seeking out the truth

Boldly Going

“I do know you will not be please with me for saying the following but; I told you so”

Hanbin never thought he would be happy about being in the medical bay, but at that moment he was happy about being alive and being there, even if that meant—

“Kim Hanbin, how could you? Going by yourself on a rescue mission. Do you want to die?”

“Doctor Kim, I beg of you to lower your voice.”

“How can you be so calm when he almost died?”

—Hearing all that bickering, but he was happy. Suddenly the loud beeping of the monitors and the pure white of the room seemed comforting.

“You need to rest, Captain. Tomorrow you’ll be clear for duty.” Donghyuk told him and Hanbin nodded, he didn’t want to upset the doctor even more.

“So, where are our guests?” He asked Junhoe, suddenly remembering all at once.

“I assigned them a room close to our quarters. I believed they wanted to rest after all that…excitement” Junhoe explained with a sharp voice.

He ignored the hint of sarcasm used by the half Vulcan. But he was grateful that Jiwon and Jinhwan were taken to a room instead of the holding cells they used for criminals, he didn’t want them to feel threatened or uncomfortable. He needed them to be ready to comply and answer the questions about their imprisonment at the Klingon ship.

“And I assumed you would like to question them about the occurrence, so tomorrow we will do that after you are cleared from medical” he continues.

“Good. You have the conn for now commander” 

“Understood, Captain


Hanbin, to Donghyuk’s displeasure, couldn’t sleep a wink and kept trying to come up with questions the entire night.  And possible solutions. God, he also needed to contact Captain Kwon as soon as possible and the fleet.  Last thing he wanted was getting killed by Klingons or worse demoted by his superiors.

Donghyuk gave him a quick scan before giving him green light to continue his duties.

He changed to his yellow uniform before heading to his office, aching to find out why those two were in a Klingon ship.

He walked towards the lift doors and was suddenly meet with Junhoe, who was fiddling with his padd.

The half Vulcan didn’t even spare him a glance when he boarded the lift.

“You angry with me?” Hanbin asked.

“An illogical assumption. Vulcans do not feel anger.” The first officer replied without looking up from his padd.

“But humans do, and you are half human.” the Captain said with a soft voice. 

“Captain, why did you make me your first officer?” Junhoe asked suddenly looking at him.

“You and I make a good team. You keep me balanced.”

“I fail to see your logic then. You claim we make a good team when all the decisions concerning your wellbeing and the wellbeing of the crew are made solely by you. How can our team be balanced, as you say, when everything comes from just one person.”


The lift doors opening interrupted Hanbin, signaling that they had arrived to his office where the two boys were be waiting for them.

“I believe, Captain, that we can continue this discussion in another time” Junhoe quietly said before exiting the lift.


Hanbin hadn’t seen the two boys properly because of the dim lights in the Klingon ship, so he was awed when he finally saw the two in the bright lights of his ship.

Jinhwan, for the lack of better words, was beautiful. His hair was golden blond and his features were soft and delicate. Jiwon was the complete opposite, his features were striking and sharp and his hair was dark, he was very handsome. 

Jinhwan stood up and beamed at him, “Captain, I am glad to see you are well” he told Hanbin with a sincere voice.

“I have to thank my medical team, they did all the job.”

“I see, I will have to thank them later then.”

“We must discuss other pressing matters, Captain.” Junhoe interrupted with a sharp voice.

“You are right Commander.  I’ll go straight to the point, what were you two doing on a Klingon vessel?”

The two boys looked at each other and Jiwon nodded at Jinhwan as if they were having a conversation in their minds. The shorter looked pensive as if he was trying to piece together the words. He took a couple of seconds before looking at Hanbin and replying.

“I am afraid Captain that I haven’t been truthful about everything.”

“What do you mean?” Hanbin asked taken back by Jinhwan’s sudden confession and concerned that he might not get any information at all.

“Me and Jiwon…our memories of the event seem damaged, it’s like we only remember bits and pieces,” he answered with a soft voice “but I will tell you what I remember”

“Go on.”

“We come from a planet called Phasma II—” Jinhwan began.  

Junhoe made a knowing sound and Hanbin turned to look at him.

“Do you know anything about Phasma II Mr. Koo?”

“I am afraid I lack of knowledge of the planet Phasma II, but I do know about Phasma I, it was the home of a colony sent by the federation but as far as I know a famine killed all of its habitants.”

Jinhwan laughed at that and acknowledged Junhoe for the first time.

“We did not die; we were simply…moved to another colony.”

“The federation did not hear or knew anything about you for years.”

“We did not want to be found by you.”

“And if you didn’t want to be found then why contact us at all?” Hanbin interrupted the conversation between the two.

“We were desperate to get out, we did not care the identity of whoever helped us” Jiwon replied for the first time with a raspy voice.

“Which bring us back to us being with the Klingons—Ah, I am afraid this is where it gets fussy. I remember being in the gardens of Phasma and seeing you”, Jinhwan turned to look at Jiwon “run towards me, you were very agitated. Do you remember that?”

Jiwon nodded in confirmation “I do, I was trying to tell you something…something urgent,” he said looking conflicted “but I can’t remember what it was”

“I remember yells and then it all goes black, next thing I know is we were at the Klingon ship”

“You must be very important or the Klingons to kidnap you, they are a warrior species. If they wanted to make a statement, they would have killed you. But they didn’t. May I suggest a theory, Captain?”

“Go ahead, Mr. Koo.”

“They must have been kidnapped as ransom. Perhaps Phasma had problems with the Klingon race. I have to ask, do you have any important position in your planet?”

“Oh, I suppose I might.” Jinhwan confessed with a timid voice, “My father is the governor of Phasma II.”


god i am so sorry for the late update i was lacking a lot of inspiration for this but the teaser really got me in the mood for writing

hope you enjoyed the chapter! please if i did any mistakes let me know!

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Zuka-chan #1
Chapter 3: Waaaaaaa!!!! I really love this story.
Waiting for the update
Chapter 2: Interesting.. Really interesting. Cant wait for next chapter! Btw lol at your remark about june. I cracked up when jinhwan told us about june and the sun and the moon in vapp. June is dumb af hahaha i love his funny
HannaG #3
Chapter 1: Star Trek x iKON ♡ it was such a pleasant surprise to find this ff, I truly loved it, I hope to get an update soon