heart o2

Double Tap Heart
- G R O U P 4 -

[Pink_Princess] this guy has been doing some ed up on his computer lately, I’m freaking weirded out. don’t you have enough evidence against him, Joon? @Rapmon_Leader

[Rapmon_Leader] not yet, we still need strong proofs


[Agust_D] be glad you don’t have to go through this dude’s nudes collection… I ing need holy water to purify my eyes

[Rapmon_Leader] why? i can contact the special victims unit if you think the women weren't consenting to take these pictures?

[Agust_D] they’re silicon dolls, I don't see how they could have given their consent

[Pink_Princess] ah

[Agust_D] they’re always positioned in weird poses, I have to check every single one to make sure it’s not a real woman. The criminal behavioural team thinks he might get tired of dolls and start attacking women soon

[Rapmon_Leader] ah

[Agust_D] whatever… let's not talk about this psycho. you good Tae? You’ve been silent for a while

[VTae] honestly, I’m good, I can’t really complain about my assigned profiles…


Which was true. Aside from Park Raon, Taehyung had been assigned a kkangpae whose activities seemed quite normal for a gangster and a corrupted university professor who had been cheating on his wife for a while. The professor's mistress seemed to work for the gangster and the gangster wanted to enroll his kid in the professor's university. The gangster's purpose almost seemed honorable, he wanted an education for his child and Taehyung would have almost been moved by the father's action if his kid didn't happen to be a high school bully of the worst kind. He clearly didn't deserve his place in this university but Taehyung knew he was going to get in anyway.

But overall, he didn't understand Raon's connection to these two. Raon once ordered a coffee near the kkangpae's office but that was it. He was used to profiles like the two men but Raon's required more attention because he never monitored a profile like hers. Right now, she was texting her friend on Messenger about a philosophy assignment she didn't understand and her friend didn't seem to get it as well. Taehyung knew the subject, he analyzed this text of Freud when he was still studying and it was fresh in his mind but he just sighed.

Do not interfere with the case, he reminded himself.

Working from home was both good and bad if you were to ask Taehyung. For example, you didn't have to worry about arriving late at work in the morning because you were technically already there, Taehyung was glad about it because he wasn't the punctual type. Of course, he still had to go to their actual office for some important meetings sometimes but the keyword here was 'sometimes'. One of the bad sides was also the fact that he didn't need to leave his apartment and thus, rarely went out. That was probably the reason why his neighbours thought he was some anti-social college dropout.


But it didn’t bother him, he lived in a quiet neighbourhood and he wasn’t really the type to mingle with his neighbours, so he didn’t care about their opnions of him. However, he kind of liked the nice ahjumma who’d give him some of her food sometimes. She was currently visiting her son who lived overseas though... He looked around him, fried chicken and pizza boxes were surrounding him, screaming at him to go out.


He sent this week’s reports to Namjoon and published something on the internet then decided to start cleaning his house before going out.

[Park Raon] hey! I found an article that’s talking about the subject!!!

[Moon Gayoung] no way!!! I searched all the google results, the teacher made sure to give us something we wouldn’t find on the internet

[Park Raon] LINK: “The Case of Elisabeth Von R. by Sigmund Freud” full analysis – Philosophy Analysis Website.

[Moon Gayoung] oh , how did I miss this one?

[Park Raon] it talks exactly about our subject!!! it covers all the main points!!!

[Moon Gayoung] dude, are we seriously going to write our assignment that counts for 60% of the final grade, based on an article we found online and which was written by someone who calls themselves V?

[Park Raon]

[Park Raon] we don’t really have any other option so…

[Moon Gayoung] nevermind, I already started paraphrasing the article

[Park Raon] LOL

Going out and breathing some fresh air was exactly what Taehyung needed. These past days have been especially tiring since he had to secure his department’s system with his co-workers in addition to monitoring his assigned profiles like usual. Raon was clearly stressed these days because of her upcoming midterms and it seemed like her stress was contagious because it got him too but going out, leaving his computers and phone behind was great sometimes.

He cooked some ramyeon as soon as he arrived and went back to his computers. However, it seemed like there was some usual activity so he decided to check what Raon was up to, she was talking to her friends on their group chat.

GROUP CHAT - "The Three Mosquitos"

Lee Miyeon, Moon Gayoung, Park Raon (3 member(s))

[Lee Miyeon] omg omg omg omg omg omg

[Park Raon] I know right? I can't believe it either

[Moon Gayoung] I still think it's kinda random though tbh

[Lee Miyeon] I told you he was playing the tsundere card!!!

[Park Raon] I don't know I kinda agree with Gayoungie, it seems random...

[Lee Miyeon] have some faith Park Raon!! maybe Jiwon finally noticed you, that's why he made a move!!!!

[Park Raon] hmm yeah, I guess you're right... I will give it a try!

What the actual was happening? 

Taehyung decided to quickly check Jiwon's last activity and noticed he last texted his best friend, Kim Hanbin.

[Kim Hanbin] I can't ing breathe, this dumb actually believed your little act? I'm ting myself dude 

[Kim Jiwon] she's been seriously pissing me off for the past months and Chaeyoung is being a these days ignoring my calls and texts so what can I do? I'm a bored man, lemme have my little fun lol

[Kim Hanbin] you dickhead, this is so funny lmao she has no idea what's coming at her!!

Taehyung was literally fuming. That ing bastard was going to play with Raon and she didn't have a clue about it! That couldn't be happening. He tried to calm himself, he couldn't do anything after all, being furious wasn't going to change anything and he didn't like getting himself involved with college drama. Taehyung closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.



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Babbie #1
Chapter 2: Interesting!