Chapter 4 - That's not True!

Teach Me what Love is

Junkai looked at his father with the most confused looking face he's ever made.  He sat down to listen to his father's explanation.

"You see son, you're not like other boys," The father spoke, causing the young Junkai to tilt his head while growing a frown.  "You're different in your own unique way." The father continued.

"Are you saying I'm ill in a physical or mental way?" Junkai asked, trying to reason what his father said.

"Well, in a way you are both..." The father spoke.  He walked around the hospital room before sitting next to Junkai.  "Okay, here is the reason - You are a robot."

Junkai looked at his father before standing up abruptly.  "You're an AI.  A machine.  Not a human, incapable to love or feel it.  Your mom made sure of it, so you could be our son forever." The father explained.

"That's not true!!" Yelled Junkai.  "I'm Human, not AI!"  Junkai continued.

The father tapped Junkai's neck, causing Junkai to be 'shut off'.

Junkai's eyes blurred as they opened.  He found himself on his bed, and it looked like he has been there all night.  He looked at the clock, it was ten past seven (in the morning).  He covered his eyes from the sunrays coming in from the window.  He stood up and looked at himself.  "Was it a dream?"  He asked aloud.  He looked in the mirror.  He saw his eyes were still tired.  An AI wouldn't look or feel tired, would it?  He remembered that his father in the dream shut him off by touching a certain area on his neck.  He pressed down hard on the area his father touched him on.  He didn't pass out or anything, so it must have been just a dream...

He heard noise from downstairs.  He walked down the steps after getting himself ready for school.  He saw people moving boxes into the house.  He stopped in front of a worker.

"Excuse me, what's going on?"  He asked.  A hand was wrapped around his, and brought to a different room.

He noticed it was his mother.  "Ma!  You were discharged this morning?"  Junkai asked.  She smiled and nodded. 

"My boy is so handsome and tall~"  She said, hugging him like she hasn't in a very long time.

He looked at his father who smiled.  "Son, you must be wonering what these men are doing in our house,"  The father started, earning a nod in response, "A young lady we've adopted is moving in with us."  He continued.

A Lady?  Like his age?  Older?  Younger?  Who is she?  Is it MingHua?

"She'll be here at super time, go on to school."  The mother said, handing Junkai a tin box holding his lunch she had prepared.  He nodded and bowed.

On his way to school, he saw one of his friends, the twenty-eighth student.  Yi Yang Qian Xi.  He walked close behind the other.  He smirked as he knew he would give the other a heart attack. 

When they reached the school, Junkai didn't want it to look weird, so he made his move.  "Boo!" 

QianXi had to at least jumped two miles in the air (He jumped two inches).  "Junkai!  You scared me!  How long have you been following me??"  QianXi asked, his heart ready to expload.

"Since the corner of the cafe and library."  He spoke.  QianXi calculated.... a whole five streets??? [Insert something funny?]

It was class time.  Junkai saw that MingHua arrived late.  She smiled at him and sat down next to him.  Junkai smiled back, showing his fangs (Which are pointy).

Classes seemed to have lasted all day today.  It was nearing sunset by the time Junkai walked out of the school.  His first thought was MingHua.  She usually walks to school, right?  Wouldn't it be really dangerous to walk in such a condition?  Junkai waited for her for a few minutes, but she never came out.  He walked back into the school, and looked around.  He wondered into the library.  There, he saw her reading a big book, possibly her Biology book.  He approached her calmly, and slowly as to not scare her.  He sat on the seat next to her.

"Oh, Junkai~  Good thing it's you!  I need some help.  I'm writing an essay over a Crawfish's anatomy."  She said slowly and in a way that it didn't sound really weird.

Junkai leaned over her to see the book better.  One arm was around her waist, the other following the words on the lines on the book.  His chin rested on her shoulder.  Junkai was explaining deeply what some organs or what the fake parts of the body do.  While explaining, Junkai had a weird feeling.   He He was realy close the girl he has fallen in love with.  He secretly looks around the room, seeing the two only in the room.  He stopped talking. 

[This scene doesn't go too far, but if you are uncomfortable, just skip this part]

MingHua looked back and up at him.  Junkai was looking into her eyes with his eyelids half closed.  His lips were slighly parted.  There was silence for what felt like minutes to the viewer, but mere seconds for the two.  Junkai leans in closer.  Their lips touch, beginning a beautiful kiss.  MingHua dropped her pencil silently on the table, and put her arms around him.  Junkai has strange feelings.  He's not for sure what it is..

Junkai's hand on her shoulder traveled down to her hip, bringing her up to his lap.  The kiss got slightly intense.  Just until they heard the rooms door being opened.

MingHua is back in her own seat, and she took her pencil back.  The person that came in was Yi Yang Qian Xi.  He smiled and sat across from them. 

"You know it's getting late, Right?"  QianXi spoke to them, cracking out his math book.

"Yeah, I'm just helping her with her biology essay."  Junkai stated as he took out his literature book.  "Now I need to read some Li Bai."  He continued with a smirk.


Hey! One chapter to go! This story has a pretty sad ending, so prepare a tissue box for the next chapter!


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A Karry x OC fic? Is this real? OMG I just discovered this and I'm really excited to read it, (although I need to wait until Thursday since I have exams tomorrow :( ) We need more Karry x OC fics here! :D
Somebodywhoeatspears #2
Seems interesting :o