Body Shots

Body Shots
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College was the time to find an excuse to celebrate every day of the week. Or at least it was that way for most college kids. Jungkook wasn’t one of those kids but he was however always up for a good time as long as he had what he needed done completed. It helped that he was in the college of his choice with a scholarship for his passion. Core classes had never been his strong suit but he could get by just fine, mainly due to his competitiveness, he was competitive against himself and he hated to fail. Striving to be the best he could be really had him going the extra mile and he didn’t really have any plans to change that. Jeon Jungkook was happy being him at this current span of time.


The sophomore had his ups and down, like any person did but for the moment he was in a good place. He had good friends, school was going well,family was content and he may or may not spend a little too much time staring at the adorable curly brown puppy in the window of the petshop on his way home from dance practice.


Park Jimin though, that hyung of his was always trying to get him into trouble. He looked so small, innocent and cute with those mochi cheeks of his but the boy was anything but. If Jungkook actually listened to his best friend nearly as much as the elder wanted then he’d never get any of his school work done. It must have been the fact that Jimin had a whole year of schooling behind him that Jungkook didn’t. He must be itching for something more, extra tired of all of the classes, essays that always are ten pages or more long now and timed exams that were never multiple choice. Jimin must be stressed but even so how did he manage to know about every single party in town? How did he find something to celebrate every weekend without fail. By weekend, he meant Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Not to mention the other days during the week, he was dragging Jungkook off to the beach just because he could.


It wasn’t a surprise that tonight, Jimin was tapping his black converse clad foot on the linoleum bathroom floor, running his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time.


“Jungkook, come on, let’s gooo. Your looks great in those jeans, stop fussing.”


A scoff could be heard from the bedroom adjacent to the bathroom and a few sprays of the perfume of the week.


“Hyung, look at yourself right now and then tell me that again.”


The younger rolled his eyes, as he swiped his keys and wallet from his unmade bed, sticking them into his pocket. He walked over to his nightstand grabbing his iphone off of the charger and shoving it into his front pocket making his way over to his impatient currently faded orange haired friend. He wondered when Jimin had gotten so into trying all these crazy colors on his hair. He wasn’t sure if it was a phase, cry for help or attention or just something fun to do. Jungkook had never dyed his hair, no highlights, nothing. He was au naturale, black silky locks, fringe side swept across his forehead and he didn’t really plan on changing that. He knew what looked good and planned to keep it.


Rapping his knuckles on the white trim of the door frame, Jungkook popped his head in and full out chuckled, Jimin was still running his fingers through his hair but with black sunglasses on and some expression that he supposed was to be y but just looked ridiculous.Snapping out of it immediately, Jimin looked over at Jungkook to pierce him with his eyes that were still hidden behind his glasses. Anything he wanted to say died in his throat as he took in the sight of the younger, ripped black painted on jeans paired with a casual but practically translucent white button up, that was tucked in the front but hang out in the back. The kid looked good.




Jungkook laughed again before turning from the bathroom and heading towards the front of his apartment. Jimin took his time walking behind Jungkook and noticed how when he turned the shirt lifted just enough to give you a peek of his pert , nope, he was right, Jungkook looked good in those jeans. Being stealthy, the elder picked up his pace, winded up and smacked the younger harder on the before sauntering in front of him and walking out the front door ahead of his friend. The howl of pain, made the sting of Jimin’s hand so much sweeter.


As Jungkook caught back up with Jimin who seemed to be speed walking, which he didn’t know why. The bar was only a couple blocks away and it wasn’t even 11pm yet. They had plenty of time. Hanging his arm around Jimin’s shoulders, Jungkook broke into stride next to the shorter man.


“So, what’s the excuse, I mean celebration this time?”


“Nailing that waltz jump at the rink earlier this week.”


“I was just messing around and that’s like one of the easiest jumps Jimin.”


Jungkook was looking at him with incredulous eyes, and slowly shaking his head as the shorter man just shrugged.


“You nailed it, time to celebrate. We’re getting shots tonight, can’t out this time.”


Zipping his mouth, Jungkook just nodded and went along with his hyung. It was always like this, he had some crazy idea for a celebration that really wasn’t a celebration but where was the younger. Right next to crazy Park Jimin and about to enjoy those shots he had completely evaded last time. Shots were… dangerous. They had knocked him on his before and he hadn’t wanted a repeat of that anytime soon.


Looks like he wasn’t going to escape tonight. The tone of voice in which his friend had said it made that more than clear. Jimin was not backing down, and he knew that his hyung didn’t like doing shots alone. He always whined that it wasn’t fun to be plastered if someone wasn’t just as plastered with him. It was only half the fun and there was no point. Jungkook couldn’t really disagree with that.


Jimin tucked his sunglasses into the front of his red button down with black futuristic machine parts littered among it as they approached the doors of the bar. It wasn’t anything special but it was a local spot that most of the college kids hung out in. An old faithful for Jimin and Jungkook. Oddly enough the two had found it when they were dating last year. Oh, the memories. Heh, they had gotten pretty familiar with the inside of that bathroom. The two had some good memories there, some pure and a many more that weren’t so pure.


The closeness and skinship that they had with each other was something leftover from their relationship. It wasn’t something they even thought about. Jimin had always been one to be a little touchy feely but now Jungkook reciprocated that on in a more frequent matter. If one wasn’t touching the other whether it was a hand on the shoulder, thigh or perhaps even playing with the others hair then they were at least standing close to each other. Neither could deny that they had a gravitational pull to the other. They also couldn’t deny that their relationship had turned into a giant flop, huge mess almost of the self-destructive kind.


Strolling in, they went straight to the bar, as if they would go anywhere else. Jungkook ordered two rum and coke’s to start but Jimin leaned over the bar and grinned at the pretty bartender who was showing way too much of her chest for extra tips,


“Two patron shots.”


The raven haired man’s head snapped so fast to the left he wasn’t sure how he was still standing there,


“Hyung, we just got here!”


Jimin just snickered and clapped a hand over Jungkook’s shoulder and squeezed.


“Exactly, go big or go home Jungkookie. You know all about that don’t you.” he his lips and the devilish gaze he gave the younger didn’t bypass the others notice. ...he would have to mention that one time. Setting his jaw in a firm line, Jungkook nodded.


“Right, go big or go home. You enjoyed that.”


“Damn straight I did.”


Flustering Jimin failed, Jungkook was annoyed so he scoffed and looked away from his hyung who was chuckling once more. That was a secret between the two of them and one of their more rambunctious wild all consuming nights. Yep, Park Jimin knew much too much about Jungkook. He was stuck with him for life. Letting his eyes scan the crowd, he saw a few people from campus he knew of but weren’t really friends with, a couple trios of girls that were definitely on the prowl for free drinks and then a bunch of other unfamiliar faces. The music was loud, as it generally was but luckily this place was a no smoking establishment. God, Jungkook hated the smell of smoke. To the point that he refused to go into any bars that allowed it no matter how good the drinks were made.


Two shots and two glasses of rum and coke were sat down in front of the men. They reached for the patron at the same time. Raising their glasses up,


“This is only the beginning.”


Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes but he didn’t, he was in for a long night. Clinking the small shot glasses together they tapped them on the bartop and then downed the clear liquid. Setting them both on the bar, Jungkook tried not to grimace but Jimin pointed it out immediately. His hand was at the younger’s back rubbing comforting if not mocking circles. Jungkook jerked away from his hyung.


“Aww our Jungkookie hasn’t had patron in a while huh?” The sickeningly sweet tone only earned a glare from the younger.


“Shut up hyung, you know I’ve never cared for patron.” He waved the bartender over and pushed the glasses to her, raising two fingers indicating that they’d take two more. He may not care for patron but he wasn’t going to let Jimin mock him all night about it either.


“More? So soon? That’s my boy!” Raising a brow, Jungkook picked up his rum and cook and took a swig of it. He wasn’t sure that his best friend was going to survive the night if he continued to act this way.

It wasn’t long before the two had a couple shots in them, two full drinks and were on the dance floor killing it. By killing it, Jungkook meant that all eyes were on Jimin and himself as they grinded to some R&B song that his hyung had requested like an hour ago and were only just now hearing. Dancing with Jimin, well in this case he wasn’t sure just how much dancing they were doing but dancing with Jimin had always been one of his favorite things to do. The other knew how to match his movements, when to pull him closer, when to move away and he definitely knew how to let Jungkook grip his hips just so. Did he mention that Jimin was a good kisser? Because he was. Those plump lips of his just knew the right way to work and it wasn’t any surprise that they were working Jungkook’s lips right now. Tugging none to gently on Jimin’s bottom lip, he let go of it to take another sip of his rum and coke.


“Jimin-aahh, my drink’s almost empty, wha’s the next s-shot?” Jungkook’s words were beginning to slur but neither of them noticed and even if had they wouldn’t have cared. The warmth that spread throughout them from the alcohol felt just right and amount of laughter they had tonight topped all previous nights. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to go crazy with the shots every so often. Jungkook would need to rethink on this matter.


Patting Jungkook on the , he grabbed the younger's wrist and dragged him stumbling up to the bar for the next round. Neither had noticed that eyes had been following them for a good portion of the night. Neither had noticed that two people had made space for them at the bar.


“What’s next Jimin-ssi” They were becoming very friendly with the bartender who was still popping out of her top and if possible maybe even a bit more now than before.


“How about body shots?”


The suggestion came from a voice that was much deeper than either of the two but Jimin didn’t even blink an eye,


“ yes! Tequila. Kookie, get on the bar.” Jungkook was still swaying to the music and had zoned out so when he heard his name he grew confused.




“Ugh, I’ll do it.” Jimin immediately began ing his shirt, taking his sunglasses and placing them on the head of the person on the other side of him without even asking. It was an understatement to say that Park Jimin wasn’t intoxicated right now. Hopping up onto the bar, the voice that suggested body shots belonged to the person who helped clear the bar space for Jimin. Swinging his legs up onto the bar, Jimin laid down and the bartender was already preparing the tequila, salt and lime.


Coming back over, she placed the lim between Jimin’s teeth, sprinkled some salt around his belly button and placed the shot glass on top. All the while, Jungkook’s eyes just grew wider at his hyung.




Was he doing this? Right now? Damn… the bartender was waiting, the man next to him with Jimin’s glasses and the shorter guy with him were looking. Shrugging more to himself than anyone else, Jungkook stepped up, leaning over he picked up the shot glass with his mouth and downed it, the salt around Jimin’s navel and then on the lime from Jimin’s mouth.


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 1: Just wow!! <3 And that nickname really suits him ^^
Angeleo09 #2
Chapter 1: Oh gosh please I need more!!
More Jikook. ♥
peggyw #3
Chapter 1: Entertaining