This can't just be a coincidence

The Ballroom Café

~ Choi Minho.

I jog back into the changing room with the rest of my class, sweaty and breathless as we laugh and muck about. I go to the toilets and splash my face with the cold water from the tap, half expecting it to evaporate from my face since I felt so hot. When I go back I put on some deodorant and changed, as usual. I always feel a lot happier after that lesson, maybe it’s to do with endorphins or whatever. I don’t know. Even though I found it very hard concentrating on the game. Taemin’s face kept appearing in my mind and I would just zone out and miss the ball completely. Of course my sport class noticed, and the teacher asked if I was okay a few times since it was so out of character for me. I didn’t tell them anything, just shook my head and attempted to play again. There was something else I kept thinking about, and when Jonghyun told me I couldn’t stop shaking my head in disbelief. It’s not that I don’t believe him, it’s just...I don’t know. I guess I’m envious.

Apparently he had seen Kibum in the park whilst he was sitting on a bench yesterday evening and he had called Kibum over, and they had spent a while talking, and he gave Kibum his scarf to wear. It all sounds so it was from one of those romance novels or something. But I was envious, because I want to become closer to Taemin like that. I want to know more about him...

The bell for the start of lunch rang as I was walking down the corridor towards a side door.

“Minho!” someone called out, I turned my head to see a group of girls in short skirts, that I had just walked past without noticing by the way, stare at me and start giggling and whispering things to each other that they think I couldn’t hear. ‘He’s so good-looking...’ ‘Oh my gosh look at his , wow,’ ‘Oh yes please~’

I inwardly groan, but I smile at them to seem friendly and then begin walking again. I sigh loudly when I get outside. I’m not exactly in the closet, but I don’t really want it spread through school...but those girls need to know before someone gets hurt, oh I don’t know what to do. I get to the quieter right side of the school and readjust my satchel over my shoulder. I walk slowly over to a small patch of grass with a tree, by the tall brick wall that runs down the side of the school.

When I reach the space under the tree, I laugh. Because Jonghyun is laid on his back, sleeping, with his mouth open and using his bag as a pillow. Though my laughter seems to wake him up a bit as he opens his eyes and squints at the light, once he has registered that it’s just me he groans loudly and covers his eyes with his arms. I’m actually surprised that he’s not cold laying on the grass, but then again this is Jonghyun, and he hardly ever gets cold. Thankfully it hasn’t rained, so it’s dry out too. I sit down with my back against the trunk of the tree with Jonghyuns head by my legs and a lean over to grab something metallic that has fallen out of his top blazer pocket. It’s his phone. I turn it over in my hands, and press a button. Of course it was on – and I type in the security pass code. He’s knows that I know it, since I’ve been on his phone loads of times in front of him. I remember what happened at the café yesterday and I go to his contacts and easily find the number I was looking for. Then an idea springs into my mind and I press dial, holding it up to my ear.

“Hello?” a voice answers uncertainly. So I was right! I had played against a few teams from the boys school and had learnt that they had half-days on Friday to do what they wanted, like study etc. So thankfully, he wasn’t in lessons.

“Hey, Kibum. It’s Minho.”

“Who?” Then I remember that I had never actually introduced myself.

“Choi Minho, Jonghyun’s friend, I was at the café with him.”

“Oh yeah!” he gasps in realisation, but then he sounds curious, “So why’d you ring?”


~ Lee Taemin.

“That’s all you need to know on this subject at the moment, I think we are about done for this morning,” says my tutor as he closes his book and packs this things back into his bag ready to go.

“Okay.” I answer, and I pop the lid back onto my pen. And the tutor wishes me luck with my afternoon classes then sees himself out. As usual. Thankgod that was over. I’ve never been particularly good with History...all the names and dates and opinions. Blegh. Well anyways, that’s all I need to know until next week...and I have precisely –I peer at my wristwatch–....three hours until my maths tutor arrives. And yes, I have a different tutors that specialise in each subject, just to prove how wealthy my parents are bragging to be. I huff, and lean back into my chair. Ok, that’s really uncomfortable. So I stand up and pace the study. I look back at my watch...2 hours and fifty-five minutes. Okay~. Cool.

What to do, what to do...I could play a video game? No I’ve completed all the ones that I actually like. Read a book? Read them all, three times over. Go out? Yeah, I could go out and get an ice-cream or something. That’s a good plan. I grin to myself. Banana ice-cream! Best idea ever!

Grabbing my coat from the coat closet I slip it on as I exit the house, of course after I left my brother a note since I didn’t want to disturb his own studying...which way was it? Oh yeah, right, then take a left. And I continue to follow my own directions as I listen to the trees rustling and the crunch of the autumn leaves underfoot, and I give into the urge to kick a few that had been piling up under a tree. After walking for a around fifteen minutes I rounded a corner and saw the public school, one I hadn’t really noticed all the other times that I had been past it since I moved here. My main ambition was usually just to get to that ice-cream place...and fast. But I slowed down and looked up at the building as I walked past, I heard random chatter from inside the surrounding walls – which were too high for me to look over – and I guessed they were on their lunch break or something...I wonder if Minho is there on his lunch break...maybe I could.

No Taemin, that would be really weird, to just barge in his school like ‘Hi! I’m just a randomer, don’t mind me!’

So I just walk straight past, urging my feet to go forward, and I get to the opening of the alleyway. It’s quite a long and straight alley and quite thin too, it’s goes straight for a few metres and then it goes right quite suddenly and you can’t see round the corner or anything. I can’t count the number of times I almost knocked into an old lady carrying her shopping around the corner and I laugh to myself at the memory. I start walking down the alley, and I get quite far down, but still halfway until the corner. And the ice-cream isn’t too far away from the other end either...I my lips in anticipation.

Oh, hello? A few people round the corner, four to be exact. I think nothing of it and carry on walking, just pulling at the hem of my coat. But something in the back of my mind is telling me to stop, and turn around...I can’t do that. I’ve already walked this far down. That would look really strange if I just turned around and walked back...

Now that they are walking closer I can see them a bit clearer and they murmured something between them...all guys, men, tall and...quite scary looking. I’m almost right in front of them now, and I expect them to step out the way so I can walk past. But they stop walking. I stop abruptly and stumble backwards away from them.

“Hello beautiful.” Growls one of the four men, they are all wearing black coats. I can’t tell which one was the one who said it. I’m frozen and looking at the ground. No. This can’t way. One of them reaches his arm out to touch my face, and I swat it away quickly, taking another step back. Fear rushed up through me like ice up my spine. What’s happening? Everyone stops for a moment and I can feel their eyes on me as I eye the thick hedge on one side of the alley, and the wall of the school grounds on the other side. I need to go. I can feel my eyes watering. I can’t. No. Get away Taemin. GO!

I move, but they were too fast. Hands grab me and push my harshly to the wall. I scream.


“NO! LET GO OF ME! HEL-” someone’s sleeve blocks the sound of my mouth and my mind goes blank. I can’t think. I can’t feel. It’s like the terror has completely covered me. It’s like my own fright is protecting me...what’s happening?

“What a pretty boy~”


~ Kim Jonghyun.

My head fuzzily swirls back into consciousness as the muffled talking grew louder in my ears. Hello! Stop talking I’m trying to sleep. The talking gradually fades and becomes silent and I cover the lower half of my face with my coat to keep me warm – still only half-conscious. I’d still be asleep if Minho hadn’t been talking. Jeez what has Minho got to, wait, who was Minho talking to? I snap open my eyes, then squint when the light attacks them. Still sleepy and completely forgetting my mission, I groan and move my aching shoulders, I guess that’s what you get from sleeping on the floor. When my vision focuses again I expect to see a grey and white sky above me...? What’s that?

A face?

A familiar face?



I sit up quickly, and he sits back with the same speed and moves next to me. He then grins at me as he wraps his coat around himself.


“You. Here. School. What? Why? I. What?!” I splutter. Totally not caring that I sound like a complete and utter moron. And I’m probably blushing. He fidgets uncomfortably on the cold grass. What is Kibum doing in my school? Not that I’m not glad to see him, I mean, I’m actually...Wow the best thing to see when I wake up he’s so goddamn beautiful...but you know...what?

“I...we have a half day at school today. And your friend rang me,” he told me. Minho rang him? What the hell? How did-? I looked around urgently, then spotted my phone placed neatly next to where my head had been when I was asleep. I took it and shoved it safely back in my pocket. I’m going to kill him. Where is he?

“Where’s Minho?”

“Oh, he said that he had to go talk to someone about some thingy,” Kibum replies vaguely and shrugs as he plays with one of the buttons of his coat, sounding like he had no clue what was meant by that as well. What an obvious lie, Minho. Seriously, I have know you since forever, I can tell when you lie. But that was such an obvious lie, I bet the tree even knew you were bloody lying. I balled my hands into fists then flexed them again, and crossed my legs, Kibum sat to the side of me, facing me. It fell silent. Until I decided to speak up.

“Well, I, err- I’m sorry you had to see me asleep and all...” I sighed, how embarrassing. I’d had preferred meeting him again when we were both fully conscious to begin with.

“It’s okay. You look cute when you sleep,” he says confidently, then he covers his mouth quickly and blushes as if he could believe what he just said. He’s absolutely adorable. And then I notice that’s wearing my scarf, and my heartbeat goes wild. This guy...what’s he doing to me?

Minho returns and smiles at us, and I glare at him. I’ll deal with this thing later, just not in front of Kibum.

“Hi guy’s what were you tal-” but he’s suddenly cut off.

By a loud, terrifying scream.

And it sounds near.

Very near.


~ Kim Kibum.

We all turn to look at the wall and I clutch onto Jonghyuns arm in fright. What the hell is going on over there? Is someone in trouble?!


Then the voice is muffled. Oh my GOD. THAT VOICE. It can’t be!

“TAEMIN? TAEMIN IS THAT YOU?!” I shout as I jump up quickly and ignore the shaking in my legs. Jonghyun stands up with me and he and Minho turn to me, their eyes widening. How can I get to him? That walls to high for me! I’d have to go all the way around the school! Oh my god oh my god what if-

“Taemin?” Minho says calmly, but I can tell there’s something else behind his voice. “TAEMIN?” he shouts a little louder, and he clenches his fists.

“NGHH-HELP!” Taemin’s voice shrieks.

“He’s in the alleyway!” Jonghyun realises out loud and I see Minho backing away from the wall. No, Minho! We can’t go! To go all around the school-

Oh my god.

He jumped over.

He freaking  jumped over.

“GET YOUR ING HANDS OFF HIM!” I hear Minho yell and I flinch and grab onto Jonghyuns arm as we stare at where Minho just jumped over. Then there’s a lot of shouting and swearing. And I don’t know what’s happening. WHAT’S BLOODY GOING ON?! TAEMIN! Jonghyun puts his arm around me and pulls me towards the gate, and we quicken our pace to get to the alleyway.

We reach the alleyway and start to run down it towards the commotion. And as we get nearer...

Oh my god.


Sorry for any mistakes! I haven't got much time I need to go to school! D:

I'm back from school! Thank you for whoever comments! :') I only ever get one comment at a time, and I rush to read it. Lol.

But I need more comments! D: Moar plz. Oh and thank you to comments & all subbies.

Sorry for the, er, cliffhanger. LOL I know you all hate me. But I did it! I wrote the bit I didn't want to write! YAY!

Love you.


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reread ur story n still love it~~
Omggggg update soon. 2min forever jongkey as well:)))) faster update eplssss
I especially like the bond between Jonghyun and Minho, but also the one between Taemin and Taesun :D
Please update soon :D
I need to know what happens! Omg update please!!! TT____TT
i tought you updated asdfihasfiohisdhf
i am patiently waiting
and omfg can't wait some jongkey apsifhisfh moments