(Sung Rin POV) Training

His Shy Boy

It hadn't took long after the fan chat for everyone to start shipping Mark, Yugyeom and SB together. The two actually didn't seem to mind being shipped with their new brother. I however did not enjoy it. Their both really cute to me. I have to admit that Mark is cuter however it seemed like everyone else did too. When we left the dorm, so many gifts for Mark and Jackson. I only knew this cause it had their names and faces all over the packaging. Mark seems to have taken me in as his dongsaeng as he tends to me more than the two leaders. JB seems unsure of me and Jinyoung just wants to help it seems. Unless I'm looking at their behavior wrong I mean. I don't know if I am though. I have nothing to reference it to. They are strangers to me and me them. I literally met them like what two days ago. There is no way that I can know their behavior by now.

"Sung Rin! Hey are you ready for this?"

I shrug, I don't know if I am ready to start dancing with them. They're saying it's just a lesson. Bull. It's being filmed! It can't be a lesson if everyone gets to watch.

"It's okay. No one expects you to be the best dancer. You just have to learn our moves." Jinyoung smiles at me. Trying to be comforting I think. Wish I could say it was comforting. So they decide to do a practice as the camera crew sets up. I hang my head as Jinyoung and Jackson try to teach me the moves to My Swagger. The words to the song were easier than the moves. "Here try this."

Jinyoung couldn't get me to dance halfway good. Yugyeom took me outside the practice room. He had me drink a bottle of water. "You don't have to be a good dancer. You could be a singer. Or a rapper I guess."

I had to smile. Yugyeom is too sweet. "Thank you."

Yugyeom's face lit up. "No problem! If you need anything just ask."

"Yugyeom...I'm not good...with...attention." He pats my head smiling at me. We went back in the room where Mark took my hand to lead me to the front. Making me front and center for the cameras. I felt my legs turn to stone and my mind go blank. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this! 

"Why don't we put him off to the side? Doesn't seem fair."

JB looks at me as I try to smile at Yugyeom. I think I have a friend finally. 

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 3: Interesting start! Can't wait to see what you have in store for shy boy. Hope to read more soon!
Chapter 3: SB is sooo cute and with Mark and Yugyeom *squeeeeel*