Rejection || Jeon Jungkook
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Jungkook walked to school by himself that morning. Not because he has no one. He just feel... like walking alone to school. He puts on his headphone, trying to ignore the loud world around him. Noises, he hates noises. 

He was already in front of his school, then he saw Areum. She wasn't smiling. Oh, not like she always smile anyway. She was on her headphone and was walking alone too. Jungkook keep looking at her, until she suddenly looked back. 

No expression. That's all it says. They stopped their track on the same time. There were stares on them. Of course, that girl just rejected Jeon Jungkook yesterday. By the way, that's Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. Who wouldn't stare at him? 

They set away their headphones, in unison again whilst not breaking the gaze on each other. Areum was first to break it, putting her headphone into her bag and walk away into the school. Stares, should I actually care? Areum thought to herself. 

Oh, that guy really know nothing about me. Areum thought to herself. 

Ohmygod, that girl is so mine. Jungkook thought mischievously. 


It was recess time which I felt nothing like eating. No, I'm not hungry. 

"Park Areum." That's Nayeon. 
"Yea." I answered without turning around to see her. I was writing things. 
"I heard you had gaze game this morning, what's up?" She asked as if she was expecting something. 

Now my eyes turned to her. 
"We were happened to arrive in front of the school at the same time. Nothing more." I chuckled, 
"What do you expect, huh?"

"Y'know, I think you guys should just get together already. When I think about it again, you guys suit each other. Rather than thinking of myself being with him, you fit the picture better." She stated with suggestive tone. 

"And if you think about it one more time you'll probably get a different picture." I said. 
"Okfine, whatever." She replied. Feeling a little offended by the later's statement. 
"Hey, aren't you going to--" Nayeon was interrupted by the door thump. There were a few people in the class and all eyes were on that person, who thumped the door. Jeon Jungkook, again. 

"Hi, Park Areum. Well, if you are going to ask, I'm here to say I'm not going to give up on you. I'm.... "

"I'm not even bothered to ask you. So there are no need for you to explain anything as I'm so not interested to hear anything",

"Can't you just lend me some time?" So here we have Jungkook trying to look innocent. 

I was going to reject but Nayeon, oh,  not that look again. 


"I want you to be my girlfriend. You WILL be my girlfriend. That wasn't the best decision to reject me yesterday. I'll make that sure in your mind."

"Yeah, yeah do anything. Not that I'll accept anyway", I get annoyed so easily I couldn't hide it anymore. I rubbed my temple, trying to content my terrible temper. 
"Nayeon, I'm hungry. Let's go eat." I pulled Nayeon out of the class, bumped Jungkook's shoulder in attempt to walk by the door. This time I really can hear his breath which c

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Chapter 3: hey that's pretty good :) i expect something unexpected in the next chap, but that's up to you ;) please keep writing!! fighting!!