Something about this

I can't stop loving you

I was walking through the doors of the school when BAM I met the floor. Hello floor nice to meet you again! Ugh! I never usually tripped this much. I tripped on an average of 20 times a day. Today, I had broken my average, I had tripped 22 times already! This was just great. I picked myself up off the ground also picking my stuff off too. I brushed my pants off and looked up to see people laughing at me, jerks.

"Yes everyone! I am okay thank you for asking!" I said just now noticing my glasses had broke. I need those! Luckly, I always came with a back up, but sadly today my memory was horrible and I had forgotten my back up at home on my desk in my room. Why could I remember that but not the glasses?! Donghae you idiot! I walked to my locker trying really hard not to run into anything or anyone for that matter but of course with my luck I run right into some blonde headed kid who was a guy clearly since the voice was deep.

"I'm sorry! I can't see anything since my glasses broke." I said squinting my eyes to try to see who it was. I felt like an old ladie trying to see what grandchild just attack me. No, I am not a grandmother so please let's not start that again.

There was a time in middle school I was called grandma because I had to wear old women clothes because my mom couldn't afford nice boy clothes or even old boy clothes. I was stuck with women clothes. Not a good memory.

"You're Donghae right?" The person said. Uh oh this was going to end badly for one of us and I had a strong feeling that one was me.

"Yes, I am." I said nervously. I really could not afford getting beat up right now. I had AP English to make it to which I was already late for!

"Meet me after school." The person said walking away.

"I'm really sorry! I swear I didn't see you! Here take my money!" I said digging into my pockets shoving it at him. From a blurred view I could kind of tell he looked confused.

"Why are you giving me your money?" The person asked with a hint of confusion.

"Because I am trying to brib you into not beating me up! Duh!" I said stating the obvious.

"I'm not going to beat you up. I need help in math so I took one of your tutoring things. Oh by the way I'm Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk said. I think he was holding out a hand but since I was basically blind I couldn't tell. I felt around for a hand and finally found it shaking it then letting go.

"Then I guess I can meet you after school for tutoring just no beating me up please." I said feeling akward now that I had just assumed things about him.

"I promise I am not going to beat you up. Thanks Donghae, see you later!" Eunhyuk said walking away. I made my way towards AP English with a smile on my face. Why was I smiling? Probably because he wasn't out to beat me up. Yeah, let's go with that.



Okay first chapter please let me know what you think! Comment and sub! :) Sorry that's its short!

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splendid-times #1
Interesting! :D
Wow I can't wait for the next update so update soon pleasee
so4fty #3
sorry i thought i subed last time and bad maknae
so4fty #4
Yes stop when they were you know getting it on