
Only Mine

AN: If yoy haven't read last chapter, then you should because I added some things to it. Btw, please check out my other story and comment!

He was all unpacked and now went to bed, exhausted from all the moving around required just to bring his things up the stairs. He laid there, closing his eyes and then drifting off to sleep, quietly and quickly. 


Jimin woke up, and felt something pushing him down from one side of his body. He grumbled our of discomfort and rose his head to see what was weighing half his body down. 

He looked over to where it was and saw Yoongi, cuddling him like a teddybear. "Yoongi!! Wake up!!" Jimin said, hitting the other with one of the pillows. Yoongi awoke and rubbed his eyes like a child. 

"What...." He grumbled as he continued to rub his eyes. "If you are asking me why I am sleeping in the bed then it is because I live alone, and since I live alone, there is only one bed. And since there is only one bed, I have to sleep here. If you don't like it, sleep on the couch." he explained in one go. 

Jimin then wondered how he was positioned like that because as he remebered from yesterday, he was sleeping with his back against the bed, staring up at the cieling. 

He stared at Yoongi's pale face which turned even paler in the sunlight. He noticed that Jimin was looking at him and smirked. "What? Am I beautiful? He smirked, leaving Jimin hiding in the cover, blushing hard. 

He shook his head in the covers and Yoongi laughed out of satisfaction. "Good." He said, and laid on top of Jimin, making him able to breathe. "Yoongi... You're heavy!!" and Yoongi laughed it off, not getting off. 

Jimin was suffocating inside the covers since it was hot. Suga finally let go and Jimin gasped, the cool air in the masion hitting his face, making all the other hot air run away. 

He punched Yoongi in the arm and chase him around the house. Yoongi knew the house better since he lived there, and so he could hide from Jimin anytime. 

Jimin was lost though since it was only his second day in the masion. He was easily lost, but then found the kitchen almost immediately. Since it was still morning, he decided that it would be right to cook something for himself since there were no cooks in the kitchen yet. 

_Another View_ 

Yoongi hid in the closet, waiting for Jimin to come find him and start punching him immediately, but then heard and saw nothing. Where'd he go? Yoongi decided to walk out the closet and find Jimin instead. 

He walked out, and to the kitchen in the first thing since it was morning and he seemed like a person who liked to cook. He walked there and indeed did find Jimin cooking. 

Jimin was at the oven, just stirring some fried eggs in a pan, humming a sweet melody to himself. He turned around and saw Yoongi, sitting in the chairs ont he table, heads down. 

Jimin walked over to the table and patted his head, slightly whispering,"Are you tired?" in Yoongi's ears. That made his heart race a little. Yoongi lifted his head immediately and pulled Jimin down. 

"Were you worried about me?" He said, pushing Jimin back. JImin frowned. "No. I'm not. Not with that attitude of yours." Jimin said, bringing his plate to the nearest spot where he could sit and eat. 

As long as it was not with the boy with attitude problems, it was fine wherever he ate. As Jimin ate, Yoongi rose from his position and went somewhere, which Jimin did not see him go. 

Jimin quikly finished his breakfast and tried to find the stairs that lead up to his bedroom Yesterday, he barely came here so some things were famliar at the very least. 

Luckily, Yoongi gave a little tour around before he started bringing all his items, but then, he still got lost in this magnificent building which seemed to never stop getting any bigger. 

Jimin finaly found upstairs and roamed around the rooms, checking each one and found Yoongi in the cimputer room, or so it seems. He did not want Yoongi to notice that he was there, so he quietly closed the door, only for the stupid door to creek and catch Yoongi's attention. 

"What are you doing?" He asked Jimin as he quickly closed the door. Jimin exited the room, leaving Yoongi's question. He ran like the wind back downstairs, because he knew that if Yoongi caught him, he would probably harrass him. 

Jimin came back to where he was and tried to find the way which lead to the outside, only to find the backdoor instead, which was good enough. Before he went outside, he saw fences, and trees. 

The backyard was just as magnificent as the building, but the thing was, it was like a forest in the back of the masion. He didn't care, he wanted to escape although he had only stayed there for 2 days. 

Although. it may seem like he was a coward, he wasn't. Of course he could stand the boy's problem, but for Yoongi to then harrass him everyday was a big no-no to him. And so before Yoongi gets a headstart, he would rather run away. 

He walked out, barefoot and touched the fence. It was super tall, but then supported with extra wood. The extra wood made it easier for Jimin to climb out the house and into the forest. 

As soon as he reached inside the forest, he stumbled but then slowed his pace, since it seemed like he had twisted his foot and if there were snakes, he would not get attacked. 

He walekd carefully and slowly, until he heard someone call his name. "Jimin!! Don't go in there!!" and Jimin turned around to the caller's voice. It was Yoongi.

"What?!" Jimin called back, he didn't hear what Yoongi had said. He was terrified as to why Yoongi was running towards him like there was danger. Yoongi again repeated what he said and ran towards him. 

Before he could reach Yoongi though, he felt something bite him. The sheer pain spreaded througout his body. He heard hissing sounds like this before. It was very quiet hissings, and it made Jimin uncomfortable. 

Jimin fell to the fallen leaves and his eyelids seemed to heavy to even open anymore. Jimin fell and laid there, lifeless like a doll. He saw a snake, slowly hissing his way. 

Jimin closed his eyes, for he was too tired and restless. Jimin was not tired of course, but if that snake had poisoned him, it probably would've late for anyone to save his life right now, as he is paralyzed. 

He felt numb. Simply put, he couldn't move at all. Yoongi called out his name again, and then 

black out..

-After a While-

Yoongi had killed the snake and Jimin had awoken to a familiar room. He slowly lifted his eyelids, feeling tired all of the sudden. Yoongi laid there as it was already night. 

He looked down to where Yoongi laid. His hand was weighed down with Yoongi's pale hands holding his. He was surely sleeping. Jimin smiled at the thought of someone cold like Yoongi saving him. 

He patted yoongi's hair, careful not to wake him up. Of course, he knew sooner or later, he would make another mistake and cause trouble for Yoongi. But he wasn't going to back down since he had saved Jimin's life. 

And with the thought in mind, he drifted to wonderland. 

_After a While_

Jimin awoke for the second time, and now it was morning. Yoongi was gone from his side, but then his sweet scent still lingered on the side which he laid on. 

The smell was indeed sweet. Jimin tried to lift up his body, putting his hands behind his back to support himself. He scrunched up his nose from trying to get up and saw Yoongi coming in with a plate with.. food?

Jimin stared as Yoongi slowly entered, watching him trying to get off the bed from a distance. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asked as he came closer. Jimin replied with a nothing and felt is leps go numb again. 

"Hey Yoongi. I got bit by a snake right?" Jimin asked. Yoongi nodded as he set the plate down on the table next to the bed and sat on te edge of te bed. "How'd I get here?" He asked. 

Yoongi looked dumbfounded. "I carried you here what else?" Yoongi said, sassily. Jimin did not like his way of speaking on bit. "Seriously?" He asked Yoongi. 

He shook his head and replied sarcastically,"Nooo.. you were brought here by a big bird and then brought to the afterlife.." he said as he scooped some food from the plate and ate it. 

Jimin looked as he ate and pouted. "Isn't that my food?" he asked. Yoongi turned to him. "No. It's mine." he replied, sarcastically again. He really did not like this dude. 

"Ok. I'll go make me something in the kitchen then." Jimin said as he arose, feeling his legs go limp, but not minding it. He walked slowly out the door until he felt something pull him down onto the bed. 

Yoongi pulled him down the bed and encaged him by wrapping his whole legs around his waist. "What makes you think that I will let you escape again?" Yoongi smirked as he whispered in Jimin's ears. 

Jimin turned back and covered his ears, not showing any signs of embarrasement. "I'm not escaping." Jimin replied, and bit Yoongi's legs. Yoongi let go, surprised, and Jimin walked off. 

"Haha... Intresting..." Yoongi smiled. 

Jimin cooked for himself since Yoongi would not give the food to him. When Yoongi finished with the food, he brought it out to te kitchen and placed it in the sink were Jimin cooked. 

"Seriously?" Jimin asked. Yoongu nodded and smiled. "From now on, you have to wash your own dish.." Jimin scolded. Yoongi scrunched up his nose and frowned. 

"i don't want to..." Yoongu whined as he came to the sink and poked it with one finger. Jimin made a face that said ;really', and Yoongi shuddered. "Ahaha.... it's getting cold isn;t it..?" Yoongi faked as he scooted closer away from the sink and Jimin, 

"You are not getting away!!" Jimin yelled at Yoongi as he threw a spoon at Yoongi's head. Yoongi then fell down, hurting at his head and complained. "You're a gangster, now stop whining." Jimin said as he went back to cooking. 

That's right he was. Why'd he listen to this kid's words? He was the mighty gangster which everybody feared at school.. so wat happened? Yoongi rolled his eyes and rose from his position. 

Jimin heard a door click, showing that Yoongi went inside a room, also locking it after. Jimin did not care nevertheless. He continued to cook and ate what he made, favoring every bite. 

Jimin finished eating breakfast, and laid his dish in the sink, washing it right after. Suddenly, he heard another door click and turned around to see who it was, only to see Yoongi, all dressed up. 

"What?" Yoongi stared at Jimin watched him make is way out the door. "Where are you going?" Jimin asked. Yoongi opened te door, the sunlight shining on his pale face. 

"Ugh...too bright......" Yoongi complained as he stepped out the house and waited at the porch outside. "Hurry up and ready. I'll tell you where we are going later." Yoongi said as he examined his nails. 

"Okay??? Why?" Jimin asked. Yoongi looked at him and took his sunglasses off, putting is mask on. "Because I told you to do so." Ordered Yoongi as he sared at Jimin's clothes. 

"Why are you putting on a mask anyways..?" Jimin asked as he headed towards the stairs. Yoongi shook is head to fix his hair and told Jimin to just hurry up, which he did. 

Jimin entered the car, looking around at the large space between Yoongi and him, including the driver. "Where do you want to go, sir?" the driver asked. Yoongi explained where he wanted to go and the driver nodded. 

They left, and Jimin watched as the house disappeared, only to form into a small white building. "What are you looking at?" Yoongi said, snarling for no random reason. 

Jimin shook his head. Yoongi didn't take it though as nothing. Yoongi took out his phone and seemed like he was doing something online, since it reflected in his eyes. 

And then there was no longer any light. "Crap... there's no battery..." Yoongi mummered as Jimin stared at him. "Language..." he scolded. Although, Jimin was a gangster, he only used curses when he was reallllllly angry, which was super rare. 

Yoongi looked at him and laughed. "What are you my mom?" Yoongi laughed as Jimin punched his arm. "Just to inform you, I would not like to live with someone who curses. Including your attitude problems, you are going to go no where in the future if you continue.." Jimin said as he looked out thw window.

Yoongi then shutted up and the driver slightly laughed. Yoongi glared at the driver, which seemed to be a young man, maybe even younger then Jimin and Yoongi was. 

"I like your companion!" the boy laughed as he continued to drive. "Hello.. what?" Yoongi said, fake laughing and resting in his palms. Jimin was confused. 

Suddenly the driver said,"My name's Jin." and looked back at the road, where there were many people on the streets. "It's going to take a while to get at your destination.." Jin said as he pretended to examine the road, ignoring the death glare behind him. 

Jimin laughed. "You have a nice worker. He has a positive attitude unlike a certain someone I know. Maybe you should learn from him." Jimin said as he directed those words to Yoongi. 

And Yoongi laughed. 

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Chapter 13: Ahh again,it cute tho..your stories are simple but still can easily understand..hwaiting
Oh my broken kongrish..sowwyyy
can't wait... :) fighting