II. First Love

Lethal Elegance

"Where do you live?"~Hwasa asked Wheein as she was making sure no one else was around.

"I live 2 blocks from here"~Wheein said slowly walking in the direction she pointed.

"Lemme follow ya, make sure no creep gets any ideas~Hwasa said trotting along.

"Oh ok, So what are you?"~Wheein asked as she walked with Hwasa down the street. With each stride her mind became more clear, more resolute, as if the growing physical distance between them had now become an emotional chasm. 

"I'm an enforcer, you can think of me like a hitman"~Hwasa said putting her hands into her pockets

"So you kill alot of people?"~Wheein said gesturing towards Hwasa's knife.

"Only when I have to, now where do you work"~Hwasa asked walking closer to Wheein.

"Well............ oh look we're here"~Wheein said as she walked up the steps of the building. 

"You wanna come in"~Wheein asked gesturing for Hwasa's hand.

"Of course"~Hwasa said taking her hand walking into the building. She thought to herself that the apartment complex seemed nicer than many of the surrounding ones. Wheein lead her to the 3rd floor and down a long hallway. They finally reached room 3J and walked in. The apartment was simple and quaint, as if made for recluses. The walls were a deep vanilla that pulsed in the light, sprinkled with photos of Wheein and what seems to be her family. Her comforter was pulled over her bed, even though she hadn't cleaned it. The result was lumps of varying sizes and shapes and the comforter was weighed down by a laptop. A desk sat in one corner, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves. Hwasa walked around, staring at the apartment, wondering just what Wheein was. 

"So where do you ........"~Hwasa froze when she turned around to gaze at Wheein. She saw Wheein taking off her coat, she wore a white chest length shirt revealing her shoulders but that's not what caught Hwasa's eye. From her upper chest to across her forearms where a complex amount of tattoos. Her arms weaving an exquisite mural of art. The tattoos dominates her body, every colour is bold and done with such precise lines that it almost looks like a mosaic. They are curved yet sharply defined; they seem to stable but tumble at the same time.

Wheein threw her coat onto a chair and began tying her hair up.

"So how could I repay my savior? "~Wheein said finishing her hair bun. She sensually sat down next to Hwasa, biting her bottom lip. She delicately put her hand on Hwasa's thigh, slowly inching her hand onto Hwasa's hip. Hwasa quickly backed up, shaken by what was happening.

"I apologize........"~Hwasa stuttered as Wheein put her hand on her shoulder. The sweat trickled down Hwasa's back, free flowing like condensation on a window pane, it beaded on her forehead and dripped from her chin. To say she was a bit nervous was an understatement. She can feel her pulse pounding in her temple. 

"What's wrong? I'm sorry if I upset you"~Wheein said, when Hwasa grabbed her hand.

"No, No, This is........... This is not easy for me......... I've not done this before......"~Hwasa spoke, lost in her words.

"This is a bad idea...... "~Hwasa said looking down in her lap.

"The absolute worst but..... "~Wheein said as Hwasa looked up at her.

"....... wouldn't you want to try?"~Wheein whispered bringing herself close to Hwasa as she bit her lip, eyes everywhere but on Wheein. Then she moves closer with those eyes that look so deeply into her own. Her breathing becomes softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as soft as the embrace of the sunlight. Her body squirms just a little as her muscles relax. There is something about that gaze of Wheein she'll never find in another woman, as if in that moment their souls have made a bridge.  Wheein gently takes off Hwasa's jacket, leaving her wearing nothing but her black blouse. Hwasa felt a breath of heat upon her neck, then the delicate of lips. Passionate and intense as Wheein makes contact with her neck. A hand passes through her hair, as the kisses become forceful and more fierce. Another hand slips around her waist, and pulls her in close to Wheein's rose scented body. Her kisses are now on Hwasa's shoulders and in her hair. Then Wheein brushes her golden hair back from her shoulder and moves in so close that Hwasa can feel her lean body pressed up against her's. She feels the warmth and already her mind has placed their lips together. As the girls kiss, Wheein leans in to caress her neck, steady and tender. Wheein backs away for a moment and removes her top. She wears a velvet coloured bra, making her tattoos seem more radiant. Hwasa's eyes are moving from place to place unable to decide what to focus on. She can only imagine that the art reflects the chaos inside the person who bears it. The colours are vivid, almost to the point of garish. The lines are bold and the images from out of this world. It is both stunning and head-ache inducing, it's like a novel condensed onto a single page. There is something so disarming about seeing Wheein . There's a vulnerability in her eyes Hwasa can't resist. Her eyes travel from her face to her collar bone, delicate in the semi-darkness, then to her s. Without a bra they sit lower, more natural, less close together, each so perfect and moulded to her form. Hwasa doesn't linger too long, just enough for her to see how beautiful she is to her. It's her eyes she wants to see and her hands can tell her the rest. The remainder of the night became a blur of cuddles and kisses. Hwasa was in a sweet oblivion of emotion as she laid with Wheein. She ultimately believes that she has found happiness in herself, and all it took was a girl named Wheein to dig it out. The warm ball of light filtered through Hwasa's thin eyelids awoke her on the day after. Rays of brightness cast squares onto the apartment floor, illuminating several objects in the room which decorated its otherwise simplicity. She blinked a few times, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the illumination directed right at her defenseless figure.  Hwasa blinks herself awake seeing Wheein getting dressed.

"Aye baby where you going?"~Hwasa said sitting up on the bed.

"Oh you're awake"~Wheein said startled by Hwasa.

"Yeah, I tend to wake up early, where you off to?"~Hwasa asked walking over to her.

"I'm off to work, gotta pay the bills"~Wheein said putting on her black coat.

"Lemme walk you to work"~Hwasa said as Wheein nervously nodded. She felt Wheein was acting strange for no reason as they began walking out of the apartment building. Hwasa's feet take steps across the cracked concrete, silently looking on at Wheein. They hadn't spoken even once during the 20 minute walk which worried Hwasa.

"You ok Wheein?"~Hwasa asked concerned

"Yeah......yeah its just that....."~Wheein said as she stopped 

"What's wrong?"~Hwasa said holding onto Wheein's forearms.

"Nothing, we're here though"~Wheein said motioning towards the building across the street.

The window of the building is so large it reminds Hwasa of a store-front. It's triple-glazed and so clear that the panorama is like a high definition screen at the movie theatre. The birds travel past, buffeted by the winds that whistle through these streets, as if to remind people that it was their space now. This real-estate feels so futuristic in this city of high rises. Plastered across the building front was a bright neon sign spelling out "IDOLZ", the most prominent strip club to ever grace the city. Hwasa then stared at Wheein, eyes wide, shocked by the revelation.

"You're a stripper?"~Hwasa asked confused

"Yeah..... sorta"~Wheein said sounding ashamed.

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 4: Love the imagery of the windowless/doorless room.
Get well soon!
Chapter 4: What's wrong Ahn ?
Oh myy its so cool lol
Wahhh so ex gf w/ current gf nawww :3
Chapter 4: The moment you introduced Hyuna, I had a feeling she and Hyejin had dated in the past! I'm curious as to how this will affect Wheein and their new relationship.

And please take care of yourself and I wish you a speedy recovery! Fighting!
h3artn3t #4
Chapter 4: Hope you get well soon authornim! Will be waiting for your next update!
Chapter 4: Get well soon authornim. :-)
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 3: Whatever Hwasa said to Wheein as a form of assurance... :')
Chapter 3: Omg! Hyuna! I'm Excited to know what her relationship with Hwasa is.
Chapter 2: Interesting story thus far. I'm curious to read more. Hwasa seems shocked by the fact that Wheein is a stripper and I like that idea! I was actually thinking of making Wheein a stripper in one of my one shots lmao