
Kpop Fanfics

Ok so you know how the members of vixx were all kind of spending time with this one girl, but at some point in the Mv she disappears and the members continue to act as if she's still there? Well, it made me think that the girl was a ghost who couldn't pass on because she wanted to fall in love, so the vixx boys did everything they could to make her fall for them, but in the process they fell in love with her and were devastated when she finally passed on.

Late at night at the practice studio...

N: alright! Good work everyone! Let's get back to the dorms and get a good nights sleep!

Ken: wahoo! I'm done for the day... Ken starts doing his derpy dance

Hyuk: what's wrong with this hyung?

Leo: ... Ignores the idiot

Hongbin: everything

Ravi laughs: I think it's cute~

Ken: that's because I am cute!!

Ken: all natural and starts posing weirdly

N: yah! Didn't you hear me!? We gotta get going before the sun rises or else we won't get any sleep!

Ken: okayyyy let's gooooo

The walk back to the dorms is dark, with only the streets illuminated by lamp posts and yard lights by the buildings

Hongbin: I wish manager Hyung could've dropped us home... He pouts

Ravi: I don't know, I think the city looks nice at night with all the buildings and cars going in and out

Hyuk: it'd be nicer of we could see the night sky, it's been cloudy everyday after practice, I never see the stars anymore

Ken: that's true... Stars!!! Can you hear me!!! Show yourselves!!!

N karate chops Ken's neck gently

N: aish... Do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood?

Ken: hmp! Sorry Hyung!

Hyuk: hey!

Hyuk points to a large building outside of the city, it's tall and it looks like it's in the middle of the forest

Hyuk: I bet we could see the whole night sky and the city from there!

Ken: ooh let's go now!!! Let's go!! He starts jumping up and down

Everyone starts running towards the building with only N and Leo slowly following behind

N: wai- bu- we have to- oh never mind, we better make sure they don't get into any trouble

Leo: Haa... He nods...

Leo: let's go before they do something stupid he mutters

Inside, they find that it's an old observatory, with a large telescope, but it also looks like someone had been living there with a bed and a piano is the corner of the room

Ken: ooh a telescope!!

He runs to the telescope

N: whoa! This place is amazing!

Hongbin: it is... I wonder what happened to the place tho...

Hyuk: think anyone still lives here?

Ravi: it doesn't look like anyone has been in here for awhile, there's a lot of... Achoo!... Sniff... Dust...

Ken: ah! Ravi! You can't die!!! He wraps his arms around Ravi's head

Ravi: ah! What the heck!? Hyung let go!

Ken: haha okay~

N inspects the piano closer and plays a few keys, it's way out of tune and just as dusty as everything else

He smiles a bit and looks at Leo

N: wanna help me tune this?

Leo nods and goes to the piano

The others inspect the place even further finding items and books that once belonged to a school girl

Hongbin: oh! Is this a diary?!

Hyuk: Wah! You can't read someone's diary! That's an invasion of privacy!

Ken: b-but aren't you curious?! Plus look there's so much dust on it! I'm sure the owner doesn't care about it either, for it left to be collecting dust!

Ravi: yeah, let's just take a peak, if it's really personal, we'll put it down, scout's honor!

Hyuk sighs: fine, but just a peak...

Ken: okay okay! Now let's open it!! Open sesame!!

Hongbin opens the diary slowly

Hyuk: well... What does it say?

Hongbin: it says a name... It's in English...

Ken: S-snigdha....

Ken: is that how you pronounce that?

Ravi: oh! Ken's good at English!

Hyuk: I spent a few weeks in America, I think that's how you pronounce it but I highly doubt it's an American name

Ravi: so you think she was a foreign exchange student or something?

Ken: well if it's not an American name either yeah I guess she is a foreign student, turn the page maybe she wrote in Korean too! Or not!

Hongbin turns the page and sure enough it's written in Korean but some parts in English

Ravi: can anyone read any of that?

Ken: hmm let's see...let's read the Korean part first and try reading the English after wards

Hyuk: I can read a few of the English words, she wrote student, first year, America and India

Ravi: oh, so she's a first year student that's been to America and India

Ken: ooh that's cool! Let's keep reading

Ken: oh she seems to be talking about her first day of school!

Ken: "first day school! Ah I'm so nervous!  (>人<;) haha but am excited!"

Ken chuckles

Ken: "okay news update~ my classmates are so nice and so is my teacher! They asked a lot of questions about India and questions about America! Well that's normal I do get asked about India and Indian stuff back in America haha so far so good!"

Ravi: ah! That's good! It's nice to hear about foreigners being treated well in South Korea

Ken: next entry... "Ah I've made such good friends well our group is small but nice! Just the way I like it! My friends took me to the mall with them today and we also went to the outdoor grill! Wow the meat was delicious! They taught me how to cook the meat also! Which I'm thankfull for! Thanks my friends! Well that's it for today! Bye, until next time!"

Hyuk: ah! I wish I spent more time at outdoor grills!

Hongbin: haha it's nice to know she likes it!

Ken: oh! Some of the pages are filled with doodles

Ravi: oh! How cute! She's really good!

Ken: yeah she is!

Hyuk: whoa! Daebek!

Hongbin flips the page to see the entry is written months later

Ken: "hi my dear freind! I've missed you!  I don't know I guess I've gotten lonely, me and my friends haven't talked in months now... Maybe it's because everyone's busy with the upcoming exams... They are a pain! …>_<…!haha I have to get back to studying I'll write again soon!!"

Hyuk: ah! I remember  when I had to take exams too! They really were a pain!

Leo: but why would her friends not talk to her? He suddenly spoke

Ravi: busy with exams? If it were me I would make a study group, that's what I did when I was her age

Leo nods

Hongbin turns the next page, but it's blank

Ken: what? That's it?!

Ravi: is the rest blank?

Hongbin continues to turn the pages but suddenly sees writing again

Hyuk: oh! What's it say?

Ken: "why did they call me that?"

Ravi: call her what!?

Ken: it doesn't say on the page... That's all she wrote....

Hyuk: was she... Being bullied?

Hongbin frowns worriedly

Hongbin: I hope not

He turns the page again...

Ravi: is there anything else?

Hongbin nods, ken looks at the page ready to read but suddenly they here a phone ringing and they all look at N

N: ah, sorry, it's probably our manager asking for us

N: I'll just tell him we got lost again, bring the book home if you want to continue reading

Ken: alright let's bring it home then!

Ravi: we better go before our manager yells at us again

Everyone nods and walks back to the dorm

Manager: where were you!!?

Ken: manager Hyung! We missed you too!

N: ha... Sorry, we got... Sidetracked...

Manager: well... Don't let it happen again, your comeback is soon and we don't even have a concept yet

Hongbin: we're all sorry manager Hyung! We won't let it happen again

Manager: alright, get some sleep, good night!

Ken: good night Hyung~!

They all bow as he leaves and go into their own rooms and slip into bed

Hongbin places the book away

Hongbin: it's late we'll have to finish the rest another time

Hyuk: after practice tomorrow, let's go back to the observatory

Hongbin: alright good idea, good night guys!

Ken: nighty night~!

N: good night~!

*the next morning...*

Ken: alright let's go to practice!!

Hongbin grabs the diary and puts it in his book bag

On the way to the practice studio Hyuk points out the building as if he's surprised it's still there

Hyuk: it looks different during the day

Ken: oh! It does~

N: focus guys, we don't have a title track for our next album, Ravi and I should work on that while you learn the choreography

Hongbin: right!

*at practice near the end*

Jing: Oppa~! Are you here?

Leo looks over to see Jing

Hyuk: oh! Ken! Your little sis is here!

Ken: ah!! It's my cutie Jing!! Missed me?!

Jing: ah! Annyeong~ am I interrupting?

Ken: nope! We were just practicing our choreo all day but we got free time now!!!

Ravi: we're going to the old observatory in the forest, wanna come?

Jing: ah! Can I!?

Ken:... Why not?!

He looks at the time

Ken: practice is OVER!!!!!! Let's go! Let's gooooo!

Jing: yay!

In the observatory everything is the same, still untouched and dusty, but a few things have been moved... The boys suspect it was their own doing when they were looking around

Ken: alright! Let's read it!!

Jing: read?

Hongbin takes out the diary...

Leo: we're reading a diary...

Jing: Oppa! You've been reading another girls diary!? How could you!?

Leo:!! Jing... It's not like that...

Ken: calm down will you! We just found the diary and we're all reading it not just him

N: this place hasn't been touched in a long time, so we suspect that the owner no longer lives here

Ken: yup yup! Okay can we please read the rest now!!!

Hyuk: yeah!

Hongbin opens the book back to where they left off

Ravi: there's a lot of blank pages in between entries

Hongbin: I wonder why... He continues to turn the page until he finds a page with a scentence in it

Ken: "I'm only a human being just like everyone else..."

Ravi: what do you think she meant by that?

Leo: maybe she was getting bullied like we thought...

Jing: ergh... I hate bullies!

Hongbin turns the page to see a drawing of a stuffed bear with the head ripped off

Jing gasps

Ken grimaces at the picture and he turns back to the other doodles she drew at the beginning

Jing: wow! Her drawings at the beginning are so cute and happy

Hongbin:from that drawing to this... Is just...

Ravi: she must have been going through a difficult time

N: maybe we should... Stop... before we find something we shouldn't

Ken:... Do you think she isn't... He doesn't want to finish the sentence

Such kind people I think. I'm glad there are people like them still alive... They can read... I float from my corner and gently blow on the pages so the pages turns to where my last three entries are

Jing: oh! Did someone leave the window open?

Ken: window?

Then he looks at the book again and sees more writing compared to the others last entries they've read

Ravi: oh! Are those the last ones?

N: I don't think we should...

Hyuk: aw! Come on, hyung! We've already read this far, shouldn't we finish it?

N: I suppose...

Ken picks up the book and begins to read

"My friends are gone... It started with avoiding me, I'd try to talk to them at first but they'd say things like "oh! Snigdha! I'm sorry I'm busy right now! I'll talk to you later!" Or "Oh I'm sorry Snigdha, I have to go somewhere!" And they continued that... But at first I didn't get it... I believed them... I'm stupid aren't I? Then they began to shun me, they gave me those looks like in Cinderella the looks her step sisters gave her! Like I was trash... Like I was painful to look at it... Then the rumors began... They all avoided me, not just my friends but even my classmates... Why is this happening? Am I really something that is a pain?"

Ravi: ah... She was being bullied... I wish there was something I could do for her

Aww that's sweet of you Mr.! Haha I look at him, he looks so sincere...

Ravi: hm!? What was that!?

!!! He heard me?! I put my hands to my mouth, my eyes wide!

Ken: what's wrong?

Ravi: I thought I heard something, a female voice, did you say anything Jing?

Jing: hm? No I didn't say anything

Hongbin: I'm sure your just hearing things calm down...

Ken:... Do you guys want me to continue...?

Jing: there's more?

Ravi: yes, please do.

Ken: yes there's two more...

Ken turns the page

Ken: "Haa things are getting worse... Even the teachers turned against me... It's painful to go to school everyday and be treated like this...but my parents don't know... How can I possibly tell them?! I can't.... I don't want them to worry.... I can get through this right?"

Ravi: no! You should tell them!

Hyuk: you know she can't hear you right?

Haha I smile at the Mr. Your right Mr. I should've told them... Haa I'm sorry

Ken turns to the next page

Ken: "I can't handle this anymore! I just...can't... It hurts... There's no way I can do this anymore... I have to stop this... I'll end this! I'll end my pain! Myself! I'll end it!"

Ravi: what!? No! What are you doing!?

The room goes silent for a minute as the realization sets in

N: I told you we should've stopped before...

I sigh... I'm sorry guys

Ken turns to the last page

"Thank you mommy and daddy! I love you! I'm sorry that I decided to do something selfish, but I don't know any other way out... If you ever read this, I love you! I'll miss you guys! Actually I'll still be with you guys right?! In your hearts!! Haha and my dear diary, I'm sorry that for a while I haven't been writing in here I hope you're not mad! I love you too! You're my best friend you know that right?! Well this is the end I guess! Don't worry! I'll just be gone from my cruel fate! But I'll be resting forever but c'mon that's relaxing right?! It's not bad... It sounds like a nice world! I'm sorry diary i can't take you with me! I wish I could your something I love! You always supported me didn't you!! I love you and I love you mommy and daddy!! Good bye~!❤️"

Jing has tears in her eyes and Ravi looks like he might explode while everyone else is in a sullen silence

Haa maybe I shouldn't have let you guys read it... I'm sorry don't cry!

Ravi: ah! There it is again! That voice!

Ah! I cover my mouth again

Ravi: is there someone else here?

His yells echo in the room

I keep my mouth shut... Ah... They'll be scared if they find out that I'm a ghost!

Hyuk: I think you're hearing things

Ravi: I swear I'm not!

Ken: well there's no one here but us!

He yells slightly getting annoyed

I flinch this guy didn't seem like the type to get annoyed or angry...

N: why don't we all calm down and focus on something else...

He runs over to the old piano that he and Leo were tuning yesterday

N: Leo! Why don't you play something for us?

Leo: ah... Yeah okay

He walks up to the piano and dusts off the seat and sits down

Ooh I wonder what he'll play!

The music flows smoothly and calmly, it brings about an air of peace and happiness

Now that the piano's been tuned it sounds like it used to, bringing beautiful music back into the room

Waa~ if I could cry id be balling my eyes out right now!

He's really good!

He ends with a flourish of notes and a long sustained note

Everyone applauds

I applaud as well!! Out of excitement

Ravi: Wah! Who's still clapping?

Everyone looks around hearing a clapping sound even though everyone else has stopped

Aish! I quickly stop! But I think it's too late... Everyone heard my claps

Hyuk: I think came from over here!

Hyuk begins running towards you

Shoot i quickly try to move away

He ends up stopping in front of a closet and opens it to find nothing

Hyuk: ah... I thought for sure...

I smile... Let's have some fun! I think to myself

I lightly float on the piano keys and gently my toe hits a key

N: ah!!

N screams and jumps away from the piano

Oops! Maybe I over did it I float infront of this Mr. and bow I'm sorry

N: eh!? Did the piano just apologize to me!?

I giggle

N: yah! Don't laugh! I really thought I heard the piano say sorry!

Hyuk: hyung, no one laughed

Aww I feel bad now... Ottokaji?

Ravi: something weird is going on here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it! Detective Ravi is now on the case!

Oh? Your not scared are you? I'm surprised!

Ravi begins looking around the room inspecting every corner and under the bed

Haha you won't find anything but dust I laugh

Ravi: don't laugh, I'm being serious here!

Hyuk: why do you keep hearing laughter?

Ken: Ravi you okay there? He frowns at him worried

Oh! So only Mr. can hear me?

That's strange...

Ravi: why can't you guys hear anything?

Hyuk: sorry, but the cuckoo birds going off in your head are too loud

Ken: oh wait N also heard something right?

Oh yeah the other Mr. ... Mr.N also heard me

N: yeah! I did, but...

Mr. Ravi? Was it?

Hyuk: you and Ravi! Everyone here is going crazy!

I frown I float up to him and gently blow in his ear

Hyuk: eep! Yah! Who did that!?

Haha now your also going "crazy" I giggle

Ken: uh... Yah?! Did what?

Hyuk: tha- I mean- maybe someone did leave a window open

Hmm I feel bad... I should introduce myself to them properly I guess

I haven't done this in awhile

N: maybe it's time to head back, I think all the tension is putting us on edge...

Jing: wait! What's going on!?

Haha oh she can see me now!! That's good it's working then I smile


I bow respectfully

Jing: oh! Annyeong~! My name is Jing

Hyuk: you're conversing with a ghost like it's normal!?

I laugh Hi Jing! It's nice to meet you!

I frown

Are ghosts that bad?

Hyuk: well, no- bu- they usually... Usually they're... You know... Scary...

I laugh... Ahh that's true... The myths... Some are I guess... But do I look scary?! I frown suddenly worried about my appearance

Ravi: ah, no! Not at all! In fact you're quite cute!

My eyes widen and if I could I would be blushing right now ... No one but my parents said that to me

Ken: are you the only... Um ghost here?


Jing: are you... Is this your diary? We apologize for reading it!

Haha yes I am! And no! Don't apologize!  when you were about to stop reading I turned the pages to let you continue my way of saying I was okay with it!

Ravi: oh! That was you?

Haha yeah sorry about my earlier misbehavior 😅

I bow again

N: ah, it must've been you clapping earlier and on the piano, I should've know since pianos don't apologize for anything

Haha yes! Well that's true! I turn to the pianist. That was a beautiful melody thank you for playing it!

N: ah that's right! We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet! I'm the leader N, the one at the piano is Leo, and this Ken, Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk!

Ken: hiii!!

Haha hi! It's nice to meet all of you my name is Snigdha!

But you probably all know that... I say embarrassed

Hyuk: ah, that means this belongs to you

Hyuk tries to hand you the diary but it falls through your hands

Oops! I focus and use my energy to pick up the book and place it back on the bed behind me

Hyuk: oh! Wow!

Thank you

Oh haha liked my magic trick!

I play with fingers playfully

Ravi: do you do that often?

Not really I haven't had to... But since you guys came yesterday I was actually hoping you'd come again today so I moved a few things out of the way sorta

Ken: oh! So somethings did move! Why thank you for your kindness! 😁

Jing: how long have you been here?

Hmm it's been a year and a half now... Not too long ago I laugh

Ravi: all by yourself though? That's a long time to be alone

I smile, he is really kind.  I guess it can be... But I guess it was nice for a while I felt a burden being lifted off my shoulders, like I was free

Ravi: don't you ever miss being... Alive?

I stay quite for a bit... I don't know... I say

Ravi: ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-!

Ah! No no!! Don't be it's alright!!

N: I think the real question here is, why are you still here? After all most people go to heaven or... Well most people aren't ghosts for a reason, so what's yours?

I look down... I guess I'm still here cause... Love...

Ravi: I'm sorry? Did you say because of love?

I smile... Sounds like something from a cheesy movie doesn't it...

Ravi: no! No! Of course not! We all want to be loved!

But! I don't mean it like in a romantic way!

Ravi: oh? You don't?

I just want that affection... Saying it out loud... I sound... I turn  my head to the side... Selfish don't I?

Well Love doesn't need to be just romantic...

Ravi: no! Absolutely not!

I look at him... Really?

Ravi: erm... I mean! You're clearly a person deserving of love so I find it really hard to believe that no one loved you at least a little!

Ah! Well my parents did! Don't get me wrong...but I don't know... I guess that's the only reason I'm still here tho...

N: it's getting late, we have to get back to our dorms before our manager yells at is again, but we'll be back tomorrow! I promise!

Jing: me too!

She holds out her pinky

Jing: pinky promise!

Haha thank you all you're all so kind! I focus on Jing and I pink promised.

Ken: good night Snigdha!! We'll see you tomorrow!

Ravi tries to shake your hand but his goes right through yours and he chuckles nervously

Haha sorry I hold my hand out again focusing

He grasps your hand and his feels strong and warm, he gives your hand a squeeze and says good night before he bows and follows the others out the door

I smile... There all so kind... I hold my hand and feel the warmth retreating...

*back at the dorm rooms...*

Jing: ah.. I better go back home before mom and dad start missing me, bye Ken-Oppa!

Ken: ah be careful!

Leo stands up

Leo: I'll walk you home

Jing: ah! Leo? Are you sure?

Leo: of course I am. Let's go, Jing.

Jing: oh! Ok! Thank you, Oppa!

Leo lightly pats your head and smiles at you

Hyuk: oh! I think I saw Leo hyung smile...

Leo glares at Hyuk and turns around opens the door for Jing

Jing: Oppa, you know you don't have to do this, I can take care of myself

Leo shakes his head, I can't let a woman walk home alone like that, it's late out and can be dangerous. He frowns worriedly

Jing: r-right...

She turns to hide her blushing face and breathes to calm her beating heart

The walk home is quiet, but peaceful and Jing admits to herself that she does feel safer with Leo by her side

They reach her house...

Leo: Alright Jing, good night. He pats her head gently again

Jing: ah, thank you for walking me home!

Leo smiles again. Your welcome

Jing: I really like your smile, Oppa, I hope you smile more often~!

Leo blushes, thanks... It's late you should go inside, good night Jing.

Jing: right! Good night~!

She bows and when he turns around she puts her hand to her head where Leo had patted her so gently and smiles to herself

*back at the dorm once Leo's back*

N: ah, Leo! Did Jing get home safely?

Leo nods

Ravi: did you give her a good night kiss?

Hyuk laughs

Leo glares at the two of them but says nothing

Ken: honestly...

Hyuk: yah! Ken-hyung she is your little sister, shouldn't you be worried about her being alone with Leo?

Ken: honestly id be more worried if she was with one of you guys

Hyuk: wae!?

N: seriously you guys! Go to sleep!


With that he falls asleep

Ravi: this hyung... Good night~

*the next morning~*

Manager: good news you will have a longer practice day than usual

N: oh! Really?

Manager nods

Manager: alright let's get going

Ken: ah wae!?

N: yes sir!

He sighs

At the practice studio N shows the others the routine for the choreography

N: 1...2...3...4... 1...2...3...4... And body wave!

Ken: ooh all the girls are gonna go wild over our body wave!!!!

Hyuk: especially Ravi, he's the best at it!

Ken: Noo! I am! He pouts

Ken: just kidding!!!!!

He starts to dance like an idiot again

Ravi: ah... Hyung!

Jing: good morning, everyone!

Ken: aww my cute sister's here~

He runs up to her and wraps his arms around her

Hongbin:... What are you doing?

Ken: it's called a hug😑

Jing: ah, Oppa! I came to see you guys! I wanted to make sure you didn't visit Snigdha without me!

Ken: why would we visit her with out you?! We have practice longer today but it'll be over soon just sit down and watch our y dancing!

he skips around then gets back to position

Jing: ah... I don't want to see that!

She covers her eyes and walks to the corner of the room before she walks into a support beam

Jing: ah! Ow...

Leo: Jing! Be careful will you!

Jing: I'll- I'll just sit here!

She takes a seat on the cushioned seats by the wall

Leo looks at Jing worriedly but turns back to begin practicing the dance again

She sits quietly as the hours pass and by the time practice is over she's fast asleep

Ken: aish this girl will sleep anywhere...

N: we should wake her before we go, Leo, did you bring the sheet music?

Leo nods: I did

N: good, we'll work on the melody for our title song while you guys entertain our friend

Ken: yah! Wake up!

Jing: ah! I'm awake!

Ken: good now let's goo!!!

She rubs the dust out of her eyes and sleepily follows the others

Leo slows down slightly and falls in step with Jing but doesn't say a word

She smiles and soon enough they reach the observatory

Ken runs in

Ken: Snigdha!! We're here~!!

N: mind if we use your piano for practice? It has a really nice sound to it.

Haha yes you can! And Hiiii guys!

Jing: Snigdha!

Jing jumps up to give you a hug but of course falls right through you and falls on the floor

Ah! Jing! I'm so sorry!! I focus and give out my hand

Jing: haha! I'm ok!

She takes it and stands again, surprised by how human you feel

I smile at her

why do you look so suprised?

Jing: it's just that... You feel more human than I expected

Oh! I do?!

Ravi: yeah, I remember feeling warmth from your hand, I was a little surprised too

Hmm well I also felt warmth too... Hmm I guess that's still possible even though your a ghost... To feel I guess...

Ravi: that's good though isn't it?

Hmm... Yeah it is a good thing I smile

Ravi: so you said you've been here for awhile, what do you do for fun?

Hmm well usually I like to walk around in the forest mainly... Or... Now that I think about it what have I been doing for the past 1 1/2 year...

Ravi: haha, we could always show you a few things we do when we're bored.

Oh! Ok!

Hyuk: this is a manga I've been reading, it's really interesting,

Hyuk hands you a black and white comic book titled Naruto

Naruto? Huh? I turn the page and begin to read it! Ooh it's interesting! And I like the art!

Ravi: and this is something that I've been working on, tell me what you think

He gently places a pair of headphones on your head and holds them there in case they fall

Haha don't worry they won't fall! I tell him I hold the headphones

The music starts with a deep bass and a rhythmic beat and soon enough the rest of the instrumentals jump in to create a catchy tune

I tap my foot to the beat and nod my head.

Wow! This is seriously a great tune!! I love the beat!!

Ravi: really? I'm glad you like it!

I take off the headphones and hand them to him

Hongbin then shows you a fun game on his phone and Jing pulls out a sketch pad and pens and pencils

Ooh! I'm so amazed by all the things.

I smile at all of them

Thank you guys... Really!

N: hey, we were bored and we figured you'd be pretty bored up here all by yourself so why don't we entertain each other?

He motions for you to come closer as he plays a melody on the piano

I walk over and listen to the melody and smile

It's pretty~

N: it's going to be the melody for our title track on our new album, but we don't have a name or lyrics yet

Ooh! That's cool! Hmm have you thought of a theme yet?

N: hm... Leo and I have been thinking, but nothing comes to mind yet, so far it's a pretty sad melody

A sad melody...

Ravi: I've been working on the lyrics, do you wanna see them?


Ravi shows you his notebook filled with Hangul and notes and sketches of his own

Wow... Is this your most important possession?

Ravi: well... It's pretty important to me, but I wouldn't say it's the most important

Hmm I guess that's true do you have something you'd say is the most important?

Ravi: well... I'd say that it's probably my sister, right now, I haven't seen her in awhile, I also feel that people are much more important than objects

I smile and nod and look back at the book and begin to read the lyrics

The words are written in Hangul but the lyrics translate to: Look. Love is a nightmare.

Time’s over

A miracle has come to me

From the beginning, we had started

Because I knew everything about you

I was confident, yeah

Wow... That's .... Deep... Love is a nightmare huh?

Ravi: ah... I just wrote that... Because it seemed to fit the mood for the song, I don't really think that love can be a nightmare, look at the next page

Ravi turns the page and more lyrics are written down: (It’s cold) It’s just your mood

(It’s strange) I don’t care about that

(Thank you) All that matters is that you came back to me

You love me, right?

... I quietly re read the lyrics again... I... Really like the lyrics

Ravi: ah! That's good! I was afraid they'd be too depressing, but that's all that I've got so far, I need to write more for it to be a full song

They have a good mood and a deep meaning good luck on finishing it! ^_^ I'm sure it'll be a great song!!

Ravi: thank you! I promise to work hard! Fighting!

Haha Fighting!

Jing: oh! Snigdha! You should see their dance for the song! It's so cool!

Ken: I thought you didn't watch us practice you said you didn't want to!

Jing: ah! I might've snuck a peak or two

Ken: aren't you sneaky 😒

Haha oh I'd love to see the dance!

Ravi: alright! Let's go!

The boys stand in position and even without music the dance looks cool


Then suddenly there wave dance comes

My mouth drops

Jing squeals and covers her eyes

The dance ends

And mouth is still hung open

Jing looks over and notices and taps your chin before Ravi comes up to you

I close my mouth instantly embarrassed

Ravi: so? Did you like it?

Did I like it? I loved it!!!

Then I close my mouth emmabrased I like literally fangirled in front of them

Ravi: haha! Thanks so much! The dance was actually choreographed by N-hyung!

N: not the whole thing!

Oh! It's really good!

Ken: Jing I told you it was y right?!

Jing: sure, Oppa~

Ken: hahah!

He starts doing the wave, but like an idiot this time

Jing: ah... Oppa! You're embarrassing me!

I laugh

Ken: I'm not embarrassing you! Why should you be embarrassed you have an awesome oppa! And that's me!!

Jing: ah... Jinjja...

Jing sits at the piano

Jing: do you know how to play Snigdha?

I shake my head... No I don't...

Jing: really? Leo-Oppa taught me how to play, maybe he can teach you

Leo: you want me to teach you?

If you want to... I don't mind

Jing scoots over so there's room for you and Leo and watches intently as his fingers plays the piano as if his fingers are dancing amongst the black and white

Waa~ your really good!

Jing: Leo taught me really well, he's a professional!

Leo lightly smiles cause of Jing's compliment

Leo: I'm not a professional...

Jing: but you're pretty close to being one!

Leo chuckles

Leo: thanks..

Hyuk: sigh...Leo gets all the girls...

Leo looks at him with a wtf expression

Hyuk: just look at him sitting at that piano with two girls at his sides,

Leo huffs annoyed

Ravi: haha! Mind if I take one of them off your hands?

Leo: go ahead...

He scowls a bit

Jing attempts to play a slow melody on the piano as Ravi holds his hand out to you like he's asking you to dance

I giggle and take his hand

He then pulls you close and dances the waltz to Jing and Leo's piano playing

My heart would be beating so fast right now I think...

Later N and Ravi are finishing up with some lyrics and notes, Jing and Snigdha continue learning how to play the piano from Leo, while Ken, Hongbin and  Hyuk play with some of the toys they brought over

Eventually the clock strikes midnight and the boys realized they've overstayed

Jing: oh, no! It's midnight already?

Hongbin: oh oh... Our manager is gonna kill us

N: ah! Don't worry, we have a break tomorrow, a free day!

Ken: oh yaaaaaa~~~~~~~~

Ken: wahooooooo!! He starts going crazy again

Jing: oooopppppaaaa!!

Ken: Jinnnnnngggggggg!!!!!

I giggle they're such cute siblings

Ravi: I think we all need to get some sleep

Hongbin: that's true, we should get going...

Ravi: wait! Snigdha! You said you've walked in the woods before! Does that mean that you can leave the observatory?

Hmm yeah I guess I can but I've only been in the woods only...

Ravi: you should come back to the dorms with us! Just to see what they look like!

N: Ravi! You're too young to be inviting girls to our dorm rooms!

I laugh

Ken: N Hyung! It's not like that! He's just being nice! Get your mind out of da gutter!!! He tries to rap to BAP One Shot

N pinches the bridge of his nose out of frustration and turns to Jing

N: how do you live with that?

Jing: I use a lot of earplugs very often

Ken: Jing! Ouch! I'm hurt! He holds his chest dramatically

Jing: wha-!? What's wrong!?

Ken: Jing calm down I was just playing around 😂

Jing: yah! I was worried!

Ken: sorry sorry!

N: we should start heading back, before our manager gets too worried. Snigdha, you are welcome to join us

Ah! Is it really alright with you all?!

Hyuk: sure, but you might want to hide from our manager, he has a weak heart

Haha okay okay I'll just become invisible see?!

I turn invisible

Hyuk: whoa!

I giggle

Ravi: that explains why we couldn't see you when we first got here

I turn back yup!

Ken: well then let's get going!!!!

N gathers the papers and makes sure everyone is out the door before he closes it

Ravi makes sure to keep an even pace with you as Jing chats with you about art and drawing

What kind of drawings can you do cartoon or realistic?

Jing: a little of both actually, but your drawings from your diary were really cute!

I laugh thanks I can't really draw but just like to doddle when I'm bored 😆

Jing: same here, I like doodling when I have nothing else to do... Do you still draw? I've been doing it more often since school got out

Hmm I haven't drawn in a while actually...

Jing: let's make some art together, ok?

Really?! Okay!!

Jing: hm, Ravi here is really good at art too!

Oh really?

Ravi: ah... I! Just a little...

Oh what kind of things do you draw?

Ravi: um... Well...

Ravi: I do a lot of spray painting

Oh! Spray painting that's really cool!

Ravi: it's not much, a lot of people can spray paint too

Really? I've never spray painted before

Ravi: it's really fun, maybe I'll show you how to later


N: well, we're here!


Ken: welcome to our kingdom!!!!

Hyuk: kingdom...? Your kingdom is a pile of dirty socks in the closet

Ken: shh don't tell her that!!

Jing: I want to stay the night too! Can I?

Ken: call our parents and ask them! I'm sure they'll be fine with it! The more the merrier!!!!

Jing: yay! I'll do that now!

She pulls out her cellphone and runs into the hall to talk

N: alright! I'll take the couch then and the girls can sleep in my room

Ah! I actually don't need a bed to sleep...

Ravi: do you sleep though?

Well yes I do but I don't always need it...

Ravi: ah... I see.. I'll stay up with you then, until you do need it

What?! No! You need to sleep! I'll be fine!

Hyuk: it's alright, we have a free day tomorrow, remember?

N: besides, Ravi is always the first one to fall asleep anyway

Oh, I see...

Hyuk: who wants to play a video game?

Hyuk puts a disc into the small tv and the screen lights up as he grabs a controller

Ken: I'll play against you!!

Hyuk: you're on, hyung!

Jing walks back in and takes a seat on the couch, not really interested in video games

Leo sits beside Jing

Leo: are you sleepy?

Jing: hm? Nope! Not at all!

Leo smiles

Leo: alright

N sits on the couch too, after coming out of the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and some sodas, he hands one to everyone

Ravi: oh! Can you eat too?

He looks at Snigdha curiously

I don't know let's find out 😆

I pop a popcorn in my mouth and chew and swallow. I smile.

Well I can eat!

Ravi: wow! Amazing!

He opens his soda and chugs it

Ken suddenly burps real loudly

Jing: ew! Oppa!

Ken: what? Everybody burps!!

Jing: excuse me? I am a lady I never-

Jing hiccups and burps a little then blushes

Jing: er... Pardon me~

Ken: see I told you!

Jing just sinks into the couch and pretends to be distracted by something on her phone

Leo chuckles and pats her head

Ravi takes a seat in front of the couch and motions for you to sit next to him

I sit next to Ravi

Ken: haha I WON!!!!!

I jump at his sudden shouting

Hyuk: argh! Hongbin you play! You're better at this game than me!

Hongbin: alright!

He sits down and the two begin playing the game again

Ravi: you alright, Snigdha? I didn't think ghosts could get scared...

Of course we can get scared... At least I can I say...

N: yah! You guys, how are the others supposed to stay entertained if you just play video games all night?

Ravi: yeah! Let's pop in a movie! What do you wanna watch Snigdha?

Hm me? Um... A comedy?

Ravi: hm? What do we have that's funny?

Ken:... ME!!!

Ravi: what do we have that's funny and not annoying?

Ken pouts and sits down

N: how about an action movie?

Ken: YASSSs!!

Ravi: we've got batman!

Ohh Batman!

Ravi puts the movie in and the opening starts

I watch intently

Jing: er... I'm not very good at watching violent movies...

Leo: hmm it's not too violent... But would you rather do something else?

Jing: ah! No! I can do it!

She says defiantly and wraps the blanket tighter around her face

Leo chuckles and puts his arm around her protectively

Jing's heart begins speeding up and she finds herself focusing more on Leo than on the movie

Leo feels a stare and looks at Jing finding her staring at him

She closes her eyes quickly and pretends to be asleep

Leo: ... You're asleep? Haa...

Leo lifts Jing up, and lays her on the bed, and pulls the blanket over her

She opens one eye slightly and pulls the blanket over her face once Leo's gone

Leo decides to sleep the movie bores him, he goes to his room and falls asleep

Ravi: oh! Oh! Here comes the joker!


N: ah! He's so creepy!

Ken: Why so serious?!

Hyuk: whhhyyyyy soooo seriiiious! *begins singing SHINee's song*

I laugh

Ravi: get your cray-on!

Hongbin: Doom DAdA~

N: guys! We're missing the movie!

Ken: ah! It's almost the end!

As soon as the movie ends you hear snoring next to you and find Ravi out cold

Oh! I look at his sleeping face Cute! I think to myself

Ken: dang! He won't budge one bit now!

N: let's just let him sleep here then

Hyuk: are you tired at all, Snigdha?

Hmm yeah a little...

N: since Ravi's out here, you can sleep in his room

Ah! Is that alright?

Hyuk: yeah, he won't mind

N: so if you don't mind clearing out the couch, I'd like to get some shut eye

Ah! Okay! I get up, um where is his room?

N: third door on the left!

Ah! Okay! Thank you and good night~!

N: night everyone~

1...2...3! Okay! This must be his room... I open his room and see it's fairly clean, but wow he has a lot of hats! Ah! I'm being nosy! I should stop!

Hyuk: everything ok in here?

Ah yeah! Everything's fine...😅

Hyuk: N-hyung just wanted me to make sure that you have everything you need

Ah! I'm fine haha tell him I said thanks!

Hyuk: alright! Sleep well!

You too! Good night!

The night passes by slowly and soon enough the sun is rising and light flows into the room

I grab my blanket and cover my face with it annoyed with the bright light in the room

N: good morning! Time to get up, everyone!

I yawn and stretch before I slowly get up

Jing attempts to roll out of bed but gets tangled in the blankets and falls into a cocooned pile on the floor

Leo walks in and finds her on the floor

Leo: ah! Jing! Are you alright?!

Jing: ah! Jing? There's no Jing here! I mean-! Er... Meow!

Leo laughs

Leo: Good morning to you too!

She peaks out from under the blankets and crawls out

Leo gently moves her hair out of her face

Jing blushes and attempts to hide her face

N: who's ready for breakfast?

I slowly walk out and smell delicious food

Ravi: good morning, sleeping beauty~

S-sleeping beauty I laugh

Good morning to you too!

Hyuk: wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey~!

Ravi: did you sleep well?

Yes I did!

N: gather round everyone! I want to make plans for our free day~!

Ken: Ooh what is it?

N: we still have a lot of work for our album so I thought it would be good to get out and find some inspiration

Hongbin: so where are we gonna go then?

N: to an amusement park!

Jing: yay!

Ken: AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyuk: hnng... Hyung, do you have to be so loud so early in the morning?

Ken: SORRY!!!

N: so let's eat breakfast quickly and get going!


Jing: thank you for the food!

Everyone finishes up eating

Ravi: yeah! Let's go!

Everyone piles into the van and Ken drives to the amusement park where happy music plays in the background, the rides moving is several directions

Ken: OOH!!!!! Which one should we ride first?!!!

Jing: the Ferris wheel!

Hyuk: the roller coaster!

Ravi: the log rides!

Hongbin: well...

Ken: do you guys wanna split up instead?

Ravi: Snigdha! What do you wanna go on?

Any I don't mind!

Ravi: then let's go on one of the roller coasters! Have you ever been on one?

Only once! But I really loved it!

Ravi: then I'm sure you'll like this one! It's 500ft tall with twists and turns like no other!

Oh wow! Let's go then!!

Jing: I'll just... Find a nice bench to sit on and wait...

Leo: we could go on the Ferris wheel instead if you want

Jing: ah! Ok!

Leo smiles and takes your hand

Jing blushes and walks with him

Leo: aish why is there such a long line?!

Jing: we-we could always get something to eat while we wait for the line to shorten

Leo: alright what do you want I'll pay

Jing: ah! You don't have to! Cotton candy is really cheap!

Leo: no I'll pay! Ah! There's some cotton candy over there let's go!

Jing: ok!

Leo gives you cotton candy and gets one for himself and pays the man

Jing: thank you!

She takes a bite of cotton candy and smiles happily

Leo: you like it?

Jing: yes! Very much!

Leo smiles and pats her head

Leo: that's good to hear

Ravi: we're next! Come on Snigdha!

Ah! Okay okay!

You two board the roller coaster and it slowly goes up the incline

It stops at the vey top and you look below and see the people look like ants below God

And the rollercoasters drops

Ravi: ahhhh!!!

The wind blows rapidly and the gravity shakes you this way and that!

I shut  my eyes closed and just feel the rapid force of the roller coaster moving me around insanely

Ravi: ahh!! Are you having fun!?


Ravi: whoa!!

His laughter mixes in with his screams

And suddenly the ride comes to a hault and it ends

Ravi: aw! That was awesome! Want to go again?

Haha can we?!

Ravi: yeah!

He fastens your seatbelt for you and then his own and hangs on tight as the coaster begins to move again

The ride again is filled with laughter and more screaming

Leo: ah! We're up Jing! Let's go!

Jing: ah! Ok!

They get on the ride for the Ferris wheel and the ride slowly begins to move

Jing presses her face close to the glass and looks down as the ride goes up

Jing: wow~!

Leo: it's pretty isn't it?

Jing: it is! This is amazing!

Leo smiles and quietly looks out the window again

N: are you all having fun?

He asks once everyone is gathered at the entrance again

Ken: YASSS!!!!

Leo nods

Jing: yeah! Lots of fun!

Ravi: the roller coaster is awesome

He says dizzily and nearly trips over his own feet

Ah! Ravi! You should sit for a bit I giggle

Ravi laughs and finds a bench to sit on, the others follow suit and sit as well

Ken: hmm this is nice...

The clouds cover the sun for a bit, a cool breeze hits them

Hyuk: ah... We should stay here longer

Hongbin: we still have a little more time left before we go, we could probably have time to ride another ride or two

N: let's ride something we can all go on


Jing: haha! Yeah! I like all of those!

Ravi: Ha! I'll destroy you on the racetrack!

Hyuk: we'll see about that!


N: goodness, you guys are like children...


Jing: yah! Speak for yourself!

Ravi: you're the most childish, Ken-Hyung!

Ken: I AM!!!!!! He starts running to the Car Race


Jing: what!? Hey! Get back here!

Ravi: come on Snigdha!

He grabs your hand and runs

Ah! Okay!

Everyone runs to the cars and N and Leo are the last ones since they didn't bother to run


N: please, with all the sweets you eat, I'm surprised you're not the size of a balloon


Ravi: enough talk! Let's race!

Hongbin: let's go!

Everyone jumps into a race car, the cars are built for two, so Ravi motions for you to sit with him

I smile and get in

Leo: Jing want to sit with me?

Jing: ah! Of course!

Leo smiles and the race begins

Ravi hits the gas pedal and the cars speeds through the racetrack


Leo hits the gas pedal and races past majority of the other cars

Jing: Wah! Leo, you're really competitive aren't you?

Leo blushes: well I...

Jing: whoa! Look out! Ravi and Snigdha are coming up behind us!

Ravi: one more lap to go!

Leo laughs: don't worry they won't beat us!

Leo accelerates and Ravi and Snigdha are farther behind now

Ravi: grrr!

He pushes down on the gas pedal even more and speeds up

Jing: ooh! He looks determined!

Leo: well then... He smirks

Jing turns around and waves at you

Jing: hi, Snigdha~!


Leo: almost there...

N is at the sidelines, because he didn't want to get into a race car but he has a plastic megaphone with him and is shouting through it like an announcer

N: here comes Leo and Jing with Ravi and Snigdha close behind them! Who will win this years race!?

We will! I laugh

Ravi speeds up and attempts to maneuver around Leo's car

Soon they're side by side and the finish line is in sight!

Jing: go Leo! Go!

Leo: alright!!! He pushes the gas pedal harder and the car speeds up to it's max

Ravi: not so fast, buddy!

Ravi does the same

Ohh we're gonna beat ya!!! I laugh

Jing sticks out her tongue and laughs too

N: they're head to head, neck and neck! It's so close!

The cars speed by and eventually come to a stop

N: oh! Looks like a photo finish!

Hyuk: too bad no one actually has a camera with them

Ken: OH WHO WON? ITS A TIE?! He pouts not liking the results

N: don't pout, you weren't even close to winning, you were spinning in circles by the hay bales!

Ken: shut up...

Jing: haha! It doesn't matter who won, that was great!

Haha that's true! It's was so much fun!

Ravi: I still think we won! Did you see how close we were!?

Leo: Just be lucky I went easy on you

N: you children... Let's not forget the real reason we came here! I hope this trip has given everyone a bit of inspiration for our album!

Ken: OH YA!!! THE ALBUM!!!

N: there should be couple of upbeat songs on it, don't you think?

Hongbin: that's true we should have some upbeat songs!

N: then let's get back to the studio to work!

Hongbin: let's go!

In the studio Leo goes to the piano and Ravi begins writing in his notebook while N goes over some melodies with Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk look over some music sheets

Wow they look really busy...

Jing: I wonder if there's anything we can do to help?

Hmm well they do look like they don't want to be disturbed though...

Ravi: oh! Sorry! You guys must be bored...

Ah! N-no we're not we were just talking haha 😅

N: I think they can help, our song we're working on is supposed to be a cute love song

Oh a love song huh? Hmm...

N: Ravi's working in the lyrics and Leo and I are working on the melody

Leo: Jing want to help us with the melody?

Jing: sure!

N: Ken and the maknaes are working on the chorus

Ken: La~ La~ he starts warming up

Jing: ooh! The title of your song? It's a love song right? It could be Love, lalala~

Leo: hmm not bad, 😊

Ravi: ah! Ken! I think I have some new lyrics for the chorus!!

Ken: ooh what is it?!

Ravi hands the paper to Ken

Love, lalala, I’m just feeling good

No one can take my place to have you

Love, lalala, everything stops for a moment

No one can try to have you, who only looks at me

Jing: guys! Psst! Isn't it N's birthday today?

Oh it is?!

Ken: yess!! It is!!!

Ravi: shh!! Gosh! Hyung! Be quiet!

Ken: ah! Sorry! Sorry!

Hyuk: if we want to surprise him we've got to get him distracted!

Hongbin: that's true! Ken and I could distract him so it's not too obvious especially if Ken wasn't there he'd be suspicious...

Ravi: should we do the same thing we did last year?

Hyuk: last year we left Leo-hyung in charge

Hongbin: that would be best

Jing: oh! Leo-Oppa and I could make the cake!

Hongbin: okay that works!

Ravi: you guys will have to go back to the dorm and make it since the kitchen oven here doesn't work!

Hyuk: we'll bring N-hyung with us once practice is over

Ken: alright! We also should have some decor!!!

Jing: right! Leo-Oppa! Let's go!

Leo: okay.

Leo and Jing sneak out of the practice rooms together while the others join N looking over noted and music sheets

Leo: well that was easy...

Jing: yeah! It was! I hope the rest of the night goes as smoothly!

Leo: I'm sure it will!

He smiles at her

Jing: ok! Let's get to baking!

Jing rolls up her sleeves and starts mixing the cake batter

Leo nods and takes out the rest of the ingredients, tools, and pan

Back in the practice studio, N suddenly looks up from his notes and does a head count

N: where did Jing and Leo go?

Ken: hmm, probably just went to get some stuff

N looks at him suspiciously

N: stuff for what?

Ravi: ah! Leo wasn't feeling well so he left with Jing to buy some stomach medicine

Hongbin gives a sharp glare to Ken but then composes himself and gets back to the music

N taps his pencil against his lip and nods

N: well I hope he feels better in time for our comeback!

Hongbin: don't worry I'm sure he'll be better soon

Ravi: why don't we go over the rap for now? I think I've got a really good rap going here! Listen!

Introduce my real lady

Her looks are exactly like femme fatale

A lady who has the attitude and mentality

That are not like other girls these days

She swings my heart to and fro

Yeah, you’re the real lady

You win during the day and night, a winner

Having you makes me the leader of all men

I’ll kick aside all other girls who are not you

For real, just like Beckham’s free kick

The result is of course, Victoria (victory)

Ken: oooh~ sounds like a confession he wiggles his eyebrows

Hyuk: sigh... It's supposed to! It's a love song!

Ken: OH YAA~~~

Ravi: what'd you think Snigdha?

It's really cute and great! Totally fits the love song!

N: that's great to hear! It's nice having a girl's opinion for a love song, you know you can't always depend on the opinions of men

I giggle I guess that's true

Hyuk: you sound like my mother and older sister

N: quiet! I think the song is coming together quite nicely! Just a few more lines and we should be done for the night!

Ken: YAY!!

As the hours pass by night falls and it gets darker and you and the boys begin walking back towards the dorm rooms

Ken: Here we are~

Jing: omo! I hear them coming! Get into position!

Leo: alright!


N: ah! What is this!?

Leo: ... happy birthday

Jing: happy birthday!

N: wow! This is great! Thank you guys so much!

We all wish him happy birthday and walk in, he starts taking slecas with the cake

Ravi: sigh... This hyung

Haha this is normal then 😆

N: this has been a great birthday! Thank you everyone!

Ken: now give me some cake!!!

Ken: my cute sister makes the best cake!!

Jing: ah! Ken-Oppa! No! Leo and I made it for N! It's his birthday! Not yours!

Ken pouts Fine....

Ravi: there's plenty for everyone!

He says as he takes a handful and smears it all over N's face

N: ah! Ravi! You brat!

Omo!! 😂

Ken: whooooo!!!!

N takes the icing off his face and starts chasing Ravi

Ken: I'm eating some before all of it's gone to waste!!! He takes a bit and stuffs it in his mouth

Hyuk and Hongbin laugh before shoving cake into each other's faces and Jing hides behind the couch attempting to avoid the whole mess

I go invisible and giggle

Leo: honestly...

He just lies on the couch while the rest of them mess around

Soon enough there's cake and icing all over everyone's faces and on the floor

N: I hope someone plans on cleaning this mess up

Ken: Pssh noo~ I don't wanna~

I turn back and grab a tissue and begin cleaning the mess on the floor

Ravi: ah! Snigdha! You don't have to do that!

He takes the tissues and begins cleaning himself

Aish! It's okay! I take another and begin cleaning again and taking the cake bits to the trash

Hyuk: ah... Such good cake going to waste...

Jing: this wouldn't have happened if you started playing with it!

Ken: Oh Well~ you can always make us cake anyway he swings his arm over Jing and ruffles her hair playfully

Jing: ah! Oppa!

She struggles against his grip but eventually gives up and just goes limp

Ken: aww well then!

N: sighs... Let's clean up and get ready for bed...

Hongbin: alright..

Leo gets up and washes the plates and tools

Hyuk: yes cha leader~!

Everyone finally finishes cleaning up the mess and begins getting ready for bed

N: let's get Jing back home!

Jing: eh!? But I want to stay!

Ken: girl our parents... I'm sure they'll begin to get worried, remember last time they thought you were avoiding them or something like that...😑

Jing: b-bu-but...

Jing begins pouting

Ken: aish honestly... He looks at the guys... Is it okay if she stays here for the night? I'll talk to my parents this time so they don't freak out

N: sigh... Of course she can stay, that means Snigdha can stay too, that way we won't have one girl among six boys here

Jing: yay!

Ken: alright! Thanks guys

He takes his phone out and walks into another room telling his parents that Jing's staying over for the night. Jing gives a big hug to N, repeating thank you over and over. N hugs her back and prepares his room for her to sleep in.

Ravi: you know where you're sleeping, Snigdha?

Well... I slept in your room last time... But... Now I don't know...

Ravi: oh! Ok! You can sleep in there again! I don't mind!

Ah! But what about you?

Ravi: I slept on the couch last time I can do it again!

What? No!

Ravi: what do you mean no? Would you rather sleep in a different room? Because Ken-hyung snores

Ah well yeah but... It's your room, I could sleep on the couch!

Ravi: wouldn't that hurt your back? Wait...You can feel warmth so I assume you can feel pain too

I don't know, but I'll be fine! I'm small so I'll be fine on the couch it'll be just like a bed for me!

Ravi: if you say so, but then you'll be lonely or you'll be near N, so maybe I should sleep out here too!

What does me being near N have anything to do with me sleeping? He's not that nearby, and don't worry I won't be lonely it's normal you should sleep in your room

Ravi: N-hyung snores even worse than Ken, but don't tell him I said that!

Before you can protest further Ravi has already walked up to N and convinced him to sleep in his room so he can take the couch


Ravi: it's all settled! Let's get some sleep, huh?

Uh, um, y-yeah....

Ravi takes the couch adjacent to the tv and falls asleep with earbuds in, listening to rap music and his snores gently echo in the room but not loudly

I lie down on the couch and stare at the ceiling but slowly my eyelids become heavy and I fall asleep

Jing: good morning everyone!

Ken: MORNING~!!!

Good morning!

Jing: Leo and I made pancakes since the cake we made yesterday got destroyed!

Hongbin: oh! Thank you!!


N: slow down! They haven't made that many yet!

Everyone grabs a seat at the table and begins eating

Ken: YUMMMmM delicious he starts stuffing the pancake in his mouth again

N: aish.... Slow down or you'll choke

Hyuk: or get fat

Ken glares at Hyuk but continues eating

Ravi: here, Snigdha! Say ah...

Ravi holds a fork with a slice of pancake drenched in syrup up to you

Uh... Ah...

He feeds you and laughs before wiping a bit of syrup off your mouth

Leo looks at Ravi weirdly

Ravi: what? I'm just worried that she forgets what food tastes like!

Leo just shakes his head and continues to eat

N: Jing, you should sit down and eat too, you're looking a little pale

Jing: oh! That's just because I woke up early to make pancakes

Ken suddenly looks at Jing worriedly

Ken: don't over work yourself!

Jing: ah! I'm fine, Oppa! Really!

Ken frowns at Jing but slowly nods

Leo: are you sure you're really fine?

Jing: of course! I'm stronger than I look!

She stands proudly and continues cooking

Leo chuckles and nods

N: thank you for the meal! I'll help clean up!

Ken: thank you! I'll help too!

Hyuk: I'll ask the manager about our schedule today

Hongbin: I'll come with you! Let's go!

Ravi: what should we do to help?

Hmm we could clean the dishes since others seem busy with cleaning other things

Ravi: oh! I think we should visit the art museum today!

Jing: oh yeah! Ravi, Ken, and Hongbin all have art pieces at this one museum!

Oh!! You all have art pieces... In a museum?!!

Ravi: they're nothing special, just something I did in my free time

Haha how are they not special?! They're in a museum!!!

Jing: yeah! They're great! Let's go see them!

N: I'm sure we can after practice

Ken: ah!! Okay!! My art is the best!!!

Jing: hm! All the art pieces are awesome!

Hongbin: okay! We have practice again like usual!

N: we better get going before the we lose all our morning energy


Jing: oh! Snigdha! What should we do while they're practicing?

Hmm what is there to do... I look around

Jing: hm...? I'm not sure if there's anything we can do...

Haa well... Should we just take a walk outside but near the company for a bit? If we are allowed to that is...

N: alright... But don't wander too far

Okay! We won't!

The boys set up for practice as usual and the girls head out along the path to see the sights

Ooh it's nice out! Not too sunny either!

Jing: hm... It's a perfect day out~!

We stay quiet for abit just looking around

Jing: so... Snigdha... When you were alive... Did you...?

Did I what?

I look at her confused

Jing: did you have a boyfriend, or anyone you liked?

I laugh, hmm no I didn't have a boyfriend and well, I had one or two small crushes but nothing insane!

What about you? Did you ever had a boyfreind or do you have someone you like?

Jing: I've never had a boyfriend, no, but I...

But you? I smile

Jing: I might have someone I like...

Oooh! Who?! Is he someone I know? Wait if it's someone I know... I only know the guys, so....

I look at her excitedly

Jing: I-! Well-!

Ah! Oops! Sorry I kinda got excited haha you don't have to tell me!

Jing: it's just that, he treats me so well and takes care of me, but I don't think he likes me like that

Ooh so you're worried it's one sided... Maybe he might like you tho! Who ever the guy is, he could like you...

Jing: well, you and Ravi seem to be getting along really well, it seems like he really likes you~

W-what?! Ahh no no! He just treats me well, like a brother! That's it!! I wave my hands in front of me shaking them frantically

Jing: haha! Ok! If you say so~

Hmm... Leo and you two are close too... Is he...?

Jing: he's just-! He's... Yeah, he is

Awwwewwwww!!!!! OH MY GAHD!! You two would be the cutest couple ever!! Omg I think he might like you too!!!

Jing: ah! I don't think so! He's friends with my brother so I think he just sees me like a younger sister

Hmm well you never know~! He might like you... He just doesn't show it the same way~!

Jing: I-... I don't know...

I laugh aww your blushing! So cute!

Jing: I am not!

I laugh alright alright!

Jing: sigh... I'm tired... Let's sit down

Ah! O-okay!

We both sit down and I notice she's still pale...

Are you really okay? I look at her worriedly

Jing: hm? I'm fine, why are you all so worried?

W-well I don't know I guess cause you're suddenly so pale and now you say you're tired... Did you not get good enough sleep last night?

Jing: ah, must be, I'm just not used to using so much energy, I'm usually lying around the house when Oppa and the parents are out working

Ahh I guess that's why... Well

Don't over work yourself okay?! I frown

Jing: I'll try not to... It's just that... Everyone around me is working so hard, I feel guilty if I'm not putting in any effort

Ah that's true... But that doesn't mean you should over work yourself working hard doesn't mean overworking

Jing: right... Well, we should probably head back and see how the guys are doing


Back in the practice studio the guys have just finished up dance practice

N: good work, everyone! Now all we need to do is finish writing the song and we'll be ready for our comeback!

Ken: YAY!! Let's finish this awesomely!!!

Hyuk: oh! The girls are back! Annyeong~!


Ravi: how was your walk?

It was nice! Felt refreshing

I look at Jing and slightly giggle

Jing: ah, yeah, it was very relaxing~

Leo smiles at Jing

Hongbin: that's good! We're almost finished we just need to finish writing the song

Jing: ooh! How's it coming along?

Hongbin: pretty good! We just need to the ending of the song and we'll be done!

Hyuk: the title is eternity


N: it's a sad song about lost love

Aww I see...

Ravi: let's sing a bit of it for them

Ken: okay!

The boys set up some mics and N starts the music

[Ravi] Look. Love is a nightmare. Time’s over

[N] Gijeogeun naege wajueosseo

Cheoeumbuteo uri sijakdoeeosseo

[Ken] Neoui modeun geoseul

Jeonbu algo itgie nan jasini isseo yeah

([Hyuk] Chagawo) [Hongbin] gibun tasigetji

([Hyuk] Natseoreo) [Hongbin] geuge nan sanggwaneobseo

([Hyuk] Gomawo) [N] ireoke naege doraongeo hanamyeon dwae

[Hongbin] Nasaranghaji?

[Leo] Neomu duryeopgo kkeumjjikhan angmongeul kkwosseo

Nega nareul mak tteonagasseo yeongwonhi

Jing: whoa~!

Waa that sounds amazing even though it is a sad song it's pretty...

Jing: it's amazing~!

The boys stop singing even though the music continues

N: this is as far as we got

Ken: we still got a bit more work...

Jing: ooh! Maybe Snigdha and I can help!

Hm! We might be able to! You never know! 😋

Ravi: heh! We could use all the help we can get!

Yay! Okay so...

I reread there lyrics

Jing: the main theme is sad love and dreams and nightmares

Ken nods and tries to think of more lyrics to write down

Ravi: maybe we should change this and this and repeat this here...

Ravi points out some lyrics and moves them around, while Leo jots down some notes with Jing

Ken hums it to see how it would sounds

Hongbin: oh! It sounds good to me!

Jing: ooh! It's coming along greatly!

I nod excitedly!

As time went by we almost finished the song but we need the ending that'll wrap the entire song up together

Ravi: ok!

He claps his hands

Ravi: I think we all need a break! Let's go to the art museum!

Ken: let's go! We do need a break!

Jing: yay!

Everyone gets up and heads to the company car where Ken drives them to the art museum

Ken: We're here~! Let's go!

Jing: ooh~!

Hyuk: look at all the art pieces!

Wow they're really beautiful!

Ravi: and here!

Ravi hops over to the batman dedication corner of the art museum

Ravi: is where the works of honor are!

Haha wow!! They're really cool!

Ravi: this one here is mine! See? Spray paint art is my specialty

Wow!!! It's really really good! Daebak~

Ravi: haha! Thanks!

N: Ken drew and painted the comic book looking one and Hongbin photographed the top one

Whoa~ these all are amazing!!

Jing: so cool~!

Ken: glad you liked them!

N's phone suddenly rings and he takes it outside to answer it

We continue to look at the other paintings amazed

Ravi: what kind of art do you like most Snigdha?

Hmm... Any I guess.. I don't know too much about art, 😅

Ravi: hm... Me neither, its more of a hobby than anything but it is fun

Haha but you're really good another talent of yours 😁

Ravi: I'm sure you have a lot of talents too!

Haha well maybe 😆

Hyuk: oh! N-hyung! What was the phone call about?

N: our manager just called to let us know that we have a photoshoot tomorrow

Ken: we do?! Ohh

Ravi: sounds great! It must be because we're getting so much attention recently for our comeback!

Ken: Ooh that's true!

N: we should organize our outfits for tomorrow then!

Hongbin: ah that's true! I need to make sure my outfit is perfect!

Jing: yay! I love fashion!

I giggle they're all so excited over clothing that's cute I think

N: alright! Time to go back then!

Ken: let's go!

We all walk back to the car and climb in

Back at the dorms the boys all go to their closets to look through

Jing: ew! Ken-Oppa! Is this a bowl of ramen in your closet?

Ken: ah! Yah! Don't go through my closet like that!!!

Hyuk: you need to clean your closet hyung!

Ken: aish... I will I will... He bent down and began taking some of the trash in his closet out

Ravi: what's your fashion style, Snigdha?

Ravi pulls out a hip hop cap, inspects it, then places it firmly on the top of his head backwards

Haha well, I like wearing simple clothing and I like wearing snap backs like yours I laugh

Ravi: ooh, we have a similar style then~

Haha yes we do!

Ravi: you can help me coordinate my outfit then!

Ah! A-alright!

You and Ravi begin looking through the closet while pulling certain pieces of clothing out

Jing: Ken-Oppa! I think you look good in orange!

Ken: hmm you think so? He starts posing wearing an orange shirt

Jing: haha! Oppa!

Ken: alright! Thanks cutie! I'll wear this then!

Jing: yay!

Jing claps and notices Leo still looking through his closet


Jing: ah... Do you... Need help, Leo-Oppa?

Leo looks at Jing and smiles

Yeah... I do... He looks down embarrassed

Jing: hmm...

She looks through his closet carefully and thoughtfully

Jing: Ken-Oppa's outfit is all orange, but I think Leo-Oppa looks better in blue~

Leo: blue... He smiles liking the color choice

Jing: yep! Orange is vibrant and energetic like Ken, but blue is calm and gentle like Leo!

Leo lightly blushes but nods at Jing

Soon enough everyone has their outfits together and they change into casual clothing and sit down for a movie

Ken: ooh what movie are we watching today?

Jing: how about a romantic comedy?

Ken: well... I guess why not...

N: who's seen the proposal?

Hyuk: hm? Or two weeks notice?

Ravi: ooh! Noting hill!

I just stared at them all confused.

I've never heard of these movies before

Jing: really? These are all classics! I'm surprised you boys have so many girly movies!

Ravi: hey! They're not girly! They're romantic comedies!

I laugh: well then 😆

Ken: just pick one somebody!!! I just want to watch something!!

Jing: ooh! Put in Notting hill! That one will make you cry!

Ken: aish okay okay let's watch it!!!

Ravi slips the movie in and N passes the freshly made popcorn around

The movie begins to play and we all watch silently

At a particular scene everyone begins tearing up, as the main character leaves on the plane

Jing: no! Go back! You belong together!

Jing quietly whispers to herself with tears falling

Wow everyone really

Is crying I think to myself.. I turn back to the movie and continue to watch

As the movie ends with the couple kissing and embracing passionately, you turn around and everyone is still crying

N: ah, I didn't think I would cry this much

He dabs his eyes with a tissue

I giggle I hand them another box of tissues since the other ran out

Ravi: ah! Thanks Snigdha! How are you not crying? It was so emotional!

I smile: I can't cry.

Hyuk: oh! That's right!

Ravi: so what do you do when you feel sad?

I think for a bit: I just... Close my eyes and disappear for abit and just try to calm down I guess...

Ravi: I see, I suppose that's good, as long as you don't dwell on negative feelings for too long

I smile: I don't...

N looks at the clock

N: ah, is it that late already?

Jing: oh wow! Time really flies when you're having fun

Ken gets up and stretches before he yawns obnoxiously

Hyuk: we should get some sleep since we have that photoshoot tomorrow

Hongbin: ah true! Jing are you staying here again for the night?

N: as much as we love having you here, you should go home, I'm sure your parents miss you

Jing: fine... Snigdha! Do you wanna stay the night at my house?

Ah! Me?! Well... Is it alright? I mean what about your parents...

Jing: I'm sure they wouldn't mind, right Ken?

Ken: yeah! They'd be perfectly fine with it!!

Jing: yay! Let's go!

Ravi: I'll walk you two home this time!

Leo: ... I'll come along too

Jing: O-ok! The more the merrier! Right?

Yup! Let's get going then! Haha good night guys!

N: night! Be careful!

The four head out as N and the others begin cleaning up

We walk in silence for awhile no one uttering a single word... But it wasn't awkward at all... Just a nice silence between everyone

The night air is crisp and clean with puffs of smoke escaping their lips as they exhale

Leo looks over at Jing and notices she's got goosebumps on her arms, he takes his sweater off and wraps it around her

Jing: ah! Leo! Aren't you cold?

Leo: No I'm fine.

Jing: are you sure?

Leo smiles and nods again

Jing: th-thank you

Leo pats Jing's head and we continue to walk until we reach Jing's house

Ravi: here we are ladies~! Thank you for allowing us to you home!

Ravi bows dramatically

I laugh and roll my eyes

Leo: good night you two

Jing: good night! Ah! Oppa! Don't forget your sweater!

She runs up to him and hands it him

Leo pats her head and thanks her

Leo: good night and waves to us

Ravi: we'll see you guys tomorrow!

He waves goodbye

Jing: Snigdha! Let's go inside before it gets colder!

Ah! Okay! We walk into the house

Jing: the guest beds are downstairs, let me get you some extra pillows!

Ah! T-thanks!

Jing runs around the house and brings you pillows almost showering you

Whoa!! Haha this many?

Jing: haha! You're gonna need them for the pillow fight!

Pillow fight?!!

Jing: yep! Get ready!

Jing picks up a pink pillow and whips it around but of course it goes right through you and she loses her balance and falls on the bed

Hahaha! Jing you okay?!

Jing: haha! You're cheating!

Aww fine I won't turn invisible!

I grab another pillow and wack her on the arm

Jing: now the real battle begins!

Jing raises her fist

Soon enough both girls are worn out and there are feathers everywhere

Haaa.... Well... That...!

Jing: ha... Very... Fun! I'll beat you next time!

Haha we'll see about that!

Jing rolls off the bed and sighs

Jing: well, I hope you sleep well! See you in the morning!

Okay! Good night! Sleep well!

Jing: you too!

She walks put the door and I lie on the bed and turn to my side and turn off the lamp

The next morning the smell of bacon and eggs wafts through the house

Mmm... I open my eyes and look around

Jing: good morning, Snigdha! Are you awake? Hungry?

Yes I'm awake and yes I'm hungry! Haha

Jing: good! Plenty of bacon and eggs to go around!

The table is fully set with breakfast foods, fruit and juice but there are only two chairs at the table

I look at her: there are only two chairs...

Jing: well it is just the two of us, it does seem a little empty without all the boys here too

Ah yeah, it does haha

Jing: but let's eat quickly so we can join them for their photoshoot! I'm sure they miss seeing you! Especially Ravi!

Yah! I glare at her but then laugh

She giggles and bites into a juicy apple

Soon you two are full of food, you clean up quickly and head out

*at the photoshoot*

Director: turn this way, ah, perfect!

Click! Click!

Ooh~ they all look so nice today....

Haha they look like they're having so much fun!

Jing: oh! They're wearing the outfits we picked out for them! I didn't expect them to look so... Amazing!

Ah that's true!

Jing: let's go say hi~!

Ah! Okay!

Ken: Oh! They're here!!!

Ravi: good morning~!


Ravi: did you sleep well at Jing's house?

Yes I did!

Ravi: that's good!

N: this photoshoot is going better than I thought it would! I think it's all thanks to your guys' help with the clothes!

Ken: yes it is!!! Thanks girls!!

He gave us both big hugs

Jing: ah! Oppa! You're all sweaty!

Ken: Oh I am! I'm sorry!

Jing grabs a towel and begins dabbing at his forehead

Jing: you're all working so hard for your comeback

Ken smiles at her

N: well, when this photoshoot is over, why don't we grab something to eat?

Hyuk: ooh! Syeomgyupsul!

Ken: yum!! Let's eat!

Ravi: ha! Come on Snigdha!

Ah okay!

He takes your hand in his and holds it tightly as you walk to the restaurant

My eyes widen slightly but I calm myself

Leo: Jing shall we go?

Jing: yeah! Just... Give me a minute...

She struggles opening a bottle of water and drops it causing water to spill all over the set

Jing: oh no!

Leo:ah! Jing?!

She quickly grabs a towel and starts cleaning up the spilled water

Leo grabs another and helps her clean up

Jing: I feel so clumsy today... I'm sorry

Leo chuckles: it's alright

he pats her head

Hyuk: hurry up you two!

Jing: ah! Sorry!

Leo gets up and takes Jing's hand and they walk into the restaurant

N: let's try and order healthy since we have to watch what we eat for this comeback, especially you, Ken!

Ken: ah but Hyung 😭😭

N: no buts! We want to look best for our fans, don't we?

N: however Snighda and Jing can order whatever they want~

Ken: lucky ducks!

Jing: heehee! What should we get Snigdha? Chocolate cake? Ice cream?

Goodness! Haha um either I guess...

Jing: yay! I just love sweets!

I can tell! 😆

Everyone orders and waits as the food is prepared

Ravi: so how was your night at Jing's house, Snighda? Did you make popcorn and watch movies all night?

Haha not really we had a pillow fight 😆

Hyuk: heh! What a typical thing to do at a girls sleepover

Is it?! Haha but it was a lot of fun!!!

N: I seem to recall you and your friends having a pillow fight when they slept over!

Hyuk: that was different! It was manlier!

Manlier? How can it be manlier? It's a pillow fight!

Hyuk: we used memory foam pillows, they hurt more!

Ooh well then...

Jing: Ken-Oppa! Maybe we should have everyone over to our house for one night!

Ken: ah! We should! That would be fun!

Jing smiles as the food arrives, some of it hot and steaming while some of it is perfectly chilled and glittering

Ken: waaa~ fooood!!

N: thank you for the meal!

Hyuk: let's dig in!

Everyone takes a bite of their food

Ken: yummy food I love you so much!!😭😭

Jing: hmmm! It's so good!


We all continue to eat our food in pure bliss

Ravi sighs and pats his stomach

Ravi: it's been awhile since I had food that good!

Hongbin: true! We might have to be watching what we eat more now tho...

Hyuk: haha! Maybe Leo could make us a nice bowl of ramen some time!

Ken: yes!!! You will, Leo right?!!

Leo just looks at the guys and nods

Jing: yay~!

Leo smiles at Jing

N: alright! One last day before practice, then our comeback!

Hongbin: well that was fast! So soon!

N: time flies when you're having fun~ I think Snighda definitely made these past few weeks more interesting

I give a small chuckle

Well it's been fun with you guys too!

N: we're right on schedule so as long as nothing goes wrong, I think everything will go according to plan, and this will be a great comeback!

Ken: Yay!!!! It will be awesome like always!!!! Right guys?!

Ravi: of course! We're always loved by our fans!

Ken: true we love our cute fans as well!!!!

Hyuk: we have so many fans these days!

Hongbin: I know! And we'll be having fan signings start again!!!

N: let's go to the practice studio and finish up!

Ken: Right! Let's go!

In the practice studio everyone is working hard to prepare, Ravi, Leo, Jing and Snigdha are going over the lyrics while N, Ken, Hyuk and Hongbin go over dance moves

Leo continues to reread the lyrics

Ravi: what do you think so far, Snigdha?

I think it's great so far, we only need a good ending to tie everything together right?

Jing: what about this?

Jing hands the paper to Snigdha

Jing: these are the lyrics that Leo and I wrote

Hmm... I begin to read the lyrics

It was so sweet that I had a terrible nightmare

We had started everything from the beginning

(We had started)

You’re not here but everything is the same

In this dream the moment you left me

Oh~ A cruel night is endlessly coming to me

Oh~ I close my eyes again, taking me back to that dream

Into an eternal dream that I won’t ever wake from

Omo! Wow that is so good! Not good, great!! Ravi read this! What do you think?

Ravi: wow! This is perfect! It completes the song perfectly!

Awesome job you two!!

Jing: thanks!

Leo: let's try singing it with everyone to see how it goes

Ravi: right!

Everyone gets into the recording studio and begins harmonizing

Ooh they sound like angels haha

Jing: wow~! It sounds great!

It does~

Once the recording is over N writes down a few notes and signals for everyone to gather in the dance studio

Ken: girls sit down! We gotta practice our dance~!

Jing: yes sir~!

We both sit down and N turns on the music again

This time the music plays with their recently recorded vocals and everyone begins dancing and mouthing to the singing voices

I watch in awe as they continue their dance

Once the music comes to an end, the other members drag Ken backwards as if he's slowly falling

Jing: whoa~! It's magical~ beautiful!

Wow! That was totally amazing!!!!

N: I think we're ready!

Ken: yay!!!

Hyuk: we're gonna astound everyone!

Hongbin: we will!!!

Ravi: this will be our best comeback yet!

All the guys start cheering and getting all happy

Aww they're so adorable~

Jing: haha! Yay! Let's celebrate at my house!

Ken: okay!! Let's go!!!

Ken drive everyone to their home and inside they set up for games and karaoke

Ken: ooh let's play life!!! Oh no what about guess who?! No wait..!!

He continues with listing all the games

Jing pulls out some dance mats

Jing: how about dance, dance revolution?

Hongbin: oh that sounds like fun!

Hyuk: I'll kick everyone's !

Hongbin: we'll see about that!!

Jing is the first to pick a character on the screen and a song

Jing: Snigdha! Do you wanna try?

Hm?! Ah... I'm no good at games or dancing

Jing: really? I bet you'd be good at this!

Ah... I'll try...

The music starts and the arrows flow across the screen

W-wait! Whoa this is too fast!

Ugh told you I'm not good haha

Jing: haha! I'll pick a slower song this time! How about this one? SHINee replay

Ooh! I love that song!!!

The music begins again and this time it's much easier to follow the beat

Ooh! Okay... I begin to step on each of the colored squares

Soon both of you are dancing to the beat and are in step with each other

Oh! Wow! This is fun!!

Jing: isn't it? Oops!

Jing's foot slips on the edge and she loses her footing allowing you to win the game

Ah! Haha! I laugh and get off the thing

Jing: Whoo! I need a nap after that!

Haha tired already?!

Jing: it takes a lot out of you!

Haha I guess

Jing: I better brush my teeth before I fall asleep

Jing gets up to go to the bathroom while Hongbin and Hyuk take your place on the dance mat and start arguing over which song to dance to

Hongbin: I want ringa linga!

Hyuk: no, no, no will be much more fun!

Hongbin: why are you so girly?

Hyuk: why are you so stubborn?

Hongbin: because I can be!

In the middle of their arguing everyone hears a sudden thud coming from the bathroom

Ravi: what was that?

Leo: Jing!!

Leo gets up and runs to the bathroom

Everyone quickly follows

Ken: what's wrong?!

Jing is found on the floor of the bathroom, still and not moving

Ken: JING!!!!

My eyes are wide is she breathing?!

N leans down and puts a finger to her wrist and then to her neck

N: she's alive, but she's unconscious! We need to take her to the nearest hospital!

Ken: Get her in the car!! Everybody let's go!!!

They move fast and carry her to the car and Ken drives to the hospital

Ken runs to receptionist

Ken: it's an emergency m-my sister she suddenly fainted and we, we came here and!!!!

Ken is panicking

Doctor: calm down! Let's get her on a stretcher and into a room!

Ken: ah okay!

They carry Jing and place her on a stretcher and she's taken to a room

Doctor: I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait here while we take care of her

Ken: alright...

N: please do all you can!

Doctor: we will

The doctor walks in and closes the door behind him and we all just stand their in silence

Hyuk: she's going to be all right, I'm sure of it

Ken: y-yeah she's a strong girl! She's gonna be perfectly fine!

N: knowing her, she probably overworked herself

Ken: right! That idiot, honestly! Haha!

Ravi: she'll get mad at you if she hears you call her that!

Ken: haha oopsies!

Ravi: how are you feeling Snighda? Worried?

Hmm... I'm sure... She'll be fine but I am worried... I look over to Leo and he just keeps staring at the ground

Hyuk: Leo-hyung? Are you ok?

Leo nods but continues to look down

N: Leo's never been very good at expressing himself, I'm sure he's worried too

Ken walks up to Leo and pats his back

Ken: everything will be okay!

A couple hours pass and the doctor comes out saying that it's ok to come in and see Jing

Ken walks in and the rest follow him

Jing: hi, guys~

She's sitting up in bed in her pajamas with an iv attached and she looks weak and tired

Ken: Haa how are you feeling now?

Jing: I'm ok~! Honestly I am! I guess I haven't been getting as much sleep as I thought! Sorry for making you worry

Ken: Haa

He frowns at her

Ken: you need to take care of yourself more

Jing: I know, I will! I promise!

Doctor: are you the brother?

He asks Ken

Ken: yes I am

Doctor: may I speak with you in private?

Ken: y-yeah okay...

We see them walk outside and the doctor closes the door behind him

Jing: did I ruin the party?

Hongbin: of course not! Haha

Ken: alright doctor what is it?

Doctor: I'm afraid I have some bad news

Ken: what?!

Doctor: we took an x-Ray as a precaution since she fell and might've hit her head, but I think we found something else

Ken: w-what is it?

Doctor: it could be nothing, but until we get a closer look we're going to have to keep her here for the time being

Ken: but... What do you think this possible "nothing" might be any ideas or not yet?

He looks at the doctor worried

Doctor: we found... A tumor... It could be benign, but if it gets worse... It could be fatal

Ken: w-what?! I-I-!!!

Ken: but she still has a chance of survival?

He looks at the doctor hopefully

Doctor: I realize that this is a lot to take in so I suggest you try to stay calm and do what you think is necessary, I'll get back to you with any new information

And with that he leaves

Ken:... I....

He calms down and walks back into the room

Jing: ah! Ken-Oppa! You're back!

Ken gives a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes

Hyuk: what did the doctor have to say?

Ken: well... They said they'll have Jing stay here for a couple of days...

N approaches him and notices his lack of usual enthusiasm

N: everything alright, Ken?

Ken: uh... Y-yeah... He walks past N and smiles you should rest now... We'll come back tomorrow...

Jing: what? Why do I have to stay in the hospital? I feel fine now, I was just tired that's all

Ken: they just want to make sure, you know? I think it's better too, well the doctor said it would be best...

Jing: do I have to stay here by myself?

Ken: ah! No no! I'm sorry I completely forgot you can have one person stay with you... Who do you want to stay with you over night?

Jing: ah! Snigdha! You guys are busy with your comeback right? Snighda will you stay?

Ah! Yes of course!

I look over at Ken and still he looks like he might be hiding something

Jing: great! It should be fine, I'll probably just sleep the whole time

N: if you're ok, we'll be going now, but we'll check in on you tomorrow!

Jing: thank you! But please don't worry too much about me!

Ken bits his lip and just nods he kisses her head good night

Everyone leaves and N makes sure to thank the doctors on his way out

I still look over as the guys leave, but look at Jing and smile

Jing: do you think that there's something that Ken's not telling me? He didn't look as happy as he usually is

I nod... He did... But... He'll tell you and us if there is something

Jing sighs: it's not like him to keep secrets

Yeah, but how about you first get some sleep!!

Jing: hm? But I just woke up!

Haa honestly... Well what do you wanna do?

Jing: they've got a pretty extensive list of movies~

Oh~ they do! What movie do you wanna watch?

Jing: have you seen cloudy with a chance of meatballs?

Ah! No I haven't!

Jing: ha! It's hilarious!

Jing clicks some buttons on her remote and the movie begins to play however only a few minutes in and Jing is asleep again

Haha honestly, well

It's good she's asleep! I take the remote and turn the tv off. I cover her lightly with the sheet and turn off the light

Good night Jing~

In the dorm rooms the boys are sullen, even the excitement of tomorrow's comeback showcase can't get them in a better mood and their manager is worried

Ken lies there and stares at the ceiling

Manager: hm... Maybe we should postpone the showcase

N: what!? No you can't! The fans have been waiting for long enough already!

Ken: N hyung's right.

He slowly gets up

Manager: maybe, but you can't perform with the energy you have now

Ken: after some shut eye I'm sure it'll be all good..

Manager: no! I understand that this is a fragile time and you all need some time to think, so until you get your heads cleared the showcase is postponed!

Hyuk: sigh, maybe this is a good thing! We have been working really hard, consider this a break

Ken nods

Hongbin: Ken?

N stands in front of him and crosses his arms

N: alright Ken, I think it's time you told us the truth, you've been pretty upset about something now, so what is it?

Ken bites his lip

Ken: she has a tumor... He whispers

Hyuk: a tumor!? Is it benign?

Ken: the doctor said it could be, he doesn't know yet...

Ravi: this is insane! She seemed fine not too long ago!

Ken looks down trying to control his emotions

Hyuk: h-hey, let's not worry too much! Like she said, she's feeling fine now, so it's probably not that bad

Hongbin: that's true! It may not be that bad! We all have to stay positive!

Ken slowly nods but doesn't say anything

N: Leo? Are you doing ok?

Leo continues to look out the window

N: you know it's ok to be worried, we all are,

Leo: I... Am worried....

N: since we're on break we should make sure she doesn't spend any time alone, so while we continue practicing at least one of us should be with her at all times

Leo: yeah...

N: Leo... Would you like to stay with her tomorrow?

Leo:... I would stay with her...but she has to be okay with it too.....

N smiles: I'm sure she'd appreciate your company

Leo nods

Hongbin: it's late, we all should get some sleep... We have a long day tomorrow...

N: good night everyone!

Ken: night.

Leo: goodnight.

The next morning...

Everyone is up and ready and ate some breakfast

N: today Ravi should work on his rap while Ken and Hongbin work on their vocals, Hyuk and I will work on the dance routine

Leo: ...

N: And Leo... You'll visit Jing and Snighda in the hospital, see how they're doing

Leo: okay... I'll get going then...

Everyone slowly gets ready for the day and prepares for the event

In the hospital Jing is watching an arts and crafts program

Jing: oh~ so that's how you make an origami crane~

Haha oh! Look they're bringing one of those children's craft stuff want me to get you some origami paper?

Jing: ooh! Sure!

Okay be right back! Excuse me!

When Snigdha walked out, Leo walks in

Jing: oh! Leo-Oppa! I didn't expect to see you!

Leo gives a small smile: how are you feeling?

Jing: much better, now that you're here!

Leo chuckles

Leo: where's Snigdha?

He frowns

Jing: ah, she ran out to get some art supplies, she'll be back soon

Leo: Haa I see okay, the rest will visit as well after practice

Jing: yay! I hope everyone is excited for the showcase!

Leo: ... The showcase is being postponed...

Jing: what!? Why?

Leo: well... We all are just... Needing some time I guess

Jing: it's my fault isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved! Why didn't I just stay home? I should've just...

Leo: Jing... It isn't your fault

He places his hand on hers. Tears begin pooling at the corners of her eyes and she looks away from him afraid to cry

Leo: Jing...

He just wraps his arms around her and holds her in a hug

Jing: I'm sorry for being such a burden...

Leo: you aren't a burden Jing! You never have and never will...

He feels a wetness on his shoulder as her tears begin to fall. Leo just pats her head and runs his hand through her hair calming her the best way he can. Her body suddenly feels heavier in his arms and he realizes that she has fallen asleep again. Leo kisses her on the head gently and places her back on the bed and pulls the sheets over her body. Snighda walks back into the room with the art supplies.

Jing! I-

I shut my mouth instantly

Oh... She's asleep

I carefully place the art supplies down, I then see Leo

Annyeong I whisper

He greets me and then continues to stay by Jing's side

Leo: I'll stay with Jing if you want to go spend some time with Ravi

Ah! Um... Well...

I look at the situation and realize I'd be a bother anyway to stay, I nod.


Leo sees you out and makes sure you're ok before waving goodbye


I wave back and continue to go back to where the others are. In the practice studio N is counting to a rhythm while he and Hyuk follow the steps to the choreography, Hongbin and Ken are harmonizing and Ravi is sitting in a seperate room writing down notes in his book

I slowly walk in

Um... Sorry for disturbing...

Ravi: ah! Snighda! No, you're not disturbing us at all, we're just kind of doing our own thing here and there, what's up?

Leo came to the hospital and said he'll take care of Jing now, how's Ken doing?

N: hm... Better, I think, at least his mind is distracted and not focusing on the negative

Ha that's good to hear

N: we're just going over everything so feel free to do whatever

Ah alright preparing for the showcase?

Ravi: oh, didn't Leo tell you? It's been postponed

Oh it has?! Ah... I see

Ravi: but we see this is as a good thing, I think we all needed a little break

Hmm yeah that's good then

Ravi: come on, let's work on this rap together

Ah! Alright!

A couple hours later and you find yourself singing random tunes with Ravi in a small, somewhat cramped room.



Ravi: are you uncomfortable Snigdha? Do you have enough room?

Ah! Yeah i-I'm fine... Are you?

Ravi: I'm alright! Let's see what should we work on?

Hmm... Um oh! Isn't that GarageBand? Where you like produce music?

Do you make any tunes on it?

Ravi: sure, plenty, do you know how to use it?

Uh... We did a small assignment  with it at school...

Ravi: oh, I see, wanna try and make a tune?

Hmm! Okay!

Ravi hands you the laptop and listens as you play with the keys

I use some bass as a good strong beat and add some random tunes

Ravi: ooh! Sounds good!

Does it?! Haha yay!

Ravi: ha! Maybe we should write a song and include it in our new album

Oh really?! You can add one now?! But isn't your album already done?

Ravi: well since our showcase has been postponed so has the release date of our album, so we could always add a last minute song

Oh wow!

Ravi: what do you think? We already have eternity and love lalala, should we add one more?

Hmm we can always try if you want to

Ravi: alright! What kind of song should it be? We need a theme and a title

Hmm mainly the album theme and your comeback track is sad

Ravi: right! But that doesn't mean that the song can't have an upbeat tune

Ah! That's true! Hmm well you said we needed a title...

Ravi: well, what if the song is about a fairy tale and how most fairy tales have happy endings but this one is sad

Aww alright that sounds great!

Ravi: the title could be sad ending!

Ooh! That does sound good! Something different and intriguing!

Ravi: great! We have a title and a beat! Let's work on the lyrics!

Okay okay!

Ravi listens to the tune you made over and over again while tapping his foot and writing something down every once in awhile

I look over to see what he writes down

He smiles at you

Ravi: wanna read what I have so far?

Ah! Yes please!

Don’t stop, don’t ever look back

Just like that, go go go

The red eyes in the darkness

is targeting you

Always ready

to swallow you

The moment you get distracted, it’s over,

I don’t even know myself

I try holding it in as hard as I can

but my body won’t listen anymore

Ravi: pretty good so far?

Ravi: here's the chorus

Don’t stop, don’t ever look back

Just like that, go go go to a place that can’t be found

Even if your breath runs out,

you can’t stop baby

Don’t stop, run away, I’ll protect you

I shouldn’t have dared

to dream of you in the first place

In the end, we’re in a sad ending

of a cruel fairy tale

In my head, I try to protect you

but I keep chasing after you for days

I’m afraid of myself reflected

in your fear-filled eyes

Wow! Wow!! This is really really good!

Ravi: haha! You really think so?

Yes I do!

Ravi: that's good! Do you think it needs anything?

Hmm... Is that your ending? "In your fear filled eyes"?

Ravi: ah, no I need an ending

In the end the ending could end in somewhat like as if your letting the person go...

Ravi: oh! That's good!

He begins writing furiously

Oh! Haha... I wait to see what he wrote down

Ravi: ok! So it should repeat the chorus and then end with this!

Don’t stop, it’s dangerous, don’t look back at me

Farther, go go go to a place without tears

Even if your sad footsteps are heavy,

you can’t give up baby

Don’t worry, run away, I’ll protect you

I’ll protect you

Ooh~ I like it~

Ravi: great! I'll go over this with the others we'll start recording!

Oh! Okay!

Ravi: hey guys! Snighda and I just a wrote a song for the album!

Hongbin: Ooh another one! Let's see it!

Ravi shows the notebook to them and they look over it, reading the lyrics

N: ooh! This is good! I like it!

Hongbin: yeah it's fits in perfectly good job you two!

N: we have to wait until Leo gets back to record it, but we should do it soon, if we want it on the album!

Hongbin: right!

Hyuk: maybe we should check up on him now!

Hongbin: ah right! We should go!

Ravi: coming Ken-hyung?

Ken: ah! Yeah

Once again everyone is the hospital and the nurses find themselves stopping every once in awhile to see the handsome men pass by

I look at the nurses and roll my eyes

Jing: wow~! Everyone's here!

Ken: Hi~ how are you?

Jing: I'm feeling good! I took a nap and Leo-Oppa read to me

Hyuk: aw! Leo is such a good nanny!

Leo gives a look to Hyuk

Ken: well that's good to hear!

N: have... The doctors said anything to you?

He glances at Ken

Ken: they haven't contacted me yet... He said he'll talk to me in person again

Jing: what would the doctors tell you that they wouldn't tell me?

Ken looks at Jing and bites his lip unsure on what to say

Then suddenly the doctor shows up at the door

Jing: oh! You surprised me! What's wrong?

Everyone looks at the doctor

The doctor coughs a bit awkwardly

Doctor: may I speak with you again?

Ken: uh... Alright...

Ken looks at him worriedly

Jing: wait! Are you two leaving to talk about me!?

Ken: well...

Jing: if something's wrong with me I should know about it shouldn't I!?

Ken looks at Jing and she's right, she should know... He thinks to himself

Doctor: well, if you really feel that strongly about this, I suppose I'll just say it, we got the test results back from your x-Ray and I'm sorry to say this, but the tumor in your brain is cancerous and will most likely be fatal, if we attempted to remove it

Jing grips the sheets of her bed until her knuckles turn white

Ken looks at the doctor wide eyed

Ken: do you mean... He doesn't finish it he can't

Doctor: I really am very sorry...

Everyone's quiet.... Ken falls to his knees suddenly, but tries to control himself he can't cry... Not infront of Jing it'll make things worse...

Jing: so... What's going to happen to me?

Doctor: the tumor will most likely spread and you'll have difficulty remembering things and using any energy to do simple tasks

Ken balls his hands into fists... And closes his eyes

Doctor: I'll... Leave you to figure things out...

He slowly steps out and everything is silent again

Ken slowly breathes in and out... And dares to take a glance at Jing

She's staring blankly at the sheets in front of her and can't seem to process the situation

Ken slowly walks to his beloved sister

Jing: Ken-Oppa? Did you...? Did you know?

Ken lip quivers...

Ken: I...

Jing: how long did you know?

Jing: did you all know!?

She looks around the room and stops at Leo

Leo looks down unable to even look at her

Ken: J-Jing... I...

Jing: is that why...! Is that why you've all been so nice to me? Because you knew I was dying? Was it all a lie?

She brings her knees up and begins crying into the bed sheets

Ken: Jing! N-no we've always taken care of you the s-same way!

Ken reaches toward her

She pushes his hand away

Jing: No! Get out! All of you! I don't want to see you!

Ken: J- he looks down trying to stop the tears but one betrays him and trickles down his face

Jing cries into her pillow while pulling the blanket over her so no one can see her, but her screams echo in the room and in the hall

N pulls Ken by the arm and nods towards the door

N: come on, we better leave

Ken nods as he let's his tears fall not holding them back anymore

They both walk out and slowly the rest follows

Hyuk: this... Is just terrible

Ken: I-I'm... I...idiot!!! I A brother....I...

He stops and continues to cry

Ken: WHY JING?!! He wails

N: hey now, you were just doing what you thought was best,

N is patting Ken on the back trying to get him to calm down

Ken: haa... He tries to calm down but the tears continue to fall but he doesn't speak... He just stares at the ground

N: she's just going through the stages of grief and everyone knows that the first stage is anger

Ken nods

Ravi: than denial, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance

Ken bites his lip and nods again

Hyuk: hey! Where's that cheerful and hyper Ken-hyung we all know and love?

Ken gives a small smile to Hyuk

Ken: I'm sorry... I'm being immature...

Hyuk: no, you're being sad, you'd be back to normal if you were being immature!

Ken: chuckles lightly that's true...

Ravi: this is just a rough patch that we all have to get over together! But I know that we can do this!

Hongbin: that's right! We all have to stay strong guys!

N: perhaps we should stay until we've confirmed that Jing is at least feeling a little bit better about the situation

Ken: right we should...

N: let's do hourly check ups, unless she's sleeping

Ken: sounds good.

N: Ken, do you want to go first? See if she's calmed down at all?

Ken: a-alright

Ken gets up and walks to the door and slowly peeks in. He quickly closes it again when he sees a pink vase fly towards him and hears the glass shatter against the door. She's not exactly calm at the moment...

Ken: well... He clears his throat

Ravi: maybe Snighda should go in, if she throws a vase at her, it'll just go through her

Hmm alright I could go...

Ravi: ah, but do be careful!

Ah! Yes I'll be careful!

I slowly walk into the room

Jing is sitting up in bed hugging her knees to her chest, tears still falling down her face

I slowly walk up to her


Jing: ah, Snigdha, I didn't hear you come in...

I smile lightly... Ghost powers~ I wiggle my fingers

Jing smiles and laughs a little

I simply lean near the bed

And smile at her, she's recovering..

Jing: I need to apologize to everyone, don't I?

I smile and tilt my head to the side

Is that what you want to do?

I smile at her waiting for her answer

Jing: sigh... I should, would you ask Ken-Oppa to come back in?


Ken! I peek my head out the door

Ken: hm! What is it?

I walk out: she wants you

Ken: ah! A-alright!

Ken walks back into the room

Jing: Ken-Oppa! I'm...!

She stops, barely able to breathe with tears streaming down her face

Ken: Jing! I'm sorry! I should've told you! I'm really sorry for screwing up... I... I was just afraid.... He bites his lip and looks up to see her crying

Ken's brotherly instincts kicked in and he rushed to her and hugged her

Jing hugs him back, tightly gripping the back of his shirt, her tears soaking the shoulder

Ken brushes his hands through her hair

Ken: Shhh...

Jing: I'm sorry! I'm really, really, truly, very sorry!

Ken: shh... Don't say anymore you shouldn't be the one saying sorry...

Ken: I'M really really reeeeealllly sorry!!

Jing: haha! Oppa! I'm the one who yelled at you, when you were just trying to protect me! And I did throw a vase at you...

Ken: well throwing things at me  honestly isn't anything new you know he smirks

Jing: that's because you were stronger than me! But I had better aim!

Ken chuckles: that's true!

Jing smiles and wipes her face

Jing: thank you, Oppa, for everything

Ken kisses her forehead and smiles at her

Ken: I'm one lucky, no blessed brother, you know... To have such a beautiful and awesome sister!

Jing: oppaaaa~! You're embarrassing me!

Ken: haha! What?! It's true! He pinches your cheek playfully

Jing scrunches her nose and laughs

Jing: just tell the others to come in so I can apologize to them too

Ken: okay~ guys!! Come in~!!

N: is she feeling better?

Hyuk: she's not going to throw anything is she?

Ken: Guys chill will you! No she won't

Jing bows while still sitting in bed

Jing: please excuse my earlier behavior and accept my sincerest of apologies

Hongbin: ah! You shouldn't apologize!!

N: right! We all know that this is rough for you! It's understandable that you're angry

Jing looks up at everyone and looks at Leo again

Jing: are you... Mad at me?

Leo looks at her wide eyed

Leo: No! Of course not!

Jing: ah! I'm glad, I would... I mean... I'd feel horrible if you were mad at me...

Leo gives a small smile

Leo: I'd never be mad at you

Jing smiles at Leo and blushes a little

Ken looks at Jing and notices her blushing and then looks over at Leo then back at Jing and chuckles

N: well, we're all glad that you're feeling better! Even though the showcase got postponed that doesn't mean that we're not having it, so we still need to practice!

Hongbin: ah that's true!

Jing: of course! Snigdha! Will you stay the night again?

Ah, sure if you want...

Jing: yeah, I really don't want to be alone...

Ken: you won't ever be alone!

N pats Ken on the shoulder and tells him it's time to go

Ken: ah! Yeah... Well we'll visit you tomorrow okay? It's late and you need some rest, we'll get going

N: call us if you need anything!

Jing: ah! I will! Thank you!

Ken: good night!!! Sleep well!

Jing: good night Oppa! You too!

Leo waves Jing good night and everyone walks out the door

Jing: Snigdha... Can I ask you something?

Hm yeah what is it?

Jing: um... When you... Passed away... What was it like?

Oh! Well... I guess at first when I was finally like dying or reaching my last moments everything went black... I don't know if seeing the light or watching your life flash by is true cause... I turned into a ghost, but I guess it was really peaceful honestly when I finally passed away and became a ghost

Jing: did it... Um.... Hurt?

Hehe no not at all! It was painless once my death finally came...

Jing: do you think I'll become a ghost like you?

Hmm well... If you have something you want or need to have but you don't get it before your death... Then you'll become a ghost but it has to be strong, not just wishing

Jing: I see... Maybe I will become a ghost...

I tilt my head: do you want to become a ghost?

Jing: maybe... I'm dying, but I don't want to leave any of you, I'm afraid...

Oh Jing... I wrap my arms around her... Jing, death isn't something to be afraid of you know, it happens to everyone, even though sometimes it has the worst timings... But I think death is like a new beginning you know, and trust me no one would ever forget such an amazing, beautiful hearted girl like you, you'll always be with us, I feel like I'm giving a boring lecture haha

She hugs you back and cries

Jing: oh! I didn't think I had any more tears to cry, but I guess I do

She sniffles and wipes her tears

Haha, I slowly pull back and hand her Kleenex

She blows her nose loudly and lays back down, her head is spinning with thoughts and when it looks like she's about to say something she drifts off

Haha, I take the sheets and place them over her

Good night~

I turn the light off

An few hours later, the phone in the hallway begins ringing, a nurse picks it up and answers it, then she looks around

Nurse: Snigdha! Is there a Snigdha here?

I hear the nurse

Ah! Yes! That's me!

Nurse: there's a Mr. N on the line for you

Ah! Alright thank you, I take the phone from the nurse


N: hi~!

Haha Hi N!

N: how are things going? Just thought I'd check in

Ah, she fell asleep after we talked for a bit

Hyuk: what did you two talk about?

N: hey! I'm talking here!

Ravi: hi, Snighda! I miss you~!

N: yah! Ravi!

I giggle

Miss you guys too 😆

N: geez.... So anyway, you two talked?

Uh yeah we were talking for a bit. Kinda like freeing her thoughts I guess

N: hm... Well as long as she's feeling better, that's all that matters. One of us will go in tomorrow to visit so you can come hang out with us, Ravi says he needs you for his new song... I think... The one you've been working on together

Oh okay okay!

N: so unless you guys need anything, we'll see you tomorrow! Night!

Okay! Good night!

The phone call ends and I walk back into the room

Jing is still sleeping and a couple nurses are tending to her iv and making sure she has her medicine

I sit down on the chair and watch them until I decide I should get some sleep as well...

Morning comes quickly and you're awoken by a knocking at the door

Ah! Coming! I get up and open the door

Ravi: good morning!

Ah! Good morning!

The rest of the vixx boys greet you and walk in

Jing slowly begins to stir and she opens her eyes

Jing: ah, is it morning already?

Ken: Good Morning~!!

Jing: hehehe! Good morning Oppa~!

Hongbin: we brought you some breakfast! Leo made it for you~

Jing: oh! Really? Thank you, Leo-Oppa!

Leo: your welcome

he smiles

Hyuk: we also got you a fruit basket

He attempts to hand it to Snighda but drops it and grapes end up scattering on the floor

N: guys! Be careful this is a hospital! You need to clean this up before someone-!

He walks quickly over to help clean up but slips on a banana peel and falls

Oh N! Are you alright!! I-I'm sorry!

Jing: omo! Please be ok!

N: agh... I'm fine! But maknae! You're going to get it!

Hyuk: and that's my cue to leave!

He runs out of the room

Haha well.. I pick up the grapes

Ravi chuckles a bit and helps too

Ravi: so, Snighda, what do you want to do today?

Hmm I tilt my head, N told me you needed me for the new song.

Ravi: yeah, I mean, it's a great song and I would love having your opinion as we edit some parts, but we don't have to do that all day, I'm asking about afterwards

Afterwards? Uh... I don't know anything I guess

Ravi: great! We'll make a day of it then!

Jing: Ken, Leo? Are you two going to stay for the day?

Ken: well do you not want both of us here?

Jing: ah! No! It's just that... I know you guys are busy... And I don't want you spending all your time worrying about me...

Ken: we are here just to be with you! It's okay!

Ravi: actually, we recorded a lot of the song with Leo-hyung yesterday, but we need to record with Ken-hyung some more

Ken: aww that's true... I guess I'll have to visit you after the recording...

Jing: ah, that's ok! Please don't work too hard!

Ken: me? work hard?! Please~ he laughs

Jing: right, it was wrong of me to think that you'd work hard at something

Ken: haha right well we got to get going have fun~

he waves and walks out the door

Jing: bye~!

Jing glances at Leo as she realizes that they're alone and blushes

Leo: um... Is the food okay?

Jing: huh? Oh, yeah! It's great! Thank you again!

Leo: your welcome

he smiles

Jing quietly and slowly eats

Ravi: alright! Let's get to work on the song!


Ken: let's finish my recording~

Ken and Hongbin get into the recording studio while in the dance studio N is scolding Hyuk for the hundredth time

Well what are you wanting to edit?

Ravi: hm... Let's edit the chorus a bit and then...

You and Ravi work with the editing a bit while Ken and Hongbin sing, a couple hours later and everyone has gone off to do their own thing

Ravi stretches and leans back in his chair

Ravi: ah~! What should we do now?


Hyuk: why don't you two just go on a date?


N smacks the maknae from behind

N: don't you have chores to do?

Hyuk: ah! Right! See ya!

He runs off

N: goodness, that boy, well practice is over for the day so you guys can do whatever you want, within reason of course

Haha alright. Thanks...

Ravi: why don't we go on a date? I've never been on one, have you?

A date!? Ah... Well... No I haven't...

Ravi: that's ok! We can teach each other!

Haha well... Alright!

Ravi: great! Because I kind of have an idea!

Hm you do? What is it?

He stands up and grabs your hand

Ravi: you'll just have to come and see!

Ah! Okay!

He takes your hand and leads you outside but before you reach your destination he puts his hands over your eyes and tells you where to go

Ravi: ok! Turn left here!

A-ah o-okay...

I use my hands to help me turn...ugh I hope I don't trip or something!

Ravi: don't worry, I got you!

R-right... Um...

Ravi: ok! Now you can open them!

I slowly open my eyes...

Set up before you is a beautiful blanket covered with picnic food, fruit and flowers

Waa~ did you already prepare this!?

Ravi: yep! I was really hoping we could spend the day together!

Oh wow! Ravi this is so sweet of you!

Ravi: you think so? Here! Let's eat!

He brushes off a corner of the blanket for you and motions for you to sit

Ah thank you! I sit down.

You and Ravi spend an hour or two just chatting and feeding each other fruits and cake

Ah~ this is nice~ I smile and lie down

Ravi: ha... Enjoying yourself?

Mm~ I nod

Ravi: ah! Snigdha! Look!

Ravi hurriedly taps your arm

Hm!? What?

I get up and look at where he's pointing to

Ravi: isn't the sunset beautiful?


It is beautiful!!!

Leo: Jing! Look it's the sunset!

He opens the blinds near her window so she can see

Jing: wow!

Leo: it's beautiful isn't it..

Jing: amazing~

Ravi: come on, it's getting late and there's one more thing I have to show you!

Huh? Really? What is it?

Ravi: it's coming soon! So just be patient and follow me!

He starts putting all of the picnic stuff away and once that's done he starts heading towards the river

Oh~ I look over at the river

Ravi: it's going to take awhile so let's just chat

Ah alright~

Ravi: so... How did you feel when you passed away? I mean, was it really so bad that you had to...? You don't have to say anything! I'm just curious!

Haha no it's fine, um well... For your first question I didn't feel anything once I "died" there wasn't any feeling really i guess just I felt at peace

Ravi: ah... I see...

Yeah and for your second question... Well... I guess at the time I didn't know what else to do about it... But I am thankful I did it

Ravi: really? You don't regret.... Not living a little longer...?

I shake my head and smile, if I lived I most likely wouldn't have met you guys...

Ravi: well, there's always a possibility... Are you really happy that we did meet though?

I smile: yes I am happy, really happy!

Ravi smiles too

Ravi: I'm glad! You're a great person Snighda, and I want you to know that!

I look down embarrassed: you are too you know...

Ravi: so... About your regret... That thing that's keeping you on earth, as a ghost...?

Hmm yeah, Love, I look at him

What about it?

Ravi: well... What do you think is going to happen when you finally receive the love you deserve?

I bite my lip... I'll probably... Leave...

Ravi's eyes go wide, but then he looks away as if he was expecting that answer but didn't really want to hear it

Ravi? Ah... I'm sorry...

Ravi: no it's nothing to be sorry, about it's just...

... Hmm...

Ravi: what if I don't want you to go? What if I want you to stay? Here, with me?

I look at him suprised...Ravi... I-I don't know.... I....

Ravi: I like you, Snighda! A lot! I don't know what I would do without you!

I stare at him wide eyed

...ravi... I look away, ah he shouldn't like me, he'll only be left in heartbreak I think...

Ravi: Snigdha... I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me... I-!

N-no, it's...

I try to say what I want to say but I can't I don't know how to!!! Aish!!!

Ravi: Snighda...

He comes closer

Ravi: promise you'll stay with me, will you?

He continues to come closer until he pulls you into a tight hug

I stand there abit shocked but slowly start to hug him back...

Ravi: Snigdha, I really-! Oh! Snigdha! It's starting! Look!

My eyes widen again, Ravi! This is amazing thank you!!!

He holds you tighter and pecks you on the cheek

Ah! Ravi! I giggle embarrassed

He smiles at you and you feel his grip loosen

I look down

Ravi: Snigdha! You're-!

Ah! N-now!?

My eyes widen terrified

Ravi: h-hold on! M-maybe we can stop this! N! I'm sure he'd know what to do!

Ravi pulls out his cell phone and calls N and the others

Ravi: N-hyung! Snigdha! Sh-she's disappearing and I don't know what to do! Help me!

N: w-what!?


I slowly float to him

I don't...

Ravi: I-it's going to be ok! Just hold on a little longer!

Ken runs into the hospital room where he find Jing and Leo looking out the window at the fireworks

Ken: guys!

Jing: oh! Oppa! What's wrong?

Ken: S-she's disappearing!!!!

Jing: Snighda!? Wh-where is she?

Ken: she's outside!! At the bridge!!!

Jing looks at Leo with tears in her eyes

Jing: Leo! Will you take me to the bridge!? I need to see her! Before she-

Leo nods and begins to pick her up while Ken unhooks the iv and some of the wires and all three head to the bridge despite the doctors and nurses yelling that Jing should return to bed. Leo reaches the bridge and pants holding Jing watching the scene infront of them. Everyone is on the bridge now, Jing clings to Leo's back as they come closer, a small light seems to be fading from Ravi's arms

Ravi... Thank you for everything...

Ravi: Snighda!

He cries

Ravi: don't go! Please!

Jing: Snighda! We're here! We're all here for you!

I look over and see everyone...

Thank you all of you! I love you all... I smile at them

Jing: you were a great friend!

Jing screams at the top of her lungs

Jing: I'm really glad that I met you and had we been at the same school, I never would have let anyone bully you!

Haha! Thank you Jing you're the best freind I could've ever asked for!

Ravi clings to what little of you is left

Ravi: you are my light and my love, Snighda! I'll never forget you!

Thank your Ravi... I love you...I peck his lips as I feel myself disappearing entirely

Ravi falls to his knees and weeps while N comes up to him and rubs circles on his back

N: she's going to a better place now

Everyone gathers around Ravi calming him down telling him it'll be okay,

Leo: she'd be sad is she saw you like this Ravi...

He sniffs and wipes his nose with the sleeve of his jacket

Ravi: yeah, you're right...

He slowly stands and looks at everyone

Ravi: we should... Do something for her... Shouldn't we?

N: I thought ahead

He says as he takes out a candle and a small wooden plate for it to sit on

Hongbin: here's the lighter

Ravi lights the candle and sets on the wooden plate then slowly lowers it into the river where it floats away. Ken pats Ravi's back telling him to stay strong. He nods and thanks him. Everyone stands still holding their hands in silence as they pray for Snighda. Everyone stays silent for a bit but a chilly breeze suddenly hits them hard making everyone shiver

N: it's going to rain, we better get Jing back to the hospital!

Ken: ah right we should...

Hyuk: she doesn't look so good!

Ken: !!

Jing is deathly pale and her skin is ice cold, her breathing is slow and shallow

Ken: Get her inside!!! Leo go take her quickly!!

Leo nods and turns around holding her tightly to his chest and sprinting back into the hospital. Everyone follows as the rain begins to pour heavily above them soaking them to the bone. Leo races back into her room

Leo: Jing! You'll be okay! Don't worry!!

She shivers as the doctors and nurses rush into the room, pushing the boys aside to tend to her

Doctor: she's in critical condition! We need to get her to the emergency room now!

The nurses silently put Jing on a stretcher and rush her into another room

Ken: !! No... She's a strong girl I know she is!!! He panics

N holds his arm

N: everything's going to be ok... I'm sure it will be

But even he doesn't look so certain

Everyone waits and waits... But the doctor hasn't come out yet

Hyuk: this... Isn't turning out to be such a good day...

Hongbin: yeah...

Suddenly the door opens and the doctor finally comes out

Doctor: her condition has stabilized, but I fear she doesn't have much more time...

Ken: WHAT?!! N-no!!!

Leo's eyes widen...

Ken: C-can we see her!?? Please!!

Doctor: yes, of course...

Everyone rushes into the room to see Jing

Ken: Jing!!

Jing is laying down on the bed with so many wires here and there attached, a tube is attached to a plastic mask covering her nose and mouth helping her shallow breathing. She slowly turns arounds and shakily pulls her hand towards them

Jing: Ken... Leo... Everyone... Where is Snighda?

Leo: Jing? Don't you rem-

Leo remembers the doctor said she will have memory loss

N: er... She's in a better place...

Jing: that's good... How did the showcase go? Did I miss it?

Ken:!! He bites his lip trying to stop it from quivering

N smiles at her with tears in his eyes

N: no you didn't miss it, we had you sit front row, it was amazing,

Jing: really? Wow~

Ken tries to calm down and shows the best smile he can muster

Ken: you were having a blast! He waves his hands in the air trying to keep the mood light and not showing his sweet sister and sadness

Jing: I'm so glad that the showcase turned out alright! You guys have worked so hard!

Hongbin nods smiling, but his dimple doesn't show: thank you!

Hyuk: Leo even confessed his love for you, we were all surprised!

Jing: wha-!?

Leo's eyes widen but he smiles at her: I did!

Jing blushes and the pink shows up brightly against her pale skin. Leo smiles and gently pecks her on the cheek: you look so adorable...

Jing tries to hide her blushing face, but doesn't even have the strength to move. He tries to hide his pain at seeing her being so weak but keeps a smile on his face. Everyone stands silently as they watch and decide it would be best to leave them alone, N has to pull Ken by the arm. Ken nods and they all slowly walk out the door. Jing weakly moves her hand towards the breathing mask wanting it removed

Jing: Leo...

She barely breaths out

Leo: ah! Jing keep it on you need it!

He places his hand gently on hers

Jing: no...

She struggles and uses up all her strength to pull it off

Jing: Leo... I'm- I'm scared!

Leo gently gives her a hug

Leo: it's okay...shh... I'm here... Jing you'll always be here with me, with all of us no matter what! I promise!

Jing: Leo... I don't... I don't wanna be a ghost... I don't want to have any regrets...

Leo: you won't be ghost then! You won't have regrets... What is it you think will become a regret?

He looks at her worriedly

Jing: I don't want to regret anything! I-I love you Leo!

Leo: Jing, I love you too, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner...he holds her closer but carefully. She clings to him and struggles but sits up to give him a kiss on the cheek. Leo gives her a smile that she always loved and they stay there in comfortable silence for a bit. He looks over at Jing again. Her body has gone limp and her breathing has stopped, the others come back in and notice the flatline on the heart monitor.

Leo's eyes widen: Jing!?

N: oh no...

Leo let's his tears fall, and closes her eyes. Hyuk can't help but start crying as well and both Hongbin and Ravi turn to hide their tears

Ken: Goodbye sister you're in a better place he whispers and continues to cry

The doctor suddenly comes in

He and the nurses bow in apology and begin preparing Jing's body for the funeral

N: make sure she looks pretty

He jokes with tears in his eyes

N: she'll be mad if she doesn't

Ken: hehe that's true

The doctor nods and carries her body out and the room falls into silence again

Ken: well...he sniffs

N: I think we better go home and try to get some rest, the showcase is back on in just a couple of days

Everybody nods and slowly they walk out and go back home to rest

After the showcase Vixx began to win awards on Mnet countdown and other shows, they became very busy with their eternity promotions, tv and radio shows highly praised them for their ability to show the sadness of lost love through their songs

A couple of weeks later the funeral for Jing was held and many people came, in secret they also held the funeral for Snighda, since in a way she had truly passed on as well

Hyuk: when people say, 'she's in a better place now' what do they mean?

N: well they usually mean that they went to heaven, where they become angels and watch over us from heaven

Ken: they were already angels but god needed them right?

Ravi: so you think Snighda and Jing are watching over us now?

Hongbin: I'm sure they are! Haha

Leo looks up and smiles at the sky as the clouds pass over the sun

Jing: hey, Snighda, I seem to remember a certain rapper writing a song for you

A special rapper hehe

Jing and Snighda sit on the clouds, their wings slowly flutter as they watch the boys pray

Hmm they all look so happy! That's good!

Jing: yep! Because even though we're gone, life goes on

That's true! Haa

As the clouds pass the sun comes back out and the credits roll with Vixx's eternity playing in the background


Because it was requested by FifiLuvs2pm, we made a sequel to Eternity! Which can be read here!

It all started when Ken asked Leo. "Hyung, do you believe in reincarnation?"



A year after Jing and Snigdha have passed away, the boys of kpop group, Vixx, have decided to spend the night in the old observatory where they first met Snigdha's ghost. The observatory overlooks a college campus and one early morning they see two girls on campus that look just like Jing and Snigdha!

Fei and Iseul are best friends going to college together when the members of vixx meet them and see the similarities in their appearance and personalities, but there are some differences. For one thing the girls have no idea who the members of Vixx are, besides the fact that they're idols and that Fei is a fan. But she seems to be more of a fan of Ken than of Leo, while Iseul wants nothing to do with them, because she thinks that all singers and idols are vain and selfish.

Fei, a transfer student from China that looks like Jing. Like Jing she's always a positive and strong thinker but unlike her, she's loud, energetic and a bit of a crazy Vixx fangirl.

Iseul, a girl with one Korean parent and one parent of Indian descent. She bears a strong resemblance to Snigdha. Like Snigdha she's kind, considerate and compassionate, but unlike her, she has a strong dislike for idols because an idol of hers broke her heart. Now she's trying to protect Fei from the same thing that happened to her by keeping her away from Vixx.

Will the members of Vixx let them get away so easily? Are these girls related to the girls they once loved that are now in heaven or maybe something more...? Find out in this exciting, romantic, comedy sequel!


One night, the boys of Vixx are lying in their dorm room, knowing that tomorrow is the anniversary of the day that they lost two important girls in their lives.

Ken: Hyung, do you believe in reincarnation?

Leo: hm reincarnation... He hums thoughtfully.

N: have you been reading weird books again?

The leader playfully kicks him.

Ken: wha?! No! It's just... A thought i guess...

N: and where did this thought come from?

Ken gives a small smile: I was thinking about Jing and Snigdha and just thought about that.

Hyuk: we all miss them hyung, but it's not like there's anything we can do to bring them back.

Ravi: hey, why don't we all go to the observatory? You know, the one where we met Snigdha?

Hongbin: oh! That sounds like a good idea!

Ravi: let's go now! Before the manager catches us sneaking out!

Ken: ah alright!

Everyone gets up slowly sneaking out of the door trying to make little noise as possible soon walking to the observatory.

N: wow... This place hasn't changed at all.

He slides his hand across the dusty piano and plays a few notes. It's off tune again.

Everyone looks around again noticing everything is in the same place and remembering memories of Jing and Snigdha again.

Hyuk: heh, remember this?

Hyuk pulls out the old diary that led them to meeting Snigdha and learning about her tragic past.

Ken: oh yeah, I remember!

The boys look through the book again, reading over old passages and Ravi tries to hold back his tears that threaten to fall.

Hongbin pats Ravi's back trying to calm him down.

N: hey, Leo, do you wanna help me tune this?

He dusts off the piano, coughing a bit when it flies into his face.

Leo nods and walks to the piano helping tune it.

For awhile they play a few melodies and the others just sit and listen, sometimes letting their mind wander to other things.

Ken continues to hear them play but his mind wanders off again thinking of what would it be like if the girls were here, what it would be like, but he quickly shakes his head.

N: ok, it's getting late, we should probably head back.

Ravi: no, we should stay here for the night.

Hongbin: stay here?! Our manager will kill us if we do.

Hyuk: aw, come on! Ken-hyung's already asleep! We might as well, right?

Hongbin sighs: alright, I guess we might as well...

N: what do you think, Leo?

He turns to him.

Leo just nods wanting stay the night here too.

N: alright, if that's what everyone wants...

He sighs but smiles, secretly wanting to stay the night as well.

They all look around trying to get comfortable to try and sleep still not understanding how Ken was able to sleep so easily and comfortably.

Hyuk: oh, gross! Ken-hyung is drooling!

Ravi: anyone got a marker? I want to draw a mustache on his face!

Hongbin: guys c'mon just get to bed will you? Let's not ruin his face for now!

N: too late.

Ravi giggles as he draws a curly mustache under Ken's nose. He tiptoes away only to trip and fall on something, but Ken still lays there snoring.

Hongbin: unbelievable...

He chuckles.

Eventually everyone finds a comfortable enough spot and drifts off to sleep.

The next morning is bright and sunny, and everyone groans as they wake, because the floor of the observatory did nothing to ease the pain of their backs.

Ken: ugh... Man...he gets up stretching wiping off the dried slobber from his mouth.

The marker mustache smears a bit and Ravi, Hongbin, and Hyuk all have to cover their mouths to hide their laughter.

Ken looks at them confused but shrugs it off.

Hyuk gets up and looks through the telescope.

Hyuk: hey, did you guys know that there's a college campus not far from here?

Hongbin: oh is there? I didn't know.

Ravi: let me see!

He pushes Hyuk aside and looks through.

He looks through the telescope seeing some people on the campus.

Ravi: wow~! This is a really good telescope! You can even see their faces!

Ken: my turn! My turn! I wanna see!

N: guys! Be careful! This stuff is old! We don't want to break anything!

Ken: we won't! If Ravi would just let me look through the telescope!!

He moves aside to let Ken look.

Ken: whoa~! You really can see peoples faces!!

He continues to look around until someone caught his eye. He gasps and pulls back. Shaking his head thinking he just imagined it.

Ravi: hyung? What's wrong?

Ken: um... I'm not sure... He scratches his head, I guess I'm still not fully awake!

N: let me see.

N pulls him aside and looks through.

N: wow, there's so many people... It looks like mostly girls though... Anyone know what the name of the college is?

Hongbin: hm... It might be one of the arts colleges...

N: you wanna take a look, Leo?

Leo nods and walks to the telescope and looks through it.

Hyuk: I wonder how long that college has been there?

Hongbin: I haven't heard too much about it, but it might've been there for a while.

Ravi: see anything interesting, Leo?

Leo shrugs but continues to look around until he sees two girls walking on the campus, two familiar girls... Leo looks again trying to make sure he wasn't seeing things and sure enough there they were chatting and laughing.

Leo: what are they-?!  He grabs Ravi and tells him to look.

Ravi: oh! What's the matter? I-is that...?

His eyes become wide and he smacks his face just to make sure that he's not dreaming.

Hongbin: whoa! What was that for?! Are you two alright?

Ravi: L-look! Just look!

Hongbin looks at him confused but looks through the telescope trying to see what they are talking about.

Hongbin: w-wait... Is that-?

He looks at the two.

Hongbin: but... It makes no sense... How are they...

Hyuk: what is everyone freaking out about?

Leo: they're still... Alive?

He shakes his head confused.

Ken: huh? Alive? What are you talking about...

Hyuk: let me look!

He grabs the telescope and tries to see what everyone is getting all worked up over.

Hyuk: what the-!? That's impossible!!

Ken: what's impossible?!

Ken pushes him and looks again and sees them.

Ken: so... I wasn't seeing things then?

N: ok, now I'm curious.

He looks through the telescope and searches the campus.

N: is that-!?

But before he can even finish his sentence the others have started running across the field towards the college campus.

They reach the college campus and begin looking for the girls again.

N runs up to them and takes a moment to catch his breath.

N: aish! What is-!?

Ravi grabs his face and turns it towards the two girls sitting on the bench, talking and laughing.

Ken: oh my god!!

He stares at them in shock.

N: they look just like Snighda and Jing...

He says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hongbin: yah, guys let's not stare at them like that.

He shakes Ken.

Hyuk: but it can't be them... Can it...?

Ken: ... It's not possible right? It doesn't make sense...

He then remembers his thought of reincarnation.

Ravi: should we... Go talk to them?

Ken: can we? I want to...

He looks at them again.

N: let's just approach this slowly and gently. We don't want to freak them out, afterall, it's probably not them.

Hongbin: right...

On the bench the two girls are talking about the their fantasy and mythology class when the girl that resembles Jing suddenly taps on the arm of the girl that resembles Snighda.

Fei: oh my gosh! Iseul! Don't look now! But I think Vixx is on our college campus!

She squeals with delight.

Huh? Vixx? Oh that boy group you love? So what?

Fei: how can you respond like that!? They're so handsome and talented and amazing!

She sighs.

Pshh sure on tv maybe.

I roll my eyes.

Fei: oh my gosh! oh my gosh! I think they're coming this way!

She grips your arm tightly as they approach.

Yah! Why would they come here?

I look at the direction she's looking and see those boys walking here.

N: um... Hello...?

He starts nervously and bows.

I raise my eyebrow at him.

Can we help you?

N: er... We were just wondering... Um... Do you know who we are?

Oh wow, no I don't. Wanting check on their fame huh? Wow shameless I think to myself.

Fei: yes!! I know!

She raises her hand, jumping up and down.

Fei: you're Vixx! V-I-double X!! Vixx! Best kpop group in the world!

Hongbin: ah... Um thanks for the compliment...

He looks at the others.

N: um... What are your names?

Fei: I'm Fei! F-E-I! And I'm a transfer student from China and a huge Vixx fan!

I look at them: why do you wanna know our names? I ask coldly.

Ravi: ah, um... Just curious... We want to personally get to know our fans that's all...

He laughs nervously.

Tsk! Sure you do. I get up not liking these guys one bit, there creepy and being so fake, what with their nervousness anyway...

Fei: ah! Iseul! Wait! Come back!

She turns to them and bows.

Fei: sorry! We're late for class!

She runs after you.

Why did you tell them your name?!

Fei: because they asked! It's not like I'm not going to! They're Vixx afterall!

That's stupid! Those guys are creeps!

Fei: they are not! They're amazing and talented and they care about their fans!

Sure, they seem to use there fans as an excuse! Asking for names so suddenly that's so weird and not right!

The girls continue arguing as they walk away, leaving Vixx feeling a little dazed and confused.

Ken: they're not... Them... Just look like them...

Ravi: yeah... Sorry for dragging you guys out here...

Ken: no no don't worry... It's better we know... So we don't keep wondering about it and believing things that aren't true...

Ravi: but the fact that they look so much like them... You don't think they're related in anyway do you? Ken! Did Jing ever have a twin sister that you know of?

Ken: yah! There is no twin sister!

Hyuk: well, maybe Snigdha had a twin sister...? Did we ever ask her about her family?

Hongbin: well... We don't know too much about her family... But I don't think she had a twin sister...

Ravi: why don't we ask that girl... Iseul, was it? Let's ask her if she had a sister named Snigdha!

Hongbin: well... That girl doesn't seem very happy to see us...

N: yeah, I have a feeling that she's not a fan...

Ken: yeah you heard her yelling at Jing I mean Fei, about us...

Ravi: we've got to try though! I mean come on! How often is it that you get to meet people that look exactly like someone you know?

Hongbin: well true... Let's try to meet them again.

The others nod and wait on campus for the girls to get out of class.

After a while soon they see girls coming out of class.

Ken: ah! The class is over! They should be out soon!

Fei: this story that we're going over in mythology is really interesting! It's all about this magical world beneath ours and this king who's a dragon and-!?

She stops babbling as soon as she sees Vixx.

Fei: oh my gosh! They're still here!

Huh? Ugh what do they want?! Let's go another way c'mon.

Fei: wha-!? B-but I want to see them!

You can see them perfectly fine from here, and you can watch them on your tv all you want when you get home.

Fei: but how often will I get the chance to meet them in person!?

Ugh! No way! Those guys are weird! Why are they still out here?

Fei: maybe they want to talk to us? Oh! Here they come now! Be nice this time!

Ugh... Fine...

N: hey, so glad that we could catch you, we wanted to ask you something!

What is it?

Ravi: er... Well, do you know anyone by the name of Snigdha? Does that name seem familiar to you at all?

Sni- what? Never heard of that name before.

Ravi: really? Are you sure? Could she be like a distant relative or...?

Ugh look I said I've never heard of that name before! No distant relative!

Ravi: perhaps a friend of yours that you've met in your country!

Oh my god! Are you deaf?! I already said no!! And what do you mean my country?!

Ravi: we-well you're from India, right? Snighda was from India.

I scoff wow judging me by me appearance are we?

N: I'm sorry if we offended you, it's just... You look a lot like someone we know.

Well I'm obviously not that person! Do I seem like I know you? No!

Ravi: we're so sorry!

He bows to you.

Fei nudges you in the side with her elbow.

Fei: why are you being so mean!?

What the heck? They're the ones who keep bothering me because of how I look!

Fei: I'm sure they didn't mean it like that...

Ravi: we're so sorry! We'll leave now.

They all bow and walk away.

Haa... Fine fine I'm sorry I'm acting all rude...

Fei: wait!! Don't go!

Ken: hm? The others turn around to look at Fei.

Fei: ah, I'm a really big fan and we were wondering if we could show you around campus?

Ken: oh a tour of the campus? Is that alright?!

Fei: yeah! We have the rest of the day off, so we could show you around! Isn't that right, Iseul?

Hm, yeah sure...

Fei: yay! Let's go! Go! Go!

Hyuk: wow... She's almost as energetic as Ken-hyung...

Ken: haha that's true!

Fei leads the group through the halls, showing them each building and pointing out things all while jumping up and down excitedly.

The members look around listening to what she's saying.

Ken: wow this place is really nice!

Fei: isn't it? It's the best art school in South Korea! Everyone is really nice here and there's so many fun things to do!

Hongbin: ah really? That's nice!

Ravi: what are you majoring in?

He attempts to start a conversation with Iseul.

Hm? Ah... Dance...

Ravi: whoa! Really? That's so cool!


Fei: I'm majoring in piano! I love to play piano!

Leo looks at Fei and smiles seeing she loves to play the piano.

N: so what do you girls do around here for fun?

Go to a cafe... Once in a while...

Fei: oh yeah! There's this great cafe right on campus! They sell tea, coffee, fruit smoothies, and all kinds of snacks!

Ken: oh! Really?! Oh sounds nice!

Hyuk: yeah! How about we all go and check it out?

Hongbin: is that alright with you guys?

He asks us.

Fei: ah! It sounds awesome!

Ken: let's go then! Lead the way Fei! Ah please!

Fei: hehehe! Yes sir!

She salutes and starts marching in a funny manner towards the cafe.

Ken chuckles seeing her marching and we all walk to the cafe.

Fei: here we are! May I take your orders?

She asks throwing on an apron and pulling out a pencil and notepad.

Ken: oh you work here?!

Fei: yep! Iseul and I both work here to make a little extra cash since college is so expensive.

Ken: ah I see! What snacks do you have here?

Fei: all kinds of sweet treats! Here are some menus.

She passes around a menu to everyone while she hands an apron to Iseul.

I put on my apron and wait for the orders from the guys.

Ken: wa~! You really do have nice treats here! Hm let's see...

Ravi: how about a couple of cappuccinos and a strawberry smoothie?

He smiles at you.

Couple cappuccinos and a strawberry smoothie alright, your order will be here shortly.

I walk back to the other side to get their drinks ready.

Fei runs behind the counter and squeals near you.

Fei: ah! Can you believe that Vixx is in our cafe right now? Ah! They're even more handsome in person!

I roll my eyes: oh whatever. That's great now help me carry these back to those guys. I hand her a tray with some cappuccinos. And I take the other tray.

Fei happily carries the tray to their table and hands them each a drink. She smiles happily when she brushes fingertips with Hongbin, and suppresses a squeal.

I place the drinks down and start handing drinks, who wanted the strawberry smoothie?

Ravi: that would be me!

He raises his hand.

Oh here. I place the drink in front of him.

Ravi: thank you!

He smiles and takes a sip.

Ravi: hm!! This is really good!

Glad you like it.

I walk to another table to get their order.

N: does she... Not like us for some reason?

Ken: um... Yeah... She doesn't seem really happy we're around.,.

Fei: ah, I'm sure she's just... Holding back her excitement...

She fakes a laugh.

Hongbin: holding back huh? If you say so...

The boys continue to enjoy their drinks and when they're done, they pay and thank the staff.

I continue to walk around handing customers their orders, noticing those guys finished.

Fei: ha... This was the best day ever! I got to spend time with my idols and I got a very good tip from table 5!

Oh congratulations....

Fei pouts.

Fei: why do you dislike them so much?

Why can't I?

I look at her annoyed.

Fei: it's not like they ever did anything to you... Did they?

Haa no they didn't... But I have my reasons...

Fei: hmph! Well, I certainly hope you're nicer if they ever come back!

... I don't say anything to her and soon we are off from work.


Fei flops onto her bed in her dorm room and squeals happily, then looks up at her poster of Vixx above her bed.

Yah, I wanna sleep... Stop squealing I mutter.

Fei: ah! Sorry! But I can't help it! I mean, how often do you get to meet your idols? And serve them drinks? And they were so nice and polite!

Haa... Whatever... I roll on my bed so my back faces her.

Fei sits up and kisses her poster before laying back down and falling asleep.

I sigh before slowly falling asleep.

Back in Vixx's dorm room...

Ken: well... They aren't Jing and Snigdha... But they were pretty nice, well at least one of them was.

Ravi: do you think we should go back tomorrow?

Hongbin: hm? Go back? I don't know...

Hyuk: the food there was really good.

Ken: oh yeah! The food was really good! We should go back to the cafe atleast!!

N: aish... The last thing I want to do is cause trouble for anyone, what if the other college kids recognize us and start causing chaos? That Iseul girl would hate us for sure if that happened.

Ken: Haa... Yeah she already seems to dislike us.

Ravi: which is why, I think we should go back! I want to change her mind about us! There must be a reason for her to dislike us and I'm going to find out why!

Hongbin: yah... Do you really think she'll tell you?

Ravi: well, I mean it's worth a try, isn't it?

Hongbin: hm, yeah I guess so.

Ken: then we're going tomorrow!

N: do you want to go back, Leo?

Leo: yeah...

N: sigh... Fine, but let's try to keep ourselves hidden... Maybe if we don't all gather in one place, it'll be easier for us to move around...

Ken: you're saying to split up?!

N: Kind of... You know... So if one of us gets recognized, not all us will be recognized.

Ken: ah, well I guess that works.

Ravi: I'm going to try and talk to Iseul, Ken and Leo... I'm guessing you're going to try and talk to Fei?

Ken: hm yeah I think that'll be good!

N: hm... I think Hongbin and I should go with Ravi, while Hyuk will go with you two.

He points to Leo and Ken.

Ken: sounds like a plan to me!

Leo nods agreeing with the idea.

N: ok! We'll meet at the observatory once we're done! Now! Let's get some sleep!

Ken: good night~!

Everyone gets into bed and falls asleep.

The next morning~

Fei: there are so many members of topp dogg that i think if i ever go to a fansign or hightouch i could just take sangdo and run and no one would notice????

I look at her like she's an idiot.

Fei: what? It's a possibility!

Psh Fei that's kidnapping don't even think of something stupid like that! I chuckle.

Fei: ah, you're right, maybe just take him for a day and then return him...

Fei... Haha  honestly.

Fei: I have mythology class this morning, are you going to be working at the cafe all day?

Haa yeah I'm gonna be working at the cafe all day.

Fei: I'll join you as soon as I'm done with class!

Haha alright! I better get going and you should too we don't wanna be late! Bye!

Fei: bye~! Oh! And be sure to put SHINee's CD into the CD player! I want to walk in right when their song, Dream girl hits the chorus!

Pft I will i will!

The members of Vixx walk on campus, dressed in baseball caps and sunglasses to hide their faces. As they approach they notice Fei and Iseul walk out of the building and in separate directions.

Ken: hm? I guess they have separate classes today.

N: Hongbin, Ravi and I will follow Iseul! You three follow Fei!

Ken: alright! Bye guys! Meets you at the observatory!

The six split up into two groups of three and follow the girls.

Ken: Kenjumma team! Stay alert! He starts acting like he's on some important mission from an action movie.

Hyuk: hyung... This isn't like one of your spy movies... And don't call us the Kenjumma team...

Ken: Hyuk~ you're no fun! He pouts.

Fei sets her stuff down as she finds a seat in the middle row of the classroom.

Ken: huh? Right smack dab in the middle?! Why there? he whines.

Hyuk: Leo could sit in front of her and not be noticed since he's quiet, but Ken-hyung... Maybe you should find a seat further back... Since you're... So observant...

Ken: yah what's that supposed to mean?? Haa alright let's go!

The boys move to their positions with Leo sitting in front of Fei and Ken in the back and Hyuk taking a spot only a few seats over from her.

The professor walks in and begins taking about mythological topics and continues a lecture the entire time.

Ken fights back a yawn, but is ridiculously bored.

Fei is taking notes very seriously when her pencil snaps.

Fei: aw man!

She looks through her bag, but can't seem to find what she wants.

Suddenly she taps Leo on the shoulder.

Fei: hey, sorry, but do you have an extra pencil?

She asks in a hushed tone.

Leo: um...

He finds a pencil nearby and hands it to her without looking back.

Fei: thanks~!

She smiles and goes back to her notes.

The class finally comes to en end and students begin shuffling out of the class.

Fei: here's your pencil back, thanks for letting me borrow it~!

She taps Leo on the shoulder again.

Leo nods taking it not saying anything.

Fei: hey, you're pretty quiet... Have you always been in the same class?

Leo simply shakes his head.

Fei: hm... My friend and I work at this cafe, you wanna come with me?

Leo: hm? Ah sure...

Ken: heyy~!

He runs down and drapes his arm across Leo's shoulder.

Fei: oh! You wanna come too? I'm sorry, have we met before?

Ken: hm? Maybe we did, maybe we didn't!

Fei: haha! You're funny! Ok! You can come along too!

Hyuk: I'll join you!

Ken: well then let's go!

Fei: ok!

At the cafe...

Here's you're chocolate milkshake! I hand the guy a milkshake enjoy! I walk back to the counter and check the time.

Ravi: over here! Can I get a strawberry smoothie?

He raises his hand covering his face with the menu.

Hm! Oh yes! I'll get a strawberry smoothie right away!

I make the strawberry smoothie and walk over the guy who raised his hand.

Sorry about that! Here you go!

Ravi: thank you very much ma'am!

He says politely.

You're welcome! Enjoy! Then I notice two other guys sitting next to him as well.

Oh! Can I take your order?

N: ah, just a coffee, for me. Thank you!

Hm! Alright! What about you?

Hongbin: oh! Coffee for me as well, please!

Alright! I'll get your guys' coffee in a bit.

I walk to the back and begin making the coffee.

Ravi: should we try talking to her?

Ravi whispers behind the menu.

N: let's wait until she's not as busy.

Here you guys go! I hand the two guys their coffee. Enjoy~ I walk to other tables taking their orders.

After a while business slows down, and almost everyone leaves, but the three boys remain there.

Hm? I notice the boys still there but don't think anything of it... I wait around for a bit to see if there will be anymore customers.

Ravi: excuse me, miss?

He raises his hand again.

Oh? Yes? I walk over to them.

Ravi: do you ever sit down with your customers and just talk?

Hm? Ah well... No, Not always.... My friend who works here mainly does that sort of thing.

Ravi: would it be so bad to just chat with us while you're working? There aren't many people here besides us at the moment.

Ah, well... Alright, I sit down on the empty chair next to them.

Ravi: what's your name?

Um, Iseul... What's your guy's names?

N: Cha Hakyeon, nice to meet you.

Ravi: Kim Wonshik.

Hongbin: Lee Hong Bin.

Ah nice to meet you all.

Ravi: so, how often do you work here?

Pretty much everyday, generally I have class so it's half time, but today I did full time.

Ravi: do you like working here?

Well, yeah I do. It keeps me busy, and it can be fun.

N: just curious, but um... You don't look like you're from Korea, where are you from?

Ah, that's because I'm mixed, I was born in Seoul, South Korea, it's just my mom is Indian and my dad is Korean.

Ravi: ah! That explains it, so you've lived in Korea all your life?

Yup I lived here all my life.

N: hm... You said you were majoring in dance earlier, what kind of dancing do you like?

Hip hop! Street dancing is my favorite.

Ravi: ooh! You know I've been known to do a little Hiphop myself!

Ah! Really? Impressive!

Ravi: yeah! I'd be happy to challenge you at any time!

Oh is that so! Hm... Challenge accepted!

Fei: hey, roomie~! I'm here~!

Oh Hey Fei! Oops sorry I forgot to turn on Dream Girl.

Fei: aw! My entrance was ruined! Now I have to go back and do it again!

Haa alright I get up and walk to the speakers. I click play and wait for her to walk in.

Fei grabs a mop and dances into the cafe.

Fei: dream girl~!

Ken starts laughing seeing her.

Fei: I brought some guys that I met in my mythology class!

Oh really? Alright, I throw the apron at her.

She ties it around her and jumps over the counter.

Fei: alright! What can I get for you boys?

Ken: hm, I want... He looks at the menu again, iced tea!

Fei: ooh! Excellent choice!

Hyuk: mocha bubble tea please!

Fei: got it!

Leo: caramel macchiato...

Fei: ooh! That's my favorite!

Leo nods and they all sit down near the others.

Hongbin: yeah! She was speaking to us quite casually and answered all of our questions! She seemed so different.

Ravi: hey, Iseul! We have a really cool dance studio that you could come practice in, if you wanted to.

Oh! You have your own dance studio?! I stare at them wide eyes.

Ravi: yeah, N-! I mean! Hakyeon here, is the best dancer and he choreographs some of our dances!

Choreographs? Oh you guys are dancers too?

Ravi: er... Well...

N: I major in dance, but these two aren't as good as I am, so they have other majors.

Ah, I see.

Ravi: yeah, I'm majoring in rapping!

Fei: wow! I didn't even know that was a major!

Hm! I didn't either but that's really cool.

Hyuk: I'm majoring in foreign languages!

Fei: what about you guys?

She turns to Leo and Ken.

Ken: hm? I'm majoring in entertainment to become a comedian!

Fei: wow~! That was going to be my second choice!

Ken: haha I think you'd be a great comedian!

Fei: hehehe! Thanks!

Ken: ah Leo tell them what you're majoring in!

Leo: .... Pianist...

Fei: oh! Than we might have the same class together!

Leo simply nods.

Fei: what about you Hongbin?

Hongbin: hm? Oh hair stylist!

Fei: ooh! You do have great hair! Well... I assume you do under those baseball caps of yours... Why are you all wearing hats and sunglasses anyway?

Ken: !! Um... Well...

N: oh! Look at the time, we better get going! See ya tomorrow! Maybe!

Everyone gets up and exits the cafe in a hurried manner.

Huh? That was weird...

Fei: yeah... They left a huge tip! Wait! Misters! Did you want change?

She screams out the door, but they're too far away to hear her.

Hm? I guess not then... Let's clean up, the cafe's gonna close soon.

Fei: ok!

We finish cleaning up and walk out of the cafe.

N stops running to catch his breath.

N: ha... That was... Ha... Close...

Ken: phew yeah that was! I was so not expecting her to ask that question!

Ravi: what are we going to do when they recognize us? We can't keep this up for very long!

Hongbin: ugh... Maybe Fei will be understanding about it if we tell them why we were like that but Iseul I'm sure won't be.

Hyuk: there's got to be a way to get her to like us, maybe she's never heard our music?

Ken: oh! Maybe! She didn't seem like she exactly knew VIXX, maybe she should listen to it without exactly knowing who it's by first.

N: I don't know how I feel about being so deceitful...

Ravi: you talked with her in cafe pretending to be someone she didn't know.

N: good point... Let's do it.

Ken: alright! So we'll come back here again then tomorrow?

N: ok! Don't forget your disguises!

Hongbin: right! Let's go back to the dorms now!

They return to the dorms to prepare for the next day...

Ken: ah Ravi make a playlist on your iPod of a few of our songs!

Ravi: right! All of our title tracks... Plus a few fan favorites... And a couple of my own choices for a good mix!

Hongbin: that sounds like a good playlist! I hope she likes the songs.

N: me too! I'm sure once she listens to us and shows some interest, then we can reveal ourselves, but until then...

Ken: we'll just have to hide our identities.

Ravi: sigh... Let do it!

Ken yawns... Ken: if that's all I'm going to bed now.

Ravi: me too!

N: heh, let's all get some sleep! Night!

Ken: night~

Everyone gets into bed and falls asleep.

The next morning~

Anonymous asked:

What's between Kyungil and Yijoung?


a good 10 centimeters.

Fei: I'm answering fan questions online, aw! I love History! They'd be my main group if I didn't get a chance to meet Vixx in person!

Who's history? Another idol group?

Fei: of course! Come on Iseul keep up! I showed them to you like a month ago!

Well sorry I really wasn't paying attention.

Fei: you never pay attention when I show you a new kpop group! You fell asleep when I was trying to introduce super junior and you completely ignored me when I showed you B1A4!

What? I can't help it! They don't sound interesting at all.

Fei: ugh... Sometimes I wonder why we're friends...

Haha aww don't be like that! I just don't care about idol groups so what it's not that bad.

Fei: but I do! Besides piano, kpop is like my life! I just wish you showed at least a little interest...

Hm... I just hum to myself ignoring her last comment.

Fei: grr... Well! Since you have your dance class this morning I'll just run the cafe, by myself!

She slammed the door on the last word.

Haa... I slowly get up and get my small bag with my dance shoes and clothes and walk out closing the door behind me.

Ravi: they're the move again! Let's go!

Ravi does a couple of odd hand signals but N smacks his on the head.

N: we're right here!

Ken: Kenjumma team let's move!!

Hyuk: ugh! We're not-! Oh, forget it!

Kens group moves following Fei.

Fei opens the cafe and starts by wiping down all the tables.

Soon there are some people walking in.

Ken: let's go now! So it won't seem suspicious!

Hyuk: yeah, three guys wearing hoodies and sunglasses when it's 80 degrees out, not suspicious at all...

Ken ignores Hyuk's comment: Let's go!

The three go in and find a table to sit at.

Fei: oh! Are you the same guys I met in my mythology class yesterday?

Ken: hey! Yes we are!

Fei: I never did get your names. I'm Fei, by the way!

Hyuk: I'm HanSang!

Ken: oh my name is Lee Jae Hwan.

Fei: and you?

She tries peeking under Leo's hood.

Leo looks downward hiding himself: Jung Taek Woon.

Fei: ah! It's so nice to meet you! Taekwoonie, Jaehwanie and Hansangie!

Ken; Jaehwanie?

He looks at her amused by the nicknames.

Fei: hehe! Sorry! That's how I call everyone when I learn their name, if you don't like it, I could always use ssi!

Ken: no I prefer the nickname!

Fei: that's good! So! What would you like?

Ken: hm today i want the vanilla bubble tea!

Fei: ooh! I like that too!

Hyuk: I'll have chocolate shake!

Fei: got it!

Fei runs behind the counter to prepare the drinks.

Ken sighs leaning back on his chair.

Hyuk: she seems so much like Jing, but at the same time there's a huge difference.

Ken: yeah she does seem like her but Jing was a lot more quiet compared to Fei.

Hyuk: yeah, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, right?

Ken: no! Of course not!

Fei: here ya go!

She returns and hands them their drinks.

Fei: enjoy!

She smiles and moves on to the other customers.

Leo quietly sips on his Vanilla shake while Ken and Hyuk continue to talk.

In the dance studio, Ravi, N, and Hongbin walk in and look around until they spot Iseul.

Hongbin: hm... There aren't many students in here are there... He says as he looks around

N: maybe it's like a private class with a professional teacher...

Just as he says that a teacher walks in signaling the start of class.

Teacher: alright, I see some new faces in class today, either that or I don't pay enough attention... I suppose we should stretch first...

Everyone nods and begins stretching.

I notice three guys standing just standing there before they start stretching as well.

Ravi waves and smiles at you, before he gets scolded by the teacher to stretch.

Oh! It's that guy I met at the cafe! What was his name again? Kim... Kim Won Sik wasn't it?

After stretching we go through the choreo we learned.

Ravi moves forward a little so he's closer to you.

Ravi: this guy doesn't seem very professional... Is he the only dance teacher?

Hm? Well yeah he's the only one here to teach us at the moment, we had another teacher who left

Ravi: really? Why?

I shrug, something about him getting a job somewhere else

Ravi: oh, well, Hakyeon is better than this guy I think.

N: Ra- Wonshik! Don't try getting me into anything unnecessary.

He hits his head.

Pft! Then show me after class is over your dancing skills!

And soon... Just like that, class is over.

Haa that felt nice, I stretch again a little.

After all the other students have left, Ravi sneaks one of their CDs into the CD player and hits play.

Oh! What's this? I hear some music I've never heard of playing.

Ravi: this is a routine that Hakyeon choreographed himself!

He says as the three boys get into position and start dancing.

Oh? I watch the guys dance, they dance really well! They soon end with also the song ending. I clap: wow that was really good!

Ravi: thank you! Thank you!

He bows.

Haha what song was that? I've never heard that song before.

Ravi: ah, that was Vixx's Eternity! It's really popular!

Oh... I see...

Ravi: have you heard of vixx?

Yeah, my friend always talks about them...

Ravi: have you ever heard any of their other songs?


N: what kind of music do you like? I bet their music might fit your taste.

Ehh... Rap, and hip hop...

Ravi: Ravi of Vixx is the rapper and he raps in a lot of their songs!

Haa... I get up not wanting to hear anymore talk about that group.

N: um... Iseul? Is something wrong?

Fei must be waiting... I have to work...

N: oh, right! We'll come with you!

They follow you out the door and towards the cafe.

I walk into the cafe and grab my apron putting it on.

Fei: hey~! So glad to see everyone back in the cafe! Well... Almost everyone...

I look at her, almost?

Ravi: um... Did you two get into an argument this morning?

I scratch my head: well I didn't really think she'd still be mad... I mutter.

N: is there anything we can do to help?

Haa... I don't think so... So what if I'm not Interested in the same thing she is? I huff out annoyed. I sigh and turn to the guys: what would you like today?

Ravi: ah... How about a yogurt?

N: an expresso for me.

Hongbin: sweet tea please.

Alright I'll be back. I walk behind the counter and place a yogurt on the tray, an espresso and sweet tea and walk back out. Here you guys go.

N: thank you!

Yup. I go to other tables and take their orders.

N: so how is it going on your guys' end?

Ken: pretty good! She gave us nicknames!

Ravi: haha, really? Iseul only gave us glares...

Ken: ouch what happened?

Hongbin: well we started talking about VIXX and she just stood up saying she needs to work.

N: she either really doesn't like vixx or idols to begin with.

Ken: hmm but why would she hate us? Or idols in general?

Hyuk: maybe she had a bad experience with an idol...?

Hongbin: oh no! Maybe that might me a reason then...

Ravi: do you think she'd tell us if we asked her?

Ken: maybe... Do you think Fei might know? I mean she is Iseul's friend after all.

N: perhaps, you guys should ask her, let's invite them over to the dance studio.

Hongbin: hmm yeah she did seem interested in the fact we have a dance studio she won't say no.

Ravi: hey, Iseul! Fei! Would you like to visit our dance studio after work today?

Oh your dance studio?! If that's alright with you guys! Then yes.

Fei: wow! A real live dance studio! I mean... I'm somewhat interested, I'll go...

Ken: awesome!

Soon work ends and everyone walks out of the cafe.

N: our dance studio is just past this old observatory.

Oh? An observatory? I look at the observatory...

Ravi: have you ever been in there?

I shake my head, I haven't.

Ravi: do you think you'd ever want to check it out?

Hm... Well... I look at the old observatory... Maybe.

N: here we are!

Oh! We all walk into the building and into the dance room.

Oh wow~

Fei: ooh! This place is so cool!

She runs to every corner and back.

Ken: haha! Can you dance?

He asks Fei.

Fei: oh, no! I'm more of a piano player...

Ken: ah I see... Taekwoon here plays the piano! We have a room with a piano in it want to check it out?

Fei: oh! Really? Can I?

Ken: yup! Taekwoon can take you!

Fei: ok!

She jumps up and down near him.

Leo: let's go, it's nearby.

She follows him excitedly while Ravi sets up the CD player and the other guys start stretching.

Leo: here it is.

He opens the room and switches the lights on to show a grand piano.

Fei: oh... My... Goodness... This is the coolest piano I've ever seen! It's so big! And shiny!

Leo chuckles: well... Would you like to play it?

Fei: ah! C-can I?

Leo nods.

She sits down nervously at the piano and tries to play a simple and sweet melody, but for some reason she's so nervous she keeps making mistakes.

Leo smiles encouragingly.

Fei: I-I'm sorry, I'm not usually this nervous...

Leo: it's alright, you don't need to apologize.

She takes a deep breath and tries again.

Leo smiles hearing the sweet melody.

Hyuk: oh! I think I can hear the piano on the other side of the room!

Ken: oh you're right! It sounds so pretty!

N: alright! Enough eavesdropping! Let's practice some dancing! Iseul, why don't you show us a few moves?

Huh? Me alright... Can someone play some music please?

Ravi presses play on the CD player and a nice dance song comes on.

I listen to the base beat and the music for a bit before I begin dancing.

Everyone watches intently, not wanting to make a sound.

Soon I hear the song fade away and slowly have my dancing come to an end. I look at the guys... Was it... Okay?

Ravi: whoa! That was awesome!

Hyuk: how'd you get so good?

Ahah, thanks...

Soon it becomes dark and it's time for everyone to head home.

Thanks for inviting us to your dance studio!

N: of course! Come by anytime!

Haha thank you, well I guess we better get going right Fei?

Fei: yep! See ya guys later!

She waves and skips as she walks away.

I wave to the guys and walk after her.

The walk home is a bit dark and very quiet.

Um... I look at Fei wondering if she's still mad at me...

So, how was the piano there? I heard you playing! It was really nice!

Fei: oh, I swear it was magical~! I've never touched a piano that... Perfect before...

Ah really? That's nice...

Fei: did you have fun dancing with the others?

Hmm yeah it was fun~

Fei: I think it's so cool that we met guys that cool! Don't you think-? Oh, wait... I just remembered... I'm still mad at you...

She begins walking faster ahead of you to create a bigger distance between you two.

Huh?! Y-yah! C'mon! I walk faster catching up to her.

The walk continues to be silent.

Haa... Why are you so mad at me?

Fei: because you don't put any effort into sharing my interests!

Ah... Well... Your Tastes in some thing's aren't the same as mine...

Fei: but if you just listened, you might actually like some of the stuff I like!!

Haa... Maybe... Look I'm sorry, I didn't exactly think I was hurting your feelings but I'll put effort to try sharing your interests... But some mainly just won't be my interests...

Fei suddenly stops in her tracks and turns to you.


Fei: y-yo-you're really willing to try?

She looks at you teary eyed.

I sigh, yeah if it'll make you happy... Now don't cry!

Fei: aha!! Thank you so much!

She cheers and hugs you.

Yeah yeah... I hug her back, now let's hurry up and go home.

??: not so fast you two!

!? Who was that?!

You turn to see a stranger wearing a black mask and holding a pocket knife threateningly towards you.

Fei: eek! We're being robbed!

Aish...!! I take a step back.

??: just hand over all the cash you have and no one gets hurt.

He steps closer.

We have no money!

??: liar! I see you handling money all day while working at that little cafe of yours!

Huh? How do you-?! I take another step back.

Fei... When I yell three we'll run as fast as we can... I whisper.

Fei: I-I-I... I'm too scared to move.

W-what? A-alright.... Um...

Ravi: hey! Stop right there!

Ravi kicks the stranger in the side when he's not looking and the others rush to your side.

N: are you two ok?

I slowly nod. Ah thank you guys so much! I look to see how Fei is. Fei? You okay?

She takes a couple of deep breaths.

Fei: ha... Yeah... I think so.

She holds her hand over her chest, feeling her heartbeat slow down.

That's good... I look at the guys. How, err what are you guys doing out here tho?

N: we, um... Wanted to give you this before you left, but we almost forgot, Wonshik was the one who ran the door to give it to you before we could stop him.

He hands you a CD in a small case.

Hm? Oh I see... I look at the CD and then bow to the guys thank you all again.

Ravi: heh, no problem.

He smirks.

Um... I guess we should go... It's late...

N: right, be safe...

I nod, c'mon Fei.

Fei: r-right...

She waves to the boys then quickly follows you.

Haa... We finally make it to our dorm and I fall on my bed looking at the cd case they gave me.

Fei: are you going to play it?

I yawn: now? Aren't you tired?

Fei: I don't think I can sleep after that encounter...

She hugs her knees to her chest.

Fei: please? I sleep better with music anyway.

Haa, alright alright. I get up and put the cd in our player and press play.

The first song that plays is pretty, cute sounding and relaxing.

Hm~ I listen liking the song.

Fei: oh! This is Vixx's G.R.8.U.!


Fei: I like this song, the music video is really cute too.

Ah... Yeah... The song is nice...

As the music continues you notice Fei's head nodding off, as if she's falling asleep, but she's trying not to.

I lower the volume, Fei sleep. I get up to turn the lights off.

She lays down and soon she's gently snoring.

Haa, I turn the music off and get into bed closing my eyes.

The next morning~

I begin humming G.R.8.U unintentionally. Oops. I shake my head.

Fei: ah... Good morning, Iseul~

Fei slowly gets up, her hair a mess, sticking out in several directions.

Haha morning Fei.

She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair.

I pull my hair into a quick ponytail and grab my bag waiting for Fei to finish getting ready.

Fei: hm... All day at the cafe today~! Should we put some of the frozen treats on sale since it's so hot?

Yeah we should.

Fei: hey, let's bring the CD that Wonshik gave us and play it in the cafe.

Oh alright. I take the CD out and place it in the case.

Ready to go?

Fei: yep!

Alright. We walk out and go to the cafe.

Ravi: good morning~!

The boys are standing outside of the cafe, waiting for you.

Oh! Morning! When did you guys get here?!

Ken: oh for hours~! He puts his hand on his forehead dramatically.

Fei: and aren't you hot in those hoodies and sunglasses?

Hm yeah come in and take them off you can hang them inside.

I unlock the door and open the door for the guys to go in.

Ravi: ah! It's fine! Really! We actually get cold really easily!

Even in this kind of weather?

They all nod.

Well... If you say so...

Fei: what can I get you boys?

She throws on her apron and pulls out her notepad.

Ken: hmm... He sees the Popsicles and his lips... Um, coffee will do...

Fei: really? Are you sure you don't want something cold? We are having a sale.

Ken thinks for a second, he really wants one but they all get "cold" easily...

Fei: how about I grab you one? On the house?

She whispers, puts a finger to her lips and smiles.

Ken smiles: you sure?

Fei: of course! Ok! One coffee! Anything else?

Hyuk: mocha bubble tea!

N: hm... Iced coffee.

Ravi: just something sweet for now.

Hongbin: iced tea!

Leo: caramel frappe.

Fei: ok! Coming right up!

She finishes writing and heads to the counter.

I look at the list and pour ice tea into a glass and iced coffee into another.

We finish with preparing the beverages and hand them out to the guys.

After everyone has their drinks and snacks, Fei passes out a free Popsicle to everyone.

Ken: ah thank you!

Fei: no problem!

She winks and goes back to the other customers.

Soon the morning costumers leave and again we have a small "break" where we don't really have customers  come in.

The only ones left in the cafe are the vixx members and the girls.

I sigh, what should we do?

Fei: we could play a game!

Ken: games?! What kind of game?

Fei: I suggest we play a game with a penalty!

Hyuk: like rock, paper, scissors, or...?

Ken: Rock, paper, scissors isn't that fun... Hm something with a penalty?

Ravi: the penalty could be the loser has to eat something spicy!

Oh god! I can't handle spicy food~ 😫

Ken: sounds like a good penalty to me then!

N: try not to lose!

Haa okay...

Fei: let's play a game that you're good at, then!

Hm good at? I'm not good at games, but I don't mind playing any...

N: oh! We could have a dance competition!

Fei: Noooo! Then I'd lose for sure!

Haha if not dance competition... How about a simple truth or dare, if you don't want to do the dare or answer the truth the penalty could be just to eat the spicy food?

Ravi: ooh! Sounds good!

Hyuk: yeah! I'll definitely play!

Alright let's play then! Who wants to start?

Fei: alright! Iseul! Truth or dare?

Ooh~ dare!

Fei: ah, I dare you... To dance like a chicken!

What? Ugh... So embarrassing... I get up and take a deep breath before I start to dance like a chicken... I quickly stop and sit down embarrassed.

Ravi tries to stifle his giggles but Hyuk just bursts out laughing.

Ugh man~

Ken: someone give this lady here an award for being the best chicken dancer out there!

Alright alright! My turn to ask someone!

Fei: who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

I roll my eyes at her joke.

Alright! JaeHwan! Truth or dare?

Ken: hm... I choose dare!

Ravi: I dare you to do your pterodactyl impression!

Ken: alright! I will!

He gets up confidently.

He let's his arms out and starts flapping them and making weird noises.

Everyone bursts out laughing.

Ken smiles triumphantly and sits down.

Fei: oh, my goodness! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life!

Ken: glad to hear it!

Fei: Ok! Who's the next victim?

Hongbin: I could do it.

Hyuk: Truth or dare, binnie?

Hongbin: Truth!

Hyuk: Do you think you're more handsome than Ken?

Hongbin: of course I'm more handsome than Ken!

Fei stifles a giggle.

Ravi: He is really handsome!

Ken: what? I'm the handsomest here!

He pouts playfully.

Ravi: Iseul, truth or dare?

Hmmm I'll do.... Truth!

Fei: Ok, did you or did you not... Like the song on the cd that Wonshik gave us?

I.... Sure the songs were nice. I shrug like it's no big deal.

Fei: I think we should listen to it again!

She jumps up and pops the cd into the CD player and hits play. The whole cafe is filled with the sound of Vixx's Voodoo Doll. I lay my head on the table listening to the intriguing song. Ken suddenly jumps up doing the dance and singing.

Fei: Oh, Jaehwannie! You know the words and choreography?

Ken: ahem! of course! I like the song!

Fei: Me too!

She moves to his side and starts dancing too, but of course her moves are a lot more erratic and all over the place. I chuckle watching the contrast between the two dancers. Soon, the rest of the boys get up and dance along with them.

Hm? I notice how solid the guys' moves are. Huh they really must be fans of ...Vixx...  to get the choreography down perfectly like that.

Fei: Come on Iseul! Dance with us!

Huh? I don't know the dance!

Fei: But you are a dancer! So just get up here and work that body!

She laughs as the song changes to Vixx's Light me up.

Haa... I just sit and watch for a bit and slowly get up.

As the song hits the chorus, all the members simultaneously do the same move.

Song: Work that body, work that body, work that body, yeah!

I just stand watching and suddenly the cafe door opens.

Oh! We have a customer!

??: Wow! The music in here is great! What song is this?

Fei: Oh! It's Vixx's Light me up! Isn't the dance during the chorus great?

She asks as the boys dance shyly to the chorus again.

The costumer nods and takes a seat smiling.

What can I get for you?

I take notepad and walk to the customer.

??: Ah, just a milkshake, thanks.

??: Thank you!

He smiles as he watches Fei and the boys dance to Vixx's Rock UR Body.

Fei: Dance to the left, to the right! You make me feel alright, right! Wonderful tonight, night!

Pft! I shake my head and walk behind the counter waiting for other costumers to arrive.

Soon it's time to close up everyone has gone, except for the members of Vixx and that one customer who still hasn't finished his milkshake.

Um... I look at the time again and see the customer still there.

Fei: Hey, mister... It's almost time to close up... Are you finished with your drink?

??: oh is it, sorry almost.

N: well, we better get going. See ya tomorrow.

Ah leaving alright, see ya!

Fei: Thanks for the fun day again!

She waves before wiping down the counter.

We finish wiping down and putting everything away.

The customer with the milkshake suddenly stands up and walks over to Fei, by the cash register.

Fei: Oh! Are you ready to pay?

She asks and becomes pale when he pulls out a knife.

!! Whoa!! What the?!

??: You should have just given me the money last night and this wouldn't have happened.

Fei: Y-you're the robber from yesterday?

Aish! Yah! Why can't you leave us alone!?

I look around trying to find something to hit him with.

??: Just give me everything in the cash register and I'll go quietly.

I look at Fei unsure....I quietly grab a large metal stirrer...

Fei hesitantly opens the cash register and begins pulling out dollar bills. From the side you notice the boys run up to the door.

Ravi: You again!? When will you give up?

The stranger grabs Fei and holds the knife to her neck.

??: Not another move or else she gets it!

Ken: aish....

Everyone stops in there tracks hesitant to make a single move.

Fei squeaks as he presses the sharp blade up to her chin.

N: Hey! Just let her go!

The stranger looks at you and motions for you to get the cash out of the register.

Alright! Don't do anything to her!

I hastily take the money out and put it in the sack and slowly walk to him my spoon behind me.

He takes the money and quickly releases Fei, throwing her at the nearest person and moving quickly to get out of the cafe.

Haa... You okay Fei?

I drop the spoon, well that was useless.

Fei: Ah... Yeah, I think I'm ok...

She slowly stands, realizing that she was thrown towards Leo and was gripping him tightly.

Fei: Oh! Sorry!

She quickly let's go and turns around blushing.

Leo: it's alright...

Ravi: Stop right there!

Ravi blocks the man at the door.

??: Ugh! Seriously? You again? When will kids learn their lesson?

Ken kicks the back of the guy's knees and he grunts falling.

Ken: we should call the police.

N: Already done.

He says as he puts his cell phone away.

Hyuk: So... What should we do with him?

Hongbin: tie him up so he doesn't escape.

??: You're not tying anyone up!

He quickly stands up and Ravi wrestles him to the ground where the thief pulls off his sunglasses and hat. In a rush Leo hits him hard on the head with the metal spoon I dropped he grunts in pain but seems to go unconscious.

N: Is everyone alright?

Ravi: Y-yeah.

He stands up and Fei stares in shock.

Fei: Ra-Ravi? Are you guys... Vixx?

!! What?! I look at the guys.

Ravi touches his hair and face, only realizing now that his disguise fell off during the confrontation.

Ravi: Shoot! We can explain!

Explain?! What can you explain?! The fact that you all were lying and deceiving us?! What were you gonna do to us?! I glare at all them.

N: We were only trying to get closer to you, to get to know you more...

The rest pull off their disguises looking a bit ashamed.

Why would you want to do that?!

Hyuk: Because you look like someone we know... Someone we all miss...


N: We're all terribly sorry for lying to you. We have no good excuse for our behavior... If you want... We'll leave now and never bother you again...

They all nod and walk out of the cafe not saying a word looking down.

Fei: D-don't go! Iseul! Say something!

Wha-?! Haa... Wait guys! I call out to the guys.

They all stop in their tracks and turn to you.

Um... I scratch my head unsure exactly what to say and why I just called out to them.

Fei: We-we're not mad...

Yeah... We aren't.

Ken: y-you're not?

Fei: No... You've saved us twice now and been so kind to us, even though one of us...

She glances at Iseul.

Fei: Hasn't been as friendly...

Haa... Right... We are thankful to you guys for saving us....

Ravi: I think anyone would have done the same if they were in the same situation...

Maybe... But still... You're the one who helped us either way.

N: You're welcome... So... Does this mean that we can continue to come back, without these disguises?

Um.... Sure? If you want to...

Ravi: Yes! I can finally lose this hoodie!

He starts taking off the grey hoodie and the rest follow suit. Happily getting rid of a layer in the heat.

Fei: Eep!

Fei covers her eyes as if she's seeing something she shouldn't.

Yah! What's wrong with you? They're just taking a sweater off.

I roll my eyes.

Soon enough the police arrive and take the stranger away.

Ravi: We're all glad that you're ok.

I nod.

Ken: so...

He notices the atmosphere suddenly becoming awkward.

N: It's late. If we don't get back to our dorms in time, our manager will yell at us.

Fei: Ah, that's alright! We've got to get back to our dorm room too!

Ravi: It's pretty dark... Leo and I will walk you two back.

Ken: well alright good night!

He waves to us and the others leave.

The night sky is cloudy as the group of four walk back towards the college campus. The road is illuminated by the street lamps and Ravi whistles a little melody as they walk so it's not completely silent.

I fidget with my fingers feeling a bit tense but thankfully we reach our dorm.

Ravi: Well, hopefully we'll see you tomorrow!

He takes Iseul's hands in his, forgetting for a moment that she's not Snigdha.

Ah! Hey! What are you doing?

I look at him with wide eyes, confused.

Ravi: Ah! I'm so sorry!

He immediately drops them and backs away.

Um, it's okay... G'night.

I look away.

Leo: good night...

He waves to us and takes Ravi with him and walks off.

Fei: Good night Taekwoonie! Wonshikie! I mean-! Leo-ssi and Ravi-ssi!

She waves as they walk away.

I open the door to our room and lie on my bed.

Fei: That was... An eventful day...

Hmm, yeah....

Fei: What do you think they were talking about when they said that you looked like someone that they know?

I shrug I don't know.... I mean when we first met those guys they did start asking me random questions and said I remind them of someone...

Fei: Ah! Do you think it could be because you look like one of their past girlfriends?

What?! A past girlfriend? Why the... Oh nevermind, but... One of them said it was because of someone they missed...

Fei: Maybe a close friend that moved away?

Hmm maybe that's possible...

Fei: Maybe we should ask them about it tomorrow.

Maybe, you can if you want, I yawn. I'm going to bed good night.

Fei: Ah, good night~!

The next morning~

Alright~ we both have classes again today ready to go?

Fei: Yep!

She grabs her book bag and runs out the door. I walk out closing the door behind me and catch up to her.

You seem excited today.

Fei: That's because we're hanging out with Vixx today! And they won't be in disguises, and they're with as people, not as idols! Isn't this just the coolest thing ever?

Um... No, not really.

I shrug.

Fei: What do you mean? Not really?

Eh, I mean well I don't even see them as idols so I guess I don't have the same feeling you do.

Fei: But they are famous! Which means something!

Ugh I don't care if they are famous or not means nothing to me.

Fei: But you do like them... Don't you?

Um.... Well...

Ken: ah! Good morning!

He waves as he sees.

Ravi: What's up?

Fei: Ah! We didn't expect to see you guys so early in the morning! What are you doing here?

Ken: eh just decided to chill with you guys that's all!

N: Do you mind if we walk with you to class?

Ah, sure...

As you walk to class with Vixx surrounding you, you notice all of the girls and even some guys whispering and mumbling amongst themselves.

??: Who are those guys? So Handsome, they kind of look like Vixx.

??: What! No way! It can't be them... Why would they hang out with those girls?

I frown, my goodness people are being annoying today I think to myself.

One girl slowly and hesitantly walks up to the group.

??: Um... You wouldn't happen to be Ravi of Vixx, would you?

She asks and Ravi looks to N for help.

Ravi: Er, no... Why are you a fan?

I watch as the two talk for a bit, and look away and walk into the classroom.

Ken: um... Well Iseul just left... You think she's mad?

Ravi: Ah! Did she? Sorry! We gotta go!

He bows in apology to the girl and follows Iseul into class. I set my bag down and take out my notebook and paper seeing other students take seats looking our way and continuing to whisper.

Fei: Look at how popular we are!

Fei whispers to Iseul as she takes her usual seat, next to her.

Popular? Us? No thanks.

Fei: What? You don't like the attention?

No, I hate it.

The professor walks in and the room quiets down and the professor begins his lecture. The class continues to quietly buzz with excitement and curiosity as Vixx find seats near Iseul and Fei. Occasionally leaning over to whisper questions.

Ravi: So what is this class about?


Ravi: Oh, cool! What are you studying right now?

A story, from Greek mythology.

Hyuk: Oh! Like Medusa and Hercules?

Yeah a story like that.

Fei: We're also going over a Chinese legend about people with spirit animals and magical powers.

Ken: whoa~ that's cool!

Fei: Isn't it? I love stories that involve magical creatures like unicorns and dragons!

Ken: do you believe they're real?

Fei: Hm... I like to think that I'd be able to see one in real life, but they're elusive so it'll probably be really hard, even if it's just a glimpse.

Ken: hmm I see.

N: So, what-

Professor: Everyone be quiet! Do you want me to keep you all after class for another hour?

Ken: oops...

The boys shut their mouths and continue to listen to the lecture.

After class~

We all walk to the cafe with people still watching us and whispering.

Fei puts her apron on as the boys take a seat and the girls are suddenly overwhelmed with how many people are in the cafe.

Wow.... Alright! We better hurry and take people's orders!

I grab a notepad and a pencil and begin walking around taking people's orders.

N: hey, um... Do you think we could help?

Ravi grabs an apron and goes around asking people what they want, writing them down.

The others quickly get up following what Ravi is doing and going around, taking orders from the costumers.

Fei: wow! Vixx is helping us out at our cafe! And they're pretty good! They really look like they know what they're doing!

Yeah, it's nice of them to help...

We continue to take orders going back and forth handing out the drinks and food, then hurrying to the waiting costumers to get their orders.

Soon it's time to close up the cafe.

Fei: oh my gosh!

Fei slides down in one of the booth seats.

Fei: I think this was our busiest day ever!

I nod agreeing.

Hyuk: at least it was fun, and you guys made a lot of money!

Yeah, thanks for the help.

Fei: if it's like this everyday, we just might be able to repay our college debt!

Hm! That is a possibility...

Alright, let's get going, and get some sleep, all of us worked hard today.

Fei: wait... Iseul, don't you remember...? We were going to ask them... About that thing?

I look at her and then remember what she's talking about.

Ah... That...

Ken: hm? What is it?

The boys look at you curiously.

Um... I look at Fei.

Fei, you ask it.

Fei: ah, ok! Well, we were wondering... You said that Iseul looked like someone you know and that was the whole reason why you wanted to get to know us...

Ken: oh... That...

Ken smiles sadly thinking about them again.

Hongbin: ah, that, you see.... You two remind us of our friends, who... Passed away a year ago...

Fei: passed away? As in...? No longer alive?

Fei gulps, suddenly feeling guilty for asking.

Hongbin: yeah...

The boys all seem sad remembering again the bittersweet memories.

Ravi: their names were Snigdha and Jing, and we were really close to them.

I slowly nod looking at Fei, unsure of how to handle the sudden situation.

Ah, we're sorry for asking...

N: no, no! It's ok! You deserve to know...

He pulls out a couple of photos of the girls and boys.

N: see? This is what they looked like...

Oh! I look at the two girls in the picture and they're right, we do look alike.

Ravi: Jing was Ken's little sister who passed away because of  terminal cancer.

Ah... I nod unsure what else I can say.

Hyuk: Snigdha was a girl that we met, well... She wasn't exactly alive when we first met her...

Wasn't...alive? I look at him confused.

Ken: ah... That, she was a ghost...

Fei: a ghost!?

She almost jumps out of her seat.

Ravi: she was a kind ghost! Very kind...

He looks down sadly.

Ah, I see... I notice his expression, I wonder if he liked her more that a friend...

Hyuk: she couldn't pass on because something was keeping her here, but once she finally got what she wanted she was able to move on and we had to let her go.

I nod again listening to their story.

Ravi: we all miss them terribly and I guess, because you two look so much like them... We just got caught up in the thought of being able to see them again...

Hongbin: we're sorry about the inconvenience, and trouble we caused you two.

Fei: no! No! It's no inconvenience at all!

Hongbin: ah, I see...

We all stay silent for a bit.

Fei: hey! I have an idea!

Ken: an idea? For what?

Fei: my grandma is a fortune teller and a psychic, maybe she can help us!

Ken: help us?

Fei: you want to see Snigdha and Jing again, don't you? Maybe she can contact them!

Ken: what?! That's possible?!

He looks at her with wide eyes.

Fei: yeah, my grandma does it all the time! Come on! Let's go see her!

Ken: oh now? A-alright

Everyone gets up to follow her.

We have quite a walk but it's not too far away, and soon we reach a small looking house.

Fei: grandma! It's me, Fei! I brought some friends to see you!

She knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer.

Slowly we hear locks clicking and the door slowly opens.

Grandma: oh, Fei! It's such a pleasure to see you! Please come in!

We all slowly walk in, looking around the house.

The house is small, with simple furniture and an old dusty smell. Everyone has a bit of difficulty finding a comfortable seat since the only areas to sit are a small couch and a couple of old wood chairs.

Afterwards Fei and her grandma talk for a bit before explaining why she's here and if her grandma can help.

Grandma: ah, I see. Perhaps I can help, but...


We all wait for grandma to say something.

Grandma: summoning spirits can be dangerous, it'll take a lot of concentration.

Ken: dangerous?

He gulps not liking the sound of the idea so much anymore.

Fei: I-it's not that bad...

She chuckles nervously.

Fei: my grandma has done this tons of times.

Ken: ah... I see.

Grandma: please follow me to the dining room.

She slowly stands and leads everyone through the kitchen to a round table with several chairs around it.

We look at each other as she tells us to take a seat.

Grandma: Please join hands and concentrate on the spirits of the ones you wish to see.

We all hold hands and close our eyes and start thinking of them.

The clouds gather in front of the moon as rain begins to fall outside. The small house shakes as the wind blows the trees, causing branches to knock against the door.

I try to ignore the sounds and continue to concentrate.

Thunder and lightning strike a tree nearby outside and sets it on fire, but the rain puts it out.

Fei: what was that?

She looks out the window.

Grandma: concentrate!

Fei: oh, right! Sorry!

We hear the rain calm down, the thunder seemed to have stopped and everything is calm and quiet.

Grandma: Spirits of the passed on, please hear us, we wish to speak with Snidgha and Jing, two girls of high importance to these boys here. Please hear us and let us speak to them.

We feel a gust of wind inside the house and then we hear some strange noises.

Fei: I-I don't know if I feel so good about thi-!

Fei's eyes start to glow and she looks straight ahead. She whispers in some strange language and falls forward on the table.

Ken: Fei?!

The same thing happens to Iseul and the lights go out, the room is quiet.

Ken:... What happened....

He looks at the grandma for some explanation.

Fei's grandma gets up and lights some candles so that it's easier to see. Fei slowly raises her head and looks around the room, resting her eyes on Leo.

Jing: Leo!? It's me, Jing! Oh, I thought I'd never see you again!

Leo looks at her with wide eyes: Jing?

Her eyes water.

Jing: y-yes, Leo! It's me! Ah, I've missed you so much!

Leo sees her eyes watering and gets up and quickly wraps his arms around her.

Jing: b-but, how am I here? I thought I...?

Leo: we had help so we all could see you again.

Jing: am I...? Am I dead?

She looks around the room.

Grandma: well... For the time being you took over a girl's body to be able to communicate with these boys here.

She turns to see herself in one of the mirrors.

Jing: but, I look exactly the same...

Ken: yes, we found two girls who look exactly like you and Snigdha.

Jing: Snigdha!?

She turns to see Iseul laying face down on the table. Ravi is trying to wake her by shaking her shoulder.

Urgh.... I slowly open my eyes, blinking a few times... Seeing... Ravi?

Ravi? I slowly get up looking at him... Is that you?

Ravi: ah, Snidgha!

He grabs her and pulls her into a hug.

R-Ravi?! Wait... What's going on?

Ravi: we brought you back!

He squeezes his arms around her tightly.

Brought... Me back... I slowly look around seeing the others, smiling.

N: we... Did a lot so we could see you again... Talk to you again...

I smile... Wow! This... It's amazing... I never thought I'd see you guys again...

Hyuk: we never thought we'd see you ever again, but... Here we are.

Ken: so what now?

Jing: should we... Do something?

Ken: do something? Do you guys wanna go out or something?

Ravi: yeah! We should celebrate! Have a party! Play some games!

Hongbin: that sounds good! Let's all go back to our place!

Ravi: ready, Snighda?


Ken: alright let's get going then!

Ravi links arms with Snigdha as they leave and Jing looks back at the old woman who seems to look concerned. She thinks something's wrong until N pulls her along.

Leo notices Jing's uncertainty: are you okay?

Jing: hm? Yeah! Everything's fine!

She smiles and walks slowly next to him.

Leo takes her hand in his and soon everyone reaches their dorm.

Jing: wow! It looks the same as I remember!

Ken: yeah, we didn't really need to change anything!

Ravi: come on! What should we do first? Watch a movie? Eat some snacks? Play some games?

Haha um... Let's go in that order, if you want, movie, snacks then games?

Jing begins looking worried again.

Leo: Jing?

Jing: look, I know you guys mean well, but... You should know that raising spirits is a dangerous thing.

Ken: ah, yeah... The grandma did say something about it being dangerous.... But they said it wasn't anything to really worry about!

Jing: even if that's true, you know we can't stay for long, I thought that maybe you summoned us because you wanted to say a last goodbye, not... Play games and watch movies...

Ken: ah....

Jing: our lives might be over, but these girls... The ones we're possessing now, they still have their whole lives ahead of them. Don't take that away from them...

Everyone stays silent hearing her speak.

Jing: I know you missed us, and we missed you, but... You have to let us go... Ok?

Everyone slowly nods saying "ok"

Ravi: Snigdha?

He turns to her and holds her hands.

Ravi: after everything we've been through, I'm glad I met you. I'll miss you... A lot, but I'm happy knowing that you're happy wherever you are.

R-Ravi.... I smile at him, unsure of how to put my feelings into words.

Ravi: maybe we'll see each other again, who knows?

He laughs.

Hm! I nod lightly.

Jing: Ken, I know that I'll always be your little sister and you'll always be my big brother, but you don't need to protect me anymore.

Ken sighs: a-alright...

Jing: and Leo...

Tears begin pooling in her eyes.

Leo bends down cupping her face, and looking her in the eyes smiling.

Jing: I know it's difficult... But if you don't let us go, none of us will be able to move on, so... It's really for the best...

She sniffs.

Leo: I understand... Don't cry...

She rubs her eyes and smiles at him.

Jing: I hope you guys have a happy life, remember us, but don't dwell on the past...

They all nod smiling lightly.

Jing: Snigdha, I think it's time to go...

Ravi still holding onto Snidgha's hands suddenly pulls her close and hugs her.

Ah! I hug him lightly back... But feel my body becoming light and floaty again.

Jing's spirit leaves Fei's body and Fei suddenly loses all strength in her legs and begins to fall.

Leo:!! He wraps his arms around her and holds her.

Ravi, not wanting to let her go again, quickly kisses Snidgha as her spirit is leaving.

Snigdha's spirit leaves, and Iseul who seems to be still a bit dizzy but awake.

Iseul looks in front of her as she soon realizes that she's kissing Ravi.

!! My eyes widen, what is he doing?! With shaky hands I try to push him back.

Ravi: ah! Iseul? Is that you? Im so sorry!

He quickly moves back to create space between you two.

W-what-?! I glare at him, then look around seeing Fei unconscious!

Fei?! What's going on?! I look at all of them.

Ravi: you don't remember anything?

Weren't we at Fei's Grandma's house?

Ken: what? I guess they really don't remember anything after that....

Fei: Mrmmm... Guys...?

She slowly gets up and realizes she's in Leo's arms.

Fei: ah! Wh-what's going on?

Leo gently let's her go.

Hongbin: well... He scratches his head not sure exactly how to start explaining without freaking them out.

N: it's um... Complicated... Maybe you should sit down.

He says as he gestures to the couch and begins explaining what happened.

He finishes explaining and they all look at us waiting for us to say something.

Fei: that's such a sad story!

Fei begins sobbing uncontrollably.

Fei: but I'm so happy that you guys got to see and talk to them again!

Ken: ah! Hey don't cry...

Ravi: we all said our goodbyes and let them go peacefully. I think we're all a little more at peace with ourselves now.

I nod, well that's good.

Suddenly the dorm room begins to shake.

Fei: eh!? What's that?

Ken: what's going on?!

N: maybe it's an earthquake, everyone get down and under something!

We all scramble to find something to get under waiting for the earthquake to end.

The room continues to tremble for a minutes and then stops, the whole room is quiet.

Ken:... Is it over? He looks around the room.

N: let's look outside and check the damage.

We all get up and walk to the window. Outside the sky is dark and in the distance, the sun glows a dark red through the clouds.

Ken: whoa, the sun looks scary...

Fei: are those... Birds?

She points to small flying objects in the distance as they fly closer.

Hongbin squints trying to get a better look at them.

One object suddenly flies in front of the window, startling everyone. The face is distorted and the body is transparent... It's a ghost!

.... That looks horrifying! Where are those things coming from?!

Hyuk: up there!

He points to a dark funnel cloud in the sky. It looks like the start of a tornado but more ghosts and spirits are flying out of it.

Ken: that what was meant... When she said it was dangerous... He gulps eyes wide.

Fei: let's go back to her, maybe she knows what to do.

Hongbin: right! Let's hurry!

They all run trying to avoid the spirits flying towards them.

We pant as we finally make it to the grandma's house.

grandma: I was afraid this would happen...

She slowly stands from her chair.

Hongbin: is there anyway to stop this?

Grandma: if there is, I don't know how to help. I can only summon spirits, most of the time, they leave on their own.

Ugh.... Then how...

Fei: you have a lot of books on spirits and stuff, do you think there would be anything in there that can help us?

Grandma: well maybe... She walks into a small room and rummages through shelves taking out a large dusty book.

Grandma: this might have something... She places the book on the table and begins flipping through it looking for anything that might be helpful.

N: wait! Stop right there! It says dark spirits! That's what we're dealing with, isn't?

Grandma: yes dark spirits... She places the book in a way so all of us can see what it says.

Hyuk: it says that to banish dark spirits we need a...

He gulps.

I look at Hyuk. Need what?

Hyuk: a living sacrifice...


Everyone looks at each other freaked out by the situation.

N: it says that the living sacrifice must have a pure soul so that they aren't tainted by the dark spirits.

A pure soul? How the heck are we supposed to know who has a pure soul or not?

Grandma: you'd need someone who can see auras to see who has a pure soul, a pure soul emits a white light.

Ken: someone who sees auras? You can't? Then do you know anyone who can?

Grandma: seeing auras is a gift that people are born with, they either have it or they don't and very few have it, but I have been noticing that Fei, has been able to see them.

Fei: m-me!?

Hongbin: what you can?!

Grandma: you've been noticing it too, haven't you? The little lights around people? That's their auras.

Fei: I never thought about it until now, I just thought that it was normal, that everyone saw that.

Ken: well can you see any white light around any of us? Or do we have to find someone else?

Fei: I can't tell you that! If I tell you who has a white light, then you're going to sacrifice them! Isn't that what the book says!?

Ken: err, that's true... But then how can we get rid of those evil spirits?

Fei's grandma pats her on the shoulder.

Grandma: the sacrifice will not be harmed, whoever will do it will use their soul to send the dark spirits back, and if they succeed their soul should return to their body unharmed.

Hongbin: well that's good then right! Fei tell us quickly if you see a white light!

Fei: ah! Right! Well, to be honest you all have a faint white light about you and many other colors... Ravi and Ken, orange, Hyuk and Hongbin, green, Leo, blue, N, purple... Iseul... You have the brightest white aura.

Huh? I point at myself. Me!?

Fei slowly nods.

Grandma: then it's decided. Iseul, your soul is the only one pure enough to be able to combat the dark spirits.

I fiddle with my fingers nervously... So what exactly do I have to do...?

Grandma: come here and relax.

She gestures to an old wooden table and nods as Fei places a pillow for your head.

I slowly lie down feeling the pillow below my head and turn to the grandma to see what she's doing.

Grandma: we're going to summon the spirit from your body, the white light emitted from your soul will drive away the dark spirits.

I nod and look straight up towards the ceiling. The grandma starts saying some strange words and my eyelids feel heavy and I close them, her voice become fainter and fainter...

Grandma: Iseul, you can open your eyes now.

I slowly open them and look around.

Iseul's body is transparent, floating off the ground with a faint white glow to her.

I look at them with wide eyes.

Grandma: now it's up to you to drive the dark spirits back, many will fear you but some will fight back. You're stronger than they are, so don't be afraid.

I nod and slowly float out of the room looking outside.

Grandma: the rest of us will defend the townspeople from the spirits and get people to safety. Understood?

N: understood!!

We both split up I see the guys run off into one direction where there's a crowd of people and I look at my direction towards the dark cloud. I begin to go in the direction of the dark cloud looking around seeing some spirits hissing.

Several dark spirits turn and flee as soon as they see you, but some approach you hesitantly.

I keep my head up, staying as calm as possible and continue to go towards the cloud seeing some dark spirits come towards me. I look at them unsure exactly what they might really do.

Two fly towards you and surround you on either side, attempting to block you from moving further.

I move closer to the one infront of me to see what it'll do.

It leaps forward and pulls a gruesome face.

I take a step back but continue to remind myself what grandma said I'm stronger than them, and don't be afraid. I push the spirit back. And start moving quickly towards the cloud.

The spirit flinches and chases after you. Another one cuts you off.

Tsk! I push the other one back again more forcefully. And don't wait and start moving even faster.

One spirit wraps a tendril around your leg and pulls you back.

Oof! I turn around and quickly get up launching my fist at it and punching it's face. I look to see other spirits coming towards me and I turn around and quickly start sprinting. Floating into the air and getting closer to the cloud.

Several spirits gather around you like a dark cloud and hold you back.

I look around me seeing no escape....

Fei looks up at the sky seeing you in trouble.

Fei: Iseul! If you don't reach the spirit portal in time, it'll release all the dark spirits! You have to go inside and close it!

I hear Fei's voice and nod.

Alright... I rush towards a group of spirits throwing some kicks and punches wherever I can trying to push myself out. I finally begin to see a gap I could go through.

Grandma: go! Quickly!

Fei: be careful!

The boys rush the rest of the citizens inside the building.

I make it through the gap and finally reach the dark cloud.

Inside the funnel is the spirit world where thousands of dark spirits are trying to escape but many of them back away from as you enter.

I slowly enter inside and look around seeing the portal becoming smaller and seeing other spirits that escaped pulled back inside.

Fei: to close the portal you have to send all of the spirits back and send your light into the portal!

I see some spirits trying to get away from the portal and I grab them and throw then towards the portal. Send my light... I feel myself being drawn in and everything seems to become bright, I can't see anything...

Ravi: Iseul!

Ravi's voice echoes in the distance and you fell yourself being pulled backwards.

I suddenly feel myself floating before... Everything goes black.

You wake up on the wooden table surrounded by Fei, her grandmother and the boys.

Ugh... I slowly get up and look at them... Did it work?

Fei: yes! You saved the town! Iseul! You're a hero!

Ah, let's not say I'm hero it's weird. I shake my head and slowly get up.

N: you were still inside the portal when it began to close but at the last minute Ravi jumped in and pulled you out! It was amazing!

Ah really? Um thanks... Ravi...

Ravi: ah, it was nothing... I was worried about you and I saw that you were in trouble... I didn't want to lose you, like I lost Snigdha.

...oh, I simply nod.

Grandma: your body may be well rested, but your mind is not, you've just been through a lot so it's best for you to sleep.

Sleep? Okay... We should get back to our dorm then.

Ravi: careful...

He grabs your arm when you stumble, getting off the table.

Ravi: let me walk you back.

Ah, um... Okay. I sigh.

Fei pats you on the back and smiles.

Fei: our little spirit fighter!

I roll my eyes, laughing a little.

The next day comes quickly and Fei and Ravi surprise you by blindfolding you and dragging you outside.

Ravi: wait just another moment!

He laughs as he pushes you from behind.

Fei: I think you're really going to like this!

She pulls you forward.

Aish! I try to keep my balance and continue to get pushed and pulled until we come to a stop.

Fei pulls the blindfold off and in front of you stands a very familiar celebrity.

I look at him trying to figure out where I seen him when it hits me I gulp.

Ravi: Fei explained to me why you don't like idols like me very much, so I pulled some strings and asked for him to come and apologize!


The man steps forward and shyly looks at you.

I feel my throat go dry and avert my gaze to the ground unsure how to act in this situation... Is he really being sincere? I wonder to myself.

Fei: yah! Say something! You have no idea how hard it was for Ravi to get Chunghee to come here!

Um... R-right... I slowly look at him and regret it, what am I supposed to say to this guy?!

Chunghee: um... I just wanted to apologize for my behavior and actions on that day. I was very stressed that week because of my schedule and wasn't aware of how my words must have affected you.

U-um... It's okay...

Chunghee: I hope that now, you will no longer feel discontent for other idols. After all, we maybe famous, but we're only human.

Yeah... That's true... I scratch my head feeling alittle awkward.

Chunghee: are we good?

He asks, holding your hands and you notice Ravi become visibly jealous.

I smile a little and nod.

He bows and begins to walk away.

Fei: ah! Wait a moment!

She runs up to him and holds a piece of paper and a pen and he takes them and writes something down. She's smiling when she returns to your side.

What did he write down? I look at her curiously.

Fei: ah, I just wanted his autograph! He is a really big celebrity!

Oh. I see. Anyway um... Thanks guys...

Ravi: do you feel better?

I smile: I do feel a lot better!

Fei: yay! You know what this calls for?

Huh? No I don't.

Fei: free drinks for everyone at the cafe!

Free drinks?! Aish why not. Alright we should go to the cafe soon, are the others not here?

Fei: they're already there, waiting for us! Let's go!


We all walk to the cafe seeing the other guys there waiting.

Ravi: are you ready?

He asks them and they nod.

I look at them: ready? For what?

Fei hits play on the CD player and a song comes on.

Oh? I hear the song play and see the guys.

The boys finish their song and Fei lights the candle on the cake.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone cheers.

Ah! I look at then shocked but feeling so happy on the inside.

Ravi: to the most beautiful person and to our hero-! I mean, to our special person of the night! Make a wish!

I smile happily and close my eyes making a wish. I open them and blow the candles.

Hyuk: yay! Time for cake!

Ken: let's eat!!

They place the cake down and cut some pieces and handing them on plates to everyone.

Fei is busy behind the counter making and handing out drinks.

I walk over to her and give her a quick hug. Thanks~!

Fei: omo! You're welcome!

She hugs you back.

Need any help making the drinks?

Fei: no! I got it!

She grabs a tray and starts walking over to another table before tripping.

The drinks fall but Leo grabs Fei before she falls.

Fei: ah! Th-thank you!

She stands up and blushes.

Leo: be careful...

He bends down picking up the glasses.

Fei: oh! I'll take care of it! I'd hate for you to cut yourself on the glass!

Leo: no don't worry.

He pushes her hands back and picks up the rest of the glass.

She pouts and begins making new drinks.

Leo walks over: let me help carry them.

Fei: are you sure?

Leo nods.

Fei: o-ok.

She hands him the tray and smiles.

Leo smiles back before walking to the others handing the drinks out.

Fei squeals next to Iseul.

Fei: wow~! Leo is really handsome close up, don't you think?

Oh my god, Fei! I roll my eyes.

Fei: oh, but I almost forgot, you have your eyes on Ravi, don't you?

I choke on my drink and start coughing. I start to calm down and look at her.

Fei: are you ok?

She raises an eyebrow.

T-that I have my eyes on Ravi? I whisper asking her. Haa... Yah! What makes you think that?!

Fei: well, he really seems to like you and out of all the members, you're the nicest to him.

No I'm not, and I'm sure he doesn't like me that way.

Fei: well, he did kiss you.

I blush remembering that moment.

Wait weren't you supposed to be unconscious!?

Fei: I might've been slightly conscious at that moment... Or one of the members might have told me...

Ugh! Whatever he seemed surprised, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.

Fei: sure...

She smiles as she sips on her drink.

I glare at her before I look away.

The boys laugh as Hyuk throws a piece of cake in N's face and then N proceeds to chase him around the cafe with a slice in hand.

If they make a mess they're cleaning it up themselves...

Fei: haha! Come on! Let's join in the fun!

What? I prefer my face cake free. I'll just watch you guys, I say and sit down.

Fei: you're no fun!

She pouts and stands up and pulls on your arms.

Yah! I sigh defeated and get up.

Fei smiles as she pulls you along and you join the rest of the vixx boys at the table. N and Hyuk are cleaning cake off of each other and Ravi hands you a slice.

I take the slice and look at the others. This is what life's all about... Happiness~

The end~!

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