
The Ballroom Café

~ Choi Minho.

The person stares directly at me and their eyes widen. I’m not really sure if they are a boy or a girl. All I know is that an angel has walked in and now I’m just completely out of it. I don’t really know what’s going on, but all I can concentrate on are the wide eyes staring into me. Everything and everyone else seems to dissolve around us. Everything has just...stopped. He’s so beautiful...his eyes...his skin...and that hair...so messy and windswept, it reminds me of something, what is it?...Dear god, I remember.


Stop thinking Minho, oh my god seriously, just stop.

“Tae, you need to change into your uniform,” a distant voice nags, dragging me harshly back down to reality.

Tae. Taemin. Taemin. He is the other boy?

He nods to Kibum, and clutches his bag a little tighter, all whilst looking at me. He finally turns away towards the door that supposedly leads to the staff room and that’s when I notice how furiously he was blushing. And how obvious it was that we were staring at each other. Great. I watch after him shamelessly though as he opens the door and runs up the stairs cutely and my heart drops as soon as I lose sight of him.

“Minho, if you open your mouth any wider, I swear you’re gonna drool. You okay?”

Oh .


~ Lee Taemin.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.I press my hand to my mouth as I slide down the wall. He’s in the café. He’s downstairs. That face. Those eyes. I looked in those eyes...oh ! We just stared directly at each other, didn’t we? Oh my god. I bury my face in my hands and breathe rapidly, a vision of his face appearing in my mind over and over again. After a few minutes I find some courage to stand up and I walk over to the lockers, tripping on my own feet slightly. Why am I like this? What the hell?

I change into my waiter uniform and walk over to the mirror and spend a few crucial minutes sorting out my hair. I thought it was a good idea to crimp parts of my hair and spray it with hairspray before I came out...big mistake. Seriously wasn’t expecting to be walking to work in a leftover freaking hurricane...oh my hair must’ve looked so weird when I walked in all sticking up and...Oh god, why is he there? Did he notice my hair? Of course he noticed! UGH. I run my fingers through the swept locks and then attempt to tame them again. Well the crimps are still in, and that makes it look kind of good. I guess. Suddenly feeling very self-conscious I step back from the mirror and take a look at myself. Almost forcing myself to turn away to stop myself before all the negativities start pouring into my head. I don’t need this now. I need confidence. He is downstairs. That boy.

And he seemed interested.

Hell. He had his mouth wide open. I giggle to myself and brush some non-existent dust off my waistcoat and start for the door. Wait my phone- I grab my phone from the sofa and open the door to begin my descent downstairs. Breathe Taemin. Kibum is there, and he can read you like an open book. Don’t already give everything away before it’s even started. I enter the main café and Kibum comes running up to me as he clutches his mobile to his ear.

“Tae! Could you serve those drinks over there? I seriously got to take this!” He sways on his feet impatiently and looks at me, pleading.

“T-to those boys?” I stutter. Go up to them? Serve them?

Kibum rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, the customers. Go.” And he nudges me encouragingly towards the counter. I stumble slightly on my own feet to where two mugs sit on the side. A coffee and a hot chocolate. I wonder which one he ordered...I wonder which one his lips will touch...those lips...TAEMIN. SNAP OUT OF IT. I don’t even know him! I don’t even know his name! Am I going insane? I pick up the drinks and place them on the tray, still forcing myself not to look over to the table to see if he’s looking at me, and walk around the counter. Huh? Why am I shaking!?

Quick, think of something irrelevant! Uh, homework, what homework did I get? English...maths...Maths! It was maths homework. I really need to do that when I get home, it shouldn’t take too lo-“WAAHH!”


I grab onto a nearby chair desperately to stop myself from falling onto the sharp pieces of what once were mugs, the floor now oozing with the hot sweet brown drinks. I stand up and steady myself, ignoring everything around me as I gain my composure from the shock of tripping up. Broken items are no big deal here as the café is owned by the main culprit and I immediately know what must be done to clean it up as if it was an everyday thing. It was what Kibum said, step one was...a flannel, ‘wipe away any liquid escaping out further so the customers won’t slip on it.’ Sighing loudly, I run to the counter and grab a damp flannel and the small bucket that we keep in the corner and I swiftly return to the scene. I swoop down to wipe some escaping coffee on the floor and squeeze it out into the bucket. How embarrassing...Still, this isn’t the first time I’ve tripped up on the job. Step two now, what was it? Step two, to...to pick out all the larger broken bits. Well, all the broken bits are large...and quite sharp looking, but they can’t be that sharp right? So I reach out my hand to pick up a piece in the middle of the spillage but before I touch it another hand stops me immediately. A strange small electric current shoots up my arm from the second of contact. And that’s when I noticed somebody’s presence crouched down opposite me, opposite the mess. At first I thought it was probably Kibum, but that seemed unlikely since I couldn’t hear him nagging my head off. I slowly raise my head up and see a long mess of brown shaggy hair, he’s crouched down, his knees pulled up to his chest, the dark blue denim hugging his thighs, and I can see patches of skin from the rock-style rips... He’s there. No. Here. Two feet away from me. The stag.

He doesn’t say anything, but he just continues to pick up the pieces and place them in his other hand carefully. His hands look wide and strong, very masculine. Quite rough too, maybe he’s a musician or a sportsman? I heard that they have to have tough hands. Why am I thinking about hands? Hello?! Spillage! Uh, Hello Taemin! Stag!?

I take the flannel again and swoop some more of the hot liquid up, (but thankfully it’s cooled down a bit from the contact with the floor) and deposit it into the bucket by my side. I can feel my face heating up. Why? What’s wrong with me?
I can’t stop thinking about him, glancing up at him or at his hands. In all honesty I was doing pretty well forgetting they were even there until he appeared. And now the whole thing is at least 2000x more humiliating.


~ Kim Jonghyun.

It’s official. He definitely has a thing for that Taemin guy. Whether he denies it or not.

It’s so obvious, well, it is for me. And I’ve known him for like...forever, basically. The way he’s acting now kind of reminds of the time when he liked that other guy...I wince. No, I won’t go into that.

When they’ve finished cleaning the Taemin boy blushes and stands up holding the bucket and walks hurriedly towards the counter, where the boy called Kibum was supposedly making us new drinks. I see Minho standing up and turning to walk towards me in a dazed expression, then stop when he realises that he’s still holding broken china, and then starts walking towards the counter to put it in the bin there. I notice Taemin mumble something quietly as Minho puts the pieces into the bin, Minho looks up and looks at the boy softly and smiles as he says something back, I don’t know what though I can’t hear. And then the other boy smiles slightly back at him and then diverts his gaze away from Minho, obviously embarrassed. Bloody hell. Excuse me whilst I go puke up sparkles and sunshine. I sigh and stare at the table daydreaming. Then nearly jump out of my skin when a tray slams down onto it.

“Sorry about the delay,” someone snaps, sounding kind of angry. I look up and breathe in sharply when I realise who is it. Kibum. He’s so pretty...especially this close up...I feel shy for a moment, but then that is quickly replaced by uncontrollable ego. Arrogant as ever.

“Took long enough,” I reply sarcastically. Why do I let my brain make me say things like this? Why can’t I just be nice  to attractive people? Kibum raises his eyebrow questioningly.

“I’m sorry, would you have rather it off the floor?” he places his hand on his hip and smirks.

“Only if you’d help me.” Oh dear god. Did I just imply that I’d coffee off the café floor if he was it as well? Does that even make sense?! What the ? Sometimes my brain amazes me. And now weird images are forming in my mind...I’m so shocked over what I just said it takes me a few moments to realise that the boy was doubled over completely, laughing his head off. His laugh...wow. It’s so gorgeous and loud and...flamboyant? No, that’s the wrong word...Well, I know what I mean. Just wow.

“Oh, o-oh that was good! Never heard that one before. Is that how you usually chat up people?” he laughs some more then straightens up, ignoring the looks that the boys at the counter and the people from the other tables were giving us. I gawp at him. Did it sound like I was hitting on him? Woops.

“Well, I-I err, I don’t...ah...no.” I stutter, and hang my head down in disbelief. I watch as his slim hands lift the drinks off the tray and place them on the table, he picks up the tray and rests it under his arm and against his side. Then he winks at me and struts away.

He winked at me.

Minho sits himself down opposite me wearing a similar gobsmacked expression.

“We’re coming back here tomorrow.” I tell him. I’m not even going to bother asking. I know his answer either way.

“Y-yeah.” He stutters, staring at the table as if it was the most interesting thing in the universe.

I’d have to disagree, it’s the second most interesting thing in the universe right now. I turn my head to look at Kibum who’s now taking someone else’s order. He’s facing the other way. And I can’t help it as my eyes begin to travel down to...No. Not now Jonghyun.

“Aren’t you going to take that?” Minho says out of nowhere. He looks up at me expectantly.

“What?” I answer. Then I follow his gaze down to the table...where a small receipt for the coffee and hot chocolate had been placed underneath my mug. I tilted my head as I noticed a little scribbling on the back of the receipt in bright pink gel pen. I pull the delicate paper out from under the mug carefully and I read the little note on it.

It reads:

Noticed you x

Followed by a number. He wrote me a number? Is it his number? It looks like a phone number...maybe it’s like a number for the café? Jonghyun, seriously, think normal for a moment. Why would he write the café number after writing ‘noticed you’ and a kiss? A kiss.

He put a kiss! And his mobile number! Oh my god.

(A/N I can’t really explain how Jonghyun is feeling very well here, but it’s basically along the lines of ‘asdfghjkl;jlbhavhjfsk,xcmgnbdsnja’)


~ Kim Kibum.

I return to the counter to see Taemin vigorously cleaning the worktops with a sponge, as if he’s thinking extremely hard. I decided not to disturb him so I just wander around the café cleaning up dishes and mugs, and then leant against the coffee machine. His face is still in my mind...his large puppy eyes, his cheeky smile, his slight blush...and he’s just sitting a few metres away. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t get into any more flings this year but he’s just so...fascinating. I feel my heart beating faster at the thought of him, and I breath deeply to try and control it. Not to mention he’s overall completely hypnotising and dear god what he said...that made me laugh so much. Did he want me to the floor with him? And his face when he totally realised what he said! Ha! I have a huge weakness for people who know how to make me laugh. I couldn’t resist it so I gave him my number, I need to know more.

I look over at Taemin, who accidently drops the sponge into the water, causing some to splash on his face a little and he subconsciously makes a cute expression as he wipes it off with the back of his hand, I smile. Freakin’ adorable. Then I turn towards the café booths and find the one I was expecting to be occupied, empty. So I frown. They already left?! Then I hear the familiar bleeping from my phone and I reach into my pocket to grab it.

From: Unknown number

Bye Kibum. Look up :)

I snap my head to towards the front door and see the tall ‘Keroro’ boy open the door and walk outside, then I notice the short boy with wacky hair looking at me, holding his phone in his hand and smiling. I shake my head in disbelief at the counter, I gave him my number what...10 minutes ago? And he’s already texted me! I smile back at him only to see him grin wider and then turn away to exit the café after his friend.

Every second after that ticked by painfully slow. And I slowly come into realisation.

I think...I think I’m in love again.

Then I realise something else.

I don’t even know his name.



Hi again! Chapter two, wooo! Who's happy? I am! You might not be, because this is a smaller chapter. But more goes on so...blegh. I don't even know what I'm saying. I think my brain is melting. My friend said that it's okay that this is smaller, since it's like the dessert to the main course which was Chapter One. I'm not really sure what she means, I think she was just hungry.

23 votes for having later on. I think I have very y readers. I still love you guys though. :D Thanks for voting all who did, wow I seriously wasn't expecting more than four votes, lol, but I guess this means I can't back out now! Well, it will be a while till anything ty happens, and I will give warnings when it does so any anti-ters can skip it easily, sound fair? o.o

Comment and subscribe. \(^-^)/

Secret: I wrote a whole plan for this chapter. And I completely strayed away from it. XD

This is how I imagine Taemin's hair:


What a beauty!


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reread ur story n still love it~~
Omggggg update soon. 2min forever jongkey as well:)))) faster update eplssss
I especially like the bond between Jonghyun and Minho, but also the one between Taemin and Taesun :D
Please update soon :D
I need to know what happens! Omg update please!!! TT____TT
i tought you updated asdfihasfiohisdhf
i am patiently waiting
and omfg can't wait some jongkey apsifhisfh moments