the final frontier pt. 2

Boldly Going

“Ensign Jung, how is our captain doing?” Junhoe asked the younger while pacing nervously in the bridge.

“He is stable if anything he seems a bit agitated”

“Keep an eye on his vitals Ensign”

“Will do sir”

Junhoe kept thinking about possible outcomes and solutions for those outcomes, he didn’t like this not one bit everything Hanbin was doing was illogical to his way of thinking.

How could he just go to a Klingon ship without any backup or plan? The situation was simply exasperating to him, even after so many years of knowing the man he still needed time to understand the actions of the human.

“I just heard Hanbin went to a Klingon ship? Alone?” a voice suddenly interrupted Junhoe’s thoughts, “Care to explain what’s going on here?” he demanded.

“Not now Doctor Kim.”

Junhoe was having an incredibly hard time trying to keep himself from rolling his eyes at Donghyuk who had just came in to the bridge demanding for answers to his questions.

“Not now? Do you even care about what will happen to your friend? He went alone into an enemy ship! You don’t know what they will do to him!” Donghyuk yelled with worry all over his voice

“Doctor I will have you removed from the bridge if you don’t stop your yelling.” the commander said with a frustrated voice. “And I do care about the Captain, but you of all people should know what kind of person he is and the kind of decisions he takes.”

Donghyuk sighed deeply and closed his eyes to try to calm himself down, and proceeded to walk towards Chanwoo’s monitors to check on Hanbin’s vitals.

After that, Junhoe continued to think on how he was going to deal with their current situation. Silently cursing Hanbin for giving him yet another headache.


Hanbin is hurting all over.

He hears raised voices and laughter.

Everybody is laughing at him.

The only thing he can do is curl in a ball and stay silent.

“Stop! Jonghyun stop right in this moment”

Suddenly the hitting comes to an end and he doesn’t hear the hateful laughter anymore, the only thing he hears are murmurs and the sound of heels stepping into the playground’s gravel. He opens his eyes or at least tries to, he realizes that only his left eye was not damaged he tries to see who the person in front of him was and the next thing he knows is that he is in the counselor’s office, an ice pack in his face and his t-shirt stained with his own blood.

“I have to call your mom, she needs to know about the situation”, Ms. Park tells Hanbin with a comforting tone “Is she off planet?” Hanbin nods “Is there anyone I can call?” He shakes his head no.

His mom just went on a mission and it as only him and Hanbyul at home; there was no one to call. No one to come and get him. No one to comfort him.

He thinks it’s funny how things and people change so suddenly. He and Jonghyun used to be the best of friends, they would hang out together in and after school and they would spend hours talking about space and about going there one day.

However, things indeed change.

Hanbin knows why Jonghyun has a problem with him; he knows why he beats him up when Hanbin hasn’t done anything to him.

And the thing is Jonghyun’s father died because of his dad. He was part of the crew of the USS Kies and he was one of the thousands who died in the incident.

He usually took the beatings and never complained he felt like it was only fair. Both of them had lost their fathers, but after all, it was his father’s fault that Jonghyun’s dad was no longer alive.

After all someone had to pay for the wrongdoings of his father.


“You stabbed me!” Hanbin yelled while he removed the weapon and placed his hand over the wound, “I came here to save you!”

“Lower your weapon!” The taller boy commanded with a hard expression in his face

Hanbin slowly placed his phaser in the floor

“Done, no more stabbing”

He saw the taller boy shielding the small one who was busy pressing buttons on the board of the ship.

“Who are you?”

“I told you, I am Captain Kim Hanbin. My ship received a message from here, a distress call.” Hanbin calmly explained he was glad he still was not feeling the pain of his wound, “Are you the ones who sent the call?”

“It was me” the smaller one turned from what he was doing and looked at him, “I sent the message but I didn’t think anyone would receive it or if anyone would come”

Hanbin closed his eyes and tried to assess the situation.

Here he was on a Klingon ship where the whole Klingon crew either was dead or knocked out, he was badly hurt although he didn’t know the extent of his wound he was worried about the wound bleeding too much and also he was talking to two strangers with unknown intentions, one of them being the responsible of said wound.

He should’ve never come.

He hated when Junhoe was right.

“Were you kidnapped? Is that why you are here?” Hanbin asked the boys

The two boys stared at each other as if they were having a silent conversation “If you help us to get out of this ship I will tell you everything you want to know, but I do not know how long the Klingons will be like this we can’t waste time”, the smaller one pleaded while walking towards Hanbin.

“You stabbed me” Hanbin scoffed, “Why should I help you now?”

“I apologize for that…Jiwon can be a bit…overprotective of me”, the boy glared at Jiwon while explaining “you are free to choose if you help us or not but I do warn you, if you are not going to help then you should leave this place when the Klingons awake you and your crew might be in trouble”

“I will help you, I didn’t come here just for nothing”, the captain drew a long sigh “Let’s go before they wake up”

“I thank you Captain” the boy smiled at Hanbin and handed him his phaser, “My name is Jinhwan”


The bridge personnel was anxiously staring at the monitor.


“He was stabbed” Donghyuk said while looking at Junhoe, “He is losing blood. Junhoe, we have to do something or he might die”

There was a dead silence and it seemed like everyone in the room was staring directly at Junhoe.

One of the things Junhoe hated the most about his friend was just how impulsive and illogical he could be, he barely thought things through and he did things guided only by instinct.

However, at the same time he needed to have that kind of thinking at the moment. He needed to act quickly if he wanted to save Hanbin, there was no time to think about regulations or possible outcomes.

He had to think like his captain.

“Ensign Jung, come with me to the transportation room” Junhoe commanded with a cold expression, “Lieutenant Song, you have the conn”



“If you keep up like this then I will think you have a ”

“Please don’t ever say the word ‘’ again”, Hanbin says with a disgusted face, Junhoe rolls his eyes at the comment.

They are sitting under a tree, Junhoe finds himself trying to mend the wounds some barbarians inflicted upon his friend a few moments ago.

“I am not a Doctor, maybe we should go to someone qualified to do this. How about our dear roommate Donghyuk, who may I remind you, is studying to become one”

“Are you crazy? Donghyuk will give me an earful. The last time this happened he actually wanted to talk with the person who did it, I had to stop him before he embarrassed himself”

“Why is it that you are against your friends defending you?”,  Junhoe asks him before continuing to disinfect the wounds in Hanbin’s face “You don’t deserve this treatment. Although I disagree with Donghyuk, talking with those persons won’t help you but talking with authorities might be of help”

“Absolutely not, I am not a snitch. Listen, I can take care of myself”, Hanbin says with an annoyed expression while Junhoe gives him an incredulous look “Don’t give me that look. I’ve been through this since I was a kid, okay? This is nothing I can’t deal with”

“But the thing is, you should not deal with it” Junhoe pauses, “If you think I am ignorant on why they do this to you then you are wrong. Hanbin, the mistakes of your father are not yours to deal with”

Hanbin gives him a bitter laugh, “You are the second person that tells me that”, he said and promptly leaves the place, leaving Junhoe to his thoughts.



“We have to leave quickly; we have to go to the transportation room. I know the way, but it’s quite far, we need to run”

“But captain, you are hurt …can you manage to run?” Jinhwan asked with a worried voice and looked at Jiwon, “Help the captain, carry him”

“That’s completely unnecessa-“ he was interrupted by Jiwon who placed his arms around him and picked him up, “What are you doing! Let me down!”

“Sorry, Jinhwan’s orders”

“Whatever, I am honestly going to kick your if you let me fall”

“I would never”, Jiwon said with a serious face.

“We have to run” Jinhwan said and both men nodded


“Commander, are you sure about this?” the young ensign asked while watching Junhoe step into the platform of the transporter, “I am sure we can come up with a better idea, we can’t afford to lose the both of you”

“Ensign, I will do my best to come back with our captain. In the meanwhile, take care of the crew and obey Yunhyeong, understood?”

“Yes Commander”

“Beam me down”



 “We are getting close”, Hanbin told them with a weak voice, he was starting to feel faint “just a bit more”

Jiwon and Jinhwan nodded. They kept running towards the direction Hanbin had told them.

Before they could think, something tackled Jinhwan into the ground.

Jiwon stopped and Hanbin looked over to see what had happened.

It was a Klingon.

He was awake.

It was over the Klingon had caught them.

They were doomed.

The Klingon opened his mouth and Hanbin feared what he was about to tell them.

”What are you doing?” he said with a rough voice, “I warned you. Do not do this”

“You can’t control us”, Jinhwan said with a defiant tone “We are not slaves”

 “We won’t let you scape, you are too valuable for that”

“I defeated you before, what makes you think I won’t do it again?”

Hanbin felt lost not understanding the conversation that was going on, he regretted not taking that linguistics class Junhoe choose to take.

“You are completely drained of your power; taking down the entire crew was a mistake”

“The only mistake was not killing you!”

The Klingon laughed loudly and pulled out his weapon. Jiwon put down Hanbin and quickly stepped in front of Jinhwan, shielding him from any attack.

Hanbin was slowly starting to lose consciousness from the blood loss, he has to do something he still had his phaser he could do something but his body was not responding to him. He was going crazy he had never felt this useless. He was starting to feel the pain from the wound, he started to groan in the floor, he was been beaten up before but he had never felt pain similar to what he was feeling.

He saw the scene before him and felt sorry; he had failed just like his father. He left his crew alone and he failed to rescue to two boys from the Klingons. He was a disappointment, he thought about Hanbyul and his mother, how would they react to the news of him dying and why he had died.

It was his fault anyways, Junhoe had told him not to do anything stupid and here he is dying because of his stupid actions. He hoped the half Vulcan follows his instructions and runs away the moment they detect his death.

He glanced at Jiwon and Jinhwan both with a defiant expression on their faces; clearly, they still had fight in them. He was regretful, he can’t help them as he promised he would. He wondered what would happen to them under the hands of the angry Klingons.

Suddenly, a flash of light interrupted his inner monologue and the Klingon falls down. Hanbin does not believe in miracles but he can recognize one when he sees it.

He thought he was hallucinating because the last thing he saw before passing out is Junhoe’s unamused face.









Here is chapter two, i am so sorry to be so late. I hope you all like this chapter!

please leave a comment!

ps: after knowing that junhoe thinks the sun turns into the moon at night i cant believe i made him the smart one here jfc



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Zuka-chan #1
Chapter 3: Waaaaaaa!!!! I really love this story.
Waiting for the update
Chapter 2: Interesting.. Really interesting. Cant wait for next chapter! Btw lol at your remark about june. I cracked up when jinhwan told us about june and the sun and the moon in vapp. June is dumb af hahaha i love his funny
HannaG #3
Chapter 1: Star Trek x iKON ♡ it was such a pleasant surprise to find this ff, I truly loved it, I hope to get an update soon