Chapter 1

Angels are Demons? and Demons are Angels?

A/N: Before reading im gonna let you know that their might be some matureness somewhere in the story.. Not anything weird.. just like iness n stuff.. haha ok XD Just like Boyfriends story i might go off topic somewhere around the story... Enjoy though :O oh.. and im rarely gonna use POVs... only for like flashbacks... plus i dont feel like adding chapter titles so... haha mianhae...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats all that you were thinking. Your need for breath when you ran was never needed as you ran through a crowded street. You felt them still following you. Your head moved left. Then slowly paneled right as if thats the side your gonna be attacked from. You sensed several presences as you passed people. Angel..Angel...Demon..demon.. angel... Your head shook in fright on who would jump first. "Umi..." You turned your head to see somone grabbing your shoulder. "Lets rest for a bit? neh? " You sighed in relief to see your childhood friend Kevin. Hes been with you since your 10th birthday where you both met in Samch'ok. You never wanted Kevin to even come putting him at risk of danger. But he followed you no matter what. Talk about a friend...

You smiled at him alittle then said "Just for a while... neh?" Kevin beamed. His smile was like a mini angel. He is an Angel. You pulled him into an unpopulate cafe. "Want me to order?" He shook his head like a little kid. You gave a small sigh and sat down as he got up and stood in line. His eyes never left where you sat until it was his time to order. Kevin is a childish person. Even though hes older than You by 2 years. (A/N If you dont count the 2 years added in hes 19 and your 17) 

You tapped the table. Peoples eyes were on you because you gave off a bad prescense. First instinct from a strange was that your a Demon. You didnt really care. You sighed. Umma.. appa.. its almost that time of year.. your.... "Here you go!" You flinched as Kevin gave you a mocha frappe. "Something wrong?" He pouted. You pouted back at him just to . "Im serious"

"Aniyo" You sighed with a small smile. "Its almost that time of year....." The death of your parents... wich is also your birthday. You took a small sip before immediately placing it down sticking out your tongue. Kevin laughed alittle before drinking his black coffee. "Not funny oppa" You sighed. You immediatly shivered. You leaned foreward so only Kevin can hear you. He leaned foreward aafter pushinghis coffee aside. "Somones here..." You tilted your head toward the door. Kevins eyes narrowed in on a femal with dirty blonde hair, she was in all black looking as if she wanted to kill somone. She gave off a Demon prescense. Other demons .. mainly boys whistled at her. But she gave them death glares.

"What do we do?" Kevin stared at me. You leaned back. You looked at him and mouthed 'stay calm... shes not strong enough to know its me...' at that moment she walked past you two. Kevins heart was beating fast and the demons eyes immediatly caught on him. You rushed to kevins side before she turned her head to see that your head was on his shoulder holding his hand. you sent a message through your head to kevin 'stay like this....' 

After a long wait she left. Followed by you and Kevin a little afterwards. "Here" He handed you his scarf he kept in his backpack "Your cold right?" You thanked him before putting it on. "Can you believe i kept it?" You looked down at the design and was alittle shocked.

"No..." You smiled at him evily and walked away from him. Kevins jaw dropped then chased after you. "Do you plan on leaving Seoul?" Kevin asked alittle sad. I like it here.. its kinda dangerous... You looked away for a moment then said "Its nice here.. if we dont blow our cover and find a nice semi-permanent home we can stay here for a while" You grabbed his hand and continued walking "How does that sound?" You laughed "Honey~" Kevin jumped at the words and he flushed red.

"Yah!" he shouted pulling his hand away. You jumped onto the side of a small wall and balanced there. "Dont play games on me.. are you serious about staying here?" You stopped and wobbled alittle. You smiled at him with a 'yes' look. "Eh.. but we dont have money.. and uh.."

"Stop being over thinky.. your blood type O...." You kept walking on the wall having Kevin run after you. You pushed your arms into your pocket "You make me feel like your blood type A..." You saw the wall have an end and jumped down making Kevin flinch. "Dont worry. .things will work out ok?" Kevin nodded. You grabbed his wrist and tightedened your scarf.

You got closer to him and whispered "Now run"


Anyeong! Happy first chapter :)

Haha wow B1A4 Fool is playing on my phone.. Happy happy..

its 7:08 am.. i woke up around 5:41 from a strange nightmare..

Ima keep updating so stay tuned :D 

Oh.. and Subscibe + Comment 

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You could use Kim Shin Yeong as 'You':<br />
<br />
I LOVE your story, you just need to add some designs. And TADA~ Your story will be freakin' famous. Seriously. I'll support you~! #anavidfanhere
Your storyline looks interesting. No kidding. It's out of the ordinary.
iNicole #3
caaan't wait for the first chapter :D supporting you(:
it sounds good! cant wait for the first chapter!!! <3<3