Chapter 2

Angels are Demons? and Demons are Angels?

A/N.. Hey everyone,. This is a reupdate on Ch.2 :) Becuase i didnt like how it turned out. I rushed it because i had to go out with family and friends (mainly friends... they need me  x.x.. ) So yeah.. and enjoy.. shorter notice than before.. hehehe x]


Eh. Kevin eyes widened as you suddenly ran. Out of nowhere you were surrounded by Demons on oneside and Angels on another. Ottokhe. Umi! He looked at you. Are we gonna fight? He looked at you. This was the first time in months where youve both been surrounded Angels and Demons.

"Shes ours...." The Angels hissed and the Demons. But the Demons did not retreat. They stood their ground and got ready to attack. "You really dont wanna fight us do you?" The Angels glared at them.

"You really want to mess with us dont you fairies?" The Demons all laughed at how pathetic the Angels were trying to be all tough. "Now.. leave the girl! Take your pathetic Angel friend"

"This boy.. hes a traitor" A male Angel grabbed Kevin and pushed him to the ground but you caught him

Umi what do we d... But his thoughts stopped as you gave him a trusting look. Your head looked at the Demons and Angels who both looked as if a riot would start any second. You helped Kevin balance themself and walk away. They didnt even notice.. Kevin looked back at them. "Hide" You whispered. You hid Kevin inbetween bushes and You hid under a small gap that is hardly seen but you noticed. You felt the prescense of the Angels disappear one way and the Demons another. 

"is it safe.." Kevin choked. You got out of the gap and pulled Kevin out of the bushes. "I was so sure we werent seen" You sighed at your mistake. "Its fine i guess.. lets find a place to hide tonight neh?" You pulled out the hand watch. Not a wrist watch. "Its almost midnight meaning.."

"The moment a demons power is stronger than ever.." Kevin gulped. He grabbed your wrist. "Lets go hide.." You laughed and gave him the 'thats what i just said' sigh. "But where..." Kevin began to walk without realising he had been holding your wrist the whole walk. 

After half an hour.. its was 11:55.. almost midnight.. Oppa looks like hes about to pass out... Your head looked at Kevin who was ready to pass out. You looked around for a moment. Dragging Kevin into a small narrow alley. You sat him down. "Rest..." your voice immediately knocked him out. "Sorry..." You placed your small jacket on top of him as an attempt for a blanket. You sighed. "Its only gonna get harder here on out... " You looked at your wrist as it read 11:59:50. Closing your eyes and looking at the crescent moon. 5...4...3...2...1... You closed your eyes and took a short nap. But woke up after an hour. Your rubbed your eyes. As much as you wanted to sleep. You couldnt.

"Keep looking!" Angels shouted at each other. Angels and Demons looked so much like each other. They have an appearance of humans. Obviously. You watched them kill each other. Or attempt to. The fact they could both use thier own kind of power it was... difficult to even try to touch somone. Humans were scared to go out. But once a human is out past midnight. You can consider them dead. "Shes out here somewhere...." A male angel walked past the alley. You closed your eyes and made your scent invisible.

"This is our terf! Get lost" The Demons and Angels stared at each other. You opened your eyes to see the arguement. But didnt speak a word nor let out a breath. You watched. Blood...everywhere... dead bodies.. disappearing .. like an existence.... Mostly Angels than Demons were being killed for the Midnight Curse.

The Curse is held upon Demons. For 30 minutes. Only 30. A Demon is at an unstoppable amount of power. You will tell when they are at their strongest by their eyes. Their normal eye color will turn blood-shot red. Their speed is faster than you can ever imagine. And their way of fighting... you cant even breathe.

You looked away as they walked away. You let out a deep sigh. "What are you doing?" You flinched and turned your head to see a boy whose squated down at eye level at you. "Are you hiding?" He smiled. You just looked at him. You wanted to run and flee but remembered Kevin was with you. He gave you a disarming loo "I wont hurt you, i promise"

"Please leave" you didnt convince him. Instead he moved to the side next to you. Kevin was in deep sleep and didnt even move.. Its like he was dead. But he wasnt. "I dont want you to get hurt..."

"You wont hurt me" He laughed "I know you wont. Its not in your heart right?" You were shocked. "Uhm.." He was abit embarresed but you didnt notice. "Im sorry for disturbing you... my hyungs told me to leave the house for some fresh air.." He smiled alittle "And i saw you.. so..." He scratched his head.

"So... you just wanted to talk?" You made a questionable face. But then sighed in relief. You looked at your watch. 1:47am. "Why arent you home? How long are you suppose to be out?" You stopped its as if you felt like you gotten to close to him. "Sorry...." You looked down. You werent even sleepy yet you wished you were.

"Its fine. And im not sure. But it doesnt matter anyways. Theyll find me when i h..." He silenced when he heard shouting. "ahh those are my hyungs now" He jumped up excitedly. "Bye bye now!" He ran off without another word. You sighed.  Who was that guy....

"Hyungs! Im here" That boy shouted. 

"Yah! Where were you?" Another boy wearing a baseball cap shouted. "You were suppose to be back at the house before midnight!"

"You never told me that..."

"Whatever.. lets get back.. so where were you doing?" said a boy holding his puppy plush... looks like he was just woken up.

The boy thought for a moment with a mischievous smile. His hyungs were just waiting. "Nothing really." They rolled their eyes and left them. He chased after them and stood next to the boy with glasses. He smiled at himself.

Just talking to an interesting person....


I wonder if this update is better than the last Ch.2 i had..

But those who barely started reading wouldnt know....

Alright than.. who do you think you talked too?

I made it so it was narrowed it down to 2 or 3.. however you wanna think about it :)

Ahh.. this one looks ALOT better than the last one.

Ok bye bye. I got back to school after tomorrow...

Please Subscribe and Comment :)

Bye bye :D

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You could use Kim Shin Yeong as 'You':<br />
<br />
I LOVE your story, you just need to add some designs. And TADA~ Your story will be freakin' famous. Seriously. I'll support you~! #anavidfanhere
Your storyline looks interesting. No kidding. It's out of the ordinary.
iNicole #3
caaan't wait for the first chapter :D supporting you(:
it sounds good! cant wait for the first chapter!!! <3<3