Meeting You Again

I Love You So Bad
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Jackson couldn’t help but put a big wide smile as he heard the announcement telling that the train he was riding is approaching the familiar area he grew up, the elite Apgujeong area. Yes, a few things has change, but overall, Seoul looks the same. He looked at his mother sitting in front of him holding one of his hand, while his dad stood beside him. Jackson himself was standing even when there are still seats available on the train. He and his father were too excited to sit. Jackson’s parents were looking at the view outside with excitement in their eyes, they must’ve missed Korea more than Jackson. They were one of the few Chinese descendants who has been living in Korea for more than 3 generations, including the Tuans and the Chou, their family’s close friends. Sophia and Xihao Wang are just as Korean as the others living here, and this place is a home for them just like it is to Jackson. There was a moment where Jackson locked his eyes with his mother's. He can see she had tears in her eyes as she smiled and took Jackson’s hand and kissed the top of it. Jackson understood the sentimental feeling his mother was feeling. Yeah, he missed his hometown too.

“Is Mei there already?” Jackson heard his father asked his mom. Sophia nodded at his husband’s question, checking the cellphone she was holding in her free hand.

“She’s there. She said she got a heart attack every time a train arrived at the station,” Sophia said, making Jackson and Xihao laugh. “Ah, I missed her so much, why isn’t this train moving faster than 15 years ago?” she joked, making her husband and son laughed again.

Jackson’s parents old time friends, Li Mei and her husband Raymond Tuan, had offered picking them up at the airport. But the Wang family refused, saying they wanted to ride the airport train for some kind of nostalgic rendezvous, since they have no such trains in Bali. The Tuans were worried they would forget which train they should ride, but Sophia and Xihao never forgot their way home. It wasn’t that difficult since they just need to transfer once for the blue line from the airport, and they only bring one single luggage each because they still had clothes that the Tuans kept for them since they left their old place. They automatically know where they were going to stay while visiting Korea, even when they already sell their house. Of course Mei won’t let them stay anywhere else but her place.

The train stopped not long after. Sophia can already see Mei waiting for them with her husband and another one of their best friends, Chou Ming. She almost ran to the exit of the train, bumping a couple of people who cursed at her, but she didn’t care. She even left her suitcase inside, leaving Jackson and Xihao to look at each other. Jackson chuckled in defeat as he took his and his mother’s suitcase, following her out the train, with his father right behind him. As soon as he stepped off the train, a warm pair of gloved hands immediately circled his neck, forcing him to bend down.

“OH MY GOD look at yourself, young man!!!” the sound of the middle aged woman yelling near his ears made Jackson winced a bit. He knew who she was. He didn’t have to think too long to remember that voice from his younger days.

“Mei Imo!!” Jackson raised his arms and return the hug to the mother of his best friend, Mark, who was like his own mother. She was the one who took care of Jackson whenever he was sick because Jackson’s parents was busy in their gallery most of the time. He didn’t realize how much he missed her until she got her arms around him just like in the old days. “I missed you so much!!”

“Oh my boy. My, have you grown!” when she finally pulled back from the hug, Jackson can see the tears in her eyes. “You are so handsome! If I didn’t see your mother’s trademark suitcase you’re dragging with you, and if your beautiful eyes didn’t stay as beautiful as they were—“ Mei gently sooth her thumb over Jackson’s eyelids, “—I wouldn’t have recognize you!”

Jackson smiled at this. He knew people in his hometown would say this kind of stuff if he ever returned. He was prepared for this. Jackson physical appearance did change a lot. Not that he wasn’t grateful for what he was blessed with already but like any other normal kid, he wanted to be respected. He wanted people to appreciate how he looked like, complimenting him with words and expression. And most of all, Jackson didn’t want to be ashamed of his body when one day he meet Tzuyu again. So he started his diet plan, along with his regular work out. It was hard at first, following the rules of his own diet plan. But in the end, the result was worth it. Jackson got the figure he always wanted. He was not as tall as he wished he would be, but his body height was balanced with his weight. He never sent any of his latest pictures to Tzuyu, not when he was already slim. He wanted to surprise her, because the last picture Jackson sent her was on his high school graduation, where he already lost a couple pounds but still had his baby-fat around. Now he’s a healthy 27 years old man with just the right body shape. Not too muscly, but not skinny. He has a beautiful skin tone, a sun-kissed toned skin for being exposed to the sun for too long. The Wangs doesn’t live near the beach, but he went and played there almost every day, and when he wasn’t on the beach, he would be practicing traditional dance or painting in the open air. Meeting the sun every day made his skin glowed more, not even a single sun burn was left on those healthy though tanned skin. Just the perfect combination for his built. He never had bad memories about his fat self, but being the Jackson he is now is much better – healthier – and he liked it.

After the small reunion with the parents (read: being dragged back and forth by Mei and Raymond, kissing him sloppily on his cheek and hugging him until he felt like his ribs were about to burst out), Jackson finally found the person he’s been looking for. There, a bit far from their parents, stood the most beautiful girl Jackson had ever saw. She had a slim figure with a soft brown hair colored and big beautiful eyes, such a perfect creature Jackson wasn’t sure she really was a human.

“Tzuyu?” he asked. Without even waiting for an answer, he half-run towards her and held her in a bone crushing hug that startled the young lady. He spun themselves around, making Tzuyu let out a small yelp. “Tzuyu!! I can’t believe I finally meet you again!! I missed you so much!”

“J-Jackson?” Tzuyu couldn’t find her voice. She had expected a big – fat - drowned in baggy shirt and baggy jeans - Jackson, not a smoking - hot - guy - in – suit - Jackson. It all surprised her, but at the same time it was a relief.

“You are just as I imagined you would be. So beautiful,” Jackson told her once he put her down, pulling away from the hug. He saw how Tzuyu’s cheek got a little red from his compliment, and laughed at this.

“You sure are a lady killer, Mr. Hawaii,” Tzuyu said to the man in front of her. “Too much living around those pretty ladies i

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Chapter 11: Please update soon~<3
Chapter 11: I always cried when I watch the movie. And now Im crying reading this
saranghaesatangye #3
Chapter 11: Godddd please update soon PLEASE
Chapter 11: Here comes my favorite part, omg you are such a good writer, i am loving your way of writing. you giving me all Markson feels.
Fighting and update soon, <3 ^_^
Darkrose15 #5
Chapter 10: Loved this story. Markson rules. Yeah <_>
Chapter 9: Mansae mansae mansae!!!!
chunjoekyuwook #7
Chapter 9: ohhh myy godd i really really love your story i'm dying ohh they're so freaking cute my markson feel ^0^ but please don't write too much angst because i can't handle that hahaha
Chapter 8: wooooow I love your story , ohhh my markson feel.
waiting for your update and thank you so much
Chapter 7: Oh my god, poor Mark. At first I thought I'd dislike Tzuyu a lot but nope. I'm stuck between waiting for Jackson and Mark to finally get together (or at the very least start to get together) and fearing the mess of emotions that will happen when Jackson is conflicted between Mark and Tzuyu. Especially now that Tzuyu's started liking(loving?) Jackson but she still cares for Mark and Mark will probably feel bad for putting a wedge between Jackson and Tzuyu and oh my god!
What I'm trying to say is - I can't wait to see what happens :D
Great plot and good job on the writing, I'm hooked.
Chapter 7: Update soon, please, start with MarkSon's lovestory already, I know I am being desperate but that's what i am ryt now. XD ^_^

Nd this update was really good, <3