L.Joe Vs. Myungsoo

Why can't I stop myself from loving you

Ready for the long awaited chappie?? I know I am... wait.. I wrote it.. *awkward*.....



You headed in first while L. Joe and Myungsoo were a few steps behind. They both reached for the handle of the door at the same time, and looked up to meet eyes with their competitior. 

L. Joe spoke up first. "I'm not gonna let her go to you without a fair fight. I love her too."

Myungsoo replied, "I figured as much. Too bad she's oblivious of your feelings for her though. You're forever gonna be stuck in the friend zone."

L. Joe huffed and stormed into the ice cream shop while Myungsoo walked in a couple seconds later, a victorious smirk on his face.


Inside the ice cream store, you bit your lip in thought. *What flavor should I get?.... Strawberry or a double chocolate milkshake?.... Dammit... ice cream is gonna make me fat.*

L.Joe "Pfft. You're already fat."

"H-h-huh? What? CRAPPPPP.. I said that outloud???...... Dammit.... O___________o"

Myungsoo came over and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "You could be the fattest person on the face of this Earth and you'd still look beautiful to me."

Your heart melted in warmth even though you were a still wary about him.... after-all you had just met him a few days ago. "Thanks Myungsoo- ssi. You're so sweet at times."

Myungsoo smirked at L. Joe. He faced back to you and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well.. I try my best." He flashed you a small smile that made your insides fluttery.

*Is this what people call love at first sight?*

Myungsoo pumped his fist while you went to order ice cream for the three of them. *YES! Myungsoo:1 and L.joe: 0*

Just as you were about the pay for the food, L.Joe paid for it first. "I can't ever have a girl pay. That wouldn't make me a gentleman." You smiled at him. "Thanks Byunghun oppa! You're always so caring for me." 

His heart thumped loudly in his chest when you called him Byunghun oppa.

"Why my first name all of a sudden?"

"Hmmmm? I don't know, I think it sounds nicer." You beamed at him before carrying the three ice creams to the table where Myungsoo sat.

He had his had curled into a fist. *Dammit... That was smooth......*

L.Joe tilted his head at Myungsoo before a sly smile curved onto his face. *Myungsoo:1 and Ljoe: 1.*



I know its short but it's all the time I have for today. I'll update again tomorow!

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pavitakns_0315 #1
Chapter 6: prefer myungsoo
O_o wow he fell in love pretty fast :P
hmm first day? :P
hahaha....my bet's on ljoe xD
waiting for update~
Haha wow, long chappie! 1174 words
psh I did not "beg" >.< but kumawo :D ooohhh....something's gonna go down soon ^_^ LOL I love his enterence "LJOE IN THE HOUSE!" xD
Why yes you do, yes you do unnie xD
wait he's from America but he doesnt kno james bond? Tsk tsk...I need to educate u Myungsoo :P
>.<...screw u... fine then I'll take namstar :D (I feel like I switched too fast...L will remain my part bias lol) Update soon dongsaengie
Haha thanks for commenting guys!<br />
I <3 sunggyu...but myungsoo's more my type of guy :P<br />
hehe @shineetaemint4eva: I decided myungsoo was better. dont worry unnie :)... you still have seobie