Not Her Type? I'll Show Her!

I Go Crazy Because of You Baby


“You heard about me?” He asked and he looked to the couple next to him. Krystal smiled to him and then to her friend. “I hope it had been good things.” Dongwoo said as he looked to the blond girl in front of him and then he saw her giggle a little. He was giving her probably one of his best smirks. He only used that when he was with special girls, and this one was no doubt special. “Oppa, let's dance!” Krystal said as she grabbed Myungsoo's arm and dragged him with her. He smiled like an idiot to his girlfriend and nodded. “Sure! See you later hyung!” Dongwoo just nodded and looked to the couple leave with smiles on their faces. “They are cute.” Hyosung said and Dongwoo nodded. He didn't liked couples that much, but he did liked that one, specially because it didn't made him want to throw up. He took the chance that Hyosung was looking to their friends and scanned her from head to toe. She was indeed a beautiful woman. She had an amazing smile, her eyes sparkled every time she was speaking, even if it was about other people.


“I heard you like to dance, is that right?” She nodded and smiled to him again. “I love every minute of it. Even if my body is tired, I love it to death. I can't imagine doing anything else.” Dongwoo smiled. He knew what she meant. He felt like that all the time. He loved to dance so much, he adored it. And he couldn't help but realize how perfect she was. The perfect body, the perfect conversation and the perfect personality. Yeah, this girl had nothing to do with the girls he usually met on parties. Usually they were a little stupid or just cared about getting into his pants. He had to admit, the last part didn't bothered him at all, on the contrary. Free, easy was always welcome and he was not made of steal. He was only human, so he would just say yes to all of that, but those girls were just stupid. He was pretty sure they didn't knew how much 1+1 was. “Want something to drink?” He asked her and Hyosung just smiled to him. “No, I'm fine.”


She said and he just nodded. The two of them were on an old couch from his apartment and while she continued talking, he was ignoring the hate stares she was getting from random girls. They probably planned to have their way with him that night. “You don't want anything?” He asked and she just smiled politely and shook her head. Both continued talking for a while. Dongwoo couldn't help but notice that every time she paused, she continued looking around, like she was waiting for someone to show up. “...are you waiting for someone?” He asked and looked right into her eyes. Hyosung didn't look nervous or anything, but she didn't looked at ease either. “...not really, no.” He couldn't help but raise a brow. “Then why are you always looking to the door?” Hyosung started biting her lower lip, not sure of how to answer that, but since she was known to be plain honest, she had no choice but say it right away. “Well....I know all about your fame slept with a friend of mine. She hates you right now.”


He couldn't help but be surprised when he head that. “And I'm pretty sure you don't know her name anymore.” It wasn't a lie. He hardly remembered the girls he slept with. He could only remember if they were good or not and honestly...they were all pretty average to say the truth, but when he was them, he would just say they were the best he had, but in reality they were just as bad and he wouldn't want to remember them any longer. “But I would never do something like that to you...” He was a professional when it came to make a girl feel special, and even thought he was pretty sure Myungsoo would kill him if he saw what he was doing at that moment, he really didn't care. He didn't promise he wouldn't flirt with her, did he? No. He just wouldn't flirt with Krystal's friend in front of them, but since they weren't there, he could do exactly what he wanted. He moved closer, a lot closer, but didn't seem affected by it, on the contrary. She just continued talking. “I bet you tell that to all girls.” She said and Dongwoo couldn't help but smirk at her. “Just you.”


Hyosung smiled at him but when he tried to touch her face, she moved away. He couldn't help but be surprised and she just looked at him with eyes that were apologizing to him for what she did or for what she was about to say. “It's not that I've something against you!” She told him and Dongwoo raised a brow. “I've nothing against you, and Krystal told me you were a great guy, and for her to say something like that it's because you must be a great guy but....” Hyosung looked down to her hands and Dongwoo wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing. “I won't hurt you!” Dongwoo said with his famous player's smile but again, she didn't seem to care about it one little bit. “We're just talking....getting to know each other, having fun...and who knows?” He said as he got up and looked to her. Hyosung, being the sweet girl she was, she just smiled at him. He, as a normal guy, took that as a good sign. “You're very nice, you really are...”


She started. She was playing with her fingers, showing she was nervous. This was good right? Every time girl he was with was always nervous because they were ready to fall for his charms. “but...” But? There couldn't be a 'but'! There was never a 'but'. So why was she saying that awful word that hardly belonged to his dictionary. He looked at her and she just gave him a small smile. “You're far from being my type....” Hearing this, made Dongwoo's mouth open widely and his eyes were staring at her wide open. How could she say this? No girl as ever said something that to him, never! Even the ones who played hard to get. They never said things like this to him, how could they? He was irresistible. He had a perfect smile, foxy eyes and one of the best hair styles on campus. He had a pretty hot body, he was a nice guy, he could dance and sing, a wonderful fashion sense and he wasn't gay! What else could a girl ask for? “I hope I didn't offended you...” Hyosung said with a small smile. Dongwoo didn't answer, he just kept looking at her. “I'm going to look for Krystal...nice to meet you Dongwoo!” And with that she left him all alone, with the most stupid look on his face. He couldn't believe he just heard those things. He was dreaming...wasn't he?



“!” Myungsoo said as he finished listening to the older man. Dongwoo was with his friend and looking beyond crushed. Last night wasn't his best night, because of one woman called Hyosung! “I know right? I can't believe she said something like that.” Myungsoo nodded and drank his coffee. “Me either...” He paused and drank a little more. “I've to tell her she's my hero!” Hearing this, Dongwoo felt the urge to kick his friend right between the legs so he couldn't walk for a whole month, but he wouldn't do that. Not because he didn't want, but because there were a lot of people around them. “Shut the hell up! How can I not be her type? I'm everyone's type! Even guys love me!” Myungsoo rolled his eyes. He should be used to that kind of talk coming from Dongwoo, he really should, but he wasn't. He wasn't used to it at all, no matter for how long they were friends. “You're so modest hyung.” Dongwoo glared at him. “I'm just realistic. If I was a girl I would do myself.” Myungsoo almost suffocated on his coffee after he heard that. Was the older man for real or if he planned every single thing he said. “You're disgusting.”


Dongwoo just ignored and continued biting his lower lip, not believing a girl actually rejected him. That never happened to him. Never. He even remember when he was in kindergarten. His teachers loved him more than the other students. “How could she reject me? How? Really, did she really looked at me? I'm freaking gorgeous! I'm hot! How am I not her type?” Myungsoo decided not to answer that. For the sake of his friendship, it was better if he didn't answer a question like that. “There's a first time for everything isn't it?” He asked and Dongwoo didn't look very happy with that. He just grabbed his coffee, drank it all at once and then looked to his friend who wasn't sure of what was going to happen. “You're going to help me!”


He said and Myungsoo looked at him with a confused face. “...I am?” He asked and Dongwoo nodded. He got up from his chair and the younger continued looking at him like the older was some sort of alien, which Myungsoo had to admit, it wasn't too far from reality. “Yes! If I'm not her type, I'll become her type!” The younger just couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Hyung....all of this because she rejected you?” Dongwoo looked to Myungsoo right in the eyes. “No. This is a matter of pride! No one rejects Jang Dongwoo and gets away with it! No one!”

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Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOON! Kyaaa! ❤❤❤❤
IamLeaderDim #2
kyuchang #3
Chapter 15: waiting eagerly for this wonderful fic to be updated ;)
Chapter 13: dongwoo loves her and he said it!! omg Hyosung, what happen?? why u say no?? hope dongwoo does not give up on her
ichiru #5
that's it...!!!!!you need that dongwoo...someone that wake you up...go go...rescue uri hyosung...!!! update soon... ^-^
lufackingwhore #6
omg i thought you wouldnt update this amazing fic anymore. Thank god ur here. Nice update, hwaiting
aegigongjukiny #7
NOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON'T GO BACK TO HIM. Oh Dongwoo, You need to do something! Asap! :>
I love your story, Update soon authornim. <3
ichiru #8
no way........!!!!!!!!!!!stay away from him hyo....its so dangerous for you....just report to the police....
update soon....!