can see people robbing and beating each other, some to the point of death. Citizens are seen sleeping in the streets surrounded by their own puke and feces. Many are deformed or handicapped in some way or another. Some are children. Snigdha can't stand to see the sight and turns away.

   "The city that we live in is known as Uptown while this part is known as Downtown. This is where the poor, the ones who can't defend themselves, who can't even feed themselves, let alone their own family, this is where they're left to rot, because DK agency, the one that claims to protect us, is really just a government created organization to control the people, what they see, hear and what they believe in. They only cater to the wealthy and while the powerful just keep getting more powerful... This side keeps falling into chaos and depression. Things can't continue this way. Which is why we created BTS. They think we're just performing, but really we're spreading our message through music, while at the same time, we're creating an army to take them down." Rap Monster explains.

   "An army?" Snigdha's eyes widen.

   "Yes, follow me." Rap Monster climbs down the ladder and the others follow. Further down the tunnels, they open up to reveal a large underground base.


   "Where are we?" Snigdha asks, looking around.

   "Underneath the factory that processes those daily supplement pills that the agency advertises. The agency claims that they'll make you happier, but they really just melt your brain." J-Hope scoffs.

   "So, this army?" Snigdha turns to them. "You're all a part of it?"

   "Yep, Rap Monster is our leader and commander, while I'm second in command." Jin explains.

   "I'm in charge of combat while J-Hope is in charge of psychological warfare." Jimin points to J-Hope who smirks.

   "V is in charge of technology while Suga has super sight." Rap Monster gestures to each one.

   "Super sight!? Whoa, was that an ability that you were born with or...?" Snigdha couldn't hide her amazement.

   "Ah, no, I accidentally drank one of V's experiments and luckily it gave me this ability instead of killing me." Suga explains shyly.

   "Try not to do your experiments in soda cans." Rap Monster tells V.

   "I thought I was recycling." V argues defensively.

   "And finally, this is Jungkook, our golden maknae and secret weapon." Rap Monster throws an arm around the boy.

   "Are there others?" Snigdha asks.

   "Of course. Just like how there are people fighting in Uptown, there are twice as many fighting Downtown." Rap Monster tells her. "And we have a few agents scattered throughout Uptown, working with us."



   "Anyone who has seen the two can tell that they're as different as day and night and no one should standby for this injustice. We fight not only for the rights of every citizen in Downtown, but we're fighting for the rights of the people in the Uptown too. For too long has the agency kept us in the dark about their true agenda and their corrupted ways. We will stand for it no longer. We fight for a future where we can all stand together and proudly say that we are a part of this country. So what do you say, Iseul? Are you ready to join?" Rap Monster holds his hand out to her as she thinks, but it doesn't take her long. She nods and firmly shakes his hand. "Welcome to the A.R.M.Y."


   "Hey, Rap Monster?" Snigdha hesitantly approaches the leader.

   "How many times do I have to tell you? Call me RapMon for short. The whole thing is kind of embarrassing." He sighs.

   "Ok, RapMon?" She nods.

   "What's up, Iseul?" He asks.

   "Well, it's just that... It seems like everybody has their own set of skills and role in the team. Is there anything that I can do?" She asks as she looks at the others, who all seem to be doing their own thing.

   "Ah, that's a good question. Well, hm... Let me think..." He taps a finger against his chin. "I've got it! Why don't you hang out with the others while they're doing their job, see what they do and try it out to see if you like it."

   "Oh, I can do that." Snigdha nods. "So, what exactly do the others do?"

   "Well, the position as leader has already been filled." RapMon chuckles, gesturing to himself. "But I also double as an engineer. I like taking things apart and putting them back together. It's not the most exciting job, but if you'd like to see how I do it, my office is this way."

   "Ah, alright." Snigdha follows him as he leads her upstairs, where a small office is located in the corner. A desk and a board are both completely covered with papers of various colors. Each one has a unique sketch for a blueprint or several notes all written in a mixture of hangul and english. "Wow, this guy knows both Korean and English? Better make a mental note of that." Snigdha tells herself.

   "Yeah, I'm not the most organized." RapMon says as he picks up a few papers and stuffs them in a drawer. "Probably not a good sign, since I'm supposed to be the leader..."

   "Why were you chosen as leader?" Snigdha asks, hoping that she's not getting too personal.

   "That's a good question." RapMon laughs. "I guess it's because I know how to stay calm in a situation and figure things out before they get too crazy. I mean, you know what our group was like in the past."

   "Hehe, yeah..." Snigdha laughs nervously.

   "I mean, it's my job to take apart and rebuild these machines that we're able to steal from Uptown police, but it's more common for me to break them and then for Suga to fix them, so we make a pretty good team." RapMon pulls out, what looks like a small gun. "No one in South Korea is allowed to have a weapon, but no one puts up a fuss if an Uptown citizen is carrying something like this." RapMon says bitterly as he begins taking apart the gun, piece by piece.

   Snigdha watches him carefully, as his fingers work quickly to disassemble the weapon. "Hm, this doesn't seem so hard." She says to herself as she sits down and does the same to another gun.

   "Yeah, the hard part is putting it back together though." RapMon laughs as he tries to reassemble the gun, at a much slower pace.

   "Done." Snigdha says and RapMon turns to her with shock on his face to see the gun perfectly reassembled.

   "We-well, we don't know if it works. Try shooting it." He tells her.

   "Alright, but where should I shoot?" She asks.

   "Aim for that broken pipe over there." He points to a dent in a pipe on the ceiling.

   "Um... Ok..." She stands up and aims, then pulls the trigger. The kickback hurts for a second, but when they both look, they see a small bullet, right where the dent is.

   "Whoo, impressive~!" RapMon whistles. "Maybe you should take over as engineer."

   "Ah, I'll think about it." Snigdha smiles and bows before leaving to find the others.


   "Um... Jin-Oppa... Do you have a minute?" Snigdha asks.

   "Ah, of course! Anything for my little sis, what's up?" He turns to her while he heats a large bowl of soup over a small fire.

   "Well, RapMon told me that to find my role on the team, I should see what the others do and try it out for myself to see if I like it. So, I was just wondering, was is it that you do as second in command?" Snigdha sniffs the bowl of soup and is surprised by how good it smells. Is he a professional chef of something? She wonders to herself.

   "Ah, well, if anything happens to RapMon or if he's unable to lead the others, then I take over. To tell you the truth, I've never really needed to take charge, but I suppose if something were to happen, I'd do my best. Normally I'm in charge of psychological warfare with J-Hope, but I also cook for the members and when I can, I serve food to all of the refugees." He says as he carries the large bowl of soup and starts pouring a bit into several smaller bowls. An elderly woman or a crippled man pass by occasionally, bow and give their thanks to Jin, before taking a bowl and leaving.

   "Whoa! Who are all these people?" Snigdha asks, when she notices the large crowd, all gathered in one of the larger rooms.

   "These are people that we've rescued from the streets. Some are victims of abuse or neglect, some are on the run from the police because of petty theft." Jin explains.

   "Well, theft is illegal." Snigdha says aloud, but more to herself.

   "Yeah, but what else can you do when you have no money and need to feed your family?" Jin asks.

   "I suppose you have a good point." She says as she continues to watch Jin work.

   "Hey, guys! Look at this huge cat I found!" V shouts to be heard across the room. Snigdha and Jin both turn to look at him as he picks up some kind of creature with scruffy black hair.

   'It looks like it's wearing a potato sack.' Snigdha thinks to herself.

   "V! That's not a cat! That's a little girl! Put her down!" Jin and Snigdha run over to look at her.

   V sets her down as they approach. "Can we keep it?" V asks as he pouts childishly.

   "It's not a cat!" Jin yells again before sighing. "What are we going to do with you?"

   "Hey, what's your name?" Snigdha asks the little girl as she leans down to look her in the eye. She's sitting down and looking up at Snigdha, but she doesn't say a word. "Do you think she speaks Korean?" Snigdha looks up at Jin.

   "Well, it's possible that she doesn't know. We found her at an abandoned orphanage." Jin explains. "It looked like no one had been taking care of her for quite some time."

   "An orphanage?" Snigdha tilts her head to the side and thinks, so she doesn't have parents... Just like me...

   "Well, I think we should keep her." V says proudly as he pets the girl's head, but she doesn't seem to like it.

   "No one cares what you think, you 4D alien!" Jin grumbles.

   Suddenly the little girl whips her head around and suddenly bites V's hand. "Ah! Get it off!" He screams.

   Snigdha rushes forward and grabs the little girl around the waist, forcing her to release V, but she doesn't budge.    "Jing, spit that out of your mouth! You don't know where it's been!" She hears Jungkook yell.

   "Jing? You named it?" V asks once the little girl releases him.

   "Stop calling her an it!" Jin smacks his head.

   "Ah, yeah... Since the orphanage was previously run by a Chinese owner, I decided to name her after the woman that worked there. Plus it seems to suit her, don't you think?" He explains as he offers the girl some food.

   "Hm, it does." Snigdha smiles at how docile Jing is behaving now that Jungkook is taking care of her. "By the way, Jungkook, what exactly do you do as the 'golden maknae?' How did you get that nickname?"

   "Ah, well, it's a little embarrassing, but Rap Monster gave me that nickname, because to him, it seems like I'm good at whatever I do. I practice a lot of combat so I'm usually in the training room with Jimin." He tells her as he scratches his neck, shyly.

   "Ah, I see, and V?" She turns to the boy as he's wrapping his wounded hand in a bandage. "I know that you said you were in charge of technology, but what else is there?"

   "I'm a hacker and a technology expert! My job to find out information and improve our weapons!" V says proudly.

   "He's basically a genius and a human calculator, but... He's also super crazy. We think it's because of too many shocks to the brain." Jin says while pointing to his head. Snigdha nods, understanding.

   "All done?" Jungkook asks, when Jing finishes her bread and soup.

   "Hm." She makes a small sound and nods. "Thank you."

   "Oh, so she can talk!" Jin says, sounding surprised.

   "Hey, Jing. My name's Sn- Iseul..." She bites her tongue, hoping that no one heard her. "I"m Jin's little sister. Do you have any older siblings or anyone that can take care of you?" Jing doesn't say a word, but simply shakes her head no. "Hm, maybe she's only comfortable talking with Jungkook?" Snigdha thinks to herself. "He does seem to treat her very well..."

   Jungkook sighs with a worried look on his face. "Maybe you should take care of her Iseul... You guys do look close in age, so maybe she'll trust you after getting to know you a bit more. I'd do it, but I'm really busy with the upcoming plans that RapMon's working on."

   "I can do that." Snigdha smiles at Jing, while thinking. "I never really have hung out with any girls my own age before. Minzy is great, but she's a bit older than me, so she's always treated me like an annoying younger sibling. Maybe this way, I'll get to have a younger sister."

   "Well, I better go to the training room with Jimin. You two have fun!" Jungkook says before waving and running off.

   "And I have a new experiment to work on!" V shouts before running after him.

   "It better not be in the kitchen again!" Jin yells and chases him.

   "Hehe, the boys here sure are lively, aren't they?" Snigdha laughs a little to herself, but Jing simply stares at her with an expressionless face. "I feel like your eyes are burning holes into my head." She jokes, but again no response. "Hm, maybe we should find someone else to talk to so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself here..." She says as she stands and gestures for Jing to follow her. At first she's hesitant, but soon sticks to Snigdha closely when she finds herself in an unfamiliar part of the building.

   "Hey, Iseul, what are you doing here?" Suga asks her when she walks over to him and J-Hope simply lounging on a couch in what seems like the recreational room. It's simple with a couch, a couple of chairs and beanbags, and a large tv connected to the wall.

   "Just looking around." She says as she glances at all of the items in the room. There's also a mini fridge and what looks like a gaming system in the middle of the floor. The boys are also holding what looks like a pair of controllers in their hands. "What are you two doing?"

   "Ah, just taking a break and playing some video games, wanna join us?" J-Hope asks.

   "Maybe another time." She declines politely, but takes a seat on the couch next to Suga. "What game are you playing?"

   "It's an old racing game. The graphics aren't as good as some of the newer games, but it's still pretty fun. Yeah! Beat that!" J-Hope exclaims when his car on the screen passes by Suga's.

   "Yah! I was distracted!" Suga complains, then turns to look at the girl standing in the doorway. "Who's your friend over there?" He nods in her direction.

   "Oh, I'm so sorry! This is Jing!" Snigdha says as she jumps up and leads Jing over to the couch. She pushes her to sit down next to Suga and Jing glances at him, before bowing slightly and scooting over, so that there's a significant amount of space between her and Suga. "Sorry about that, she doesn't seem to be very comfortable with people besides Jungkook and me at the moment." Snigdha apologizes again before taking a seat in one of the beanbags.

   "Does that make you the mom and Jungkook the dad?" J-Hope jokes.

   "Wh-what!? Why would you say that?" Snigdha blushes.

   "Yeah, if anything Jing is more like a pet than a child." Suga teases and Jing glares at him.

   "Careful. She bites." Snigdha warns with smile.

   "So how are you adjusting to the whole 'we're part of an underground organization that's planning on taking down another organization that's run by the government, while at the same time trying to be idols' thing?" Suga asks in an overly long and complicated way.

   "Pretty well, I think." She nods. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, what do you guys do when you're training for whatever it is that you do? I remember you mentioning super sight and psychological warfare?"

   "Well, it might be a little difficult to explain, but basically, I'm good at bluffing and getting people to do what I want." J-Hope smiles mischievously.

   "And my super sight allows me to read emotions on people's faces, like right now, I can tell that J-Hope thinks he's going to beat me again, but not this time!" Suga cheers when he presses a button that turns on his car's flame ers, quickly passing by J-Hope's car in an instant.

   "Aw, man!" J-Hope whines.

   "Hm... Reading people's emotions on their faces? I better be careful around him..." Snigdha thinks to herself. "Well, I better get going, but thanks for talking with me!" She gets up and Jing follows her quietly.

   "Where are we going now?" Jing asks, almost silently and Snigdha has to stop to make sure she heard right and that it wasn't just the wind.

   'I'm not really sure, but it's getting late and you need a place to sleep, right?" Jing looks down as if she hadn't thought about that until now. "I'm sure you'll be able to find a place for the night." She says before turning to leave, but Jing grabs onto her sleeve to stop her from going. "Jing...?" Snigdha sounds concerned.

   "Please don't abandon me on the streets again..." She pleads.

   "Oh, Jing..." Snigdha turns to her and smiles. "I promise that won't ever happen."

   "You mean it?" She has tears in her eyes.

   "I do, come on, I'm sure one of the guys will know what to do." Snigdha leads her to the main room where RapMon is talking to Jimin.

   "Ah, there you are Iseul! I've been looking for you!" Jimin says as he smiles and waves at her.

   "You have?" She tilts her head to the side, curiously.


   "Yeah, I have something to tell you."

   "What is it?" She asks.

   "Not here, though." He takes her hand and leads her to another room.

   "Wh-what the-!? But Jing-!?" Snigdha struggles to find her words.

   "Don't worry, RapMon will take care of her. This is important." Jimin tells her before leading her to a dark room and closing the door behind him.

   "What's so important that-!?" Snigdha's sentence is cut off when Jimin pins her against the wall and kisses her deeply. Her eyes widen and she struggles for a second against his grip, but she finds her head too dizzy with thoughts to know what to do at this exact moment. "What the hell is going on!?" She screams in her head, before Jimin pulls away and smiles at her.

   "I was wondering why you were avoiding me so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Consider this your belated birthday present." He whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

   "Are Jimin and Iseul dating?" Snigdha wonders to herself, "That would explain the sudden kiss attack... How should I respond?" She gathers her thoughts as quickly as she can and takes a deep breath. "Oh, Jimin, if you were feeling neglected you could have just told me instead of surprising me like this."

   "Sorry, but I couldn't control myself." He smiles again as he leads her to the bed.

   "Whoa! Is this what I think it is! Are we going to-!? No, wait... Iseul's too young... They would never..." Snigdha's thoughts were running wildly at this point.

   "Hehe, don't look so scared. I'm not going to do anything." Jimin laughs and Snigdha breathes a sigh of relief. "I just thought that maybe you needed a little downtime after having so much dumped on you on your birthday, it can't be easy finding out that your brother, your boyfriend and all of their friends are part of some rebellion. But to be honest, you seem to be handling it pretty well."

   "Ah, well... What can I say?" Snigdha laughs nervously. "What can I say at this point?" She asks herself.

   "I'm sure you have a lot of questions." He tells her.

   "Oh, yeah, I do... When did you guys decide to start this rebellion? What was the defining moment that caused all of this to become what it is today?" Snigdha asks.

   "I suppose it all started when we were in high school." He sighs before beginning to tell her their story.


   "Hey, Taehyung, what do you plan on doing after high school?" A boy asks one of his classmates.

   "Don't bother him, Namjoon, he's doing his homework. He's so smart that he could probably easily become one of those government workers." Another boy scoffs as Taehyung continues to write in his notebook.

   "Don't be such a jerk, Hoseok. Maybe he doesn't want to be government worker." The boy next to him knocks his cap off his head.

   "Yah, Yoongi! Just because your parents are forcing you to become a government worker, don't take it out on me! Some of us have our own plans after high school that don't involve studying 16 hours a day." Hoseok grumbles.

   "You know what you're doing?" Namjoon asks.

   "Yeah, I'm going to be a world famous rapper!" Hoseok states proudly.

   "You're not even that good at rapping." Yoongi states with a disbelieving expression.

   Namjoon starts demonstrating his rapping skills by making up a rap about how good at rapping he is compared to Hoseok.

   "Oh, yeah! Rap Monster!" Yoongi cheers.

   "Yah! Don't call me that! That's so embarrassing!" Namjoon covers his face.

   "So, if you don't want to be a government worker, what do you want?" Hoseok asks Yoongi.

   "I wanna big house, big cars & big rings, but actually, I don’t have any big dreams. Haha, I live quite comfortably. Even if I don’t dream, no one says anything." He says quietly.

   "Hey, that sounds like a really good rap right there." Namjoon says excitedly.

   "Is that all you guys ever think about?" Jimin asks as he enters the classroom and throws his bag on the floor.

   "Hey, what's up my man?" Namjoon gives Jimin a high five and they do a small handshake before turning towards the others.

   "Did everyone get detention again?" Jin smirks while eyeing everyone.

   "Almost everyone." Namjoon says as he counts the heads in the room. "We're still missing someone."

   "Ok mom, I’m going to the library right now." Jungkook lies to his mom before hanging up the phone and walking into the room.

   "Told your mom that you were going to the library instead of spending time in detention again?" Jin asks.

   "Of course. If she knew that I was hanging out with you guys, she'd never let me leave the house." Jungkook shudders at the thought.

   "Well, now that we're all here. Let's go!" Namjoon yells.

   "Go? Go where? Detention just started." Yoongi states.

   "You really wanna spend an extra 2 hours here instead of at the hideout?" Jimin asks.

   "Well, no, but I don't want to get in anymore trouble than we already are." Yoongi pouts.

   "Your loss. government worker." Hoseok teases before Yoongi jumps out of his seat to chase the boy out the door.

   "You coming Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, causing the boy to look up from his notebook with a blank expression. "We're going to the hideout again, wanna join?"

   "Ah, sure!" Taehyung smiles as he follows the others out.

   Outside the boys all run in between buildings and alleyways, pushing past people and ducking under hovercrafts as they pass by, all while adults shout obscenities at them. "You crazy kids! Hoodlums! Street rats!" They all scream, but the boys only smile at each other before they finally find their safe haven. A run down part of the pill factory, that had been shut down recently.

   "How did you guys even find this place?" Jungkook asks the older kids.

   "I accidentally stumbled it upon it a few days ago, isn't it cool?" Jin asks as he picks up some fallen pipes and kicks the rest towards Namjoon.

   "This is the perfect hideout because no one knows about it but us." Hoseok exclaims.

   "It's great, but it could use a little cleaning." Yoongi states as he runs a finger over one of the desks, leaving a clean line in the layer of dust.

   "Well, we could spiff it up. Make it nice. Hang out here everyday." Namjoon smiles at the thought.

   "That sounds great and all, but wouldn't people wonder where we are?" Jimin asks.

   "We'll just lie, like Jungkook does to his mom. Tell 'em you're going to the library, or to church, or to hang out with your friends in an abandoned pill factory, wait... Don't tell them that last one..." Jin chuckles at his own joke.

   "Well, what do you think Taehyung?" Namjoon elbows the boy in the side to get him to come back to reality. "Do you like it?"

   Taehyung simply stares blankly at something in the shadows for a moment before running forward and grabbing a moving shadow. "Look at this cat I found! Can we keep it!"

   "That's not a cat, Taehyung... I think you should let her go..." Jimin and the others back away slowly as Taehyung realizes he's holding onto the arm of a woman with a fur jacket.

   "Wh-who are you?" Namjoon stutters nervously.

   "Wouldn't you like to know?" The woman purses her lips and stares at the boys with cold eyes. "What are you doing here?"

   "We should be asking you the same thing!" Jin yells but shrinks back when she glares at him. "This is our hideout! We were here first!"

   "Hideout? What do a couple of high schoolers need a hideout for?" The woman scoffs.

   "The same reason anyone needs a hideout, to escape from the world for a bit and just relax." Hoseok explains.

   "Escape from the world?" The woman scoffs again. "If only you really knew how terrible the world really was."

   "What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asks.

   "Perhaps I should take you boys on a tour." The woman gestures for the boys to follow her as she shows them the underground subway tunnels, the border that splits Uptown and Downtown, and the true intentions behind Virtual Paradise and DK agency. For several moments the boys are simply too stunned to even speak, but eventually Namjoon regains his thoughts enough to speak again.

   "H-how long has it been like this?" He asks.

   "Too long." She tells him. "But maybe you can help me change that."

   "Us?" Jin points to himself and the others. "How can we help?"

   "You boys are smarter than you look." She states. "You're all capable of great things, but it's what you do with that greatness that makes you great people. If you choose to help me, meet me at this address tomorrow and I'll tell you all you need to know. Remember boys, you can join me and help our cause... Or you can join the others in Virtual Paradise... The choice is up to you." She smiles before handing them a slip of paper and turning to leave.

   "Wait!" Namjoon calls out before she disappears. "Who are you?"

   She turns to smile at him. "You can call me CL." And with that, she was gone.

   "Whoa, that's some heavy stuff." Namjoon runs a hand through his hair.

   "I don't know if I can really go through with this..." Yoongi says, sounding unsure of himself. "I mean, I don't want to grow up to be a government worker, but I don't think I could rebel against the government itself."

   "Come on guys! This is a once in a lifetime chance! Isn't this exciting? We're rebels! Fighters for the cause of good! The underdogs against the man!" Hoseok shouts excitedly.

   "What do you think about all this Jungkook?" Jin asks the youngest member.

   "I think... I think I need some time to think about this..." He admits shyly.

   "I do too. To be honest, the whole thing is kind of unbelievable." Jimin states.

   "Unbelievable!? You saw the whole thing, didn't you!? It's always been right in front of us, but we were just too brainwashed to believe it!" Hoseok yells.

   "Calm down, we all need time to think... Why don't we all go home, get a good night's sleep and talk it over during school tomorrow?" Namjoon suggests.

   "Sounds good. Goodbye everyone!" Yoongi waves to the others before leaving and heading home.


   The next day everyone met in the detention room, like usual, but for some reason, something was different. "Yeah, I'm going to the library now. Bye mom." Jungkook hangs up his phone, but stops in his tracks when he sees the teacher standing in front of the classroom and the rest of the boys sitting quietly in their seats. "Wh-what's going on?" He asks.

   "Please take a seat Jungkook and I'll explain." The teacher said calmly. Jungkook did as he was told before stealing a couple of glances at the others, who all seemed to be slightly on edge as well. "It has been brought to light that you boys have been skipping out during detention..."

   "This is ridiculous, call my parents, I'm sure that they can solve this misunderstanding." Yoongi tells them.

   "I'm afraid that your parents can't be contacted." The teacher says calmly.

   "Why not?" He asks.

   "Because they have the honor of being some of the very first people to test the Virtual Paradise system. You probably won't ever see them again, but think about how much happier they'll be."

   "What? No..." His face turns from shock to distress as he realizes what she just said. "This can't be happening!"

   "I have business to attend to, elsewhere, but just to make sure that you boys don't leave this time... I've taken extra precautions." The teacher says as she steps out of the room, only to be replaced by three large and burly men.

   "We have to get out of here." Namjoon states.

   "But how?" Jungkook asks before he notices Namjoon staring out the window. He turns and sees what he's looking at. Several yellow school buses are lined up evenly in the parking lot. "How are we going to get to them?"

   "Leave that to me." Jimin cracks his knuckles. "Yo, ugly!" He calls out before hitting one of the guards upside the head.

   "Why you little-!" Another guard moves forward to grab him, but Taehyung jumps on his back and covers his eyes.

   "Now!" He yells as Jungkook grabs a chair and throws it against the guard's chest.

   Namjoon knocks out one of the guards, using a small statue, and picks up a pair of sunglasses that had fallen on the floor. "Hm, I kind of like these." He says as he puts them on.

   "Let's go!" Jin yells, ushering everyone out of the room and locking the door before the guards wake up. The boys all run outside and Jin jumps into the driver's seat.

   "Why are you driving?" Hoseok asks.

   "Because I'm the oldest and I have my license." Jin states.

   "I do too!" Hoseok argues.

   "Do we really have to do this now?" Jin asks, sounding frustrated.

   "Just drive!" Yoongi yells, as more guards start to exit the building.

   Jin hits the gas puddle as the bus screeches out of the parking lot and towards Downtown, but the boys begin to panic when they notice several black cars after them. "You better step on it, Jin!" Namjoon shouts.

   "I'm going as fast as I can!" Jin shouts back.

   "It's time for some evasive maneuvers!" Jimin says as he points to an empty alleyway coming up. "Go through there!"

   "But we'll never fit! The bus is too big!" Jin screams.

   "It'll fit!" Jimin takes control of the wheel and forces Jin to turn as they bus skids to turn. Jin's foot is still on the gas pedal as the bus squeezes into the alleyway. Screeching sounds could be heard as they cement walls seemed to be closing in on them.

   "Hurry! We're almost there!" Jungkook yells.

   "Yes! We lost them!" Jimin and Namjoon high five when they notice the black cars are gone.

   "Yeah! We did it!" The boys all celebrate as Jin continues speeding towards their location. The alleyway soon opens up to a school yard where hundred of people are gathered.

   "Look out!" Taehyung yells as the bus collides with several objects, causing everyone in the school yard to turn and stare at them.

   "Who are these fools?" A girl with long blue hair asks CL.

   "The new recruits." She says proudly.

   The boys all get off the bus, a bit banged up and bruised from the impact, but otherwise perfectly fine. "Where are we? Who are all these people?" Namjoon asks CL.

   "These people are part of the army that we're building. The rebellion that's going to take down DK agency." CL explains. "You already know me, but this is Dara, my second in command. What should we call you?"

   "I'm..." Namjoon hesitates thinking that he should have a code name too, since he suspects that neither Dara nor CL are their real names.

   "He's Rap Monster and I'm Jin!" Jin pipes up.

   "What the-!? Jin!" Namjoon looks at his friend in shock.

   "I'm Jimin!" Jimin stomps his foot.

   "I'm your hope! J-Hope!" Hoseok shouts.

   "And who are you?" Dara turns to Taehyung who has to think for a moment.

   He seems to be deep in thought, before he looks up with a smile and holds up two fingers. "V!"

   "I'm sweet like sugar, so they call me Suga." Yoongi smiles.

   "Hey, I'm the maknae Jungkook." Jungkook bows politely.

   "And what is your group called?" Dara asks them.

   They all look at each other a bit confused, until one of them reads the license plate on the bus. "BTS, we're BTS." Jin states.

   "BTS? What does that stand for?" Dara asks.

   "Bang! Tan! Sonyeondan!" They all shout.

   "Well, alright then." CL smiles as she introduces the boys to the rest of the rebellion. "Would the leader like to say a few words?"

   "Yeah, leader, say something." J-Hope laughs as he and the other boys push Rap Monster forward.

   "Wh-what!? M-me!?" He stutters.

   "Who else?" Jimin smiles.

   "W-well I guess I could say something..." He takes the microphone from CL and begins speaking.

   "To all the youngsters without dreams! Open your eyes now. Dance a dance now. Dream a dream now. Stop hesitating, stop being indecisive, wussup!" Namjoon shouts.

   The crowd erupts into cheer and applause as everyone starts going crazy and celebrating. "Why is everyone so happy? All he did was repeat a rap he wrote when he was fifth grade." Jin shakes his head and just laughs.

   "Now that you guys are here, let's get this party started." CL smiles as some guys set up some speakers and the music starts. BTS seems a little confused at first, as everyone seems to do their own thing, from bicycle tricks to skateboarding, to simply wrecking everything in sight. Soon enough, BTS joins them. They run in and outside of the old school building, graffiti lines the walls while desks and chairs are thrown about. In the school yard, old metal cabinets and wooden drawers are tossed aside and burned.

   "This is awesome!" V yells as he smashes a pipe against an old piano.

   "This is just pointless destruction, but it feels so good!" Jimin shouts as he kicks a metal cabinet and climbs on top of it.

   "Wait... What's that sound?" Jungkook asks as a strange humming sound is heard above the music.

   Soon everyone looks up as they see a helicopter fly towards them. They shield their eyes against the bright light that shines from the single helicopter. "This is the police, you are all under arrest!" A voice shouts through a megaphone as the helicopter continues to fly overhead. "Do not resist! We command you to cease and desist!"

   "We aren't taking any more orders from anyone!" Rap Monster declares.

   "That's right! Because we're BTS!" Jimin smiles.



    "And that's how BTS was started." Jimin tells her as he finishes his story.

    "Wow... That's amazing." Snigdha looks at him in astonishment.

    "Yeah, we probably would have never joined if it hadn't been for that mysterious woman, CL." Jimin states as he lies on the bed and closes his eyes. Snigdha seems hesitant at first, but thinks that Iseul would join him is she were here. She lies next to him, but is conscious of the space between them.

    "Do you have a dream, Iseul?" Jimin asks her.

    "I don't know, I guess I've never really thought about it." She states, uncertain if whether or not it's really a lie.

    "Well, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll figure out your dream eventually." Jimin smiles at her and kisses her on the forehead.

    "Yeah... I hope so..." She says quietly as she relaxes and sleep overcomes her.


   The next day the boys take Snigdha and Jing to the top floor of the BIG HIT Entertainment building to show them how they train as idols.

   "Wow, this place is amazing." Snigdha exclaims when she sees the high tech sound system, recording studio and holographic projector that shows the choreography that the boys are supposed to follow. "The life of an idol must be amazing!"

   "Well, it's not all glitz and glamour." RapMon tells her. "We all got where we are today, because of hard work, sweat and tears."

   "Hey, Jimin. I remember you telling me about how you and BTS became part of the rebellion, but you never told me how you guys became idols. How does that work?" Snigdha asks.

   "Oh, yeah. I guess that needs some explanation as well..." Jimin laughs. "Well, let's see... After we got kicked out of high school, we had a lot more free time, but we were still unsure of what to do with ourselves..." Jimin states as he thinks back.

   "Oh! Oh! Can I tell the story this time?" V asks, waving his hand in the air, like a child. Snigdha giggles, thinking he's pretty cute.

   "Sure, go ahead." Jimin sighs.

   "It all started one day in the abandoned school yard..." He says dramatically.


   "The name is Jung Kook, my scale is nationwide, I pulled all-nighters at practice rooms instead of school, dancing and singing, When you guys partied, I gave up sleep for my dreams." Jungkook raps then passes it to Suga.

   "I spent all night holding a pen, closing my eyes only after the morning sun rises, My limit was broken in the double standards and many oppositions, But I got lucky and was contacted by an agency, All you who are called rappers because you can’t sing, the rapper title is an extravagance for you."

   V, Jimin, and Jin add in their parts of the song, until J-Hope starts rapping. "Look at my profile, there’s nothing there yet. Still a trainee and rapper man, yeah I do know that’s nothing, I contemplated a lot but now I don’t need anything. You’re still an amateur, I’m in the majors, hope you’ll rot like that." And finally RapMon ends it.

   "Rap Monster, like my name, I can eat up any kind of beat like a monster, I’m loyal to my name – guys come here, take a preview, I put a twist to being an idol. Haha, hyungs who only had hip-hop pride told me it’d be impossible but, Look carefully, I place a period after impossible. I’m possible, now are we all set, boy?"

   "Whoo!" The crowd cheers and applauds like crazy.

   "You boys are pretty good." CL states.

   "You really think so?" RapMon asks, somewhat embarrassed to be praised by the rebellion's leader.

   "Have you thought about entering the entertainment industry?" She asks.

   "Not really, I mean, some of us have. Why?" He looks at her curiously.

   "Because these days, musical artists make a lot of money. People are so bored with their lives that music is one of the few things that still brings happiness, and I mean real happiness. No matter how good a computer system is, it can't replace genuine human creativity." Dara nods in agreement.

   "Hey, we could totally become musical artists!" J-Hope smacks Jimin out of excitement and Jimin threatens to hit him back, but J-Hope is too thrilled to notice. "What do you say guys?" He turns to the others.

   "I'm in!" Jungkook raises his hand, but Jin puts it down.

   "Look, I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, but I don't think being musical artists is a realistic goal for us." Jin tells them.

   "What are you? Our mom? Since when have we been thinking realistic anyways? We're in a freaking rebellion against the government!" J-Hope argues.

   "I'm in agreement with Jin, we have enough to worry about as it is. I think being musical artists will take too much of our time away, from improving our skills for the rebellion." RapMon states.

   "Actually..." CL starts. "Being musical artists could be beneficial to the rebellion's cause."

   "How so?" Suga asks.

   "As far as we know, the government doesn't censor music, so it'd be pretty easy to spread messages in your songs and in your music videos about the rebellion. As long as you keep it subtle." She informs them.

   "Whoa! That's a great idea! Let's do it! RapMon and Suga can write the lyrics, Jimin and I can work on the choreography and the rest of you can film the music video!" J-Hope begins jumping up and down like crazy.

   "Hold on! Hold on!" RapMon grabs him by the shoulders to calm him down. "If we do this, and I'm not saying we will, where do we even start?"

   "With an entertainment company, there are a lot out there. SM, YG, JYP... And many more... You just have to choose wisely." CL explains.

   "Yeah, and when she says choose wisely, she means it. Some of these companies are super strict. They make you practice 16 hours a day, give you little food and even make you work when you're sick." Dara warns them.

   "Yikes... That's intense..." V grows pale.

   "Are you afraid you can't handle the job?" A raspy voice asks from the crowd.

   "Who said that? Are you challenging the great BTS? Show yourselves!" J-Hope roars, acting all high and mighty until the owner of the voice actually steps up and stands in front of him. J-Hope shrinks back in fear.

   "We never said we were afraid." RapMon stands up to him.

   "Hm," The man seems to laugh in RapMon's face. "Even I can tell that you're too weak for the entertainment industry. If you can't even handle that, there's no way you can lead a rebellion. Might as well run now, while you can, kid."

   "Excuse me?" RapMon's eyes glare at the man's icy white eyes. "Who do you think you are?"

   "The name's Zico and you..." He points a bony finger at RapMon's forehead. "Are just a child compared to me."

   "You wanna go, Zico!?" J-Hope raises his fists and gets into a fighting stance.

   "Save your energy for the competition kid." Zico scoffs.

   "Competition?" Jin asks.

   "Oh, you don't know?" A very tall, red haired man with a deep voice approaches them. "The competition is where tons of artists compete for a contract signing with the company of their choice."

   "So if you know what company you want and you somehow manage to win..." Another man says while looking down at BTS over his bottle cap glasses. "You just might make it as an entertainment group."

   "I say we can do this!" J-Hope cheers.

   "Me too!" Jungkook joins in.

   "Why don't we make this a little more interesting?" Zico asks.

   "How?" RapMon asks cautiously.

   Zico takes a look at the two men by his side. "In this rebellion, there are 7 sectors of soldiers, each led by a member of my team, including me. I see you have 7 members as well. If your team manages to beat my team in the competition, then you and your team members can take charge of the 7 sectors."

   "Zico!" CL stands up to say something, but he just raises a hand to her.

   "Sit down, princess." He says and she stares daggers at him. "I know what I'm doing. So...?" Zico sticks his hand out. "Do we have a deal?"

   RapMon looks at the others uneasily, but they all nod as if in agreement. "Alright..." He takes Zico's hand and shakes it. "We have a deal."


   "And you guys won right!?" Snigdha interrupts and the others look at her uncertainly. "Otherwise you wouldn't be here today if you had lost."

   "Well, it's not that simple... There was a lot of drama and hard work and blood and sweat and tears and..." V seems like he wants to go on, but Jungkook just covers his mouth.

   "Yeah, but the important thing is you won. I don't need all the details." Snigdha states, waving her hand.

   "I guess we can save that story for another night." Jin says as he gets up stretching.

   "Wait, can we at least watch the video of the performances?" Jing asks.

   "Oh, yeah, I think we still have the video somewhere. Let me pull it up on the big screen." RapMon stands and begins typing into the computer's database, looking for the video. "Here it is!" He exclaims before pulling the video up. Everyone turns their attention to the holographic screen on the wall.


   "Whoa! That was epic!" Snigdha cheers.

   "Yep! They didn't stand a chance!" Jimin boasts.

   "Well, the other group... Block B, was it? They were pretty good too." She states.

   "I think everyone performed really well!" Jing smiles widely.

   "And we'll beat them again next year!" J-Hope shouts.

   "Let's not get over zealous." RapMon tells him. "We were lucky to win, but that was only because of hard work. If continue to work hard, then we'll continue to do well."

   "It's getting late." Jin yawns. "We should probably head out."

   "Do you have a place to stay?" Snigdha turns and asks Jing, but the girl simply shakes her head no. "Can't she stay somewhere in the hideout?" She asks RapMon.

   "Sorry, but there just aren't any rooms that she can stay in. Our hideout wasn't made like a hotel, it's full of weapons and tech that could be dangerous if we left her there alone. I'm sorry, Iseul." RapMon apologizes.

   "Well, there's got to be something we can do." Snigdha looks at Jing sadly.

   "She can stay at my house." V pipes up.

   "Really?" Snigdha looks at him surprised.

   "Yeah, but it can only be one night, since my dad doesn't like people in our house and he'll be gone tonight." V explains.

   "Alright. Are you ok with that?" She asks Jing and she nods hesitantly. "You're such a nice guy, V! Thanks so much!" She says as she hugs him. Jimin stands in the doorway watching the scene a little angrily.

   "Hey, Iseul, can I speak with you?" He asks as he grabs Snigdha by the arm.

   "Depends, are you going to 'attack' me again?" She raises an eyebrow.

   "No, I just... Want to show you something." He says as he leads her back to his room.

   "What is it that you wanted to show me?" She asks and she jumps in surprise when he punches the wall near her arm.

   "I thought that last night I had made it clear, but maybe I need to show you again that you're mine and no one else's." He says in a threatening manner as he lifts her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

   "Jimin... You're scaring me." Snigdha's voice comes out shakily. He drops her chin and sighs, suddenly leaning all of his body weight against her. "J-Jimin!?" She stutters in surprise.

   "I'm sorry." He says as he picks himself up and sits down on the bed. "I guess I'm just a little stressed from this whole DK agency thing."

   "What's got you so stressed out?" Snigdha asks, sitting down on the bed next to him.

   "I guess... telling you and hearing all these stories again from the past, just reminds me how dangerous and corrupt that DK agency is and... It scares me to think that they could hurt you..." He admits.

   "Are they really that dangerous?" Snigdha gently rests her hand on his shoulder.

   "They are! They may preach protection and peace for our country, but their real agenda is truly..." He groans as if in pain. "It just kills me, thinking about how much danger I could be putting you in."

   "Hey, I got the whole team, including my brother and my incredibly protective boyfriend." Jimin smiles at this. "I've got all of you standing beside me and I know that with you guys by my side, I could face anything."

   "Thanks." He chuckles. "I needed that."

   "What? An ego boost?" Snigdha jokes.

   "No, confirmation that you won't get hurt." He smiles and kisses her goodnight. "Also, if you ever need any more proof of just how corrupted DK agency is..." Jimin says as he leans back and pulls out something from one of the drawers. "I have a file that I stole from their office that shows every evil and dirty act they've ever done."

   "File...?" Snigdha gasps as soon as she sees what's in his hands and shakes her head for a moment in disbelief.

   "Hey, is everything alright, Iseul?" Jimin asks, suddenly concerned.

   "No, everything's not alright..." She says to herself. "Jimin's the target!? But... That can't be... I can't kill him... At least, not yet... No... I have to wait for the right moment..." She tells herself and quickly stands up. "I have to go."

   "Iseul...?" He reaches out to grab her, but she's already out the door.


Later that night...

   "Oh, man. If I don't leave now, my wife will yell at me again for working so late." A man runs his hand through his hair frustrated. He's sitting at a computer, looking through files when he realizes how late it's gotten. He grabs his suitcase and waves to his co-workers as he leaves the office. "Now where did I park my car again?" He asks himself as he walks through the dark parking lot. As he looks through his suitcase for his car keys, he bumps into someone causing him to spill all of his papers. "Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going?" He yells at the person. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he sees that it's just a teenage girl.

   "Ah, I'm s-so sorry, mister." She says slowly. Her words are slurred as if she's drunk. Her hunched posture and stumbling feet only confirms that she's not sober. "Do you mind pointing me in the direction of 42nd street?" She hiccups. Her long black hair shining in the moonlight and her cheeks are a rosy pink. She leans against one of the cars as she takes a sip from a bottle in a paper bag.

   The man chuckles to himself. "I have a better idea. Why don't I take you to a nice hotel? I know a very nice one just down the road that's pretty cheap. I'll give you a ride and even pay for the room." He smiles.

   "Really? You'd do that for me?" She stumbles forward into the man's arms and he could smell the alcohol on her breath.

   "Sure thing, sweetheart." He says as he opens the door to his car and buckles her seatbelt for her. "It's been a while since I cheated on my wife, anyway." He mumbles.

   "What?" the girl turns to him with eyes half shut.

   "Don't worry about it. I'm going to take real good care of you." He starts the car and drives them to the nearest hotel. There, he leads her to the room and pushes her onto the bed. "Now just relax." He says quietly as he starts ing her top.

   "I think it's me who's going to take care you." The girl suddenly says, her speech perfectly clear. The man's eyes widen as he looks down at the gun pointed to his chest.

   "What the-? Who are you?" He asks.

   "The last person you'll ever see, if you don't do what I say." She says coldly.

   "What is it that you want?" He asks, sweat dripping down his brow.

   "You work at BIG HIT Entertainment, right?" She asks.

   "Uh, ye-yes, that is correct." He states, trying to stay calm.

   "I need you to do something for me."

The next morning...

   "Good morning everyone!" A man says cheerfully as he enters the BIG HIT Entertainment building.

   "Oh, who is that?" Snigdha asks Jin.

   "That's our manager. He's in charge of all of our idol related activities." Jin explains to her.

   "Does he know about...?" She whispers.

   "No, no, no." Jin shakes his head. "We try to keep our idols lives and our rebellion lives separate."

   "I see." She nods.

   "I'd like to introduce everyone to a new trainee that you'll be working with." Their manager says as he steps aside to let someone enter.

   All of the boys look up as a girl walks in. Her long black hair sways side to side as she smiles. "Hello, my name is Fei." She bows. "Please take care of me."

   "Well, hello." J-Hope says flirtatiously as he walks up to her. "I'm J-Hope, but you can call me anything as long as I can call you mine." He winks.

   "Ugh... Is he always so greasy?" Snigdha gags.

   "Welcome to BIG HIT Entertainment." Jimin and V welcome her. "I'm sure someone as pretty as you will do just fine around here."

   Snigdha's smile turns into a frown as she watches the boys fawn over the new girl. '"Wait a minute... Am I jealous?" She asks herself, then turns to the boys again. They continue to chat with Fei, Jimin is smiling brightly while V can't seem to stop staring at her. "Nope!" She turns away angrily. "Definitely not jealous..."

   "Is something bothering you, Iseul?" Snigdha turns to see Suga looking at her, concerned.

   "No! No! Everything's fine!" Snigdha lies.

   "You don't need super sight to be able to tell that you're upset about something." Suga smiles and pats his chest. "You can tell me. We are friends after all."

   "Well..." Snigdha looks back at Fei.

   "Hm, you're concerned about Fei aren't you?" Suga asks.

   "How'd you know?" Snigdha turns to him.

   "I think I understand why... There is something off that I noticed about her too. I just can't seem to place my finger on it..." He squints his eyes to get a better look, but shakes his head, when he doesn't find anything. "I'll let you know if anything comes up, but for now, try not to worry about it."

   "Ok." Snighda sighs before getting up and leaving.

Later that day...

   "Where are you taking me?" Jing asks Snigdha as she leads the blindfolded girl down a brightly lit hallway.

   "Remember how last night you said that you needed a place to stay, but RapMon said that there wasn't any space in the hideout?"

   "Yeah, and?"

   "Well, I just hated the idea of you sleeping in the streets, so I talked with the boys and..." She stops in front of a room and opens the door, before quickly untying the blindfold and showing Jing the room. "We rented you an apartment!" She exclaims, purposely leaving out the fact that it's located right next to hers and Minzy's.

   "Wh-whoa! Is this for me?" She asks, completely stunned.

   "Yep! RapMon and the others promised to pay for it, as long as you do one thing." Snigdha states.

   "What's that?" Jing suddenly looks at her a bit worried.

   "You promise to keep in touch." She tells her.

   "Ah, of course I will!" Jing smiles and gives Snigdha a big hug.

   "Good evening, ladies. I hope I'm not interrupting."

   "Oh, hey Mr. Manager." Snigdha greets the man when he walks up to them. "Did you need me for something?"

   "Ah, no... I just wanted to chat with you girls... See how you're doing..." He says as sweat drips down his forehead and Snigdha seems to notice, but doesn't say anything.

   "Would you like to come in?" Jing asks.

   "I'd be delighted." He smiles as Jing leads him inside and Snigdha shuts the door behind her. She can't seem to shake the feeling that something's going on.

   "Can I get you anything?" Jing asks as she runs to the kitchen, "A glass of water? Some milk? I'm not really familiar with the place yet, so this would be some good practice."

   "Actually, I'm afraid that I can't stay long." He says, his expression suddenly turning dark.

   "Why's that?" Jing asks, walking back into the room with two glasses of water in hand.

   He doesn't respond, instead he takes the gun out of his pocket and points it at Snighda, but she moves quickly, knocking the gun out of his hand and pulling his arm behind his back.

   "Eep!" Jing screams and drops the water glasses. "Wh-what's going on?"

   "An assassination attempt." Snigdha grumbles. "What do you want?"

   "I don't have to tell you anything!" The man struggles out of her grip, but Snigdha kicks the man back down and points a gun to his head, while Jing stands nearby, looking scared.

   "Who are you and where is your partner?" She shouts.

   "You'll never find them!" The man spits.

   "Oh, so you admit you do have a partner." Snigdha smiles as the man looks up, shocked at having been tricked.

   "I'll never tell!" The man yells defiantly.

   "Alright then." Snigdha pulls the gun away and walks back while the man breaths a sigh of relief. Snigdha calmly walks over to the window and opens it, looking out at the sky, the city illuminated with the warm glow of the setting sun, while hundreds of people are on the road below. All busily trying to get from one place to another. "It's beautiful, isn't it? The big city."

   "I guess so." The man scoffs, not really interested. "But I didn't come here to sight see."

   "Oh, but you really should take a look." Snigdha grabs the man and holds him out the window as he stares down. He audibly gulpes when he sees how high up he is. "Now..." Snigdha says, trying to stay calm. "You can tell me what I want to know, or..." She lets her grip loosen and he feels it, trying to pull himself back in.

   "Ok! Ok! You win!" He screams and Snigdha pulls him back harshly, causing him to land on his .

   "Who is your partner!?" She points the gun at him again.

   "The person you're looking for is-!" He's interrupted when Jing screams and Snigdha turns to see her pointing at a figure, all dressed in black, with a mask covering their face, standing on the ledge of the open window. They point a gun at Snigdha and shots are heard. Snigdha rushes to pull Jing down as they both hide beneath a table. Only a few seconds of silence pass by before Snigdha deems it safe enough to come out.

   "I think we're ok." She tells Jing, who seems quite shaken by the event. Snigdha crawls out from underneath the table and inspects the room. The figure dressed in black is gone, but the room is a complete distaster with broken glass everywhere. The manager was laying still on the floor.

   "Iseul..." Jing says quietly as she crawls over to the man and pulls down his blood stained collar to check his pulse. "He's dead."

   "Crap... What kind of situation is this? Who sent him to kill me...? And who else is after me?" Snigdha's head is swimming with too many thoughts, that she almost doesn't notice Jing staring at her in fright. "Jing... Are you alright?" She asks, turning to the girl and reaching out to her, only for Jing to flinch back.

   "Wh-who are you?" Jing stutters. It hurt Snigdha, to see Jing look at her with so much fear in her eyes.

   "My real name is Snigdha and I'm an assassin sent to kill someone." She tells her as calmly as possible.

   Her eyes widen in fear and in shock. "Is it me?" She manages to squeak out.

   "No, no." Snigdha smiles, seeing her relax a little. "All I know is that it's someone in BTS."

   "No, it can't be..." She holds her head and shakes it as if she doesn't want to believe.

   "You're afraid that it's Jungkook, aren't you?" Snigdha looks at her with sympathy.

   "What? No, why would I be worried about him?" Jing avoids looking her in the eye.

   "Because I can tell that you like him." She smiles. "Don't worry, as far as I know, it's not him."

   "But if it's not him... Then who is it?" Jing asks.

   "Honestly... I'm not sure at the moment." Snigdha lies, before looking at her seriously. "Look, I promise that I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to promise me that you're not going to tell the others."

   "I don't know if I can do that..." Jing mumbles.

   "It's for their own safety, trust me. If things work out the way I want them to, then no one is going to die."

   "You have a plan?" Jing asks.

   "I do." Snighda assures her.

   "Ok..." She nods. "I promise."

   "Good, now we just have to figure out what to do with him..." Snigdha sighs as she looks at the corpse on the floor.

Back at BIG HIT Entertainment...

   "Whoa! What happened to you two!?" RapMon exclaims when he sees Jing and Snigdha enter.

   "An assassin just tried to kill me, and Jing got caught in the crossfire." Snigdha explains.

   "What!? Are you two alright?" Jungkook asks as he runs up to inspect Jing. She smiles shyly and Snigdha gives her a knowing smile.

   "We're alright, but I should probably warn you that I think I know who it is." She tells them.

   "Really? Who?" J-Hope and the others look at her curiously.

   "I think it was Fei." She states.

   "Seriously?" Jimin and V seem especially shocked. "Wait a minute, are you sure that you're not just saying that because you're a little bit jealous that I've been paying more attention to her than you, lately?" Jimin raises an eyebrow and Snigdha glares at him.

   "Don't any of you think that it's the least bit suspicious that she arrived at BIG HIT Entertainment, right before the attack?" She asks.

   "She does have a point." RapMon hums thoughtfully.

   "I don't think she's capable of hurting anyone." V states.

   "Me too. Fei is a sweet and innocent girl that just has bad luck and bad timing." Jimin says and Snigdha scoffs, finding it hard to believe that he's defending her.

   "Well, I think she's right." Suga stands up.

   "Hm, I suppose if you are right, we should keep an eye on her." RapMon decides. "Even if you're wrong, it couldn't hurt."

   "I'll do it, since I have the best eyesight." Suga volunteers.

   "And I can help." Snigdha smiles, glad that she's not the only one that suspects Fei.

   "Alright, well, we have a concert in a couple of days, so we better prepare for that." RapMon informs them. "Let's go!"

   Snigdha is about to follow him, when she notices Jungkook comforting a scared and shaken Jing. "Hey, Jungkook." Snigdha smiles, walking up to them.

   "What's up, Iseul?" Jungkook looks up at her, while still keeping a hand on Jing's back.

   "Why don't you take Jing back? It's getting dark and she'd probably feel safer if you walked her home."

   "Is that what you want?" Jungkook leans down to ask her. She blushes and looks away, but nods shyly. "Alright, let's go." He smiles and takes her hand as they walk out the door.


   Snigdha and Suga decide to split up to look for Fei and Suga is the first to find her talking with someone, rather loudly, over the phone, in one of the training rooms.

   "What do you mean you don't know!? You better get the right information or so help me, I'll march over there and strangle you, you son of a-!" Fei suddenly turns to see Suga standing in the doorway and she quickly hides her phone behind her back. "Crap! How much did he hear?" She asks herself and begins to sweat nervously.

   Suga smiles mischievously. "Well, well, well... Looks like I finally found out your dirty little secret."

   "W-wh-what are you talking about?" She stutters, trying to act innocent.

   "Stop acting. I know the truth." He points a finger at her accusingly.

   "What truth?" She glares at him.

   "That you're not as nice and as sweet a person as you want people to believe you are." He states. "I know now that you're..." She holds her breath as he speaks. "You're really just a girl with a bad personality, aren't you?" He asks.

   "What?" She looks at him blankly.

   "I seriously knew that something was up when I first met you. I just couldn't put my finger on it, but now I know! That whole cute and innocent act? That's all it is! An act! What's your reason? Is it because you have a crush on one of the guys?" He asks.

   "Wh-what!?" Fei blushes at the sudden question. "N-no way!"

   "Oh, then what is the reason for your acting?" He tilts his head to the side curiously.

   "If this boy keeps asking questions, he might actually find out the real truth." She thinks to herself before biting her lip and putting on a fake smile. "Ah, you caught me." She laughs nervously. "I guess I couldn't hide my feelings forever. To tell you the truth, I really like Jin, but I knew he'd never like a girl like me, so I decided to put on the act."

   "I knew it!" He smirks and throws an arm around her. "Well, let me just give you some advice, you're trying too hard. Sure, Jin likes the cutesy type, but you gotta play it more naturally."

   "Oh, really?" Fei asks, while holding herself back from rolling her eyes.

   "Yeah, and you gotta stop dressing like you're a secretary." He tells her.

   "What!?" She looks at him, clearly offended.

   "I'm just saying, you'd get the guy's attention if you just dressed more like normal girls do." He smiles. For some reason, he likes seeing her mad.

   "Ah, o-ok." Fei struggles to keep up a smile, because all she can think about is punching Suga in the face right now. "Listen..." She interrupts him, before he goes on about her wardrobe. "Can I trust you to keep this from the others?" She asks. "I'm afraid Jin might not like me, if he finds out what kind of person I really am."

   "Oh, I understand." Suga winks at her. "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret, but you should know that if a guy really likes you, he'd accept you no matter what your personality is like."

   "Right... Well... Thanks for all of the advice. I've got to get going now." She bows politely and leaves the room in a hurry.

   Suga smiles to himself as she leaves. He can tell from her facial expressions that she's still lying about something, but he can also tell that she's not a threat, at least not to him. He finds himself curious about what she's hiding. Maybe she lied about the person she has a crush on? He thinks to himself. It would make sense if it was himself and she didn't want him to find out. He laughs a little at the thought, before leaving the room as well.

   "Suga!" Snigdha calls out when she sees the boy. "Did you find Fei? What'd you find out?"

   "Well..." Suga contemplates how he should tell her. "Let's just say that she's not who she says she is."


   As Jing and Jungkook are walking down the sidewalk, happily hand in hand, Jungkook leans down to whisper something in her ear.

   "What? Really?" Her eyes widen in surprise.

   "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, but I trust that you can keep a secret?" He asks her.

   "I..." She pauses, unsure of what to say, but then she smiles and nods. "Hm! I won't tell anyone!"

   "Good, I knew I could trust you." He smiles back and pecks her on the cheek before pulling her along and enjoying the night air. Suddenly a black van pulls up to the sidewalk next to them and before either of them can figure out what's going on, the side door opens and Jing is pulled in. "What the-!? Hey! What do you think you're doing?" He yells and pounds on the door when it closes, trying to open it back up, but it's locked. "Hey!" He continues to yell and kick the car until a window opens and a dart is blown out of a black tube, hitting Jungkook in the neck and causing him to pass out.

   "Jungkook!" Jing screams in terror as his head hits the pavement and the car begins to drive away. Jing is then moved so she's forced to face her kidnappers and her eyes widen yet again, but this time, there's clearly fear in her eyes. "It's you!" She shouts, before the man sitting next her injects something into her arm and she quickly falls asleep.


   "Is that right?" Fei asks the person on the other end of the phone. "No, that's all the info that I need. Thank you." She says as she hangs up the phone and turns to leave the room, only to run into Snigdha. "Ugh, why do people always sneak up on me, when I'm on the phone?" She groans, then reminds herself to act properly. "I mean, Iseul, I didn't see you there, do you need something?"

   "You can cut the act." Snigdha glares at her. "Suga told me everything."

   "And what did he tell you?" Fei asks.

   "That you're not who you say you are."

   Fei tenses up. "Well, neither are you."

   Snigdha glares. "What do you know about me?"

   "I know that your real name is Snigdha and that you're an assassin sent to kill one of the members of BTS." Fei states.

   "Are you from DK agency too?" Snigdha asks, suddenly relaxing.

   "Yes." Fei says calmly. "They were concerned that you had failed your mission, because you have not reported in, so they sent me to complete the mission and rescue you, or... To retrieve your corpse."

   Snigdha audibly gulps. "Th-that won't be necessary. I can complete the mission on my own, I just... Need a little more time."

   "Do you know who it is, yet?" Fei asks.

   "No, unfortunately I don't, but I have my suspects and I'm narrowing it down." She tells her.

   "How so?"

   "Well... So far, I'm pretty sure it's not Jimin or V." Snigdha lies.

   "And why not? Do they have alibis for the night the file was taken?" Fei asks.

   "Well... No... I just... Don't think it's them..." Snigdha says as she rubs her neck nervously.

   "Is it because you don't want to kill them? You don't have feelings for any of these boys, do you?" Fei looks at her accusingly.

   "What!? Who, me!? No, of course not!" Snigdha exclaims. "Why? Did any of them say anything about me?"

   "You're hopeless." Fei sighs.

   "I think my real problem is, is that everyone thinks that I'm Jimin's girlfriend, and while I enjoy spending time with him... I can't seem to get V out of my head. There's just something about him... I don't know who to choose." Snigdha confides in Fei.

   "You're just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it." Fei tells her.

   "How do you know about the bullet?" Snigdha looks at her, surprised.

   "What bullet?" Fei blinks.

   "Oh, nevermind." Snigdha quickly looks away.

   "Anyway, now that we know that we have a common goal, we should work together." Fei offers her hand.

   "Yeah, I'd like that." Snigdha smiles as they shake hands. 'As long as I don't tell her that it's Jimin, my plan should still work.' She tells herself.


   "Hey, Iseul." Suga waves as he passes by Snigdha in the hallway. "Did you ever figure out your issue with Fei?"

   "Hm? Oh, yeah. It turned out to be nothing to worry about." Snigdha smiles, seeming much more relieved.

   "That's good. So you don't think she's the assassin that shot at you and Jing?" Suga asks.

   "No, definitely not! I was a little on edge earlier, but I do admit that I was just a little jealous." Snighda tells him. "I'm glad that I know now that we can trust her."

   "I'm glad too. To tell you the truth, I kind of like her." Suga admits.

   "Wait, seriously!?" She asks, surprised.

   "Yeah, but don't tell her I said that." He smiles.

   "Oh, hehe, ok, I won't." Snigdha giggles and follows him back to the training rooms.

   Later that night...

   Jungkook rushes into the room and slams the door shut causing the others to look at him.

   "Back so soon? Was your date with Jing a total crash and burn?" J-Hope teases.

   "Hey, what's the matter? You look like you saw a ghost." Snigdha says to Jungkook, slightly worried by his frightened expression.

   "I-it's Jing..." He manages to stutter. "I think she's been kidnapped."

   "What?" Everyone falls silent.

   Suddenly the phone rings and V is the first to pick it up. "Hello?" He asks, then his eyes widen as he turns to the others. "It's Jing." He tells them. Snigdha runs to snatch the phone from him.

   "Jing!? Jing, where are you!?" She screams into the phone.

   "I don't know, but I have to warn you before it's too late! That man's partner! He's one of them! One of the boys! You can't trust them!" Jing whispers into the receiver, her voice is quiet and shaky. She's clearly scared of something, but what?

   "Do you know who it is? Jing, answer me!" Snigdha shakes the phone, hoping to get a response.

   "He's one of them! He's-! No! No! Please don't-!" Jing's whispers quickly turn into screams until all that is heard is a click on the other end of the line and then... Nothing.

   "Jing...? Jing!?" Snigdha screams into the receiver, but still no response. "Oh, no! What did they do to her!? Why is this happening!? Why her!? Why-!?"

   "No time for questions! We have to move!" RapMon orders.

   "Where do you guys think you're going?" Snigdha turns to see the boys all packing supplies and heading out.

   "We're going to go and save Jing." Jungkook states.

   "Isn't that dangerous?" Snigdha asks, looking at the others with a worried expression on her face. "I mean, we don't even know what these guys are capable of."

   "Hey, don't worry about us. Just like our name states, we are bulletproof. Nothing can hurt us." RapMon tells her, but little did he know, that at that exact moment, Fei is on the roof, with a gun in hand and a scope in front of her eye.

   "We'll see about that." She says as she pulls the trigger.


   "I'm sure there's another way that we can save her..." Snigdha says as she tries to convince the boys to change their minds. "I mean, Jing wouldn't want you risking your lives for her. Just think rationally for a moment and..."

   Suga squints his eyes when he notices a figure on the roof of the building next door. He doesn't think anything of it at first, but when he sees something else, his eyes widen in fright as he realizes that it's a bullet heading straight for Snigdha. "Iseul!" He shouts. "Duck!" But she's too surprised by the sudden command to move and just as the bullet breaks the glass of the window, Suga pushes her out of the way and the bullet hits him. He lands on the floor with a heavy thud and Snigdha screams when she sees how much blood is on the floor.

   "Dammit!" Fei swears as she packs up her gun and runs off the roof to avoid being seen.

   "Suga! Suga, say something! Speak to me!" Snigdha yells as she holds his face between her hands, but no response.

   "He's out cold." RapMon states. "Come on, if we act fast, maybe we can get him to a hospital in time." RapMon leans down as the others help maneuver Suga onto his back. They support him as they all rush to get to their van.

   "Iseul...?" Suga says weakly as the van bumps slightly. His head is resting on her lap while she's holding his hand to check his pulse.

   "Suga!? Oh, Suga... Everything's going to be alright, just stay calm..." She tells him.

   "Who did this to you?" Jungkook asks.

   "It was..." He struggles to speak.

   "Shh... You should rest. It can wait..." Snigdha shushes him.

   "No, it can't." He coughs. "It was Fei." He manages to spit out and everyone looks at him in shock.

   "No... Are you sure?" Jimin asks.

   Suga nods. "I saw her... On the roof... Right before the bullet was shot... She was aiming... For you..." He turns to look at Snigdha.

   "Me!? But she said she was..." Snigdha bit her tongue, afraid to reveal too much. "I trusted her."

   "We all did." Jungkook leans against the van with a frustrated expression. "I wonder if she has anything to do with Jing's kidnapping?"

   "Jing..." Snigdha thinks back to what she said in the phone call. Her kidnapper is one of the boys... They're working with the man that tried to kill her and now... Fei is trying to kill her... Snigdha shakes her head in frustration. "Nothing makes sense anymore..."

   "Iseul..." Suga tries to speak again, but Snigdha just silences him.

   "Save your strength... We're almost there." She tells him.

   Soon they reach the hospital and doctors and nurses rush to get him to the emergency room. "We're going to take good care of him." The doctor tells them. "Please wait here."

   They all nod and quietly take their seats in the waiting room, but Jungkook can't sit still for long. It's only a few moments of bouncing his leg, before he suddenly stands up and groans angrily. "I can't just sit and wait here while Jing is in trouble!"

   "But we don't even know where she is..." RapMon tells him. "We don't even know where to start looking..."

   "Well, we can't just sit here all day! I'm going to go find her whether you guys help me or not!" He says as he starts storming out, but before he can even make it out the door, they open up to reveal Fei standing there.

   "You!" Snigdha screams when she sees Fei. "What are you doing here!?" She jumps out of her chair and grabs Fei by the collar of her shirt. "This is all your fault! First Jing is kidnapped and now Suga is dying because of you! What do you have to say for yourself!?"

   She doesn't respond, instead she pulls out a gun and Jimin runs forward to pull Snigdha out of the way. She fires and everyone ducks, but when Snigdha opens her eyes, she realizes that it wasn't her that Fei was aiming for.

   "Jungkook!?" V screams and Snigdha turns in horror to see the boy's head is missing. Her fright soon turns to confusion when she sees that instead of blood, beneath the neck is wires and bolts.

   "I came to warn you about him." She points at the robot Jungkook. "And to tell you that I know where Jing is. She wasn't the only one that was kidnapped. They took both of them and planned on using 'that' to distract you from where they really are."

   "Why should we trust you?" J-Hope yells.

   "Yeah, you shot Suga. How can we believe anything you say after that!?" Jimin shouts.

   "I want to see him..." Fei says quietly as she looks down.

   "What?" Snigdha forces her to repeat herself. "What did you just say?"

   "Please... Let me see him..." She pleads.

   "You have some nerve." RapMon stomps over to her and glares. He threatens to punch her and she flinches back, but he stops and turns when he hears the doors open.

   Fei hesitantly opens one eye to see Suga, lying on a hospital bed with an IV drip in his hand. "Yoongi..." She breathes out his name, sounding relieved.

   "Don't hurt her." Suga tells them.

   "How can you say that after she shot you!?" Jimin asks.

   "She didn't mean to hit me, she just grazed my shoulder. I'm going to be fine." He groans as he struggles to sit up.

   "Stop! Don't move!" Snigdha and Fei both run up to gently push him back down. Snigdha glares at Fei from across the hospital bed and Fei looks away, shame written across her face.

   "Look, the longer we sit here and argue, the longer Jing and Jungkook are missing." RapMon reminds them. "If Fei really is telling the truth, we should follow her."

   "But what if she's lying?" Jin asks.

   "We'll have to trust her anyway. She's the only lead we have." RapMon turns to look at Fei, but he still seems pretty angry. "You better be telling the truth." He growls. "Because if you're lying..." He doesn't finish his sentence. Instead he turns to Jimin who nods and kicks what's left of robot Jungkook's body, smashing it into pieces.

   "I understand." She states somewhat nervously.

   "Then lead the way." He orders.

   "I'm coming too." Suga tries sitting up again.

   "Are you kidding!? You just got shot!" Snigdha shouts. "You are staying in bed until you fully recover!"

   "But without me, you're short two men." Suga argues.

   "Excuse you, but I think I am worth 10 men." Snigdha tells him.

   "Heh." Jimin chuckles. "I don't think that's something to brag about."

   "Whatever. You're staying in bed." She tells Suga. "And we're heading out."

   Suga sighs before admitting defeat and laying back down. He glances at Fei before she leaves. "I'm sorry." She says one last time and runs out the door.


   After following Fei, for what seems like ages, the group suddenly finds themselves in front of a large building. Almost a skyscraper.

   "Hey, this is where my dad works." V suddenly states.

   "And what does your dad do again?" Jin asks.

   "He never really told me, I think it has something to do with robotics... Or was it genetics?" He mumbles to himself.

   "Are you sure this is the place?" RapMon asks.

   "Certain." Fei tells him.

   "How do you know?" Jimin asks.

   "Because I put a tracking device on all of you." Fei says right before exiting the car.

   The boys all look at each other for a second then quickly inspect their clothing for any sign of a tracking device.

   "It's not on your clothes!" She yells.

   "Come on, we can deal with this later." Snigdha smacks RapMon behind the head. "We've got to rescue Jungkook and Jing."

   "Right." They all follow Fei as she leads them inside the building.

   "Excuse me, but is Dr. Kim working tonight?" V asks the woman at the front desk.

   "Dr. Kim doesn't see anyone without an appointment." The woman says without looking away from her computer screen.

   "But he's my dad." V pouts childishly.

   "Dr. Kim doesn't see anyone without an appointment." The woman repeats sounding less patient by the minute.

   "What kind of father doesn't take time out of his busy schedule to see his own son?" Snigdha scoffs.

   "Let's go, I know another way in." Fei pulls her along.


   "This is your 'way in'?" J-Hope asks, sounding irritated as he and the rest of the group are crawling on their hands and knees through an air vent.

   "Got any better ideas, Hoseok?" Fei grumbles.

   "How'd you know my real name?" J-Hope looks up in surprise.

   "I did research on all of you." Fei simply states.

   "Someone did her homework." Jin says sarcastically.

   "You're not really part of DK agency, are you?" Snigdha interrupts.

   "No, I'm not." Fei tells her.

   "So, why'd you lie? Who's side are you on? Why all the secrecy? What are you hiding!?" Snigdha keeps asking questions, until Fei finally shushes her.

   "We're here." She whispers and points down. Below them is an open vent and underneath, they see Jing and Jungkook locked in a cage together. They're surrounded by electrical circuits and computer boards displaying temperatures, times, and other complicated things that Snigdha could never wrap her head around. Fei unscrews the bolts around the opening and gently lifts it up, so she makes as little noise as possible. "Follow me." She tells them as she slowly lowers herself onto the floor. Once everyone is outside of the vent, they move as quietly as they can to get closer to the cage.

   "Psst! Jing! Jungkook!" Snigdha whispers loudly so that they can hear her.

   "Sni-I mean Iseul!" Jing jumps up. "Where are you?"

   "Over here! Don't worry! We're going to get you out!" She tells them.

   "No! You have to get out of here! Leave us!" Jing shouts.

   "What!?" Snigdha can't believe what she's hearing.

   "It's a trap! We're just bait! He's really after you!" Jungkook yells.

   "Who is?" Snigdha reaches out to touch them, but an electrical field powers up and surrounds her and the others.

   "Well, well, well... If it isn't my son and his friends." A man steps towards them. As he gets closer, they can see that his eye isn't human. It's merely a red light and his arms and legs are replaced with mechanical limbs.

   "Dad!?" V exclaims.

   "That's your dad!?" J-Hope asks. "He looks like he's half robot."

   "Isn't everyone's dad part robot?" V looks at the others confused and they simply shake their heads no.

   "And Snigdha... It's so good to see you again." Dr. Kim points his laser eye at the girl.

   "M-me!?" She stutters.

   "Who's Snigdha!? And why are you looking at my little sister like that!?" Jin shouts.

   "Oh, my dear boy... You can't even tell the difference between a robot and your own sister?" Dr. Kim shakes his head as if he's disappointed.

   "A... Robot...?" Snigdha looks at her own hands as if she can't believe that they're not human flesh. "But I can feel human emotions... I can feel pain... I have memories of my parents and our trips to China together..."

   "I know. You were the best cyborg that I had ever created. I even gave you memories of the real Snigdha to make you more human-like." He says proudly.

   "So if this robot is Snigdha, then where is my sister!?" Jin asks.

   "She's... With DK agency..." Snigdha tells them, looking away.

   "What!?" Jimin runs forward and threatens to beat Snigdha, but RapMon holds him back.

   "Let's hear her out." RapMon tells him and Jimin glares at him, before huffing and moving to the corner to cool off.

   "I was sent to retrieve a file that was stolen from DK agency and to kill the thief, but for some reason... After getting to know you guys... And growing closer to you... I realized that I just couldn't do it... I can't kill someone... That I'm in love with..." Tears are falling down her face.

   "Oh, but you are capable of killing. I've seen it first hand." Dr. Kim states.

   "It was an accident!" Snigdha cries. "I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry..." She slides down while holding her head in pain. Her tears soaking her shirt.

   "Who did you kill?" RapMon asks.

   "I killed the real Snigdha..." She says quietly.

   "What?" The boys look at her.

   "I didn't know what I was doing... It was the first and only time I've ever killed someone, but I... I'm so sorry..." She lets her tears continue to fall.

   "But why?" V asks, more confused than he had ever been in his whole life.

   "For you, my son." Dr. Kim tells him. "I knew that you liked Jin's younger sister, so I made a robot in her image that was completely compatible with your personality."

   V blushes at his past crush being brought up and shakes his head to get rid of the embarrassment. "So why didn't I ever meet Snigdha when I was younger? Why didn't I meet her until now?"

   "Unfortunately, DK agency found out about my experiments and confiscated all of my work, including Snigdha, but I see now that she was able to escape. They decided that what I was doing was 'ethically wrong'." He uses finger quotes for the last two words. "They told me that it wasn't just wrong, but it was also illegal to create robots, to kill little girls for their memories and to experiment on your own son for scientific purposes and so that he'd pass all of his classes... Oops, did I say that out loud?"

   "You did what?" V's jaw drops as he can't even fathom what has just been said.

   "That is just cruel!" Snigdha screams and tears are in her eyes. "You're no father! You're a monster!"

   "I am a genius! I was able to do what no other man has done before! I have created life!" He screams.

   "By killing another human!?" Snigdha shouts.

   "I didn't have to kill for my first experiment, though... That one was even better! Much more obedient than you. Probably because I removed her more human like aspects." Dr. Kim explains.

   "Your first... Experiment...?" Snigdha and the boys all turn to look at Fei.

   "Yes... I am also a robot..." Fei admits somberly.

   "So that's what you were hiding." Snigdha looks at Fei, as if she's seeing her in a whole new light.

   "But, no matter how obedient I program them, they always seem to disobey me in the end." Dr. Kim sighs. "Why couldn't you have been more like the Jungkook robot? He was so good at following orders."

   "Because even a mindless machine can tell that what you're doing is wrong! And I will stop you!" Fei shouts.

   "I'm afraid you're too late." Dr. Kim chuckles. "I have my runaway experiments, my son and his friends, and even a new test subject to play with." He says as he glances at Jing.

   "Don't you dare touch her!" Jungkook glares at him.

   "Hm, I see I will have to do some re-programming with some of you." He types into his computer. "I think I'll start with my favorite." He takes a remote control and hovers it over the electrical field until it picks up Fei. "Maybe you'll follow orders better when I remove all of your emotions."

   "No!" Snigdha screams.

    "Stop!" Everyone turns towards the new voice that shouts above the screams of terror and fear.

   "Suga!?" Snigdha gasps. "How'd you get here!?"

   "I followed you guys." He smiles, but cringes when he moves his arm that's hanging in a sling.

   "You're hurt! You shouldn't have come!" Snigdha shouts.

   "Then who would rescue you?" He says as he just dodges a laser that was shot at him by Dr. Kim.

   "Suga, you have to get out of here now, while you still can!" RapMon commands.

   "Sorry, but I'm not leaving until we're all out of here!" He dodges again as he pulls down several levers and pushes random buttons on the wall.

   "Stop! What do you think you're doing!?" Dr. Kim shouts at him.

   "Whatever I can to save my friends!" Suga winks right before jumping on top of a platform that raises him to ceiling. He begins ripping out wires from the rafters and swings down, using a thick coil like a vine in the jungle.

   "He's almost as crazy as me." V says while smiling. "Keep going! Aim for that big red button there!" He points to a rather conspicuous looking device on the wall, behind a shield of glass.

   Suga smiles before grabbing a pipe on the floor and running towards the case. He smashes it open with the pipe and hits the button as hard as he can with his good arm. Red lights flash as alarms go off.

   "You fool! What have you done!?" Dr. Kim screams.

   "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that was the self-destruct button, wasn't it?" Suga asks, putting his good arm up, defensively.

   "We only have a few minutes to get out of here before this place burns to the ground!" He yells.

   "Well, then we better get moving." Suga says as he jumps over to the others and quickly finds the off switch, while Dr. Kim runs out of the building.

   "He's getting away!" Jin shouts.

   "It's alright! We'll get him later! Let's focus on getting everyone out safely." RapMon tells them as he ushers out Jing and Jungkook first then V and Snigdha and the rest.

   "Wait, what about Fei?" Jing asks.

   "Leave her." Snigdha says bitterly.

   "No, we have to help her. She may have made some wrong choices, but I think she's still good!" Jing argues and runs back inside.

   "Jing!" Snigdha yells while running after her.

   "You guys!" RapMon shouts and turns to run after them, but the building explodes, a huge wave of heat sends them all back, knocking RapMon's sunglasses off in the process. Jimin groans as he stares at the building, nothing but a pile of rubble and flames, before everything goes dark.

2 hours later...

   A hand surfaces out of the charred debris and they pull themselves out of the wreckage, along with another person. "Are you alright?" Snigdha asks Jing, as she pushes off the rubble revealing that she had saved Jing by shielding her with her own body.

   "I-I'm fine... Thank you..." She says.

   "Do you need medical assistance?" Fei asks as she approaches them.

   "Do you really really think you're off the hook already?" Snigdha growls.

   "I understand that you think that this is my fault and that it will take some time for you to forgive me, but I-!?" Fei is interrupted when Snigdha takes her fist and punches Fei in the face, knocking her backwards.

   "I forgive you now." Snigdha smiles.

   "I suppose I deserve that." Fei sighs as she realigns her jaw.

   "Snigdha, your arm..." Jing gasps.

   Snigdha raises her arm to see that the layer of flesh has been torn away, revealing a metal skeleton beneath. "I guess I really am a robot." She sighs.

   "I think you should be less concerned about you arm and more concerned about BTS." Fei tells her.

   "What!? Why!?" Fei points in the distance and Snigdha and Jing both look to see a pair of sunglasses lying on the ground.

   "Where are they?" Snigdha asks.

   "Probably at the academy, where they will be re-educated." Fei states.

   "Academy?" She looks at Fei confused..

   "They broke into a secure facility, which is against the law, and in this country, criminals aren't taken to jail, they are taken to a special academy where they receive proper education." Fei explains.

   "Alright, that's it! No more secrets! I want you to tell me everything that you know. Now!" Snigdha commands.

   "Yes, of course." Fei takes a deep breath before beginning. "I was created first, my primary function was to serve and protect Taehyung. I have no previous memories, like you do, of a life before I was created. Because my only function was to prevent Taehyung from getting hurt, my only emotions were anger and sympathy. When angered, I would go into attack or defense mode to protect Taehyung from any threat. Sympathy allows me to tell when Taehyung is hurt both physically and emotionally. I am also equipped to heal any wound, however... Because I lack compassion and kindness... I cannot love or provide Taehyung with the companionship that he wanted, so he pushed me away. I'm afraid that his father's experiments on him, may have damaged his memory, but even though he doesn't remember me, I will continue to protect him and the rest of BTS because that is all I know how to do."

   "Well, clearly you didn't do a very good job..."Snigdha scoffs. "Suga is hurt and now they're being taken to some 'academy'. And why'd you try to shoot me!? Was it also you that tried to have me killed when I was with Jing!?"

   "Yes... It was..." Fei looks away. "I have a... Friend in DK agency... A spy, if you want to call her... And she alerted me that they were sending someone to kill BTS, so I became angry and in attack mode, I will do whatever it takes to prevent Taehyung from getting killed. Even if that means killing another human being, or... In this case another robot... But I see that you still follow your programming."

   "And what is my programming?" Snigdha asks.

   "You were created to provide Taehyung with companionship. Which means that your emotions are mainly love, compassion and kindness. This explains why you have such strong maternal instincts for Jing here and why you have difficulty choosing between Jimin and Taehyung. Your programming tells you to care for Taehyung, but at the same time, Jimin has shown you affection that you are programmed to return. You have, what humans call, a big heart. This is both your greatest asset and your biggest downfall." Fei explains.

   "So, you're telling me... That I was created to be Taehyung's girlfriend?" Snigdha scoffs at the idea. "Then why am I so strong and tough? Shouldn't a girlfriend be more... I don't know... Girly?"

   "Well, after Taehyung... In a sense... Threw me away, he needed protection so his father programmed you with similar functions that I have which are meant to be used to prevent anyone from hurting him." Fei tells her. "I assume when Taehyung or the others are in danger, your anger mode is activated and you seek to do whatever you can to help them."

   "Actually I just feel like punching you." Snigdha states.

   "That is because you perceive me as the cause of their danger." Fei says. "When in reality it is the academy that is taking them."

   "Then why are we still here!? Let's go!" Snigdha shouts as she grabs both Jing and Fei by the arms and begins dragging them forward, despite having no idea where she's going.

   "Perhaps I should lead this expedition." Fei starts.

   "Ah, yeah. Good idea. Where do we start?" Snigdha asks.

   "I'm glad you asked. Remember that friend that I mentioned earlier? I think she can help us." Fei smiles.


   Fei then leads Snigdha and Jing to the DK agency building where a mysterious person meets them at the door, a woman with long, black hair and wide eyes. "Bom, is that you?" Fei asks.

   "Bom!? You're Bom!? Minzy mentioned you!" Snigdha shouts in surprise.

   "Hehe, Fei, it's good to see you again, and you must be Snigdha." Bom smiles at them.

   "Ah, ye-yeah, I am. I guess she mentioned me, huh?" She says shyly.

   "Only once or twice." Bom jokes. "And who is this?" She asks, pointing at Jing.

   "I-I'm Jing! Nice to meet you!" Jing bows.

   "Sorry, suddenly dropping by, but we need your help." Fei says, looking serious.

   "I see..." She looks around, before gesturing for them to follow her inside. Once they're in the building she leads them to the top where it's dark, but there are lightly colored fluorescent lights scattered around the room, along with some plants, giving the room a very tropical feeling.

   "Where are we?" Jing asks.

   "This is where your boys are, I presume. They might have broken the law, but they're still idols, so they wouldn't have sent them to the regular place." Bom explains. "This is probably where they sent them to the academy."

   "Wait a minute... Are you saying that the academy isn't a real place?" Snigdha asks.

   "No, the academy is a sector in the Virtual Paradise program that's controlled by DK agency instead of the user. That's where they brainwash and manipulate people who have shown contempt for the government." Bom tells them. "There they are." She points to a corner of the room where all seven of the boys are laying down on flat tables with tubes and wires attached to a headset that has a visor rested just a centimeter above their eyes.

   "Are they...?" Jing starts quietly.

   "No, they're alive, but barely, by the looks of it. They seem pretty banged up, what happened to you guys?" Bom asks.

   "We were in a building, it blew up, long story..." Snigdha explains.

   "So how do we get them out?" Fei asks.

   "I say we just rip out those cords." Snigdha steps forward to do just that, but Bom pulls her back.

   "Don't... If you do that, they'll die... I learned that the hard way..." She looks down sadly.

   "Is that what happened to...?" Snigdha's eyes widen when she remembers Minzy saying something about her boyfriend. "I'm so sorry."

   "It's ok. The important thing is that we prevent it from happening again. I'm not completely sure, but I think there's an access code that we have to enter to shut down the program... Either that or..." Bom trails off.

   "Or...?" Fei looks at her.

   "Well, it's never been done, but we might be able to get them out of here, if they can escape the program themselves." Bom tells them.

   "You mean, get them to realize that they're in the program and convince them to take control? That could work." Fei says. "But that means that we have to contact them somehow."

   "What if we go in there?" Snigdha grabs a headset, but Bom knocks it out of her hands.

   "Then you'd be under their control too!" Bom shouts. "We have to communicate with them outside of the system."

   "Can they even hear us?" Fei asks, as she leans down to look at Suga. Her expression darkens as she examines all of their wounds and bruises.

   "We have to try." Bom says, "There's no other way."

   "Alright. Let's see what we can do." Fei says. "How will we know if it's working or not?"

   "I think I can get up an image on the monitors." Bom tells them as she begins typing on a holographic screen. "There we go." A small tv above their heads, lights up and the girls can see the boys sitting in what looks like a small classroom.

   "Wow, RapMon looks completely different without those sunglasses attached to his face." Snigdha thinks to herself when she sees him and the others sitting quietly in their seats. "They don't have any injuries like they do in real life? Even Suga's arm is fine." Snigdha points out.

   "That's because in Virtual Paradise you can't get hurt or die, but I assume you can still feel pain." BOm explains.

   "Ok, then. We better tell them to be careful, too." Snigdha says as she leans down to be as close as she can to Jimin's ear, while Fei does the same for Suga. "Hey, can you hear us? It's Snigdha and Fei, we need you guys to snap out of it and take control."

   "Is it working?" Fei asks and looks up at the monitor.

   "I don't think so." Bom says, worriedly. "According to the heart monitors, they're responding to your voices, but they also seem to tuning you out. Almost like they're mad at you."

   Fei looks down, "Well, we did betray them in some way."

   "Hey, what are they doing now?" Snigdha asks as a man with dark hair and red dash painted across his face, gently sets down a red pill on each of their desks.

   "Those are pills that people take in Virtual Paradise. As long as people are taking them, DK agency knows that they have them under their control." Bom tells her.

   "So, they're nothing like the red bullet?" Snigdha asks.

   "The red bullet?" Bom looks at her confused.

   "Nevermind." Snigdha waves her off and goes back to the screen. "If they're ignoring us, then how are we going to... Wait a minute! Jing!" Snigdha turns to the girl.

   "Ah, ye-yes?" She stutters.

   "You haven't betrayed them! They still trust you! Maybe your voice can reach them." Snigdha exclaims.

   "But her voice is too quiet. It won't even register on the monitor." Fei tells her.

   "Jing..." Snigdha grabs her by the shoulder and looks at her very seriously. "I need you to be strong for me right now and I need you to be as loud as you possibly can. Because BTS needs you right now."

   "I don't know if I can..." She whimpers.

   "You can!" Snigdha shakes her. "I know you can!"

   "Alright, I'll try." She leans down next to Jungkook's ear and begins speaking. "Jungkook, if you can hear me... I need you to escape. I need you to come back to me... I'm scared without you."

   On the screen the girls can see Jungkook turn his head to the side as if he can hear her.

   "Ah! It's working! Jing, it's working!" Snigdha cheers.

   "Please, come back!" Jing pleads a bit louder. "Please come back!"

   Sparks burst from the monitor as it shorts out and shuts down. The lights dim and emergency power is restored causing the lights to turn on in a faint red hue.

   Soon the BTS members began to sit up and remove their headsets, slowly at first, then all at once.

   "Agh!" Suga whines when he sits up and Fei rushes to his side to support him.

   "Ah! I'm so happy to see you!" Jing grabs Jungkook in a big hug and he groans, still sore from the explosion, but he sighs and hugs her back.

   "What happened?" RapMon groans as he sits up.

   "You were inside the system, in the academy... But Jing saved you!" Snigdha exclaimed.

   "Did she now?" Jungkook smiles as he looks at her and she looks away, blushing.

   "You are some really amazing girls, you know that?" RapMon asks as he turns back to her.

   "Here are your sunglasses." Snidgha says as she hands the pair of shades to RapMon.

   "Thanks, but I don't think I need them anymore." He says as he pushes her hand away. "I used to wear them, because I was afraid to show my face to the public, but thanks to you and everyone else... I'm not afraid anymore."

   "Well, I think you should still hold onto them." She says, pushing them into his hands.

   "I guess I could continue to wear them." He smiles and thanks her before putting them back on, only for them to break. "What the-?"


   "This is why we can't have nice things." Jin sighs.

   "You break one thing and suddenly you're known as the god of destruction." RapMon breathes heavily before glancing at Snigdha and laughing.

   "Let's get out of here." Bom states as she helps carry Jin out the door.

   "Wait..." Jimin says causing everyone to stop in their tracks.

   "What is it Jimin?" RapMon asks.

   "I have to find Iseul."


  "Good morning everyone, and welcome to Seoul, South Korea. The date today is December 11, 3014. The time is 12:00. The weather today is sunny at 2 degrees Celsius. Be the first of your friends to enter 'Virtual Paradise' an escape from reality to the life you really want. Bored? Too much free time? Not feeling fulfilled in your life? Virtual Paradise will solve all of your problems, the world is limited only by your imagination. Simply step into our office and sign up with one of our representatives. Act fast and don't be the last. This hourly report is brought to you DK agency, the agency that serves and protects its people."

   "When will they stop promoting that stupid ad?" Iseul asks no one in particular as she travels the streets of Seoul. "Now where is that little shop that Jin-oppa mentioned? Didn't he say that it was around here?"

   Iseul pulls out her phone to call Jin when she passes by a little cafe where 4 boys are sitting. "Whoa, did you see that girl just now?" She hears them whisper.

   "Who is that? Do you think she has a boyfriend?"

   "Jin-oppa? Are you there?" She asks.

   "Hey, girl, can I get your number?" One of them slides up next to her.

   "Boys..." She rolls her eyes, but stops when she sees that it's Jungkook. "Jungkook?" She tilts her head, looking confused.

   "Oh, hey, Iseul." He smiles. "If you're my religion, can I call you she-sus?"

   She looks at him even more confused, "Are you flirting with me?"

   Jungkook doesn't say a word, but instead he breaks into a rap and Iseul can't help but smile at his words. "A normal guy like me doesn't fit your standards, so I pretended to be your friend and hid my feelings when I was near you, but damn, you're enticing. I can't control myself. While watching you, my head goes bing, bing. You're a pool full of beauty and I want to dive in it. Girl, I'm so K.O. I don't think I can continue being your friend."

   "You're beautiful." Jimin sings, pushing Jungkook aside. "Don't we look good together? Always imagine it like this, you be with me, with me." Iseul sighs happily.

   "You’re beautiful." Jungkook sings, tossing Jimin aside.

   "Jungkook?" Iseul asks.

   "What will we be like together?" He continues to sing.

   "But we can't be together. I'm dating Jimin." Iseul states.

   "I always imagine it like this. You be with me with me."

   "What is going on?" Iseul wonders when J-Hope jumps up from behind her and starts rapping, while pulling her into a little shop.

   "The start was at dance class, I took interest in you after hearing rumors, but when I saw you, I lost my mind."

   "What? We never took a dance class together." Iseul knits her brows together. "Oh, hey, this must be the shop that Jin was talking about."

   "My heart is like a keyboard. Trying hard to be cool, not giving you a single glance to protect my ego, but your words hit me like a bowling ball. My heart is hit by a strike, like a bowling pin. Following the number exchange, is an all-night texting session." J-Hope continues to rap.

   "Wow, there's actually a lot of cool stuff in here." Iseul thinks as she looks around. "Is this boy still going on?"

   "My feelings for you keep getting better than better, but I can’t figure out how you feel about me. I hear 'She has a boyfriend' I guess all girls are the same, all uniform. It’s a one-sided love, but it’s still beautiful."

   "You don't have feelings for me." Iseul tells him as she backs away.

   "You’re beautiful." Jungkook sings again. "Don’t we look good together? I always imagine it like this. You be with me with me."

    "You’re beautiful." V sings.

   "Oh, no, V... Not you, too." She sighs as he grabs her hand and holds it in his.

   "What will we be like together? I always imagine it like this. You be with me with me." He sings and then the boys stand around her as if begging her to choose them.

   "You expect me to choose one of you?" She asks them. "Well, of course I'd choose my boyfriend Jimin." She tells herself, but for some reason her eyes pass over him and land on V, and while she's wondering why, V assumes that because she's staring at him a second longer than the others, she chooses him. He runs forward happily and hugs her. "What!?" Her eyes widen and she pushes him away. "This isn't right." She says and walks away.

   "You messed up, man!" J-Hope scolds him.

   "I thought she liked me!" He says defensively.

   "What was that all about?" Iseul asks herself as she's walking past the streets again. "Something's not right here... Why did I hesitate to choose Jimin? Why were they flirting? Why am I... Still in Seoul when two weeks have passed by since my birthday?" She looks up at the holographic billboard that displays the time and date and suddenly glares when the screen changes to promote 'Virtual Paradise' just like it does everyday. "I have to get out of here."  

   Iseul starts running towards the nearest screen that displays the 'Virtual Paradise' sign and picks up a rock, smashing it against the screen. A white light shines through the cracks in the screen and the shards fall, revealing a doorway.

   "Warning! Warning!" Robotic voices scream. "Subject #108 has become self-aware! Warning! Warning! The program must be shut down!"

   "You're damn right it does!" She says as she crawls through the doorway and finds herself in a pure white room, surrounded by several men in white riot gear.

   "Subject #108 has become self-aware! Restrain her at all costs!"

   Iseul cracks her neck and pounds her fists. "Let's get this over with."


   "Thanks for fixing me." Snigdha is sitting on a desk while V repairs the synthetic skin material on her arm.

   "It doesn't hurt, right?" V asks.

   "No, my pain receptors aren't online, thankfully." She says.

   "Oh, really? I'll fix that next." He tells her while he finishes up.

   "You can take your time with that." She jokes. While he moves to the table to switch tools, she looks over and notices Jimin and the others looking somewhat tense. "Are they still mad at me?" She asks.

   He glances over his shoulder and sees their expressions. "Nah, I just think they need some time, that's all."

   "You really think so?" She sighs, not believing him. "Why aren't you mad at me?" She turns to him and he gives her a blank look.

   "Why would I be?" He asks.

   "Well, I did lie to all of you and there's a possibility I could have killed you." She tells him, but he just smiles before continuing to work.

   "I don't think you would have hurt me or the others." He says, slowly cutting an opening by her ear to access her neural transmitter.

   "What do you mean that?" She tilts her head so that he has a better angle.

   "I think you like us too much to hurt us." He laughs, causing her to blush a little.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about." She huffs and he just giggles continuously while continuing to repair her.

   In the next room over, Jing is sitting with Jungkook while Fei re-applies bandages and medicine to the rest of the boys' wounds. Most of the injuries that they sustained that day have healed, but Fei feels responsible for them and has a tendency to be overprotective.

   "You're pretty good at this." RapMon tells her as she wraps gauze around his arm.

   "My primary function is to protect and serve BTS. Dr. Kim programmed me to be able to heal any wound to the best of my capabilities and to prevent any further injury." Fei explains.

   "When she talks like that, she seems more like a robot than Snigdha does." J-Hope adds.

   "Well, she is programmed differently than Snigdha, but usually you can't really tell." Suga says.

   "Yeah, as crazy as he was, Dr. Kim did a really good job at making them human-like." Jin states.

   "Hey, Jungkook..." Jing starts quietly.

   "Hm? What is it?" He turns to her.

   "I've been wondering, you guys said that you were having a concert that you were preparing for awhile ago, but ever since your manager..." She pauses, not wanting to say it. "Ever since the incident, you haven't had any activities as idols."

   "Ah, yeah, that's right... That's probably because we don't have a manager at the moment. They probably only just discovered that he was dead recently." He tells her.

   "When we get a new manager, he most likely won't be any different. He'll prepare schedules for us, times to meet with fans and watch over us when we train." RapMon explains. "We'll go back to our normal schedule, the concert will be postponed, but it'll be a lot of work when we start preparing for that again."

   "No." Fei suddenly stands. "I cannot allow you to continue training in your current condition. The best thing for you to do is to rest and focus on getting better."

   "Fei... We understand that it's in your programming to protect us, but don't you think that's a little excessive?" Jin asks.

   "We did just survive an explosion. I wouldn't mind a little extra downtime." J-Hope says, stretching out his limbs and leaning back in his recliner.

   "Hey, now that we know that Fei is on our side and that she lives to serve and protect us, don't you think she'd make a good manager?" RapMon asks.

   "She's not much older than us though, wait... Do robots even have ages? How old are you?" Suga looks at her curiously.

   "Well... I was created in 3010, so... About 4 years." Fei states.

   "Eh!?" Everyone shouts in surprise.

   "Snigdha is even younger, she was created in 3012 so she's about 2 years old." Fei tells them. "But I believe she and I were designed to be about 16 and 18 years old respectively."

   "So, what do you say? Wanna be our manager?" RapMon asks.

   "Gladly." She smiles. "My first act as manager is to extend your hiatus until you are better."

   "Yahoo!" Jungkook laughs and smiles as he stretches and loops an arm around Jing's shoulder. She blushes at the contact and just smiles quietly.

   "Jing, I can't help but notice that your heartbeat is irregular." Fei tells her.

   "Is that bad?" Jing asks.

   "Well, it could be problematic, would you like me to do a diagnostic scan?"

   "Ah, s-sure, I guess..." She says hesitantly. Fei's eyes glow slightly as she scans Jing. It only takes a few seconds, before she blinks and stares at Jing with wide eyes. "Well?" She looks at her curiously. "Is anything wrong with me?"

   "Ah, no... Everything is in perfect condition." Fei tells her, but her facial expression says otherwise.

   "That's good." Jing smiles and looks down happily.

   "May I speak with you privately?" Fei asks, looking at RapMon and Jungkook. They glance at her nervously before getting up and following her around the corner. "I'm afraid I have some bad news..." She looks at Jing to make sure she can't hear before turning back to the boys. "I, um... Found something... Inside Jing that's not supposed to be there."

   "Is she sick? Is it a virus?" Jungkook begins to panic.

   "No, no. It's not anything like that." She tells him.

   "Then what is it?" RapMon asks.

   "It's a bomb... Attached to her heart." Fei says and the room goes silent. "I had to tell you privately so as not to scare her."

   "Are you serious? Are you sure? How did it get there?" RapMon asks with wide eyes.


   "I believe it was created and put there by Dr. Kim. He must have inserted into her when he kidnapped you two." She turns to Jungkook who looks a little sick.

   "Do you think there's anything like that in me?" He asks.

   "No, I did a diagnostics scan on you too. There's nothing wrong, but Jing... It looks like the bomb is remote controlled, but if her heart rate exceeds a certain speed, it could go off." Fei tells them.

   "Isn't there anyway we can remove it?" RapMon asks.

   "I'm afraid that if we tried to remove it, it would damage Jing's heart or possibly... Kill her... We can't take the chance." She says sadly.

   "There has to be some way..." Jungkook grips his hair in frustration.

   "What if we find V's dad and talk to him. He has to know a way to disable it or something." RapMon suggests.

   "Possibly... But the longer we wait, the more danger we put Jing in." Fei looks at the girl as she laughs at something that J-Hope said.

   "Understood... Jungkook, as much as you like Jing, I think you should keep your distance from her." RapMon tells the maknae.

   "What? Why?" He asks, seeming offended.

   "Because, I know for sure that just being around you, her heart will start acting funny, so for her safety and for yours, stay apart, ok?" He tells him.

   Jungkook looks at Fei, who nods. He sighs and nods as well. "Alright, I understand."

   "Good, I'll tell the others and we'll come up with a strategy." RapMon tells them and they both nod before turning to join the rest, but Fei stops when she hears someone knock at the door.

   "Hello?" She asks, answering it, but instead of response, she gets pushed aside by a short, angry female that looks a lot like Snigdha.

   "I-Iseul!?" Jimin shouts and everyone turns to look at him. Their jaws drop as they stare at the girl in the hallway.

   "Hello, boys. I think it's time we had a talk." She crosses her arms.


   "Alright, I think your pain receptors are back online." V says.

   "Really? I don't feel any different." Snigdha tells him as she stands up. She shakes her arms a bit to get the feeling back in them when Jin runs into the room looking a little bit shaken.

   "Guys... Iseul's back... And she seems mad." He tells them. They look at each other in surprise and run to follow him.

   "How could you replace me!?" Iseul screams.

   "We didn't mean to! It just sort of happened!" Jimin yells defensively.

   "And we looked for you! We really did!" J-Hope tells her, but she ignores him to look at Snigdha when she and V walk in.

   Snigdha's eyes widen when they meet Iseul's and she tries to put on a friendly smile as she approaches. "Oh, hey, you must be Iseul! It's so nice to finally meet-!" Iseul interrupts her with a strong slap to the face. "Yow! Yep, pain receptors are working again. Ah, dammit that stings!" Snighda exclaims, holding her cheek in pain.

   "Is this the vapid contraption that you replaced me with!?" Iseul asks angrily, pointing a finger at Snigdha.

   "I don't know what that means, but I'm pretty sure that's an offensive term." She grumbles.

   Jin puts his hands between the two to separate them. "Ladies, ladies, please... Let's just discuss this in a calm and rational manner..."

   "If you don't want to get involved then get out." Iseul demands.

   "Don't have to tell me twice." J-Hope says as he runs out, along with most of the boys.

   "Yah! You cowards! Get back here!" Snigdha yells.

   "Look, can we talk?" Jimin begs Iseul as he pulls on her arm.

   "Oh, so now you want to talk?" Iseul asks angrily. "Why don't you ask that tin box?" She says bitterly.

   "I want to talk to you, because you're my girlfriend." He tells her, his voice softer and full of regret.

   "Hah!" She scoffs. "As far as I'm concerned, we are no longer dating!" She screams at him.

   "Since when!?" He asks in shock.

   "Since you started dating that monstrosity!" She points at Snigdha.

   "She's not a monstrosity and how was I supposed to know!? You two look exactly the same!" He says defensively.

   "I expect my boyfriend to know better!" She shouts back. "If you can't even tell the difference between me and a bucket of bolts, then we shouldn't even be dating!"

   "Are you breaking up with me!?" He asks.

   "We were broken a long time ago." She says quietly and pushes past him, exiting out the door.

   "Iseul..." Jimin watches her leave.

   "Jimin, I'm so sorry, if I had known..." Snigdha starts, but Jimin stops her.

   "Just... Don't talk..." He tells her. "Don't say a word." He turns to to glare at her. "I don't want to see you anymore."

   "Jimin... You don't really mean tha-"

   "I do. I want you out of my sight!" He yells and Snigdha is on the verge of tears.

   "Alright, if that's what you want... I'll leave..." She bows apologetically and runs out the door before he can see her cry.


   Outside of the training room, Jimin meets up with the rest of the guys to discuss what to do about Iseul.

   "Even though she's angry with us, we need her." Jimin tells them.

   "How do we even convince her to come back?" Jin asks.

   "We can't spend all of our time on this, we have to focus on helping Jing." Jungkook adds.

   "Look, how about we split into two teams and work on both at the same time?" RapMon suggests. "Jungkook, since you can't be near Jing, why don't you join V, J-Hope and Jimin? You four will talk with Iseul, while Jin, Suga and I ask around to try and find V's dad."

   "What about the girls?" Suga asks.

   "I think they can handle themselves while we're gone." J-Hope smiles, knowingly.

   "So, everyone understands the plan?" RapMon asks and everyone nods. "Alright! Let's move out!"

   "Ugh! I hate this!" Jin dumps his backpack on the side of the street, clearly upset. He's dressed as a college student, wearing a uniform and he seems to be outside of a prestigious looking college.

   "What's wrong?" Jimin's voice fills Jin's ears through an earbud.

   "Iseul is my little sister! I should be out there helping you guys instead of trying to track down this lunatic." Jin sighs in frustration.

   "She's just as mad at you as she is at me." Jimin tells him. "I don't think she needs the two guys that she's mad at the most to be near her right now."

    "How is she doing?" Jin asks.

   "At the moment? She keeps running away from us. I have no idea why, but she mostly screams at us to keep our distance and to not rap or sing, what do you think she means by that?"

   "How the hell should I know?" Jin runs a hand through his hair, felling defeated. "Just keep an eye on her and stay in contact, ok?"

   "Will do!" Jimin clicks offline and Jin looks around before he notices a familiar looking man in a white labcoat passing by on the second floor.

   "Is that him!?" Jin's eyes widen as he begins running after him, pushing past other college students. He looks slightly different without his glowing red eye and patches of metal on the side of his face, probably covered up by synthetic skin material and makeup, but Jin is sure that it's him. He runs through a large crowd of students, but as he runs out, he gone. "Ugh! God dammit!" Jin swears and stomps his foot.

   "How are we doing?" RapMon asks over the communication device in his ear.

   "I'm so frustrated right now!" Jin nearly shouts into the earpiece.

   "Why?" Suga's voice buzzes in.

   "Because I could have sworn that I saw Dr. Kim, but I can't seem to find him anywhere. Where are you two?" Jin asks.

   "I'm in the skatepark, looking up info on my laptop. I think I know what college you're talking about." RapMon tells him as he types on his computer.

   "What about you, Suga?" Jin asks.

   "Oh, me? I got bored and decided to play basketball." He chuckles.

   "Yah!" Jin shouts.

   "Hehe, just kidding. I heard some kids talking about their science professor and he sounded a lot like Dr. Kim so I investigated a little further and I think he works in the science department on the third floor of one of the west buildings." Suga tells him.

   "Yep, that sounds about right." RapMon informs him, as he pulls the info up.

   "Ah, really!? Great, I'll let the others know now." Jin starts running. Later he meets up with Snigdha, Fei and Jungkook after he and the other boys returned from trying to talk with Iseul.

   "So, how'd it go?" RapMon asks them, walking into the room with his laptop in hand.

   "Well, we tried talking to her, but she ran from us and eventually we lost her. She may not be a part of our ARMY, but she's smart enought that if she doesn't want to be found, she won't be." Jimin tells them. Snigdha glances at him, but he just glares at her and turns away.

   "How about you, Jin?" RapMon asks. "You said you saw him?"

   "Yeah, I did. But I lost him. At least I know for sure that he works there, so if you guys go and look for him, you're sure to find him." He says as he turns to look at Fei and Snigdha.

   "You want us to talk with him?" Snigdha asks, sounding surprised.

   "Yeah, I figured that he wouldn't listen to us, but he might listen to his two favorite little creations." Jin tells them.

   "Don't call us that." Fei mumbles.

   "Anyhow, will you do it?" Jin asks.

   "Of course! Anything to help Jing!" Snigdha smiles.

   "I'm coming too." Jungkook states. "I can't forgive this guy after what he did to Jing."

   "Alright, but be careful. There's no telling what he'll do." Jin warns them, before they nod and run out.


   "Is this the place?" Snigdha asks as she and Fei stand in front of the large building that acts as the entrance to the campus.

   "Yep, this is the college that the others attended, before we became idols." Jungkook tells them. "I'm still too young, so I never went."

   "I see. I guess this place must bring up a lot of memories for you?" Fei asks.

   "Yeah, I was really surprised that Jin still had his uniform." Jungkook laughs and leads them inside where they begin looking and asking around for Dr. Kim.

   After hours of looking around and finding no sign of him, the trio take a break in one of the science rooms.

   "This is hopeless!" Jungkook sighs as he sits down in one of the plastic desks. Each one with a tiny screen on them. Some displaying chemical formulas others advertising virtual paradise.

   "Well, well, well. If it isn't my two favorite little creations." Dr. Kim says with a smile and a chuckle, causing all three to turn and glare at him.

   "You!" Jungkook yells and jumps up to grab Dr. Kim by the collar of his labcoat.

   "Jungkook!" Both Snigdha and Fei scream.

   "You did this! You put the bomb in her now tell us, how do we get it out?" Jungkook asks, holding back his anger.

   "If you came to me for advice, I'm afraid you're mistaken. I didn't create the bomb, I was only instructed to plant the seed."

   "By who!?" Jungkook growls.

   "Who do you think?" He raises an eyebrow and they all immediately know. DK agency.

   "Isn't there anything you can do!?" Jungkook shakes him violently! but Dr. Kim simply looks down and smiles sadly.

   "I really am sorry... I didn't want this. All I wanted was to protect my son and give him all he ever wanted, but... Now I don't think I'll be able to even see him again... This girl... Jing, was it? If you truly love her, then you better spend as much time with her as you can, because there's no way that I can help you."

   Jungkook's eyes widen as he lets go and holds his head in frustration. "There has to be some way to remove it... To destroy it, somehow... I can't lose her like this!"

   "You can't remove it without killing her, but you might be able to disarm it." He tells them, and they all look up at him with hope in their eyes. "The bomb was built by DK agency and I know for a fact that the head of the agency came up with an access code that disarms all of their weaponry, but the information is located on a highly difficult to access hard drive."

   "Really!? Wait, why are you telling us this?" Snigdha asks.

   "Because I might have been forced to put the bomb in her, but I still care about my son's safety above all else and if that means helping his friends, then so be it."

   "This is good! We have to inform the others!" Fei commands and both her and Jungkook run out of the room. Snigdha moves to follow, but stops when she sees Dr. Kim's expression.

   "Dr. Kim?" She says, putting a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at her. "It's obvious that you're a maniac and pretty much a psychopath, but..." She pats his back and smiles at him. "I can tell that you care about V and you created Fei and I to take care of him and the others, so even though you kind of belong in jail, or an insane asylum... I really do think that you're a good father."

   "Thank you, Snigdha." He smiles back, a bit more happily. "That means a lot. Take care of my son, when I'm gone, will you?" He asks.

   "Of course." She nods and runs to catch up with the others.


   "You say that the code is on some kind of hard drive?" RapMon asks them as they explain what Dr. Kim told them.

   "Yes, but he said that it's very difficult to access." Fei tells him. "If it's a code for all of their weaponry, then it must be old and kept in a secure site that can't be found very easily."

   "So we need to figure out where they might keep the info, right?" Snigdha asks, then turns to Jimin when she remembers the file that he stole. "Hey, Jimin, can I see that file?"

    Jimin just looks at her and scoffs. "Why should I trust you? After all you've done, you nearly got us all killed and now Iseul and I are broken up because of you!"

   "Yah! Do you really think it's my fault that your relationship didn't work out?" Snigdha screams back and RapMon steps in between them to get them to calm down. "You know that I could have killed you so many times, but I didn't!" She continues to yell.

   "And how were you planning on killing me?" Jimin asks. "Last time I checked, you weren't really capable of killing  anything, not when your programming is to be V's plaything."

   "Why you little-!" Snigdha growls back and pulls a red pill case out of her pocket. "This! DK agency gave me this. They call it 'The Red Bullet' and it's supposed to kill whoever ingests it, within 7 seconds."

   The others look at her with wide eyes. "She really could have killed any one of us at anytime." J-Hope says quietly.

   "How can I show you that I'm sorry? What can I do to make you forgive me?" Snigdha pleads.

   "Give it to me." Jimin tells her.

   "What?" She stares at him blankly.

   "Give me 'The Red Bullet' and then I'll believe whatever you have to tell me."

   "Alright." She hands it to him and he passes it to Jungkook.

   "Keep this safe." He tells him and the maknae nods, before Jimin pulls out the file and hands it to Snighda, who looks through it quickly.

   "Here!" She points to a piece of paper with a map and some directions. "This might be important. It says here that the head of DK agency used to attend a college in the western corner."

   "Then that's where we'll go." RapMon nods and gestures for the others to head out.

   They follow the map to a section of Downtown, where sirens are constantly going off and people are seen eating the carcasses of rats. Snigdha scrunches her nose in disgust and tries not to let Jing know how scared she is for her safety. The map leads them to an old and worn down college building. Inside, on the top floor, they find a computer room with several computers all lined up in rows on thin tables and a very large computer in the center of the room.

   "Look at these computers. They're so ancient. Practically dinosaurs." Jin says as he runs his hands over the dust filled keyboards.

   "I bet the file we're looking for is on one of these computers." Snigdha states.

   "But they're all shut down. I don't even know how to turn this kind of computer on." V says, while looking over each metal box.

   "I don't think you can. Power has been cut off from this side of the city for a long time." Jimin informs him.

   "We might be able to access the files if we can power them up again." Fei tells them. "The files are in the main computer, which requires a lot of energy. We'd need a strong and steady supply from the city."

   "So how are we going to do that?" J-Hope asks.

   RapMon just smiles. "We're going to open up the school to the public."


   "Good morning everyone, and welcome to Seoul, South Korea. The date today is-" The screen buzzes and changes as the image of BTS suddenly pops up and a woman's voice reports in a professional manner, "We interrupt this hourly report with breaking news. The biggest entertainment group, known as BTS, was on hiatus when it was discovered that their manager had passed away. Now the boys seem to be on indefinite release as they return to school for unknown reasons."

   "Whoa! Where did all of these students come from? The school's only been open for a week now." Jing asks as she pushes her way through the small growing crowd. Jungkook grabs her by the arm and pulls her through. She blushes and thanks him as he smiles back, but RapMon places a hand on his shoulder and gives him a look. Jungkook nods and takes a few steps away from Jing. She looks at him confused for a second and even seems hurt, but shakes her head as if to say it's nothing.

   "They're all fans." Jin tells her. "As soon as our fans heard that this school was being sponsored by us, they rushed to turn in their applications and join."

   "Wow, I guess your guys' popularity is no joke." Snigdha laughs.

   "Nope, and neither is getting those files. If we meet the student quota by the end of the month, the council will start supplying enough power to turn the computers on. Right now they're barely giving us enough power to keep the lights up." RapMon sighs in frustration.

   "Hey, at least this isn't night school." Snigdha nudges him with her elbow and he smiles slightly.

    "We may have rebuilt the school, but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done." Jimin informs her. "V will work on accessing those files as soon as the computers are online, but in the meantime, we need to do all we can to get more students to attend and open this up as an official school."

    At that moment Fei runs in with a worried expression on her face. "I just got word from the council. At first, they weren't going to allow us to keep the school open, but they changed their minds when they saw how many people wanted to attend. Right now, we're on a trial basis, but they won't allow you to open the school unless you attend it yourselves." She tells them.

   "What!? You mean we actually have to go to classes and stuff?" J-Hope groans.

   "Hey, try not to worry. It's not like we actually have to learn anything." Suga says jokingly.

   "Right, we just have to make it look like we're good students while trying not to draw too much attention to ourselves." RapMon nods in agreement.

   "That might be kind of hard, considering you guys are celebrities." Fei says, just as a group of reporters with flashing cameras and microphones in hand push past her to speak with BTS.

   "Whoa! Who let the paparazzi in!?" Jungkook yells.

   "I think we need a new security system." Suga tells V, who nods.

   "I'll get to work on that." He says as he tries to step past a reporter and trips, but before he falls, Snigdha manages to catch him. "Ah, thanks." He smiles at her, causing her to blush and drop him.

   "It was a reflex caused by my programming." She coughs an excuse.

   "Right." He laughs. "I really am glad that we have you around." He puts a hand on her shoulder and she tenses up, surprised by how warm his hand is.

   "It's really hard to believe how much I can feel, even though I'm a..." She thinks to herself, but her thoughts are interrupted when Fei pulls her aside.

   "Snigdha!" She shouts to get her back to reality.

   "Wh-what!? What is it!? Are we being attacked!? Is it an ambush!?" Snigdha looks around and strikes a defensive pose.

   "No, you idiot. We lost Jing in the crowd." Fei says angrily.

   "What!? How could we lose her!?" Snigdha screams. "I thought you were suppose to be keeping an eye on her!"

   "I know, I know. You can yell at me all you want later, right now we have to find her before something causes that bomb to go off." She tells her.

   "Got it!" Snigdha turns to run, but Fei stops her. "What are you doing!? We need to move!"

   "Here, take this." Fei places a small earbud in the palm of her hand. "RapMon decided it was time to give you one so that you can stay in contact with me and the others."

   "Really?" She looks at the communication device in disbelief. "They really trust me again?"

   Fei nods. "Just don't betray them again." She tells her.

   "Right! Let's go!" Snigdha nods and they both run in opposite directions.


   "Please move aside, we have to get to class." RapMon tells the reporters as the first bell rings.

   "Wait a moment! Just one more question!" A reporter yells. "This one is for Jin!"

   "Ah, yes, what is it? Please make it quick." He says as he tries to push through.

   "How do you feel about your younger sister attending this school?" The reporter asked.

   "Iseul? She's here?" His eyes widen and he looks at the others.

   "If she's here, we'll find her." RapMon tells him. "Alright, that's enough questions! Please leave before you disturb the other students." The boys the rest of the reporters out as they each head to classes.

   About an hour later, Jungkook is sitting in class writing in his notebook. "I wonder where Jing went?" He wonders to himself when a familiar figure passes by the window that leads to the hallway. "Iseul?" He jumps out of his seat and runs out the door, but the girl is already gone around the corner. "Was it really her?" He asks himself.

   "How was your first class?" RapMon asks Suga as they're leaning against a wall.

   "So boring! I already know about particle physics, can't the professor teach us something new?" Suga groans just as the girl passes by them.

   "Was that Iseul?" RapMon asks and Suga turns to look, but misses her as she walks by. "I'm sure that was her. She really is here. I have a plan, but to do it, I'm going to need to borrow this." He says as he pulls a CD out of Suga's jacket. Suga gives him a confused look before he runs after her.

   "Why the hell do I have to clean the bathrooms?" Jimin asks himself as he runs a mop across the floor of the men's stalls.

   "Probably because it's only been an hour since school started and you've already been late to class an broken two rulers." J-Hope laughs into Jimin's ear piece.

   "Yah! You piece of trash! You could help me!" Jimin shouts as he shoves the mop back into the bucket.

   "Ha, wish I could, but I'm too busy not caring in the lounge room with V and Jin. Hey, V what issue is that?" J-Hope's voice fades out as he clicks offline.

   "Agh!" Jimin shouts and goes back to cleaning.

   J-Hope yawns as V continues reading his comic book and Jin nods his head while listening to music. Iseul passes by the lounge room and Jin looks up, as if he saw someone familiar. "Was that Iseul?" He asks and the other boys look up to see no one there. "I'm pretty sure that was her." He says as he gets up and runs out the door.

   "Hey, RapMon!" Jin yells as he passes by their leader in the hallway, who's running in the opposite direction. "Did you see Iseul too?" He asks.

   "I did and I've got a plan! Wait, for my signal!" He tells him and Jin nods, before continuing to run after her.

   RapMon runs all the way down the hallway and enters a room with an ON AIR sign turned off. He slides into the seat, grabs the mic and turns on the red light, before speaking. His voice fills the hallway through the loudspeakers. "Good evening everyone, this is your residential Rap Monster speaking." He begins and all of the female students start screaming excitedly.

   Iseul stops in her tracks, clinging onto her backpack and simply rolls her eyes. "What are they up to now?" She asks herself.

   Jungkook enters the bathroom and stands beside Jimin as they both do their business. "What's RapMon doing?" Jimin asks him.

   "We found Iseul and we're going to get her back. He has a plan." Is all he tells him.

   "Does he now?" Jimin asks, smiling.

   RapMon then slides the CD into the slot and a familiar melody begins playing. V looks up from his comic book, both Jungkook and Jimin turn towards the sound.

   Fei and Snigdha stop in the middle of the hallway. "Is that?" Snigdha asks.

   "It is." Fei smiles. "Come on. They've got this, we still have to find Jing."

   "Right." Snigdha nods and continues running.

   "What's going on?" J-Hope asks V who just gestures for him to follow as they both head out the door.

   "That must be the signal. Let's go." Jimin tells Jungkook and they both run out of the bathroom.

   The boys meet up in the hallway and RapMon is the last to enter with a swipe of his nose as he opens the door and explains the plan to the others. They nod in agreement and move around the room, spreading out the desks and moving chairs. RapMon drags a couple of desk chairs behind him, before throwing them against the pile in front of the blackboard. "Hah, I've always want to do this." Jimin yells as he throws a chair across the room and it lands on top with a loud clatter.

   "Where's Suga and Jin?" J-Hope suddenly asks, looking around the room.

   "Oh, they've got their own work to take care of." RapMon smiles, knowingly.

   In the hallway Suga is distracting Iseul while the boys are preparing the classroom. Running around her and standing in her way to prevent her from going anywhere. "Why don't you just move aside already?" She tells him. "Annoying me into coming back, isn't going to work." She steps aside, but he just moves in front of her as she moves to lean against the wall.

   "Sorry, but I can't do that." He smiles.

   "Alright." Jungkook says as he pushes the last desk into place. "I think we're ready."

   "Let's go." RapMon tells Jin through his earpiece.

   "But she's not- Oh, wait! I see her!" Jin pops open the door, just as Iseul is turning the corner. He jogs over to her and stops when he's in front of the lockers. She looks over at him and scoffs.

   "If you're here to convince me to come back, you better save your breath."

   "That's not why I'm here." He says, as he calmly walks over and slams her locker door shut. He then grabs her by the shoulders and roughly pushes her against the lockers. " I think it's time we had a talk." He tells her as he leans one arm against the lockers and the other is grabbing her wrist tightly.

   "Talk?" She asks and he pulls her along through the halls, pushing aside any students that get in his way as he drags her behind him. "Yah! Where are we going!?" She yells, but he doesn't respond. She struggles to get out of his grip, but it's no use. He then reaches the classroom and turns the doorknob, opening the door and greeting the others. "What's going on?" She asks as she enters.

   "Well? Here we go." Jin smiles and gestures for the others to start.

   Jungkook puts a fist to his mouth as if he's nervous, before pulling a rose out of his jacket pocket and handing it to her. Her eyes widen as she takes it and the lights in the room dim so that the only light in the room is from the skylight above them.

   "Iseul?" Jimin steps in front of her. "Can you forgive me and the others?" He asks.

   "I suppose I can forgive you, just this once." She smiles as she sniffs the rose.

   "Yeah! Alright!" The others cheer as RapMon lights the sparklers, lighting up the room like the fourth of July.

   "But don't think that means that I've forgotten about being replaced." She tells them after they've calmed down a bit and are relaxing on the roof, where old sports equipment and lounge chairs have been brought up. "I want to talk with the robots."

   "Well, you should know that their names are Fei and Snigdha. And they're a lot more human than you think. They can feel and have emotions just like we do." Suga tells her.

   "I don't care. Let me talk to them and decide for myself how I feel about having them around." She states and the other boys look at each other before nodding.

   "Alright. We'll go get them." RapMon tells her before leaving to find them.


   "Any sign of Jing yet?" Snigdha asks.

   "No, not yet." Fei tells her, sounding worried.

   "Ah, where the hell could she be?" Snigdha groans.

   In the girls' bathroom, Jing stares at her reflection in shock as she holds her shirt slightly above her chest. From her left hip, all the way to her right side is a large scar, that seems to have healed fairly well, but she has no memory of how or when she received the injury or where it could have come from. "What is this?" She asks herself as she runs her hand over the scar, feeling the distortion of the flesh beneath her fingertips.

   "Jing!" Snigdha practically kicks the door down and calls the girl's name. Jing jumps and quickly pulls her shirt back down before looking at Snigdha with wide eyes. "Ah, there you are. We were so worried about you." She cries and pulls Jing into a hug. Jing pats her back to get her to calm down, but at the same time, a terrible feeling is gnawing at her insides and she fears that there's something inside her that she should be worried about. "Hah, I'm so glad that you're alright." Snigdha sighs with relief as she let's go.

   "Sorry for making you so worried." Jing bows apologeticallly.

   "It's fine, it's just..." Snigdha pauses. Its just that there's a bomb inside of you and we don't want it going off. She thinks to herself, before shaking the thought away and patting her on the shoulder. "It's nothing. Let's join the others, so that they know that you're alright."

   "Hm!" Jing nods and does her best to put on a smile.

   "Oh! You found her! That's great!" Fei says as she joins up with them. "RapMon just messaged me, saying that they found Iseul. He tells us that she wants to speak with us for some reason."

   "Hm? With us? I thought she wanted nothing to do with us." Snigdha looks at her confused.

   "She must have changed her mind. Let's go." Fei gestures for them to follow her. Both Jing and Snigdha go up to the roof where the others are waiting for them. Iseul is sitting between Jimin and RapMon when they reach the top.

   "I can't even believe you think we look alike. She looks nothing like me." Iseul scowls at Snigdha when she looks at her.

   "Actually I changed her design a bit when I repaired her so that there would be less confusion." V tells her and she glares at him as if to tell him to shut up. He gulps and goes silent again.

   "RapMon told me all about the rebellion and about DK agency." Iseul states. "Jimin also told me about how you and 'Fei'..." She says the name with disgust and Snigdha feels offended for her, but Fei just continues looking at her without any expression. "He told me about how you're both spies for DK agency."

   "Were." Snigdha corrects her. "I was, anyway. Fei was actually going to kill me, but it was all a big misunderstanding."

   "So, you're really robots?" Iseul looks at them curiously.

   "Yes, we were built to serve and protect BTS. We have no intention of hurting them or hindering them in their quest for a revolution." Fei informs her.

   "I see." Iseul leans back to think a bit. "Alright. I guess, I can trust you." She suddenly smiles and Snigdha seems to relax a bit. "Why don't we work together and get along in the future?" Iseul asks with a friendly smile and out stretched hand.

   "I'd like that." Snigdha smiles back and moves to shake her hand, but flinches when a spark shoots from her hand and shocks her. "Ow!" Snigdha yelps.

   "Oops, sorry." Iseul apologizes. "I must've collected too much static electricity on the way here."

   "Ah, its alright." Snigdha shakes her hand to get rid of the stinging pain.

   "Great! Now that we're all friends, I have something to ask you." Iseul claps her hands happily.

   "Oh, and what's that?" Snigdha asks.

   "What's your relationship with my Jimin?"

   "Relationship? Ah, you don't have to worry, there really is nothing between us!" Snigdha states defensively. "The only reason he kissed me was because he thought I was you."

   "You kissed her!?" Iseul yells, turning to glare at Jimin.

   "It was a mistake!" Jimin yells back and Snigdha can't help but feel a bit hurt by that. "Besides, what's with this 'my Jimin' crap? You said we were done."

   "That was before I decided to come back." She states. "I've forgiven you. I thought it was clear that I was taking you back."

   "What if I don't want to come back?" Jimin asks.

   "Don't go making rash decisions." Iseul tells him in a threatening manner.

   "You said it yourself that we're not dating anymore." Jimin says. "I don't see why I should go along with this if you're not really committed. Maybe I'm not as willing to go back to dating, just because you decided to forgive us. Maybe I actually prefer Snigdha over you." The air is suddenly silent and no one dares to move.

   "I see." Iseul stands, breaking the silence.

   "Iseul..." Jimin starts, suddenly a bit regretful of what he said, but Iseul doesn't seem to want to hear another word.

   "I'll see you all back at BIG HIT." She says before walking down the stairs.

   "Not cool, man." RapMon says.

   "She started it." Jimin shouts, but he knows that what he said was wrong.

   "Did you... Did you really mean that?" Snigdha asks.

   "No! I mean, not really, I mean... I'm not sure..." Jimin holds his head in frustration.

   Fei opens up the laptop that RapMon had been carrying around earlier and begins typing. "Boys," She states, getting everyone's attention. "It looks like we've reached our goal. The council is going to supply us with power, starting tomorrow morning."

   "That means that we're just one step closer to our goal." RapMon says. "We better start making plans for the future attack. As soon as we have those access codes, we'll be able to disarm all of DK agencies weapons and they'll be powerless against our ARMY."

   "It may take awhile to find those codes though." V tells him. "Those computers are old and I'm sure DK agency has everything password protected."

   "We'll see how much time we can buy you, but for now, focus on getting those codes. The rest of us will focus on making plans for the attack. It's a good thing that Iseul is on our side again. She's the best at making strategic plans like this." Jin states.

   "Then it's settled. We all know the plan?" RapMon asks and the others nod. "Alright. Let's meet at BIG HIT and go over strategies with Iseul."

   "Got it!" Everyone begins to move, but Snigdha stops when her head feels fuzzy. Her vision becomes blurry and her eyes change as if she's looking at a screen. In front of her eyes blink bright red letters that read, 'Error! Error! Virus Detected! Shut down system? Yes or No?' Snigdha shakes her head to get rid of the message. "No." She says aloud and both Jing and Fei stop to look at her.

   "Are you alright?" Jing asks, sounding worried.

   "F-fine." She lies, putting on a fake smile. "Let's go."

   Fei and Jing smile and walk with her back to the entertainment building, but on the walk back Snigdha can't help shake the feeling. "How did I get a virus?" She asks herself. "What's going to happen to me?"


   Back in the BIG HIT entertainment building, Iseul is sitting in one of the lounge chairs, waiting for the others to return, while twirling a small item in her hand. It's a mini-hard drive with the letters DK written on the side.

   "I don't care who you're working for." Iseul states, looking at a picture of Snigdha in her hand. "I'm going to shut you down for good." She crumples the picture and quickly hides the hard drive in her pocket when she hears the elevator's bell ding.

   "Iseul! We're back!" Jin announces as he and the others walk out of the elevator.

   "Jin-Oppa~!" She smiles cheerfully and runs to give him a hug.

   "Ah, I've missed this." He sighs happily as he squeezes Iseul tightly. Snigdha quietly steps around them before sitting down.

   "Oh, Snigdha, I just remembered, now that Iseul is back, we need to find you a place to stay." RapMon mentions.

   "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that too." She rubs her neck nervously.

   "She can stay with me!" Jing smiles as she sits down next to her on the couch.

   "Really?" Snigdha looks at her surprised.

   "Yeah, of course. The apartment you got me guys is great, but it's so big for just me. I get lonely." She glances at Snigdha and she smiles back while trying to hold back her tears.

   "Th-thanks." She manages to mutter.

   "No problem. What about you Fei? Do you wanna stay with us?" Jing looks at Fei who looks at her equally as surprised.

   "Me?" She points to herself.

   "Yeah, why not? It could be like my first slumber party!" She giggles excitedly. "Do you wanna join us?" She asks, turning to Iseul.

   "Aw, that's so cute." Iseul laughs, but its in a mocking tone. "You kids enjoy your slumber party while the adults talk." She tells them before walking into the next room.

   "Sorry about that. She was much sweeter as a kid." Jin says apologetically to them.

   "That's ok! More fun for us, right?" Jing turns to the other girls.

   "Of course." Fei says, gently patting her head lightly.

   "Mind if I join you girls?" J-Hope asks and Snigdha just throws a couch cushion at his face, causing the others to laugh.


   The next day, everyone meets up in the computer lab as Fei begins to start up the computers. A loud whirring sound is heard as the lights shine and the screens come to life, each one displaying an older version of the virtual paradise advertisement. Jin has to hold Iseul back from picking up a book and smashing it against one of the screens.

   "Sorry." She says as she sets the book down. "Just a lot of bad memories."

   Fei, V and RapMon all find a computer to sit at and begin typing furiously, trying to find the access codes. "This may take awhile." Fei tells them as her fingers fly across the keyboard at superhuman speed.

   "But you're certain that you can find them?" Suga asks, sounding worried.

   "If they're in here, we'll find them." RapMon assures him. "There's just a lot of information on these hard drives and it takes a long time to sort through them."

   "It's also a little hard to know what we're looking for since the codes could be hidden anywhere. An old file, a newer file. For all we know they could have hid the access codes in an old kimchi recipe." V states.

   "Just do what you can. We'll take care of everything else." Iseul tells them.

   "Jing, where are you going?" Snigdha asks, when she notices the girl trying to quietly sneak out of the room.

   "Ah, I just don't want to get in the way." she states nervously. "I'm not needed so I should just leave."

   "That's not true, we-" Snigdha is cut off when Jungkook goes to the door to join her.

   "I'll keep an eye on her. You guys just continue working." He tells them.

   "Jungkook." RapMon starts in a worried tone.

   "Just... Trust me." He says, trying to smile to hide his own nervousness.

   "Alright. Be careful." RapMon tells him before going back to typing.

   "What was all that about?" Jing asks as they walk down the hallway, with his arm around her shoulders.

   "Ah, don't worry about it." Jungkook tells her, as Dr. Kim's words echo in his head.

   "This girl... Jing, was it? If you truly love her, then you better spend as much time with her as you can, because there's no way that I can help you."

   "Jungkook?" Jing's voice invades his thoughts and he shakes his head as he comes back to reality.

   "Ah, sorry, what did you say?" He asks.

   "Oh, it was nothing." She turns away blushing.

   Jungkook is about to ask her to repeat herself when a high pitched whining sound interrupts him. It's a voice on the intercom system. One of the teachers probably. "Attention students!" The voice seems to yell throughout the halls in an annoyingly whiny voice. "Please clear the halls so that the members of BTS can safely and quickly make their journey to the principal's office." The shouts of indignation from the students is almost deafening, but the rest of BTS that's in the computer room turn to look at each other.

   "V and I will stay here while Jungkook stays with Jing. The rest of you should go and see what the principal wants." RapMon tells the others.

   "Aw, man. Why do we have to go?" J-Hope whines.

    "Because we need the nerds on the computers." Snigdha jokes.

    "Hey!" V pouts childishly.

    "Hehe, sorry!" Snigdha laughs.

    "It's ok, I know you love me." He tilts his head in a cute manner and goes back to typing.

    "L-love!?" Snigdha stutters quietly. "N-not at all!" She states defiantly, but no one's really listening. "Hmph." She pouts.

   "Come on, enough flirting. Let's see what the principal wants." Iseul pulls on Snigdha's sleeve as she and the rest of the boys head down the hallway.

    In the principal's office, they meet a stern looking old woman and a man sitting in the chair next to her, with his hands tied behind his back and a white cloth tied around his mouth. Snigdha's eyes widen when they recognize who the man is. "Dr. Kim!?" She exclaims.

   "What is V's dad doing here?" Jin asks, pulling Iseul behind him to protect her.

   "This man was found on school grounds and we had to bring him here, because he was making the female students uncomfortable." The woman explains.

   "That's... Actually really understandable." Jimin admits. "And why are we here?"

   "I called you all down, because he claims to be Taehyung's father, but I don't see him here." The woman says as she looks at the others. "Why didn't the rest come?"

   "Oh, they're busy... Doing an art project?" Snigdha does her best to make up an excuse, but lying was never one of her strong suits.

   "Well, none of you are leaving this office, until all of you delinquents are under my supervision." The woman states.

   "You have supervision too?" Suga jokes and Jin elbows him in the side. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." he chuckles.

   "Wait a minute..." Iseul steps forward. "If this man said that he was V's dad, why did you need all of BTS in this room?"

   "Well, I..."

   "And last time I checked, a principal wasn't even assigned to this school yet. Which must mean that you're a fraud that's trying to get rid of BTS." Iseul points a finger at the woman accusingly.

   "Iseul, let's not make accusations that we can't back up." Jin tries to tell her in his calmest voice possible, but when he hears low chuckling he turns around to see the old woman with a terrifying grin plastered on her face.

   "Oh, what an intelligent little girl." The woman says. Her voice is so creepy that is sends shivers down their spines. "You're right. DK agency sent me to fetch this traitor." She says as she pulls harshly on Dr. Kim's lab coat. "And to get rid of you, once and for all."

   "And how did you plan on doing that?" Iseul asks, raising an eyebrow.

   "For some reason I found this in Dr. Kim's labcoat." She pulls out what looks like a small and thin remote control from her pocket. A bright red blinking light shines from the top. "He put up quite a fight when I took it from him. It must be something special or... Dangerous..." She smiles, evilly.

   "Is that?" Snigdha gulps.

   "I'm doing a school wide scan now." Fei alerts them through their earpieces. "That remote control is giving off the same signal as the bomb that's inside Jing." She tells them. "Whatever you do, don't let her press that button."

   "Let's all calm down... And think rationally for a second." Jin tries speaking with her. "Jungkook and Jing are already in a seperate building so setting off the bomb would be pointless since they're too far away."

   "Hm, I'm sure getting rid of just one of you would be better than none." She says as her finger glides over the button repeatedly.

   Snigdha can see sweat dripping down the back of Jimin's neck. He's nervous, but his face looks expressionless and resolute. "There has to be something we can do." She tells herself.

   "Snigdha." Iseul whispers to her, moving slightly closer without the woman noticing. "I have a plan, but I need your help."

   "What? What is it? I'll do anything." Snigdha says out of desperation.

   "I'm going to run forward and knock the remote out of her hand. When I do I need you to move into position and catch it." She tells her. "Think you can do that?"

   "I think so." Snigdha nods, but can't help feeling like she's going to puke.

   "Alright, when I say go... GO!" Iseul shouts as she tackles the woman to the ground. She screams as the remote control flies into the air and Snigdha jumps up to catch it.

   "I-I! I got it!" Snigdha stumbles, but manages to grab it between her fingers. She suddenly lands on the floor a bit more roughly than she had intended and scrapes the synthetic skin material around her knees. She groans as her pain receptors warn her that she's been injured. "I shouldn't be in this much pain." Snigdha thinks to herself as she struggles to stand back up, but finds her arms too weak to even support her body.

   "Snigdha, what's wrong?" Jimin moves closer to help her up and Iseul scowls at the sight.

   "I-I'm fine, really." She lies as she pulls the remote control closer to her, to prevent anyone else from touching it. Her vision becomes blurry as the same words appear in red again. 'Error! Error! Virus Detected! Shut down system? Yes or No?' Snigdha's hands are shaking as she tries to clear her vision. "N-no..." She mumbles.

   "What? Snigdha, what's wrong with you?" Jimin moves closer and Iseul is practaically seething.

   "N-no..." Snigdha tries to move again, but her eyes widen when she realizes that she's lost control of her hands. "N-NO!" She screams as her fingers seem to move on their own and find the button. She uses all of her strength to hold herself back, but she can't stop her trembling arms and hands from pushing down.

   "Snigdha..." Jimin gasps. "What have you done?"

   A loud beeping sound is emitted from the remote as tears fall down Snigdha's face, but through the tears and past Jimin, Snigdha can see Iseul. She's smiling.


   "Wh-what's going on?" Jing stutters, suddenly scared, when she hears a beeping sound nearby. Jungkook lifts Jing's shirt slightly and she blushes at the sudden contact, but her eyes widen when she looks down at a small red light that seems to be blinking from within her stomach. The scar seems to have become even bigger and the beeping sound seems to be getting louder as the seconds tick by. "Jungkook? What's happening to me?" She asks, her voice trembling.

   Jungkook doesn't answer her, instead he calls Fei on his earpiece in a panic. "Fei!" He yells. "The bomb is going off and I don't know what to do!"

   "What!?" Fei screams.

   "Agh! Jungkook! I told you stay away from her!" RapMon yells as he begins typing furiously at the computer.

   "Yes, I know! I'm sorry, but we need that access code now!"

   "Well, we don't have it yet!" RapMon tells him. "We're not prepared!"

   "I'm so sorry, Jungkook." Snigdha whispers into the earbud. "I think we're going to lose her. You have to get out of the building or you'll blow up with her."

   "No! I'm not leaving her! There has to be some way!" Jungkook yells defiantly.

   "Do you want to die as well!?" RapMon shouts. "We can't save Jing, but we can still save you, so get out of there while you can! That's an order!"

   "Guys, I have bad news." Fei tells them.

   "What is it now?" Jin groans.

   "I'm afraid that the bomb has a wider radius than I had originally thought. If the bomb goes off, it'll take out everything within the city."

   "What!? You mean everyone inside the city will be killed!?" V shouts.

   Fei simply nods. "And it looks like we only have a few minutes before the bomb goes off."

   "Ok, now we really need to find another way." RapMon sighs in frustration.

   "Is there anyway we can stop the bomb from going off without removing it from Jing?" Jungkook asks.

   "There is one way..." Fei looks down.

   "What!? Tell us!?" J-Hope shouts in a panic.

   "The bomb will stop if Jing's heart stops as well."

   "How do we...?" Jimin starts but RapMon finishes his thought for him.

   "The Red Bullet." He says. "Jungkook still has it, right?"

   Jimin nods. "Jungkook you have to give her the pill."

   "I can't..." Jungkook cries. "You're asking me to kill her and I can't do that..."

   "You have to if you want to save this city and everyone in it." Iseul tells him. "If her heart doesn't stop, then everyone in this city will die. I know it's cruel, but we're losing one life to save thousands."

   "I don't know if I-" Jungkook grips onto the pill bottle tightly as tears threaten to fall.

   "Jungkook?" Jing tugs on his sleeve and he looks at her with tears in his eyes. "I think I understand what's going on, and I know what I have to do." She tells him as she takes his hand and removes the pill from its case.

   "No, Jing, you can't." He moves to take the pill from her, but she steps back.

   "I have to." She smiles, but there are tears falling down her cheeks as she looks at him. "Thank you for taking care of me. I don't know what my life would have been like if you hadn't found me in that orphanage, and I don't care if I have to die if it's to save you, because I don't regret meeting you, or falling in love with you, if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would."

   "Jing..." He says softly as he steps forward and pulls her into a hug, her heart beating against his chest. "Just one day..." Jungkook pleads. "I just want to spend one more day with you." He holds her tighter as her heart rate increases and she slowly moves her arm to bring the red pill to her lips.

   "Wait a minute..." Fei's eyes widen as she gets an idea. "Jungkook! You can still save her! Her heart only has to stop for a second for the bomb to disarm!"

   "How do I do that!?" Jungkook asks.

   "A shock to her system, something scary? Anything that would surprise her!" Fei suggests.

   "Alright, one shock coming up!" Jungkook yells just as Jing inserts the pill into . "I'm so sorry about this!" He shouts as he pulls back to look at her. She looks at him confused before he pushes her against the wall and kisses her. His lips colliding with hers in a fervent manner.

   Her eyes widen before she soon finds herself melting into the kiss and after a few seconds, the bomb stops beeping and Jing blinks a few times, before she realizes what just happened. Jungkook pulls back with a cheeky grin and a red pill between his teeth.

   "Oh, my god... Please, never do that again..." She says, breathing heavily with a hand to her chest.

   "You didn't like it?" He asks, sounding disappointed after spitting the pill out into his hand and tossing it in the trash.

   "N-no! It's not that!" She suddenly blushes. "It's just... I don't think my heart can handle another shock like that..." She breathes deeply, trying to get heart rate to return to normal.

   Jungkook just smiles and throws an arm around her. "Come on, let's go join the others."


   Everyone slowly opens their eyes to see that they and everything else is still intact.

   "Did it work? Are we dead?" J-Hope asks and Jimin smacks him in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

   "Oh, you felt that? Good, that means you're alive." Jimin jokes. "As for you." He turns to Snigdha suddenly very serious. "What were you thinking! You could have killed all of us."

   "I-I..." Snigdha was having difficulty forming a coherent thought as the virus was making all of her thoughts fuzzy and she couldn't think clearly.

   "Don't be so hard on her." Iseul tells him as she leans down next to Snigdha and pats her gently on the back. Snigdha glares at her, knowing that she's cause of all this, but she can't seem to control her own tongue enough to speak.

   "Iseul is..." Snigdha starts, but sparks fly from her arms as she convulses and pain shoots through her body. "OW!" She screams.

   "Can't you see that the fall must have damaged her system. She's clearly not functioning at 100% right now. I think she needs to be repaired or... Rebooted." Iseul suggests.

   "Do you really think that's what she needs?" Jimin asks.

   "I n-need..." Snigdha struggles to sit up as the same message flashes across her eyes. 'Error! Error! Virus Detected! Shut down system? Yes or No?'

   "Yes." Iseul states, calmly. "Yes, she needs to shut down her system and restart it, or else she poses a threat to all of us."

   "Alright, then. Let's take her to V and have her looked at, as soon as we get back." Jimin tells the others and they nod as they move to carry Snigdha back. "Snigdha?" Jimin asks as he sets a hand on her back, which has lost all of its heat. "Snigdha!?" He shouts, suddenly surprised to see her not responding. "Something's wrong. We have to hurry." He picks Snigdha up while J-Hope carries her legs.

   "Wait!" Jin pipes up. "What should we do with him?" He points to Dr. Kim who's still tied up.

   Suga sighs, "I suppose we should help him." He and Jin run to his side and immediately untie him, removing the cloth from his mouth.

   "Ah, thank you boys. Thank you so much." He gets up and shakes their hands.

   "No, time for that now. We need to save Snigdha!" Jimin yells.

   "Actually, I think I can help." He tells them.

   "Really?" They all look at him in surprise.

   "Yes, but I'm going to need a lab to work in."

   They glance at each other nervously. "Can we trust him?" J-Hope asks.

   "As far as I can tell, he's not lying." Suga tells them.

   "Alright, if what he says is true, then he can come with us." Jimin states. "Let's go."

   They all run out of the room and meet the others back at BIG HIT entertainment.


   Hours later Dr. Kim emerges from the lab. "Well?" Jimin stands up. "Is she going to be ok?"

   "It will take som time to repair her." He informs them. "My son is working on it right now, but it seems that a virus has been causing her system to shut down for quite some time now."

   "A virus? How did she get a virus?" RapMon asks.

   "It could only have come from DK agency as the system is the same as the bomb that was put in Jing." He explains. "Speaking of Jing, I wasn't able to remove the bomb, because it's attached to her heart, but I think I was able to do something even better." He steps aside to let her walk in. Jing comes out of the room with what looks like a metal plate wrapped around her left arm, starting at the wrist and almost going all the way to her elbow. "I rewired the bomb to make a weapon that she can control. Why don't you demonstrate for them? Show them what you can do?" Dr. Kim encourages her and she nods, stepping forward shyly.

    She raises her left arm and from the metal plate rises, what looks like a small gun. She places her right hand over the metal plate to steady her arm and aims at the open window. A bright light begins to glow from the gun as she gathers her energy and fires. The red light shoots through the window and a loud explosion is heard as it hits a nearby tree.

   The boys all stare at her in astonishment, with their jaws hanging wide open. "Whoa! That's freaking awesome! You're like the terminator, but in a cute girl sized package." Jungkook laughs and runs up to hug her. She blushes at the sudden contact.

   "I am so glad she's on our side." J-Hope adds.

   Suddenly Jing falls to the side. "J-Jing!?" Jungkook holds her up. "Wh-what's wrong?"

   "Sorry, just a little dizzy." She says quietly.

   "Ah, I must have miscalculated the amount of energy you need to use to fire the weapon. It's not as easy working with actual humans as it is with robots." Dr. Kim sighs. "I'll make the re-adjustments as soon as possible."

   "Re-adjustments? Why?" Jungkook asks, afraid to put her through any more.

   "It's nothing to worry about." Dr. Kim assures him. "I just forgot for a moment that she's not as strong as Fei or Snigdha so I need to adjust the gun so that it won't take as much of her life force."

    "Life force!? Are you saying that if she fires that thing too many times, she'll die!?" Jungkook is nearly screaming at the man now.

   "Calm down, boy." He moves to take a hold of Jing, but Jungkook pulls her behind him.

   "Don't you touch her, you monster." He growls.

   "Look, I understand. You have your reasons not to trust me, but you need to know that if I don't make the adjustments, she could injure herself. The thing is attached to her heart, so if the weapon gets damaged so will she." He explains.

   "Then she won't use it." Jungkook tells him and he looks at Jing.

   "Jungkook..." She starts, sounding concerned. "I'll be fine."

   "But what if you're not? I've almost lost you so many times already."

   "You need to trust me." She whispers and gently pushes against him to stand up and walk with Dr. Kim. "I trust Dr. Kim and so should you."

   Jungkook glares at the man, then looks at the ground. "Fine..." He mutters under his breath, before watching Dr. Kim lead her back to the lab.


   Soon night falls and the building is quiet. A figure sneaks into the back of the lab, where hundreds of boxes are stacked on shelves along with metal trinkets and odd machinery. A strange whirring sound is heard as Snigdha's battery is finally restored and she blinks a couple of times to help her eyes adjust to the light. "Ah, where am I?" She looks around the room, but finds for some odd reason, she can't move her neck. "Wh-what's going on?" She glaces down to see nothing, but cold metal.

   "Ooh, this is freaky." She looks up to see her reflection in a metal cabinet and all she sees is a head sitting on a shelf between two boxes of wires and spare parts. She then looks over to see her body standing motionless against the wall. "It's a good thing I'm not attached to my stomach or else I'd puke right now." She says to herself.

   "Oh, look who's awake." Iseul coos as she picks up Snigdha's head and holds it between her hands.

   "You! You did this to me!" Snigdha attempts to hit her, but fails miserably as she realizes that her body is 20 feet away from her head.

    "Aw, you seem much less threatening this way. I kind of like it." Iseul smiles at how mad Snigdha is getting.

    "What are you planning on doing with me?" Snigdha asks. "Are you going to throw me away? Shut me down permanently? You'll never get away with this, you know that right?"

   "And how are you going to stop me? Blink at me?" Iseul laughs.

   "Ugh! What is it that you want?" Snigdha groans, tired of her tricks and games.

   "Oh, don't worry. You'll find out soon enough." Iseul tells her as she pulls out the mini hard drive and sticks it in Snigdha's neck. She winces in pain, before her eyes light up and her face goes blank. "This should keep you out of my hair for a few days." She says before ripping out the hard drive and dropping Snigdha's head on the table, which causes a loud clanging sound.

   "Snigdha? Are you awake?" V's voice fills the darkness as he walks in and turns on the lights. He looks around the room after picking up Snigdha's head and setting it gently on the table. "That's odd. I could have sworn I heard voices in this room." He walks over and closes the open window, before shutting off the lights and leaving the room in darkness once again.

   Below the window, Iseul sits on the ledge of the building and looks down at the light filled city. "Soon enough." She thinks and heads inside.


   "Argh! Why is this so difficult?" V groans in frustration as he works on re-wiring Snigdha.

   "What's wrong?" Jing asks, while sitting on the operation table. Jungkook watches from a nearby chair as Dr. Kim continues to poke and prod her arm with tiny scissors and needles. "Ow." Jing whines and Jungkook immediately stands up.

   "What is it? What's wrong? Did he hurt you?" Jungkook moves closer to inspect her arm.

   "I'm fine, it was just a prick." Jing tries to calm him down.

   "Let me do my job." Dr. Kim pushes him aside. "I am a doctor afterall. Granted, it has been some time since I've worked with a human being and not a robot."

   "For your sake, you better know what you're doing." Jungkook goes back to his seat.

   "Is something wrong, V?" Jing asks again, when he continues to groan angrily.

   "It's just that re-booting Snigdha's system is taking longer than I originally thought it would." He tells her. "Getting rid of viruses is easy, but for some reason it's like all of her memory files are encrypted or something."

   "So, you can't access her memories?" Jing asks.

   "I'm trying to. If I turn her on now, she should operate properly, but according to the data, she won't remember anything. Her past life, meeting us, or all of the things we've done together. It's all in there, just... Hard to get to right now." He sighs.

   "Well, don't give up!" She smiles at him. "I know you can do it!"

   "As do I." Dr. Kim smiles as he closes the metal plate on her arm and pats it. "Alright that should do it." He tells her. "The shots won't be as strong, but at least now they won't take as much energy to fire. This little indicator on the side will warn you when you've fired too many and help keep track of your energy levels. It looks like you'll be able to fire three shots, but anymore than that could damage your heart. Do you understand?" He explains to her.

   "Yes, thank you Dr. Kim!" She stands and bows to him. Jungkook walks up to her and they both walk out of the room together.

   "When are you going to find a nice girl, like that, son?" Dr. Kim asks, turning to V.

   "Dad!" He whines. "Can we not discuss that now? We've got a lot going on. Taking down a government organization and all that?" He reminds him.

   "Ah, yes. But would it really hurt to look into dating? I mean I built Snigdha for a reason." Dr. Kim keeps pestering him.

   "As much as I like Snigdha, I'd like to find a girl on my own." V tells him.

   "Alright, but keep it in mind."

   "I will."


   "What the hell is this?" RapMon asks as he unfolds a letter from the school in the mail. "They're asking us to do a performance tomorrow?"

   "But we were planning on getting those codes tomorrow!" J-Hope shouts.

   "Do you think they know?" Jimin looks at the letter curiously.

   "It could be just a coincidence." Jin states, but doesn't really believe it himself.

   "Either way, this puts a bit of strain on the plan." RapMon sighs. "They say it's to help present a positive image to the school and promote good energy. What kind of bull crap is this!?" He crumples the letter and tosses it in the trash.

   "Why do we even have to listen to what they say?" Jungkook asks. "We're already so close. We just need those access codes to disarm their weaponry , a good strategy and bam! DK agaency is down."

   "Because if we don't do what they say, not only will they suspect us of treason, they could lock us up. Whether it's the academy or detention, we can't let them know what we're planning." Jin explains to him.

   "It's fine, really." RapMon assures them. "We've put on tons of performances before. We just need something simple to keep the school distracted while the girls work on getting those files and codes."

   "But Fei is really the only one who's good with computers. Snigdha might be too, since she's a robot as well, but as we all know, she's not exactly available at the moment." Suga informs them.

   "I'll find those codes in no time." Iseul tells them with a grin. "I might be better than you think."

   "I promise to do my best!" Jing pipes up.

   "So then it's settled?" RapMon turns to the others. "This is just a low-key mission. Nothing too dangerous. It should be fairly simple and easy."

   "Well, when you put it like that, I guess there's nothing to worry about." Jungkook glances at Jing with a tense expression.

   "Good, then it's settled." RapMon smiles. "Everyone know what to do?"

   "Yes sir!" As everyone begins to leave in different directions, Iseul sidles up to RapMon on the couch while Jimin looks at them with a surprised look on his face.

   "So, Leader-nim! Should we go over battle strategies before bed?" She asks, holding onto his arm.

   "Sure, if you don't mind staying up late." RapMon smiles.

   "Of course not. I could spend hours with you." She bats her eyeslashes and Jimin scoffs at how she's acting.

   "If this is you trying to make me jealous, it's not working." He states.

   "Why would I be trying to make you jealous?" She asks, innocently. "You made it very clear that it was over between us."

   "Look, if you guys are going to have a lovers spat, I want no part of it." RapMon tells them as he detaches Iseul from his arm and walks out of the room, leaving the two in silence.

   Iseul rolls her eyes, "Why do you have to be so difficult, Jimin?" She pouts.

   "I'm being difficult!? I'm not the one flirting with your best friend!" He shouts defensively.

   "I'd be surprised considering the only friends I have are you guys." She clicks her tongue.

   Jimin just shakes his head in disbelief. "Are you even the Iseul I used to date?"

   "I don't know, you tell me?" They just look at each other before Jimin sighs and leaves the room, slamming the door shut on his way out. The lights turn off automatically when no one moves for a few minutes and in the darkness, soft whimpers can be heard as Iseul cries into the couch cushions.


   The next morning, the boys are setting up for their performance while the girls work on getting the codes and files from the computers.

   "Perhaps you should just sit outside and let us know if anyone comes by." Iseul tells Jing, who looks down.

   "Sorry Jing, but this takes people with years of experience with computers." Fei says apologetically.

   "It's ok, I understand. I'll be on lookout duty." Jing smiles and stands outside the door.

   Soon, the boys start singing and hundreds of girls in the audience scream and cheer. Even the girls in the computer lab can hear them as they perform.

   "Wow, they really are popular." Fei muses.

   "Ah, their singing is amazing." Jing practically swoons at their voices.

   Even Iseul seems to be out of it as she remembers the nights Jimin used to sing her to sleep when she had a nightmare. She shakes her head to get rid of the memories that seem so far away.

   "Wait a minute, is this-!? Oh, I think it is!" Fei gasps. "I found them!"

   "Really? That's great!" Iseul exclaims while secretly pulling out a hard drive from her pocket.

   "I'll let the boys know right away." Fei clicks on her earpiece. "V! RapMon! We have the access codes and are heading to the concert hall now!" She clicks off and turns to Iseul. "Let's go!"

   She nods and follows her as they alert Jing and all head to the concert hall, where they meet up with the boys backstage. "Here we are." Fei says proudly as she hands the jump drive with the access codes to RapMon.

   "Hah! I knew you could do it!" Jungkook laughs as he pets Jing on the head and pulls her into a hug.

   "B-but, I realy didn't do anything." She stammers and struggles to get out of his grip, but simply hugs him back when he refuses to let go.

   "Yeah, good work team." Iseul pats Fei on the back and she jumps when she feels a slight shock. "Whoops, sorry."

   "Ah, it's alright. My pain receptors aren't as sensitive as Snigdha's." Fei tells her before she turns back to the others, her vision suddenly a bit blurry. "That's odd..." Fei thinks when her eyes shift to V and a red outline appears around him. Above his head in bright red letters reads: 'Target located. Attack mode activated.' "Wh-what? No!" Fei mutters and the others turn to look at her confused.

   "Is something wrong?" Suga asks, sounding worried.

   Fei shakes her head, but she can't seem to control her arms as she pulls a gun from her side and points it at V. All of the boys step back in surprise. Jungkook pulls Jing away, while Jin pushes Iseul behind him. "I-I don't know what's-!" Fei starts but she pulls the trigger and V nearly dodges a bullet to the head.

   Several students scream and they begin to exit the concert hall in a panic when they hear gun shots.

   In the BIG HIT entertainment building, Dr.Kim is startled awake when a monitor on the big screen alerts him of danger. He turns the screen on and his jaw drops when he sees Fei pointing a gun at V.

   "Oh, no! Something must be wrong! I have to protect my son!" He stumbles down the stairs to the lab and quickly turns on the lights, before rushing to attach Snigdha's head to her body.

   She slowly blinks awake as he powers her up. "Where am I? What's going on?" She turns to him and asks.

   "Sorry, no time to explain. Taehyung is in danger and I need you to go into attack mode and save him." Dr. Kim explains.

   "Attack mode?" She looks at him curiously before he opens a panel on the side of her head and flips a switch. Her eyes suddenly change color to a bright red as her scanners activate. "Taehyung and attacker have been located. Proceeding into attack mode." She says in a robotic voice as she races out of the building.

   Back at the school, the boys are running around, trying to keep the others students safe while also trying to stop Fei from shooting.

   "Fei! Please put the gun down!" RapMon commands before dodging a bullet.

   "I can't!" She screams.

   "Something must be controlling her!" Suga yells.

   "Maybe she has a virus just like Snigdha did!" Jin shouts above the chaos.

   "Whatever the reason, we have to stop her before someone gets hurt." Jimin runs forward and kicks the gun out of her hand, but she suddenly grabs him by the collar and raises him above the floor. "Fu-! She's strong!" He nearly chokes before J-Hope tosses a chair that smashes to pieces against her body, but manages to get her to release Jimin.

   "This can't go on!" V yells. "It's me she's after! The rest of you try to get out of here while I distract her!"

   "We're not leaving you!" Jungkook shouts.

   "Just do it!" V yells back, before throwing a rock at Fei, who turns in his direction. "Nanana! Over here!" He taunts while sticking his tongue out. She moves towards him as he runs across the room.

   "Come on, let's go." Jin says quietly as he ushers Iseul and Jing out the back door.

   "But Fei..." Jing pleads.

   "She'll be fine. Trust me." Jungkook tells her as he continues to push them out of harms way.

   "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!" V continues to sing as he jumps over debris, but falls when he trips over a trash can. Fei then picks him up with a hand around his throat. "Well, apparently you can." He jokes before she tightens her grip and he starts making gagging sounds.

   "V!" RapMon shouts in a panic. V attempts to scratch at his throat with little success. Her grip only seems to tighten even more.

   "I'm so sorry!" Fei cries. "Im not in control! I don't want to hurt you! I-!" Her words are cut off when she feels a sharp pain in her abdomen. Fei drops V and he falls to the floor, clutching his throat and coughing. He looks up to see his rescuer, but his eyes just widen as he sees Sngdha with glowing red eyes and spikes for hands, stabbing through Fei. She pulls her spikes out and sparks fly through the hole created in Fei's torso.

   Snigdha's eyes slowly return to normal just as Fei falls to the floor. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts before looking down at the body at her feet, then at the spikes where her hands should be. She stares at V with wide eyes and a growing sense of horror in the pit of her stomach. The spikes morph back into trembling hands and with a shaky voice, she asks, "What have I done?"

   "What's going on? What am I? Who was that? Am I some kind of monster?" Snigdha looks at her own arms that were once metal spikes. "I had kitchen knives for hands! That's not normal! Or is it!? Please tell me that's not normal!" Snigdha throws her hands on V's shoulders and he's too stunned to even respond. Suddenly, Dr. Kim appears from behind to shut Snigdha down again. She falls to the floor with a heavy thud, next to Fei.

   "Dad! What happened!? Did you activate Snigdha!?" He points at the lifeless bodies at his feet.

   "Yes, I did. I'm terribly sorry, but I was afraid that you were in danger." Dr. Kim explains.

   "Fei, is she... Is she going to be alright?" Suga walks over and asks, inspecting the damage that was done.

   "I'm... Not sure." Dr. Kim admits. "There's a lot of damage to her central processor. Even if we repair her, there's no telling if she'll even be the same person she once was."

   "Well, you have to try!" Suga yells and RapMon pulls him to the side to calm him down.

   Jing approaches hesitantly with both hands covering . She's almost afraid to see them and immediately turns away when she does, weeping into Jungkook's shoulder. "Everything's going to be ok." He says as he pets her hair, soothingly.

   Hours later... Both Snigdha and Fei are laying on a cold, hard metal table as the over head lights warms their faces. V and his father look at them with perplexed faces. "How could this have happened? I built them so well, they couldn't have both caught viruses so easily. I don't understand what went wrong."

   "It's not your fault, dad." V pats him on the back. "It's all DK agency that's trying to tear us down, but we won't let them, we've got to stay positive!"

   "You're right. We can fix this. We're geniuses." Dr. Kim smiles as he grabs his tools.

   "Albeit a bit crazy, but then again, who isn't?" V laughs.

   "That's my boy." He ruffles his son's hair and soon they get to work.


   Snigdha is the first to emerge from the lab, as she slowly walks into the living room where the others are sitting around anxiously awaiting for the results. Jimin is the first to stand and run up to her, while Iseul silently watches from the doorway. "Well?" He asks. "What do you remember?"

   "It's all a bit fuzzy, but I think I remember pretty much everything." She tells him.

   "Do you remember me?" Iseul walks up to her and stares at her with cold eyes.

   "I do..." She returns the icy glare and the room is silent for a few moments, before Snigdha breaks into a smile. "You're Iseul! Jin's little sister and my best friend!" She throws her arms around Iseul and pulls her into a hug. Everyone looks at the scene a little shocked. Iseul slowly returns the hug.

   "I had no idea you two were so close." Jin mutters.

   "Of course! We've got so much in common, besides the similar facial structure." Snigdha tells him. "We're practically sisters!"

   "Hm!" Iseul nods happily, with an arm around Snigdha's shoulders. "We couldn't be closer."

   RapMon glances at Suga, but the boy seems to be in too much distress to think about anything else. Soon V and Dr. Kim exit the lab. "Ah, Dr. Kim! How is she!?" Suga jumps up and asks.

   "Well..." V looks down, before speaking. "I think you should see for yourself." Suga runs into the lab while the others follow closely behind.

   "Fei!" He shouts when he reaches the table, just as Fei is detaching herself from the excess wires and heart monitor. She turns to look at him,  her expression emotionless and her eyes a dull color.

   "Greetings, Min Yoongi." She bows as she speaks, her voice a monotonous tone. "What service can I provide for you this evening?"

   "Do you... Remember me?" He asks, his eyes pleading for a sign, any sign, that the Fei he knows is still there.

   "Of course I remember you." She states. "My memory files were not corrupted or damaged in any way during the attack."

   "No, I mean... Do you... Remember me? Do you know who I am?" He enunciates slowly.

   She blinks a few times, before responding. "Your name is Min Yoongi. You were born March 9. You are 21 years old. Your special skill is supervision, you're in charge of-!" Suga cuts her off.

   "No! That's not what I mean!" He pounds his fists on the table. "Do you remember... How you feel about me?" He finally asks, but his voice is quiet and hushed.

   "Feel?" She blinks a few times again. "I am sorry, Yoongi, but my primary function is to protect and serve BTS. I am incapable of feeling."

   "No! You are! I know you are!" He begins shaking her by the shoulders. "You can feel! You can feel as much as any human I've ever met. You can feel pain, fear and sadness. You can feel surprise, joy and happiness. And..." He begins to tear up. "And love... You can feel love. At least, you used to..."

   "Suga..." RapMon taps him on the shoulder and shakes his head. "I don't think that's going to work."

   "Then what do I do?" He pleads. "How do I get her back?"

   "We'll just have to wait and hope for the best." RapMon tells him. "Come on. We've got a lot of work to do." He turns to the others and coughs to get their attention before speaking. "Now that Snigdha and Fei are fully functioning, we have the access codes and the plans to take down DK agency. I think it's time to start preparing for the invasion. I expect all of you to take the next few days to train, plan and strategize for the next phase of battle, which is to attack DK agency head on while CL's team attacks from the inside."

   "V, Suga, and Fei will be on weaponry, while Jimin, Jungkook and Snigdha train the troops, and finally Iseul, J-Hope and RapMon are in charge of strategy planning." Jin informs them.

   "What about me?" Jing pulls on his sleeve, and he leans down so he can speak with her at eye-level. "You and I will be in charge of evacuating the nearby area so that no innocent citizens get hurt."

   "Ah, I can do that!" Her eyes light up at being given the chance to help. "I mean." She composes herself and puts on a strong face. "I won't let you down." She salutes and Jungkook laughs a bit.

   "Alright. Everyone got their assignments? Good, get to work!" RapMon shouts and everyone scatters.


   Later that night, Iseul finds Jing training with her weapon, aiming and firing it at a target attached to a tree. "What are you doing?" She asks suddely, startling Jing who accidentally fires above her target, scaring the nearby birds that squawk and fly away.

   "Oops! Sorry, birds!" Jing shouts, before turning to Iseul. "So sorry, am I disturbing you?"

   "Oh, no not at all, I just got curious that's all. What are you doing anyway?" She looks curiously at the gun on Jing's arm. "You're on civilian duty so why are you practicing firing your weapon?"

   "Ah, well, I just..." Jing blushes at a loss for words. "I was hoping that I could help fight once all of the people have evacuated." She admits shyly. "I want to show them that I can be useful."

   "Oh, that's cute." Iseul laughs, which makes Jing look at her confused. "You don't know?" Iseul covers , as if she said something she didn't mean to.

   "Know what?" Jing asks.

   "They only put you on civilian duty to get you out of the way. I mean, let's be honest here, you're clearly not the fighting type. They didn't want to hurt your feelings, but it's obvious that you'd just get in the way and hold them back." Iseul tells her, with a sympathetic tone.

   "Is that... Is that true?" Jing looks at the ground, somewhat in disbelief.

   "I didn't want to be the one to tell you, but Jungkook told them not to involve you in the fight because he's worried about you." She continues.

   "Jungkook? He said that?" Jing looks up.

   "Yeah, and I know that it's none of my business, but doesn't it bother you, how he treats you?" Iseul asks.

   "Bother me? No, he's always taken very good care of me." She blushes slightly at the thought of how Jungkook treated her when they first met.

   "You're just a toy to Jungkook. He doesn't really like you, he just likes having someone to take care of. Haven't you noticed that he doesn't treat you like a girlfriend, he treats you more like a pet." Iseul tells her.

   "N-no..." Jing shakes her head, not believing her. "Jungkook takes care of me, because he likes me."

   "Well, he wouldn't be so protective of you, if you proved you could protect yourself." Iseul motions to her gun and Jing raises it to look at it. "Those adjustments that Dr. Kim made just restrain your potential. If you let me get rid of that annoying stabilizer, then you could really show Jungkook just how powerful you are."

   "B-but, Dr. Kim said that the stabilizer was for my own safety." Jing takes a step back.  

   "Doesn't that just show how right I am? Even V's dad thinks that you can't handle your own power." Iseul smirks. "Well, I'm not forcing you. I'm just saying, I'm sure Jungkook would be really impressed if you were able to prove him wrong about how weak you are." She begins to walk away.

   Jing looks down at her arm and at the stabilizer that shows that she only has two shots left. "Wait..." She says, causing Iseul to turn around. "You can remove it... The stabilizer?" She asks.

   "Of course. I can do that, and so much more." Iseul smiles.

   A few minutes later, Iseul helps set the target for Jing and then runs a safe distance away. She gives Jing a thumbs up as she nods and turns to the target. Gathering her energy into the gun, the red light begins to glow and she fires. A strong beam of light hits the tree with a loud explosion, but the kick back knocks Jing backwards and she lands on her side.

   "Ow..." Iseul runs over to help her up.

   "Are you ok?" She asks, as Jing struggles to stand.

   "Ah, I think I hurt my ankle." Jing steps lightly on her foot and winces when she feels a sharp pain.

   "I'm sure it's just a sprain." Iseul tells her. "But did you see how powerful that attack was just now?"

   "Maybe it's too powerful, what if someone gets hurt?" Jing looks back at the burning tree with concern.

   "That's what the whole civilian evacuation thing is for." Iseul says, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You have got to stop worrying about other people so much and focus on what you want."

   "Well... If you think so..." Jing nods hesitantly.

   "Now get going and show them what you can do." Iseul pats her on the back, before running off.


    "Are you limping?" Jungkook asks when he notices Jing stepping lightly on her foot.

   "I'm fine." She tells him.

   "You're hurt." He states, his voice full of concern.

   "I can take care of myself." She says, "Yes, I'm hurt but there's not much I can do about it. I've got things to do and places to be."

   "Sure, but you can always count on me to help you out." Jungkook smiles as he scoops her up into his arms and carries her bridal style.

   "Y-yah! Put me down!" She cries. Normally she would be shy and embarrassed, but all she could think about was how little kids used to pick up their pet cats and carry them around the house, laughing and screaming. Then something came over her. She became angry. "Jungkook, if you don't put me down now, I'm going to get mad." She mutters somewhat under breath.

   Jungkook notices the change in her behavior and gently sets her down. "What's wrong?" He asks.

   "I'm tired of you always treating me like a child." She tells him. "I know I'm not as strong as Fei or Snigdha or Iseul, but I've been through a lot and I think I'm strong enough to handle things on my own. I don't need you to be so protective of me."

   "Jing, I just... I just want to take care of you, that's all." He reaches out to touch her, but she moves away from him.

   "I'm not some poor little stray that you need to take care of all the time." She glares at him.

   "Wh-what? I know that, I just... I care about you, a lot. Is it wrong that I want to protect you?" Jungkook asks.

   "I never asked for your protection." She says quietly and walks away.

   "Jing..." Jungkook watches her as she goes, suddenly confused about the whole thing. "What just happened?" He scratches his head in frustration.


   "Ah, Iseul! There you are! Where have you been?" RapMon asks when he sees her walk into his office.

   "Oh, sorry, leader!" She bows. "I had to help Jing with something. Have you and J-Hope already started with the planning?"

   "I wish." RapMon sighs, sounding a little annoyed. "He's late too." At that moment J-Hope walks by with earbuds in and dancing to whatever music he's listening to. "Yah!" RapMon shouts to be heard above the music.

   "Oh." J-Hope takes out his earbuds. "What's up?"

   "What's up? That's all you have to say!? Our strategy meeting was half an hour ago. At least Iseul has an excuse, what's yours?" he points a pencil at him accusingly.

   "Oh, was that tonight?" J-Hope's eyes widen in surprise. "Sorry, I completely forgot."

   "You forgot!? Come on, guys this is really important! Do you at least have the blueprints from the last time we staked out the building?" RapMon asks.

   "Ah, I must have left those back in my dorm room. I'll go get them!" J-Hope shouts, before putting his earbuds back in and running out of the building.

   "Ugh! It's like working with children." RapMon sighs.

   "Y'know..." Iseul starts, sitting on the edge of RapMon's desk. "They'd probably listen to you more if you took on a more commanding role."

   "I'm already leader." RapMon tells her.

   "That's not what I meant." She smiles at him. "They don't listen as well, because you treat them too much like friends when you should be treating them like soldiers."

   "But they are my friends." He looks at her confused.

   "Maybe inside of school and at BIG HIT, but here..." She taps on his desk with her index finger. "You're their leader, their commander and they should treat you with the respect that you deserve."

   "You're right." RapMon sets down his pencil harshly and walks out of his office with a very determined look on his face. He walks to the edge of the railing above the others and shouts into a mic which projects his voice over an intercom system. "Attention soldiers!" He announces. "Don't make any plans over the next few days because you will be spending all of your extra hours training and preparing for the war. I expect everyone to put in a hundred and ten percent, no make that two hundred precent, of their energy into making sure that nothing goes wrong during the invasion."

   "Isn't that a little excessive?" Jin asks. "We don't want to tire them out before the battle."

   "They wouldn't get tired if they trained more." RapMon states, pushing the mic into his hands and walking back into his office.

   A few minutes later, RapMon and Iseul meet with the others outside of his office. Everyone has a very concerned look on their face, except for RapMon, who seems annoyed that no one is working at the moment. "What is this meeting for?" He asks, sounding impatient. "I need to get back to work as soon as possible."

   "Look..." Jin starts. "We can tell that you're stressed about the upcoming invasion, but that's no reason to take out your anger on the others. We can't overwork our troops."

   "Oh, and I'm sure that you'd prefer it if everyone just sat down with a warm blanket and a hot bowl of soup. We can't let them get soft! We need them to be fully prepared for battle!" RapMon glares at Jin. "And all of you should be working! We can't waste anytime! Why aren't you moving?" He shouts, getting increasingly louder.

   "RapMon..." Suga stands up, a bit hesitantly. "We took a vote and... We think it's best that you take a break, just for a few days and let Jin take over for now."

   "What!? You expect me to step down as leader when the invasion date is so close!?" RapMon yells.

   "It's just that... We think the stress is starting to get to you, so maybe you should relax before you hurt yourself or someone else..." Jungkook tells him.

   "Oh, I see what this is." RapMon nods as if he understands.

   "You do?" J-Hope looks at him surprised. "Wait, what is it that you see?"

   "You want me to step down, because you want an easy leader, someone who won't push you as much! Well, fine! You can take over this no good team for all I care!" RapMon rips off his leader badge and roughly shoves it onto Jin's jacket, where it hangs crookedly from his shoulder, before stomping away in a huff.

   "Well, that could have gone better." Jin says quietly.

   "Don't worry about him." Iseul pats him on the back. "You'll make a great leader."

   "I hope so." He rubs his neck nervously.

   "Why are you so stressed out?" Snigdha asks him.

   "I've told you before that I've never had to take over as leader. Well, I guess I'm not really used to all of this responsibility. A lot of people are depending on me and I don't want to let them down." He tells her.

   "There's no way you could do that." Snigdha assures him.

   "Exactly. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? We lose and BTS gets sent back to the academy where we live out the rest of our lives in virtual paradise?" Iseul asks. "There's no way that you'd let that happen."

   "Right... No way..." He looks back at RapMon as he slams the door to his office.


   In the lab, V is working with Fei and Suga as they build and improve their weaponry. "So, Fei..." Suga starts, while he puts together a simple gun. "Do you remember when you accidentally shot me?" He asks.

   "Hm, yes, I do. Why?" She speaks without even looking up from her work, which bothers him.

   "Do you not remember feeling guilty or panicked when you saw me hurt?"

   "No. I couldn't have. Emotions cause error and I have no room for error." She states before she finishes her gun and begins to reassemble another one.

   "Look! I know you're capable of feeling! You just refuse to accept it!" He suddenly stands up and walks away, angrily.

   "Yoongi..." She says his name quietly. As he leaves, Iseul enters.

   "What was that all about?" Iseul asks, sitting down in his seat and looking at the weaponry that she's working with.

   Fei simply sighs. "I fear that Yoongi has some predisposed assumption that I'm in love with him or that I was once in love with him before I was repaired, but that can't be possible, can it?" She turns to Iseul, looking very confused.

   "Of course that's not possible. Dr. Kim informed me himself that you don't have the capacity for love. Your programming is different from Snigdha's because you can't love someone and no one can love you." Iseul explains to her. "You should probably just let him down easy, let him know that you two can never be together the way he wants, because you just weren't programmed that way."

   "You're right. I shouldn't put him through any more pain. That is my primary function after all. To relieve BTS of any pain or injuries, be they physical or emotional." She gets up to follow Suga out the door.

   "That's really nice of you to help out Fei like that." V tells Iseul, when they're alone. "At first I thought you two didn't like each other, but you really seem to be getting along now that you're part of the team." He smiles at her and she just hums thoughtfully.

   "By the way," Iseul smiles at him. "I asked Dr. Kim why Snigdha looks so much like me and he explained that it was because you used to have a crush on me when we were kids. Is that true?"

   "Ah, I-I..." V blushes at the sudden question. "I-I mean, I used to, but obviously not anymore. Why?" He continues to work, avoiding eye contact with her.

   "Oh, just wondering." She states. "It's not like it could have ever worked out between us anyway." She says, while leaning against the counter.

   "It couldn't have?" He glances at her, curiously, before quickly looking away when she turns towards him.

   "No, I mean, no offense, but you just don't have that look that most girls are looking for nowadays." Iseul tells him.

   "I don't?" He tilts his head to the side, looking confused.

   "I mean sure, personality is a big part of it too, but I think girls can tell that you're a little crazy, just by looking at you. None of the other boys have hair as long as yours and your features are... Unique, to say the least." She explains. "I'm not saying that you're not handsome in your own way, but I have to admit, I'd be a little offended if my father built a robot that was programmed to fall in love with me and have it end up falling for one of my friends instead."

   V drops his work and simply looks down at his reflection in the table for a few moments, wondering why he suddenly feels so bad.

   "Well, I've wasted enough of your time. I'd better be getting back to work." Iseul smiles and waves before leaving V alone with his thoughts.


   "Oh, hey, Iseul." J-Hope greets her when she walks in. "I'm almost done with the strategy plans now." He tells her as he sits up from his bean bag chair with a piece of paper in one hand and a pencil in the other.

   "That's good, but I just came to talk." She says.

   "Oh, alright. What did you want to talk about? Are you nervous about tomorrow? Because it's ok if you are." He stands to put a hand on her shoulder.

   "No, its not that, it's just..." She looks down.

   "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks.

   "I feel bad, because I keep hearing the other members say mean things about you. Like how you're not an important member on the team and how they'd probably be able to do this mission without you." She pouts childishly as she tells him.

   "Did they now?" He looks at her surprised and she nods.

   "It really hurts to see people you care about so much talk behind your back, doesn't it?" Iseul looks up at him. "I don't know what I'd do if I were in your shoes. You should've heard the things they said, especially Snigdha, what a horrible bi-" J-Hope cuts her off.

   "Why are you lying to me?" He asks, giving her a very disappointed look.

   "Wh-what? H-how did you know?" She blinks rapidly in confusion.

   "Trust me, I know when someone is using psychological warfare when I see it." He tells her with a smirk.

   She looks around in confusion in a moment of panic. "Are you going to tell the others?" She asks.

   He tilts his head to the side, as if he's considering it. "No," He states, surprisingly calm. "Because I know that your plan will never work. You might be smart and conniving, but BTS has more loyalty to the team than you think." He then let's her go and walks away.

   "We'll see about that." She growls.


   That night...

   RapMon sits at his desk in the dark, writing furiously on a notepad and tearing off page after page and throwing it away as his stress increases.

   Jungkook sits at the piano playing a beautiful melody that slowly gets more distorted the longer he plays. His anger rising until he suddenly gets up and takes a bat. Slamming it down on the keys, splinters of wood flying into the air. One of them cuts his hand and he holds it in pain as blood drips onto the floor.

   V walks out of the bathroom after just washing his hair and he stares at his reflection in the mirror, breathing heavily. His wet hair dragging his bangs down over his eyes. In anger he grabs a pair of scissors and cuts his bangs, while continuing to stare at his reflection in disgust.

   J-Hope dances in front of a full length body mirror that lines the walls of the dance studio. His body moving fluidly to the music that echoes in the empty room.

   Suga jumps up and tosses the ball into the net, but soon loses any motivation to play. Deciding instead to lean against the mirrors that line the wall. He tosses the ball lazily across the room.

   Jimin wraps the white cloth around his knuckles before hitting the punching bag, his hits becoming increasingly stronger until stuffing explodes from the other side. Sweat drips down the sides of his face as he breathes heavily, trying to sort his thoughts.

   In the basement of the school Jin throws all of the desks into piles before flicking a lighter and tossing it into the pile. Several small fires light up the basement floor as the wooden chairs and desks burn brightly in the darkness. "Tomorrow is when the mission starts." He says quietly. "If we fail, we'll be sought after and captured, so we can't leave any trace of us ever being here." He watches as the desks burn, the fire flickering in his eyes.

The next day...

   "Alright. Today's the day. Does everyone feel ready?" Jin asks.

   "No." V says quietly, pushing his bangs to the side. Snigdha notices his behavior and odd haircut, but decides not to say anything. Everyone is a little more tense than usual and Snigdha assumes it's because of the upcoming battle, but it's something else. Iseul knows why.

   "Good." Jin nods. "Well, I know I'm not great at making encouraging speeches and all that, but I guess all I can say is, when we fight today, we're not just fighting for ourselves, but for all of the people of this city that are poor, defenseless, or uneducated. We are fighting for the freedom and justice that everyone deserves. It's going to be tough and it's going to be scary, but just know that whatever you do on the battle field, I trust you to make the right decision and help us win the war!" He raises his fist and everyone raises theirs as well, cheering loudly and chanting BTS.

   "Not bad." RapMon smiles and pats Jin on the back. "You're actually not half bad at this. Maybe I should take a break as leader more often."

   "No way." Jin shakes his head. "As soon as this is over, I'm going into early retirement."

   RapMon just laughs. "Come on, leader." He says jokingly. "It's time."

   "Alright." He puts on his earbuds and begins speaking to the troops. "Snigdha, Fei and Iseul are going with CL and her team to infiltrate and shut down Virtual Paradise, while BTS and the troops begin a siege on the DK building. As soon as the innocents are evacuated, no one gets in, no one gets out."

   "Got it!" Jing informs him as she walks into the building and pulls the fire alarm. Loud sirens go off and people grumble angrily as Jing escorts them out of the building.


   "So this is the famous Snigdha that we've heard so much about." CL smiles as she shakes Snigdha's hand.

   "Nice to meet you." Snigdha bows. "You must be CL. RapMon explained that you and your team would be leading us inside to help you destroy Virtual Paradise from within, but..." She looks around. "Where is your team?"

   "They should be arriving..." She glances at her watch. "Right about now." She turns as a shiny black car approaches them and out steps a familiar face.

   "Minzy!?" Snigdha gasps. "I had no idea you were part of the rebellion!"

   "Yeah, I wasn't really keen on the whole idea until recently, but this woman really knows how to be persuasive." She tells her as she throws an arm around CL.

   "Oh, its so good to see you again." Bom approaches them and gives each one of them a hug. "I've been so worried about you since you were able to escape Virtual Paradise."

   "Speaking of which. We need you to show us how you did it." Dara says, but in a more commanding tone than intended.

   "Right, of course. Let's go." Fei and Snigdha lead the way to the virtual reality room where they first found the boys after the explosion.

   "When they were hooked up, they were all attached to a singular system so that they were in the same virtual reality, the academy, and not in their own separate realities." Snigdha explains.

   "We learned that if you avoid eating the pills in the virtual reality, you're less likely to be responsive to their mind controlling agents." Bom told them.

   "Is that what you learned while in the pill factory?" Snigdha turns to Minzy with a grin.

   "That and so much more." Minzy nods.

   "While hooked up, we need you to monitor us, so that we don't fall under the influence of the system." CL tells them. "While we're in there, you three will be in charge of controls and if anything starts to happen, if we lose control. I want you to shut it down."

   "You don't really mean that, do you?" Snigdha stares at her in shock.

   "I do." She states. "We can't risk letting the agency take control of us. There's too much at stake."

   "Alright. Understood." Snigdha nods as she and Fei and Iseul help CL and her team into the virtual reality helmets. Fei looks over the controls and switches as she powers up the machine and Iseul powers up the monitor as it displays the girls entering the virtual paradise.

   "Team 2NE1 is in position." Snigdha informs the others.

   "We're good on this side too." RapMon's voice adds as he and the others set up outside of the building. Their weapons and machinery pointed at the top where DK and his officers are located.

   "Great work so far everyone." Jin smiles as he watches the monitors from the BIG HIT entertainment building. "Wait a minute... Something's wrong." Jin states as he looks at the monitors. "Jing's no longer on the radar. I've lost her."

   "What!? Where could she have gone?" Jungkook asks.

   "They must have taken her!" Snigdha groans.

   "I'll go look for her!" Fei tells them. "You two continue monitoring them."

   "Got it! Good luck!" Iseul shouts as Fei runs down the long hallway.


   "I sure hope she's alright." Snigdha whispers.

   "She'll be fine. She's got that cool gun attached to her arm." Iseul reminds her.

   "I know, it's just..." Snigdha isn't paying attention when a circuit explodes and sends a volt of energy through her arm and all over her body. She falls backwards and blinks in confusion, before she slowly gets back up.

   "Snigdha?" Iseul looks at her. "Are you ok?"

   "I... I remember." Snigdha holds her head as the memories come flooding back. "I remember everything. Including you!"

   "Is that so? Well, that can mean only one thing." Iseul sneers.

   "And what's that?" Snigdha watches her closely.

   "I can't let you stop me." She pulls the extinguisher off the wall and throws in onto the ground, before disappearing behind the white, pressurized foam.

   "Urgh! I've got to warn the others!" Snigdha checks her earbud, only to find out that she can't contact the others. "Gah! What use are you!?" She screams at her earbud and stuffs it in her pocket, before running after her. CL and her team are still in Virtual Paradise as they lay motionless on the tables.


   "All of DK agency's weapons are down, I repeat, all of DK agency's weapons are down." V informs them.

   "Good work!" Jin smiles widely. "Maybe this mission will be a success after all." He thinks to himself. "How are you doing on your end, lil' sis?" He asks as Iseul gets into the elevator.

   "Everything is going according to plan." She informs him and smiles, thinking about how she's so close to winning, when suddenly the elevator shakes and the lights short out. "Wh-what the-!?" She hits the floor as the elevator begins to plummet down 60 stories. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no." She starts clawing at the elevator doors with little success. "This can't be happening! DK, you promised that I wouldn't get hurt! DK!" She screams into the other earbud, not caring who hears her. "Somebody help me!" She screams as she pounds on the doors.

   She looks up when she hears something and sees Snigdha ripping off the top panel. "Grab my hand!" Snigdha yells. Iseul jumps up and catches Snigdha's arm, who pulls her out of the elevator, to safety. Snigdha holds her as they hang precariously from the elevator coils, watching the elevator hit the bottom in a deafening crash of screeching metal.

   "Why would you save me after everything I've done to you?" Iseul looks at her in shock.

    "Because I can tell that you're still a good person." Snigdha smiles. "You were just blinded by jealousy and even though you've done some pretty bad things, I think you still have the capability to do the right thing." Snigdha tells her before dropping her off on the nearest floor. "Sorry, I hate to leave you here, but I've got to find Jing."

   Iseul stares at her in disbelief as she continues to climb the elevator coils to the top.


   "I don't want to be a part of this anymore." Iseul says angrily as she stomps into DK's office and throws the hard drive at him, which he catches, without even turning to look at her. "Jimin and the others told me all about your dirty actions and wrongdoings, but I didn't really believe them until now! You left me to die!"

   "I apologize for that dearie, but in this business, it's every man for himself." Dongwook tells her.

   "Well, then I won't be part of this business any longer. I'm going to help BTS stop you." Iseul spits on his boots.

   "I'm afraid they're not going to win." He states calmly. "We have a girl on the inside, besides you."

   "Who, Snigdha? I'm pretty sure she's on their side and after what she's been through, I don't blame her. You people are horrible!" She yells at him.

   "No, not Snigdha." He says, and Iseul just looks at him confused for a moment.

   "Then, who..." Her eyes widen when she notices a framed picture on his desk of Dongwook and a girl. A girl she knows. "No... It can't be..." She runs out of the room in a panic and screams into her earbud. "Snigdha? Snigdha, answer me!"

   Snigdha looks around when she hears Iseul's voice, then pulls her earbud out of herpocket, "I thought you were broken." She says to it as she puts it back in ear. "What? Iseul? What's wrong?" Snigdha asks as she walks down an empty hallway.

   "You're in danger!" Iseul tells her. "I have to warn you! Don't trust her!"

   "Don't trust who?" Snigdha asks, but the line goes dead when Iseul is shot from the back by Minwoo and dragged back to the office. "Iseul? Iseul!?" Snigdha screams. "Who shouldn't I trust!?" But Snigdha doesn't get any response. "Ugh! What the hell!?" She groans. "Who could it-!?" She gets cut off when a strong surge of energy is shot through her and she falls to the floor. "Who...?"

   "Sorry, Snigdha. It's nothing personal. Just business." She hears a familiar voice and looks up to a see an arm and a gun pointed at her face.



   As the music video comes to an end, the holographic billboard that sits in the center of the city, changes it's screen to read "That was 'Come Back Home' performed by 2NE1. Now back to your regularly scheduled program." The screen changes again as a female, robotic voice tells the citizens, "Good morning everyone, and welcome to Seoul, South Korea. The date today is December 19, 3014. The time is 19:00. The weather today is cloudy at -10 degrees Celsius. Be the first of your friends to enter 'Virtual Paradise' an escape from reality to the life you really want. Bored? Too much free time? Not feeling fulfilled in your life? Virtual Paradise will solve all of your problems, the world is limited only by your imagination. Simply step into our office and sign up with one of our representatives. Act fast and don't be the last. This hourly report is brought to you DK agency, the agency that serves and protects its people."

   Snigdha wakes up screaming and finds herself chained to a wall in some kind of cold and dark prison cell. She turns to her side and sees Fei and Iseul in the same position just a few feet away from her. They look weak and tired.

   "What happened?" Fei asks. "My memory files can't retrieve anything after I went looking for Jing."

   "That's because Jing is the culprit. She betrayed us." Iseul tells her, sounding bitter.

   "No! I refuse to believe that Jing is bad! She's been through so much with us! She's too innocent to do anything like this!" Snigdha argues, but in the back of her mind, she doesn't really believe it herself.

   "When are you going to wake up?" Iseul scoffs. "We were played and we never saw it coming, because we thought she was weak and kind. We overlooked her and now she and DK agency are going to kill us."

   "She would never." Snigdha states. "Besides, DK agency doesn't kill people, at least not usually. They just send you to the academy."

   "I think I'd rather die." Iseul looks down, not wanting to talk anymore.

   "How long was I out?" Snigdha asks, turning to Fei.

   "According to my internal clock, only a few hours. I believe the invasion is still going on, but without our communicators, we have no way of getting in contact with BTS." Fei informs her.

   "Then how are we going to get out of here?" Snigdha pulls on her chains, but it's no use. She groans angrily and huffs. "I just want to know why..." She sighs.

   "Why what?" Iseul asks, raising her head.

   "Why did Jing betray us!? I know she must have some reason! Some explanation!" Snigdha shouts.

   "Why did you listen to them?" Iseul asks, giving Snigdha a questioning look and she stays silent for a moment. Almost shocked at having been asked, but at the same time, curious herself, because she had forgotten that it was because of DK agency themselves that she had met BTS and joined their revolution.

   "Well, for awhile, when I first met them, I really had thought that they were the good guys. The ones that served and protected people like me. I thought I was helping the good guys when I went undercover to infiltrate BTS, who I thought were the bad guys, but after joining with them, I saw that it was the complete opposite and I lost sight of myself along the way." Snigdha explains. "I know that I can't fix the wrongs that I have caused, but if I had to do it all over again, I would, because meeting BTS was the best thing that could have ever happened to me."

   "That sounds familiar..." Fei mentions. "Didn't Jing say something similar when the bomb was going off?"

   "Oh, yeah. She did." Snigdha looks up. "Do you think she meant those words back then?"

   "Well, I can't read people's emotions like Suga can, but I can listen to their heartbeats and that's almost as good. As far as I can tell, she was telling the truth." Fei tells her.

   "So, there is still good in her!" Snigidha smiles. "She genuinely likes Jungkook, and because he's never given a reason to show that he doesn't like her back, there's still hope!"

   "Actually..." Iseul starts quietly, looking down as if she was ashamed. "I might have told her that Jungkook didn't really like her in an attempt to cause conflict within the group."

   "What!? Why would you do that!?" Snigdha yells.

   "Because I lost Jimin to you! I know it was wrong, but I hated seeing anyone in a happy relationship!" Iseul shouts back, before calming down and continuing. "Also... I thought that if cooperation between the members of the group broke down, then maybe the whole operation would fail, but J-Hope was right. They don't let petty things like that distract them."

   "They really are amazing in more ways than one..." Snigdha states.

   "If only we could contact them and let them know where we are."  Fei shakes her chains and looks around the room, but all she can see are jail cells and darkness.

   "How did you get involved with DK agency?" Snigdha suddenly asks a surprised Iseul, who looks down and sighs before speaking.

   "After I escaped Virtual Paradise, I met Minwoo, who showed me the girl who had stolen my life and offered me a chance to steal it back if I got rid of you and took down BTS." She admits. "He then offered me a seat on the council. a chance to work with the government, and I thought that maybe... Just maybe, I could change the country for the better if I took the offer, but of course they lied to me."

   "Change the country for the better? By working with the government? That's actually a pretty smart idea." Snigdha nods in understanding.

    "They would have never let her have a say in anything though." Fei tells her. "DK agency only consists of men, and the fact that she's only a teenager would have made her even less reliable in their eyes."

   "That makes sense..." Snigdha sighs again. "I guess the only way really is to take down DK agency completely. But right now that seems like an impossible goal."

   "We can't give up hope. BTS is still out there fighting and we have to believe in them." Fei says.

   "Right now this situation... Seems pretty hopeless..." Both Snigdha and Iseul hang their heads in despair, until they hear a jingle of keys and the sound of a metal door being opened.

   "Jing!?" Fei yells, causing Snigdha and Iseul to look up in shock.

   "Shh... I'm getting you out of here." She puts a finger to her lips to keep them quiet.

   "B-but why did you attack us in the first place?" Snigdha asks.

   "I'm really sorry about that, but I needed to put on a show for Dongwook. He can see and hear everything that goes on in this building, except for in here." She explains.

   "Put on a show?" Iseul asks, but she doesn't get an answer, because Jing is too preoccupied with finding the right keys.

   "You have to get out of here." Jing tells them as she unlocks their chains. They each fall to the floor and rub their wrists to alleviate the pain.

   "You're not coming with us?" Snigdha looks at her surprised.

   "I can't." She looks down. "I have to stay here and keep Dongwook distracted. If I go missing, he'll know something's up. Now get out of here!" She pushes them all out of the cell, but Iseul refuses to move.

   "Wait a minute!" She yells and puts her foot down. "I'm not leaving until I get a straight answer! Why did you need to put on a show!? Why does Dongwook have a framed picture of you on his desk!? Why are you working for him in the first place when you know that he's an evil, lying, conniving and dirty son of a-!"

   "Because..." Jing cuts her off, her voice trembling. "He's my father."


   "RapMon! I've lost all contact with the girls! I have no idea where they are or what's going on!" Jin shouts into his earpiece.

   "Stay calm!" RapMon tells him. "The invasion is going well so far and we will find them. I'm sure they're alright and-!" He's interrupted when he looks up to see hundreds of men in riot gear running out of the building. "Their troops are coming out! It's go time people!" RapMon announces as Jimin and Jungkook get into position with the rest of the rebellion.

   "RapMon! We're outnumbered! There's no way we can beat them, even with our weapons!" Jungkook shouts as DK's troops take out several of their people quickly and easily.

   "Ugh! I didn't make enough adjustments to the weapons! I'm so sorry guys!" V groans in frustration.

   "No! It's not your fault, V." Jin tells him. "They've had more training than us and they're using non-tech based weaponry that seems to be stronger than we had anticipated."

   "Then we'll just have to fight fire with fire." RapMon snarls as he picks up a lead pipe and uses it to knock a baseball bat out of one of the soldier's hands. He smiles as he gains momentum and takes out three more soldiers, but is knocked down when a soldier hits his blindspot. He finds himself on the ground with a bleeding lip.

   "Hey, need a hand?" He hears a familiar raspy voice as a hand is held out to help him up. He takes it and chuckles as he stands.

   "Never thought I'd see you again, Zico." RapMon laughs, wiping the blood off his chin.

   "Well, we are all fighting for the same cause, are we not?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow. "And don't think that just because you won the battle, means you've won the war."

   "Hey, I'm always up for a little competition. Wanna see how many soldiers my team can take out compared to your team?" RapMon asks with a smirk.

   "I'll bet on that, kid." Zico smiles as he grabs a gun and it. "See ya on the battlefield." He his lips and runs into the fray with his own team behind him shooting wildly and shouting with glee.

   "Man, those guys are crazy." Suga chuckles into his earpiece.

   "I like 'em." V states with a smile.

   "Focus, men. We don't want to fall behind now." RapMon tells them as he takes his lead pipe and hits a soldier so hard, their helmet flies off.


   "What do you mean he's your father!?" Iseul gasps. "Did he raise you to be some kind of spy from the moment you were born? Are you like a super soldier or an assassin? Did he-?"

   "He didn't want anything to do with me!" Jing silences her, with tears threatening to fall. "After my mother died, he knew that having a child would ruin his image so he sent me to an orphanage where I grew up. Years later, the orphanage burned down, but I was the only one that survived. I lived off of the only food and water I could find for years, that is until... BTS rescued me."

   "And you've been with them ever since." Fei states and Jing nods.

   "When Jungkook and I were kidnapped by Dr. Kim, he gave me a message from my father that basically stated, that if I didn't do as I was told, I would die." She tells them.

   "So does he...?" Snigdha trails off and Jing shakes her head.

   "He never said who the message was from, so I don't think he knows that Dongwook is my father."

   "How do you think Dongwook found out that you were with BTS?" Iseul asks.

   "He has eyes everywhere, he probably saw her and Jungkook when they were walking together." Snigdha states.

   "Jungkook was with you, does he know?" Fei asks.

   "No, he was unconscious at the time." Jing tells her.

   "So, putting the bomb inside of you was Dongwook's warning that he was telling the truth." Iseul states.

   "Yes, and I was so afraid of putting Jungkook and the rest of you in danger, that I knew I had to do something to gain his trust. So I attacked Fei and Snigdha." Jing admits. "I thought that if it looked like you two were out of commission, then Dongwook wouldn't continue searching for you and you could sneak out while I keep him distracted."

   "That's a good plan and all, but you're missing one thing." Snigdha says as she places a hand on Jing's shoulder.

   "What's that?" Jing asks.

   "You're not doing this alone. We're all here for you." Fei tells her and Iseul nods in agreement.

   "I've got a lot I need to make up for." Iseul mutters. "So I hope you'll let me help you."

   "You're really willing to risk your lives... To help me?" Jing looks at them in astonishment, before tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

   "Aw, you always were such a crybaby." Snigdha chuckles as she and the others pull Jing into a hug.

   After a few moments, "Alright, now that Jing has calmed down, I think it's time for a strategy plan. Iseul?" Fei turns to her.

   "Well, as far as Dongwook knows, we're still in this prison cell, so instead of an escape plan, like Jing had originally planned for us, I think we should hit Dongwook where it really hurts. Which is the wall that separates Uptown and Downtown." Iseul smiles. "I say we tear it down."

   "We can do that from here!?" Snigdha's eyes widen.

   "The whole structure is controlled and monitored from his office on the top floor. If we can get in there, we can shut down the wall and expose the whole country to what he's been hiding. They'll lose all trust in him and the government." Iseul tells her.

   "The hard part will be getting into his office." Fei states.

   "Actually, I think I know how." Jing raises her hand and smiles.


   "Oh! Guys! I have a visual on the girls. It looks like they were captured and now they're being taken to DK's office by... Is that Jing!?" Jin shouts into his earbud, sounding very confused.

   "What!? No, that's not possible." Jungkook states in disbelief.

   "Unless she betrayed us..." Jimin crosses his arms, looking very upset.

   "There's no way she could have." Jungkook tells him.

   "Just because she's your girlfriend, doesn't make her innocent." Jimin points angrily at the him.

   "She's not my- I mean, we're kind of taking a break right now, I think." Jungkook sighs.

   "Whatever, the girls are in trouble and we have to save them!" Jimin states.

   "But how?" Suga asks, joining up with them.

   "The only way we can. We have to go in there." J-Hope smiles.

   "And leave Zico and his group alone?" RapMon asks.

   "It's alright." Zico places a hand on his shoulder. "We've got this."

   "Are you sure?" RapMon looks at him a bit worriedly, but Zico just nods towards the building.

   "Go and save your girls."

   "Thanks man." RapMon smiles. "Ok, you heard him. Let's go get 'em!" He raises his fist and the boys cheer before following him into the building. Even Jin leaves his post at BIG HIT to join them.

   "Dr. Kim, please watch the monitors and keep me updated on what's going on!" Jin shouts before running out the door.

   "Will do!" Dr. Kim raises his cup of coffee and sits down at the desk, looking at all of the screens. "Oh, Snigdha..." He sighs. "I sure hope you know what you're doing."

   "Alright, boys." Zico smirks as his team gathers behind him. "It's time to do what we do best. Did you get everything set up?" He asks Taeil who pulls a er out of his mouth and nods.

   "Yep, just as you requested sir, shall I pull the trigger now?"

   "Not yet. Wait for my signal." Zico tells him. The boys stand in one spot as the soldiers gather in front of them and raise their weapons.

   "Now?" Taeil asks as his fingers tap on the trigger impatiently, but Zico just raises his hand to tell him to wait.

   The soldiers rush forward, all grouped together in a mass of chaos and white uniforms. "Now." He says almost silently and Taeil hits the trigger so hard it breaks in his hands. Above them the bridge explodes and a large chunk of the bridge falls and lands on top of the soldiers, crushing their bones instantly.

   "Wh-whoa!" P.O. jumps back to avoid the debris. "How'd you know that bridge would land on them and not on us?" He asks a bit nervously.

   "Don't you know?" Zico smirks. "I'm very, very good."

   The boys run into the building and practically knock down the door as they storm the office.

   "Dongwook!" RapMon shouts. "We know you have the girls! Let them go!"

   The large chair in the enter of the room begins to spin around and the boys take up defensive positions and prepare for the worst, but when the chair spins around to reveal Snigdha, they all stare at her in shock and confusion.

   "Oh, hello boys." She smiles while crossing her legs and resting her hands on them. "What took you so long?"

   They pause for a moment to look around the room and they see Dongwook, Minwoo and the rest of their soldiers tied up in the corner of the room with Fei, Jing and Iseul sitting at the computers.

   "Wh-what the-? How did you-?" V stutters.

   "Let's just say we had a little help." Fei gestures to the side and the boys notice CL, Dara, Bom and Minzy with their own weapons in hand.

   "Looks like you boys weren't the only ones able to escape Virtual Paradise." CL states with a smirk.

   "Heh, I guess we underestimated you." RapMon chuckles.

   "That's alright." Iseul says as she stands and walks up to them. "We may have been able to restrain them, but there's still something we need to do."

   "What's that?" Jimin asks.

   "Destroy the wall." Iseul says with a smile.

   "Are you crazy? That could cause panic and chaos all over the country." Suga tells them.

   "Or it could just be the tipping point we've always needed to put DK agency down for good." RapMon nods in agreement. "Alright, let's do this." He then turns to Jin. "Well, you're the leader for this mission. What do you think?"

   "I think..." He pauses and looks at the girls, before nodding as well. "We should do it."

   "Yeah! Alright!" The girls cheer and high five each other.

   "Jing? Would you like to do the honors?" Snigdha asks, offering the screen to her.

   "Really? Me?" She points to herself and everyone nods. She hesitantly sits down and looks at the screen that reads, 'Shut down wall'. She raises her hand above the trigger and waits...

   "Jing?" Snigdha asks, looking concerned.

   "I just remembered. This building is at the center of the city, which means it's what's keeping the wall up. If we destroy the wall, this building will come down with it." Jing looks at all of them to confirm if they still want to go through with it.

   "Sounds like we're going to have to make last minute escape. Which, I don't know about the rest of you, but I can totally do that." Iseul says with a smirk.

   "Oh, yeah? I bet I'm out of the building before you even tie your shoes." Jimin challenges her with a smile.

   "Oh, it's on." She glares at him, but smiles back.

   "Alright. Here I go." Jing states as she raises her hand once again and brings it down. Red lights and sirens start going off as the whole building starts to shuts down.

   "Time to go!" Snigdha shouts as she jumps out of the window, just as the building begins to tip. She slides down the side of the building like she's surfing, while screaming with joy.

   "Damn, that's hot." Jimin fans himself while Fei just rolls her eyes.

   "Please control your hormones." She jokes as she grabs Dongwook and Minwoo and jumps out as well to follow her.

   "Ready to go?" Jungkook asks, as Jing wraps her arms around his neck. She smiles and nods as he races out the window and runs down the building while avoiding glass and debris flying his way.

   "You're going to have to move faster than that!" Iseul shouts as she whizzes past him along with the rest of the 2NE1 girls.

   RapMon, J-Hope, and Jin all stumble after them. "Y'know I kinda imagined our first revolution with more food and less running for our lives." J-Hope states in a joking manner.

   "Really? Because this is exactly how I pictured it." Jin laughs as he avoids falling through an open window.

   "Onward my faithful steed!" V shouts as he rides on Suga's shoulders while covering his eyes with one hand.

   "Y-yah! V!" He yells. "I can't see! Move your hand or I'm dropping your fat !"

   Soon enough, everyone tumbles to the bottom as they watch the building come down in a pile of smoke and ash. They finally did it. They had won.

Days later...

   "Hey, Snigdha." J-Hope turns to her while Fei braids her hair.  "I know that you were built to be human, but how human do you think Dr. Kim made you?" J-Hope asks.

   "What do you mean?" Both Snigdha and Fei look at him curiously.

   "Like, did he make you 100% anatomically correct?" He makes a gesture below his belt and Snigdha continues to look at him confused, while Fei puts a hand to her face to hide her embarrassment.

   "Yah! What kind of questions that?" RapMon yells at him.

   "What? I was just curious. I want to know if they're capable of-" J-Hope is cut off when Jungkook throws a hand over his mouth.

   "There are children here!" Suga whispers while putting both hands over Jing's ears. She just looks at everyone confused.

   "Come on, they're old enough to know what I'm talking about." J-Hope smiles after pushing away Jungkook's hand. "Besides, you can't tell me that you're not the least bit curious, too." He smiles knowingly at Suga, who turns a bright red and looks away.

   "Well, to answer your question, yes. We were built with all the same functions and capabilities as the average female. Our main function was to provide companionship, but I guess Dr. Kim took into consideration that we might be used for... 'That' kind of companionship." She coughs to cover up her shyness.

   "What do you mean by 'that' kind?" Snigdha asks and Fei leans down to whisper in her ear. Her eyes widen and her face becomes red. "Oh..." She looks down, suddenly embarrassed for asking.

   "I'm a married man with a son and I'm a doctor. I'm not completely unfamiliar with the female body." Dr. Kim states as he drinks his coffee.

   "Hey, RapMon, what are all those papers and documents for?" Iseul asks, trying to change the subject.

   "Damn terms and conditions." RapMon sighs as he hands the papers to Suga who pats him on the back.

   "There, there. You worked hard today. You deserve a break." He laughs and goes through the papers while the others chat.

   "It's all paperwork that basically signs over the ownership of DK agency to RapMon and the rest of BTS." Fei informs her.

   "Oh, so what, are we like the government now?" She looks at her curiously.

   "Well, not exactly. Since we're still kids, the ownership has to go to adults and since Dongwook and Minwoo are in prison, real prison." Fei emphasizes. "The ownership has fallen to 2NE1 and Zico's group. What were they called again?" She asks.

   "Block B." Jin tells her.

   "Although if you ask me, they totally copied us. Block B? BTS? Are they really that original?" J-Hope asks.

   "I think you're forgetting that they were idols before us, stupid." Suga hits him on the back of the head with a particularly thick document.

   "So why does BTS still have to sign the papers?" Iseul asks.

   "Because we have partial ownership as well." RapMon states proudly. "But as soon as we continue activities as idols we won't be as involved."

   "Which reminds me," Suga looks up at Fei. "You're still our manager. What should we do?"

   "Hm," Fei puts a finger to her chin to think. "I'll get back to you on that."

   Later that night...

   "There, that's it." Jimin praises Snigdha as she expertly hits the punching bag, while Jungkook practices his flips and kicks. Jing sits nearby on a bench and watches.

   "Hey, how's it going in here?" Iseul asks, walking and looking around at all of the training gear and heavy weights lining the wall.

   "Pretty good. Jimin here is showing me how to box." Snigdha steps lightly on her toes, then attacks the punching bag with rapid fire like hits.

   "Hm, impressive." Iseul states.

   "Did you need something?" Jimin asks.

   "Actually, could I talk with you? In private?" She asks.

   "Uh, sure." He takes a towel and dabs at his sweat before following her out into the hallway.

   "What do you think they could be talking about?" Snigdha asks Jungkook who sits down on the mats.

   "They're probably talking about getting back together." Jungkook states. "Afterall, they were dating before you showed up."

   "Oh, yeah. That's right." Snigdha looks down. "Well, I hope they resolve their issues. I'd hate to cause any more tension between them." She says as she goes back to the punching bag.

   "You're not going to fight for him? After all you've been through!?" Jing stands up suddenly.

   "Wh-whoa! Jing! The only reason we dated was because he thought I was Iseul, so what little time we spent together was based on a lie." Snigdha tells her, trying to get her to calm down.

   "But you're perfect for each other! You both are strong, athletic, highly emotional and you both get jealous easily." She smiles.

   "Yah! I do not!" She yells, her face getting red.

   "You're jealous right now, aren't you?" Jungkook laughs and points at how red her face is getting.

   "Urgh! I don't have to take this!" Snigdha hits the punching bag one more time, before leaving, and it falls to the ground with sand leaking out the side.

   "Oh, Snigdha, there you are." Jimin says as he catches her coming out of the training room. "Can we talk?" He asks.

   "Ah, ye-yeah. Sure." She stutters, suddenly a little self conscious.

   He leads her to the room where they've spent so many nights talking and Snigdha blushes at some of the memories.

   "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She asks, once the door is closed.

   "What do you think of me and Iseul?" He asks, sitting down on the bed and she sits next to him, looking at him curiously.

   "Are you asking me for dating advice?" She looks at him in surprise.

   "I don't know if I should get back together with Iseul or not. We used to be really happy before... All this happened." He makes a circular motion with his hand and sighs. He doesn't state it explicitly, but Snigdha knows that he means before he met her.

   "Well, if you really want my opinion, I think you deserve better." She tells him.

   "You really think so? You're not just saying that because you want to get back together, are you?" He smirks.

   "No way. You're way too high maintenance for me." Snigdha jokes.

   "High maintenance!?" Jimin acts offended, but smiles. "This is coming from the robot that needs new synthetic skin material every week, because she keeps damaging herself?"

   "Shut up! This is a dangerous job and you know it! I wouldn't need repairs every week if I just healed normally like a regular human." She gently shoves him and he just laughs in response.

   "You're human enough for me." Jimin tells her and she silently thanks the darkness for hiding the red tint on her cheeks.

   After a few minutes, they walk out of the room together, but stop in their tracks when they notice V and Iseul talking in the kitchen. "Wh-whoa! When did they get so close?" Snigdha leans against the wall so she can't be seen.

   "Who knows, but maybe V really does still have a crush on her." Jimin adds, while peering around the corner so they don't get caught.

   "You think so?" She suddenly looks down.

   "Don't tell me you like the 4D alien." Jimin looks at her shocked.

   "Wh-what? No!" Snigdha shakes her head. "I just-!"

   "Shh!" He puts his hand over . "Listen, they're saying something."

   "So, when we were talking, that day before the invasion. You said something about my looks. Did you really mean that?" V asks her.

   "No, of course not!" Iseul waves her hands frantically. "You know that I always thought that you were the most handsome as kids."

   "Really, you thought I was handsome?" He tilts his head to the side and laughs.

   "Well, did you really mean what you said when you claimed that you no longer liked me?" She asks, taking a sip of her tea.

   "I might have fibbed a little bit." He smiles shyly and looks away.

   "I think we should leave..." Snigdha says quietly as she moves from her hiding spot and walks away.

   "Snigdha..." Jimin watches as she leaves, a little confused.


   "Jimin might like you, but you're feeling confused because you still have feelings for Taehyung?" Fei asks her, when they're in the lab together, going through spare parts and weapons.

   "I like V, a lot." Snigdha admits. "But you told me that it was in my programming to like V, because I was created for him. However, it's also in my programming to reciprocate affection and Jimin has shown me a lot of affection since we've met."

   "Well, certain parts of your programming can be adjusted." Fei informs her. "But at least you're capable of love. Because of my programming, I'll probably never experience the same kind of love that you or Jing experience."

   "I don't think that's true." Snigdha pouts.

   "You don't?" Fei looks at her surprised.

   "No, I see the way you look at Suga and the way he looks at you. You two clearly have a connection."

   "I think the virus must have affected your neural transmitter, because there's no way that Yoongi could have feelings for a robot incapable of feeling love." Fei tells her.

   "I think you're more capable than you know." Snigdha smiles.

   "Well, if you say so..." She shakes her head and looks back at Snigdha. "If you really wanna decide for yourself, who you love, then I could remove the chip in your brain that's programmed to love Taehyung."

   "You can do that!?" Snigdha stares at her in shock. "If you can, then yes! Please do!"

   "Alright." She states. "But there's no going back."


   "Oh, Fei!" Iseul calls her over. "There you are! Can I talk to you?"

   "Hm? Sure, what's the reason?" She asks.

   "Well, I..." Iseul looks around to make sure that no ones listening. "I think I need your advice on who to choose."

   "You mean between Jimin and Taehyung?" Fei states.

   "Yeah! How did you know?" Iseul looks at her in surprise.

   "Let's just say I might have already had this conversation earlier."

   "With Snigdha?" Iseul asks and Fei nods. "That makes sense. It is all really confusing."

   "What confuses me the most is why both of you came me to for advice." Fei tells her. "Unlike Snigdha I don't have the same emotional capacity as she does, so I don't believe I'm the best to give relationship advice."

   "But that's kind of the thing." Iseul puts a hand on her shoulder. "You're the logical one. It's because you don't let emotions cloud your judgement, that makes you the most suited for this kind of thing."

   "So you really think that because of my lack of emotions, I'm qualified to solve your relationship problems?" Fei looks at her, confused.

   "Something like that." Iseul laughs. "So what do you think I should do?"

   "Well, BTS is going to have their showcase in a few days. Why don't you watch the performance and see who attracts you the most during the show?" Fei tells her. "That way, we can get all things done and out of the way at once."

   "That's a pretty good idea. Thanks Fei!" Iseul nods and bows before running off.

   "Well, looks like someone is busy." Suga states, leaning against the door frame as Fei walks by him.

   "Were you eavesdropping?" Fei asks.

   "Maybe." He chuckles, before stepping in front of her. "How is it that you're so good at giving others relationship advice, but you're still so confused about the relationship between us?" He asks.

   "Yoongi, I've already told you. I'm not capable of feeling anything." Fei sighs.

   "If you truly believe that, then kiss me." He states without an ounce of hesitation.

   "What?" She looks at him in shock.

   "Kiss me. If you really don't feel anything then I promise to leave you alone, but if you do feel something, then I'll know that there's hope." He smiles. "And don't even think about lying, because you know I'll call you out on it."

   She stares at him for a few moments and she can tell from his eyes, that he's very serious about this. "Alright." She nods and leans forward. Her eyes are closed, so she just keeps moving forward blindly until she feels her lips meet with Yoongi's. There's silence and it feels like hours, but it's only been a few seconds, until a spark ignites and they're shocked as they're both sent backwards, their backs hitting the walls as electricity runs through their bodies.

   "Ok." Suga groans as he gets up. "If you really didn't feel that, then you need to ask V to look at your pain receptors." He chucklees as he helps her stand.

   "I suppose I might have felt something." The corners of her lips curve upwards, into a smirk.

   "So, do you still believe you're as robotic as the others think?" He asks.

    She takes a moment to think before answering him. "I believe... That I have a greater capacity for love than I had originally thought." She nods and he smiles, pulling her into a hug.


   "Wah! I'm so excited!" Jing screams with joy as she stands backstage with the rest of the girls.

   "Hehe, calm down." Jungkook chuckles as he adjusts his mic. "It's not like you've never seen us perform before."

   "But never this close! You guys are performing in front of so many people! How are you not nervous? I'm not even performing and I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest." She states, putting a hand to her chest, as if she's trying to keep it in there.

   Jungkook simply chuckles as he takes her hand and places it over his chest. "Feel that?" He asks and she nods as she feels the rapid rhythym of his beating heart. She almost mistook it for her own heart, it was beating so fast. "As long as I have you around, I don't have to worry about anything." She begins to turn a deep shade of red and he simply laughs before kissing her on the forehead and running to catch up with the others.

   "Only a few minutes to go!" Fei shouts as BTS gets ready backstage. They drink water, run in place to get rid of nerves and let the coordinators fix their hair and clothing before they step on stage.

   "Since when did our manager get so y?" J-Hope leans over to whisper in Suga's ear and the boy responds by hitting him harshly on the back of the head. "What? You were thinking the same thing!" J-Hope laughs.

   "That doesn't give you the right to say it!" Suga blushes.

   "It's almost time, quit fooling around!" Fei yells at them.

   "Yes ma'am!" They both stand up straight as if they're in the army and turn to leave, but Fei puts her hand on Suga's shoulder before he leaves to give him a peck on the cheek.

   "Good luck!" She smiles and he turns to her with a look of shock on his face, that soon turns into the biggest smile she's ever seen.

   "I won't need it now that I've got you." He laughs as his own cheesiness and she laughs before gently pushing him onstage.

   The day of the showcase is buzzing with energy as the girls take their seats in the front row.

   "How do you feel?" Fei asks, turning to Snigdha.

   "Ok, I think. I honestly don't feel any different." She yells to be heard over the screaming fangirls.

   "I wouldn't expect you to." Fei states. "Certain programs don't really kick in until after a few days."

   "What are you two talking about?" Jing asks, her voice barely audible above the noise.

   "Oh, nothing." Snigdha looks at the stage to avoid looking at her. "Let's just say that I think I finally have my priorities straight." She smiles as the curtain finally comes down, revealing BTS behind the red fabric.  They shout into their mics.

   "Are you ready?" RapMon asks and the crowd erupts with applause and screams. "This song goes out to all the lovely ladies in our lives! You know who you are!" He winks as he points to the girls, before the music begins.

   "Alright, Iseul, it's time for you to choose." Fei states.

   Iseul takes a deep breath, before speaking. "I choose..."

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