Five years


You had been living with Yoongi and Jin since you turned nineteen. Jin and you were the same age, but you waited to moved out of your parents house until Yoongi was eighteen. At first it was just you three together all the time, but after some time your small group grew. Jin added Jimin and Taehyung to the group. You weren't sure where he met them but they fit your group perfectly. Even Yoongi liked them and her barely liked anyone. Namjoon and Hoseok were your next door neighbors who practly lived with you guys as well. After a while the six of them and you became the best of friends and your house was the hangout spot. Every now and then the guys would throw killer parties. Which consisted of lots of booze and lots of girls. 


Tonight was a party night and your house was full of people you didn't know. "Hey did Taehyung get here yet?" Jimin was walking around looking for his partner in crime who was running late. "Maybe he's not coming?" You couldn't help but feel a little worried now. You understood why Jimin was frantically walking around looking for him it was strange that Taehyung wasn't here yet. "You guys don't look like you're having fun, here." Jin handed you and Jimin red cups full of beer. "It's a party lighten up." He winked at you guys before walking away. "Did that jerk just wink at us?" He chuckled before taking a huge sip of his drink. "It's just Jin being Jin." You said before taking a sip of your beer. You could tell Jimin wasn't in the mood to party without Taehyung. "I'm sure he's fine." You didn't like seeing him like this but you understood why he was so worried. "If Yoongi and Jin weren't here I'd probably be freaking out too." Heck you were worried about them even while they were here. Yoongi looked like he had way too much to drink and you didn't like the two girls sitting next to him on the couch feeling him up. Sure, he looked like he was having fun and those girls looked more then willing to show him a good time, but you still kept eye on him the whole night to make sure he was alright. Jin on the other hand was not drunk but he was making sure everyone else was. Instead of handing people drinks he should be drinking and having fun too.

"You're a good roommate." Jimin could tell you had been keeping eye on Yoongi and Jin while you were standing with him. "You're a good friend." He smiled for a second at your compliment. "Did you guys miss me?" The two of you had been busy talking you didn't even notice when Taehyung got here. "It's almost two in the morning where have you been?" Two in the morning? Last time you checked the clock it was about to be midnight. "I told you guys last week that I had to pick up my cousin at the airport." Your eyes quickly went to the stranger standing behind him. He was tall and cute. He was wearing ripped jeans and a white button up shirt that was dangerously see through. You especially liked how many buttons were undone on his shirt. He practically wasn't wearing a shirt which you didn't mind at all. He grinned at you when you met his gaze. He had been looking at you the entire time you were checking him out. You glanced over at Jimin and V to see if they noticed what you were so intently looking at. You were glad they were too busy talking to notice you. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" The cute boy said.

"Right, this is my cousin Jungkook." Even his name sounded nice. Jimin and you introduced yourselves. "Is it a rule that everyone in your family has to be good looking?" Taehyung and Jungkook laughed at your question. "I'm going to go introduce my good looking cousin to the rest of the guys." You could feel your cheeks turning red. "I'll go with you." Jimin said following them. You were left standing alone in the living room. "Who is that guy?" Your friend Jessica asked. You knew who she was talking about. "What guy?" Knowing her she would steal Jungkook from you. "Don't act dumb." Her eyes were practically glued to him. "I think Taehyung said it's his cousin." You weren't going to give up his name so easily and she knew that. "I'm going to go introduce myself." She walked over to the boys and you watched them talking and laughing until Jungkook shifted his gaze from her to you. From across the room the two of you stared each other. You snapped out of it when you noticed the two girls from before trying to carry a very drunk Yoongi upstairs. It was time to stop checking out the cute guy and be a good roommate. You were sure next time you saw Jungkook he would be dating your friend which bummed you out a little. Jungkook was cute, but not cute enough to leave Yoongi hanging. You exchanged one last glance with him before you ran over to help your friend. 


You could feel Jungkook's eyes on you as did your best to carry a very drunk Yoongi upstairs. It was amusing watching him drunk. He kept going on about how beautiful you were. You knew he was drunk when he started complimenting everyone. "You better not throw up on me!" It wouldn't be the first time he threw up on you. Finally you managed to get him to his room. You threw him on his bed and he told you he loved you before you left his room. You thought about heading down stairs, but the thought of seeing your friend all over Jungkook made you want to head to your room instead. You had never in your life felt so attracted to someone before. Every cell in your body wanted him. However you couldn't muster up the guts to go down stairs. Instead you headed for your room and called it a night. 


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