There you are

The Ballroom Café

~ Choi Minho.

I slide my hands deep into my coat pocket and bury my chin further into my scarf as the icy air settles around me. The stillness and sleepiness of the evening light turning slightly darker by the second and the streetlights flicker orange, one by one, down the street. I am so late home, I didn’t even tell anyone that I would be going to a café or anything. But either way she will be mad, so there was no point. I slower my steps as I walk around damp leaves and small puddles in the pavement. It may be cold, but I feel my heart swelling and slowly warming up as I think about that boy. That angel, Taemin. No feeling can ever compare to the feeling that is growing now, not the rush of excitement I get when I score in a basketball game, not the happiness and pride I feel when I earn an award or a good grade Nothing compares to this. His quietened voice still dances through my mind when I think back to when we shared words together at the counter, when we spoke to each other for the first time. It was over nothing special, but when he said my name I felt my heart flip over and over. I got so panicked when he tripped, I had to physically stop myself from jumping up to catch him, but luckily he grabbed onto a seat in just in time. But my heart was still beating fast.

He runs over to the counter and grab a few items and returns to the accident to clean up. I feel a desperate need to help him, he looks so helpless even though you can tell he’s really I stand up and slowly make my way over to him. I can feel Jonghyuns eyes follow me, but he doesn’t say anything, and that’s the least of my worries right now. I crouch down and watch as his small hand draws closer to the sharp china and an overwhelming need to protect him, to not let him get hurt takes over me.

I watch as my own hand pushes his away, and I begin to pick up the pieces myself. It’s like I am sat inside my mind, powerless, with no control over what my body is doing. I can feel his eyes on me, but I resist the urge to look in them now. I can’t.

I walk over to the bin and step on the pedal, the lid opens and I tip the broken pieces of mug into it. The sound of water rushing loudly out of a tap reaches my ears and look over to see Taemin emptying the bucket into the sink a few feet away. I have to say something, I need to say something to him. I hang my head down but I turn to look at him as he washes the bucket, he looks like he is about to cry. I open my mouth to speak but he beats me to it.

“Th-thank you.” he whispers, looking down and watching as the warm soapy water rises in the sink. It takes me a few moments to register that he had just spoken to me. But thankfully my brain then clicks into action.

“That’s alright, I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself,” I say quietly, so only he can hear me even though there aren’t many people in the place. He doesn’t answer me just pauses for a moment, then carries on cleaning.

“A-and my hands are tough because of basketball. So...yeah...” I finish awkwardly, I rub the back of my neck with my hand and look over to the booths, Jonghyun looks at me. I turn back to Taemin and gawp for a moment as he dries his hands on a clean tea towel. And I notice that his hair is slightly crimped at some parts and gosh he’s so pretty...

“Well,” he begins as he hangs the tea town back up on a hook, “Thank you...”he whispers, almost like a question. Oh! Then I realise what he’s trying to ask. I hesitate.

“Choi Minho.”I say. Hoping that was what he meant. He looks up then, and his eyes sparkle in the florescent light. He smiles at me and I swear my brain has just melted onto the floor.

“Thank you, Minho,”

I open the front door of the house, since it isn’t locked, and kicked off my shoes as I walked in. I close the door behind me gently so it makes the tiniest of clicks and then take two slow steps towards the stairs...

“MINHO!”  Please, God, I don’t need this now. I’m in a good mood. My step-mother appears in the doorway between the kitchen and the hall and scowls at me. “How dare you come back late.” I glare at her.

“I went out.”

“Do you think you can just walk into my house at whatever time you bloody well want?” I shrug. It’s not her house. It’s my Dads. And if my Dad was home at the moment, she wouldn’t be speaking to me like this. I haven’t done anything to her. I just don’t want her to be a part of my family.

“You spoilt brat. You bastard!” She spits at me, and she grabs the nearest thing to her, a small empty vase on the table, and flings it angrily at me. I swerve out of the way just in time (thank god for quick reflexes) and it makes contact with the wall behind me. It doesn’t smash, but it does crack and and a few large chucks break off the vase as it falls to the grey carpet. She storms back into the kitchen and slams the door, making the house shake. Well, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I crouch down to pick up the broken vase, and memories of picking up that broken mug at the café appear in my mind. Then I think of Taemin, his beautiful smile and sparkling eyes.

I sigh loudly and inspect the vase. It was my mothers.

I set it on the side when I get to my small room, and make my way to the bathroom. My step-brother sees me from his room but I close the bathroom door before he can say anything. I really don’t want to hear from him right now. Why do I even live here? As soon as I turn eighteen, I’m leaving. I go through my usual night-routine, like shower etc, and open the door slowly. Luckily, he’s closed his bedroom door, oh thank god. They’ve only been living here for a few months, since my father got re-married...I already hate them. They’re just horrible people. I can’t believe my Dad doesn’t see that...

When I get to my room I slip on some pyjama bottoms and look over sorrowfully at the broken vase, then next to it at the framed photograph of me when I was young with my Dad and my Mum, my real Mum. The glass in the frame is smashed, but I bet you can guess how that happened. If only my mother was here. If she was here none of this would have happened! I wouldn’t be in this hell hole with these people under the same roof...why did she have to go and get herself killed?

I use my forearm to wipe my eyes and I curse to myself as I feel the water forming in them. No Minho, don’t cry. Don’t cry.

Climbing into bed I try to think of something different, something happy. Taemin’s smile immediately forms in my mind, bright and warm. And it’s as if my thoughts had just glowed out and brightened up the room. All my happiness returned and I snuggle my head into the thin pillow.

And just as I fall asleep, its him I’m thinking of. He really is an angel.


~ Lee Taemin.

I close the door of the café when I finish saying my goodbyes to Kibum – he likes to stay behind and close up himself so he can organise everything for the next day – and I walk to the shady looking sleek black car that’s waiting for me.

Getting in the car I’m greeted by the driver, my carer or whatever you call it, and the whole of the way home is silent like usual. I just lean my elbow on the car door, rest my head against my hand and look up at the street lights as they pass by. We arrive at my house, it’s not really a mansion, but it is very large and quite old. Not really my sort of thing though...I get dropped off by the front door and the door opens for me. Maybe...? Oh, of course not. Who am I to hope? Unfortunately it’s not one of my parents. It’s my older brother, who actually happens to see me more than they do.

“Taemin! You’re back!” He steps out and throws his arms around me and drags us both into the hall whilst still hugging, and I can’t help but laugh a bit. It’s like we haven’t seen in each other in weeks, though I saw him this morning. But I guess that’s how it is when you are mainly on your own apart from the occasional staff member wandering around cleaning. At least when we are together at home, we have company, someone to talk to. And I know I can talk to him about anything. I just have to say, sometimes it hard to believe that he’s a straight eighteen year old.

“Taesun, I need to talk to you,” I say as I pull away.

“Oh? Ok!” he grins but when he looks at me he immediately frowns, “Is it something bad?”

“Uh? Oh! No no! No it isn’t!” I reassure him as we walk to the lounge with the games console.

“Oh good!” he squeals, but you know, in a more manly way. Yeah. We’re definitely related.

When we walk in he goes over to his book that he left on the couch and he bookmarks his page. Of course he was reading instead of playing on the play station, this is Taesun. I sit down and kick off my shoes so I could put my feet on the couch and I sat up with my knees to my chest. He sits in his usual place, the armchair by the reading light.

“So what’s up?” he asks as he the fabric on the armrests fondly.

“Well...I was at the café today...” I look up unsure but he hums and nods his head for me to carry on. Taking this encouragement I do just that.

“...and there was that boy again.” His jaw drops, and yes, I told him about...Minho. Did I say that I tell him everything? And by everything I mean he knows everything. Minho...

“What happened?!” he asks eagerly, leaning forward slightly. I smile slightly as his interest.

“Er, well he was there with his friend. And I dropped their drinks..” I hear a dramatic ‘no!’ emitted from my brother and carry on. “But he came over and helped me clear up – like, he wouldn’t let me touch the bits of broken mug because he didn’t want me to get hurt,”

“That’s really cute,” my brother clutches at his heart and falls back into the chair comically. I smile and bury by face into my knees, attempting to hide the blush I can feel forming. It’s nice to have someone to talk to, oh! Speaking of talking.

“I said thank you to him and he told me his name,” I mumbled into my legs, but he still managed to hear me.

“Woah! What is it?”

“Choi Minho,” the words seem to just slide like silk off my tongue. They sound so...nice. It’s weird. Like I could say his name forever and never get bored of it. They made my heart feel warm...I heard my brother burst out laughing, I look over at him and frown.

“Oh oh, I’m sorry! Don’t look like that, I’m sorry it’s just he really sounds like a manga character,” he calms down instantly and grins, and I find his grins can be quite contagious.

“Yeah...” I sigh, and I smile as I stare off into the distance, thinking of Minho’s tall slim body in his school uniform and his untamed brown hair and his large dark eyes looking into me. My brother just smiles and opens the book he was reading and we sit in comfortable silence for while, until I get up to go to bed.

“Goodnight Tae~ See you tomorrow,” he says, looking up from his book.

“Night Tae~” I reply, and we giggle at each other childishly, highly amused that we have the same nickname, it’s like a little joke we do between us. It reminds me of when we were very little and we used to pretend we were twins with the same name or mirror reflections of each other.

I wonder if Minho is already sleeping?


A/N, if you want this and Kibum's scene to be like...12x better then put on 'Kiss the rain' by Yiruma on Youtube as you read it. It's what I wrote these bits to! :)


~ Kim Jonghyun.

I sit down onto the hard bench and gaze at the small running fountain a few metres away, and watch as the water runs down the little stone cherubs. It’s late, and the only light is from a two or three street lights, but it’s relaxing. I lean forward, rest my chin in my hands and close my eyes, letting the sound of the water and the slight sound of the breeze and rustling leaves engulf me. Kibum finds his way back into my thoughts and I just simply think about him, replay his voice and face and movements again and again in my head. I don’t think I could ever get enough, this totally overrules any feelings I’ve had for anyone else. It’s so different to when I was dating Sekyung.


I expect to feel pain, to feel a twinge in my heart from where she left a hole right through it. Nothing. I feel nothing. It’s as if Kibum has just entered my life, my thoughts, and repaired it. I chuckled to myself at how deeply I am thinking about things, and all he did was take our order and give me his number. He gave me his number...

And as if on cue my phone vibrates loudly in my pocket and I take it out and click onto my messages and my heart summersaults.

From: Kibum

What’s your name? You never said. x


~ Kim Kibum.

My phone bleeps a few seconds after I sent it and I bumble with my phone, nearly dropping it. When it’s nicely in my hand I open up the message eagerly.

From: Wacky-haired guy

Kim Jonghyun xx

Jonghyun...that really suits him. And we have the same last name too! I laugh to myself, if we were to get married neither name would change. Wait, what? Why am I thinking of marriage? I sigh. I must be really tired. My phone bleeps again and I stop walking to read it.

From: Jonghyun

Are you still at the café? xx

My fingers move across the keypad as I type a reply. Wait a second, he’s put two kisses? Well then...

To: Jonghyun

Nope, walking home thru a park xxx

I look up, noticing exactly where I am for the first time. It’s as if my legs were in autopilot home and my mind was just wandering around elsewhere. I was standing by a small stone fountain, one which I usually walk around, and I zone out for a second as a harsh cold wind blows through my hair and under my coat.

“Kibum?” A voice shouts out and I spin around until my eyes rest on a dark figure standing in front of a nearby bench. They wave at me and I start to walk over, wondering who it is. Someone from my boys school...? The figure steps forward so he’s now visible and partly lit by the streetlight. His hair gradients from dark to blonde...oh my god.

“Jonghyun?” I walk over to him and he grins widely at me, all my breath seems to escape with the icy breeze. “Wha-? What are you doing here?” He wasn’t waiting for me was he? No of course not! He doesn’t know where I live...

“I live around here...I like to sit here by the fountain...yeah...”

“We must live close then!” I smile, erasing all awkwardness he just somehow created for himself.

“Yeah?” he replies, sounding hopeful and excited as we sit next to each other on the bench. I chuckle to myself as I stare at the foundation and busy my hands with fiddling with one of the buttons on my coat.

“It’s kind of dark, won’t your parent be worried?” I ask and I glance at him, he seems to zone out for a moment when my eyes lock with his, then he shakes his head. I don’t know whether it was the answer or whether it was to wake himself up.

“No, it’s just my mum and my sister...they know I chill here a lot after dark, not many people come here.”

Oh, so he doesn’t have a dad? I look down at the concrete path and shuffle my feet a bit. I feel really comfortable sitting by him somehow. Even though we’re out, and it’s dark and getting late. I feel really safe.

“What about you?” Jonghyun looks over at me.

“I live on my own,” I sigh. I live on my own, and I hate it. I hate walking into a dark cold flat, and even when you turn the lights on it still feels cold and empty and lonely. It’s why I love being at the café. I tend to do most of my studying at school just so I don’t have to sit there in the flat on my own and do it.

“Oh?” he looks at me sadly, as if he can tell what I’m thinking.

“My parents sent me here to go to that boys school,” I explain. Hoping he would get the fact that my parents aren’t that interested in my life. Ever since they found out I was gay, they sent me away. But they pay for the school and the flat, so I guess they mustn’t hate me that much...I think...they don’t like things that are different or odd. Everything has to be perfect to them. And homouality is seen as an imperfection. But I disagree, because I’m sitting next to a personification of perfection right now.

“On your own?” he eyes widen sorrowfully, he reminds me of a small begging puppy.

“Yeah...” I answer and I look up to the sky, and at the moon and I see Jonghyun looks up and does the same. You can’t see the stars, because of all the electric lights. But you can see the moon as bright as ever. A large, full, white moon.

“Ouch,” he sighs sympathetically, and I grin at his words. It’s crazy to think that we only met today.

He looks at me, and I look back as a strong wind swirls from behind me, sending my hair into a windswept mess. I realise how cold it is, and a shiver runs down my spine.

“Your cold,” he frowns.

“N-not really, I mean, it is Autumn,” I answer and I pull my coat tighter around myself. I watch as his eyes trace my figure. When the hell did I turn into such a tease?

He lifts his grey stripy scarf from around his neck, and wraps it gently around my once-exposed neck, and I can feel his body warmth that still lingers on it.

“Y-you don’t have t-to-” I blush, and he looks me straight in the eyes.

“Keep it.” He says seriously but then he smiles warmly at me. “See! You’re not shivering anymore!” He sounds pleased with himself. He’s so sweet. I’ve never met anyone like him...I bury my nose into the scarf, but then regret it when his gorgeous smell starts making me dizzy.

I could sit here all night.

He takes out his phone and stares at it for a moment then he groans loudly and looks at me.

“My mum wants me back now.” He looks at me apologetically and stands up, I reluctantly stand up as well. I guess I should be going too. I frown at the thought of being on my own in the flat. I could ask him to come with me...Oh for god’s sake Kibum! You only met him today!

 I clear my throat, at a loss of what to do suddenly, “You should...I mean, if you want to...come to the café tomorrow?”

He looks shocked for a second but hides it quickly.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow” he smiles, and his beautiful eyes join in. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ those words ring happily in my ears.

“I’m going that way,” He says, pointing the way I came. The opposite way. “I’m the other way...” I answer, sighing.

“I’ll see you then,” he says, and he takes my hand and squeezes it encouragingly before letting it go and walking back a few steps.

“Bye,” I smile, he winks and turns around.

I pull the scarf around my neck tighter and breathe in his scent and start walking home. What the hell just happened?



I don't even know why I bother writing plans. Ahah. Well here's Chapter Three~ OH! Before I forget, I must warn you for the next chapter because it's got mildly shocking stuff in it. lol sorry its not you hopefuls 

Sorry if the story goes kind of angsty, but that's what makes the fluff that much fluffier isn't it? Meh. XD I'm trying to set the scene and not rush into things~ So be patient. :)

If there are any mistakes in spelling and/or grammar please do tell!

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reread ur story n still love it~~
Omggggg update soon. 2min forever jongkey as well:)))) faster update eplssss
I especially like the bond between Jonghyun and Minho, but also the one between Taemin and Taesun :D
Please update soon :D
I need to know what happens! Omg update please!!! TT____TT
i tought you updated asdfihasfiohisdhf
i am patiently waiting
and omfg can't wait some jongkey apsifhisfh moments