
Read my lips


A normal person would probably be at least mildly concerned if somone were screaming about their impending doom, but Joshua barely even acknowledged Jeonghan as the latter burst into their shared dorm in hysterics.


Joshua sighed and looked away from the TV where he was currently watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. "What is it this time, Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan threw his bookbag down and yanked a sheet of paper from the bag, nearly ripping it in half. "LOOK AT THIS!"

It was an English quiz, and Jeonghan had scored a perfect 0 on the test.

Joshua would have laughed but the look of panic on Jeonghan's face had him smoothening down his features. "That's a shame," he replied, turning back to the TV.

"What do you mean 'that's a shame'?! I'm going to fail English and my life will be over!!!" he fake sobbed, throwing himself onto the couch next to Joshua.

Joshua knew he wouldn't get any TV time accomplished at this point. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Jeonghan immediately brightened up, a smile on his face. "Tutor me," he chirped excitedly.

Joshua knew this was coming. "My teaching comes at a price," he replied.

Jeonghan pouted. "I'll love you forever and ever?" 

"So you don't already love me endlessly?" Joshua asked in mock surprise. 

"Pleeease Shua! My life hangs in the balance on whether I pass this class! I need it to get my degree!"

Joshua was never good at resisting Jeonghan's pleadings. "Gah, fine. But you still owe me."

Jeonghan threw himself onto Joshua, knowing full well that Joshua was weak for his appeals. "I love you!"

And that was how Joshua dragged himself away from his binge-watching fest and was stuck tutoring Jeonghan. Both males were seated on the ground, papers scattered around them.

"Your biggest weakness is pronounciatian, and the oral portion of the exam is 50% of your grade," Joshua chided. "So we're starting there."

Jeonghan nodded. He was being unusually obedient, so Joshua was guessing he really was desperate to pass the class.

"Repeat after me. Hello."


"Ok, good start. My name is Jeonghan."

"My name iseu-"

"Okay, stop right there. So in Korean, we tend to add an extra vowel to the end of certain consonants, like the s sound. But in English, we don't. So try saying 'is' again." Joshua couldn't help but crack a smile when Jeonghan furrowed his brows and tried again.

"Isss." He sounded like  a snake and Joshua was trying very hard not to laugh.

"Shorter. Don't emphasize the s."


"Drop the 'eu'."


"Perfect. See, I knew you could do it!" Joshua praised, and Jeonghan instantly cheered up. 

"Now say the whole thing."

"Hello, my name is Jeonghan."

"Great! Now let's see, it says here that you can't pronounce the letter 'v', so we'll try that next. Try saying the word 'love'."


"No, that's the 'b' sound. Try again."








"Jeonghan!" Joshua interrupted, putting his hands on Jeonghan's face to get the other to focus on him. "Wait. Look at my lips, okay? Love." 

Jeonghan's eyes went to his lips and he watched as Joshua's teeth bit the inside of his bottom lip. "L-love," he repeated.

"Perfect! Try again?"


Joshua groaned and motioned for Jeonghan to look at his lips again. Jeonghan readily complied, a bit too eagerly. "Love."

"Love," Jeonghan breathed, still staring at Joshua's lips after saying the word.

Joshua cleared his throat, a light flush on his features. "Y-yeah. Looks like you got it so we'll just move on."

Joshua found that the best method to get Jeonghan to learn was to have the other follow his lip movements. Except a part of him was wondering whether Jeonghan was purposely screwing up so he could just do it again.

"Jeonghan! This is the 8th time you've messed it up!" he groaned. Jeonghan gave him a sheepish smile and then quickly leaned over. "One more time?" he asked with flattering eyes. Before Joshua could answer Jeonghan had already wrapped an arm around his neck and was looking at him intently.

Joshua felt heat crawl up his face. And seeing the very obvious smirk on Jeonghan's face was not helping one bit. "Jeonghan, we're here to learn, not do anything else," he mumbled.

"I never said we'd be doing anything else, though? But since you've jumped to that conclusion, I guess we could..." Jeonghan clearly had no plans on letting go as he wrapped his other arm around Joshua's back. "Besides, you started it. How do you expect me to focus on learning when your lips are so distracting..."

Whatever. Two could play at that game. "Maybe it was my plan all along?" Joshua replied in an equally low voice just to rile up the other. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at Joshua's suggestive stare before pressing his lips against the younger's.

"Pft, I knew it," Jeonghan murmured as he pulled away. "You're never as innocent as you look."

"Oh shut up, you swindler."


And that's how the pair found themsleves on the floor, Jeonghan attacking Joshua who was trying to defend himself to no avail.

"Ow! Jeonghan! Stop hitting me!" the latter protested, making puppy eyes up at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan sighed with a definitive look and lowered his arms. Then he smiled.

"I love you," he said in perfect English making Joshua's eyes widen before he grinned as well.

"Mm, I love you too."



oh boy i sure do love jihan

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princessswan #1
Chapter 1: Omfg THIS IS SO CUTE WOT. They are so mischievous & playful & loving together. JIHAN. <3
eros17 #2
Chapter 1: so cute!
Chapter 1: Too cute and playful! Love it
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 1: OMG that's justsooooooooooCUTE
Chapter 1: I was reading it during lesson and I almost laughed out loud when I saw how Jeonghan pronounced 'love' :""")
Chapter 1: simply cute arghhhhh
kal-loves-meanie #7
cute :3 :p :D
Chapter 1: Omg this OS was so cuuute but too short haha. Now I really want to see Jeonghan and Joshua learning English together >.< and you're right, Joshua's lips are really captivating !!
joshua_1230 #9
Chapter 1: Owww i've been missing your jihan fic too
Chapter 1: I lobe you authornim. Kkkk XD