The first session

I can't stop loving you

Session as in tutoring just incase some kpop prevy minds are thinking the wrong way :)


I walked out the doors after the bell rang ending school for the day. I knew I was forgetting something, something important. I couldn't place it though! Aish! What was it?!

"Donghae!" A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Eunhyuk running towards me with something in his hand. I was puzzled at why he was coming towards me, then I remember that I had a turtoring session with him today! So that's what it was! I knew I'd remember sooner or later! "Were you going to ditch me?" Eunhyuk asked out of breath.

"No! I just forgot sorry. I have the worse memory ever." I said feeling bad for forgetting about this.

"It's alright. Oh! These are your glasses. I know they aren't totally fixed but I taped what I could together." Eunhyuk said handing me my glasses that were taped right in the middle. I smiled, no one was ever this nice to me.

"Thanks. That was kind of you." I said putting my glasses on and smiling even more now that I could see. He had no idea how thankful I was to have these annoying things back on my face. Yes, I hated my glasses, they slid around, and fell all the time! And when I put them back on after them falling off 20 times I get poked in the eye by them! I hate them with a burning passion. I always asked to get contacts but my mom always said no.

"It was nothing really. So, do we go to your house or mine?" He asked shoving his hand in his pockets. He looked a little nervous, why?

"It doesn't matter to me. Whatever you want to do." I said shuffling my books around almost dropping them but Eunhyuk caught them.

"Here I'll carry them and you lead the way to your house." Eunhyuk said taking my books and following me. I was still in shock at how nice he was to me. It kind of scared me to be honest. I mean Eunhyuk wasn't known for being mean but he wasn't known for being nice either. More for being quiet and staying away from people. No one messed with him nor talked to him that much either. I wonder why.

"Here we are!" I said as I made my way up the stairs but Eunhyuk stood there in awe. "Oh come on! It's just a house. We have work to do." I said pulling him up the stairs. "Mum!" I called and a few seconds after my mom poked her head around the corner and frowned at me.

"Donghae, what happened to your glasses?" She asked.

"I got pushed over by a mob of fangirls. See this is why I need contacts. Anyways! I am turtoring someone today mom so please don't bug us." I said pulling Eunhyuk up another flight of stairs.

"I will bug you all I want mister! Tell me what to do again and I'll make sure to burn all your books." My mom threaten. I ran up stairs dragging Eunhyuk along before my mom came and beat me (she never hits me just playfully).

"So, how about we start with your hardest subject then work from there?" I asked. Eunhyuk nodded his head agreeing to my plan. He pulled math out first which what I thought since most people weren't very good at math. We worked on that for a while. I had lost track of time and we were in the middle of editing his english paper when I spotted the time and it was 7:30. "Omo! I think we done for today. Look at the time." I said not really believing it was that late.

"Yeah, I guess I should be getting home. Can you help me again tomorrow?" Eunhyuk asked while packing up his books. I nodded my head handing him a penical and he smiled. "Thanks, see you tomorrow." Eunhyuk said before closing my door and going down the stairs. I sighed not wanting to do my homework but I started it anyways.

I noticed a notebook that wasn't mine sitting in the corner of my desk. I picked it up and opened to a random page shocked at what I saw.

Dear thing I write in,

I really don't know how to put this but I am just going to say it, I am gay. I realized this when I saw him walk through the door, he was very handsome. He has thing about him that I can't explain. I am in love I know it. I couldn't breath when I saw him, I had to remind myself how to. How do I get to know him? How do I tell him sooner or later that I love him? And most importantly how do I tell my parents? This is hard. I don't know what to do. I wish you could give advice, notebook. Ugh this is hard...:/

Eunhyuk was gay?! So, then answer this question: Who was the guy he was talking about?!


yaya update after a long time but it's the same chapter >.< Im sorry! I will update more or try too! Tomorrow I have a tennis match so I won't have time in the morning but when I get home I will :D So be patient please! Lol I may update again tonight though! :)

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splendid-times #1
Interesting! :D
Wow I can't wait for the next update so update soon pleasee
so4fty #3
sorry i thought i subed last time and bad maknae
so4fty #4
Yes stop when they were you know getting it on