Chapter 3

Angels are Demons? and Demons are Angels?

Ugh.. what time is long was i asleep. Kevin moaned as he put his back straight against the wall. Where am i... He shook his head. "So your finally up" He jumped to see you have been watching him. Was she watching me all night? "I wasnt watching you all night.. theres no point.. you do the same thing everyday..; drool and mumble randomness" You looked away to see a small amount of people roaming the streets. You sighed. "Lets start walking again" and got up.

"Wait.. did you sleep?" Kevin asked abit concerned. He saw how much you wobbled. He suddenly realised what you said "Yah! i dont drool!" He blushed. You laughed at him alittle. You walked away from him to other end of the alley having Kevin chased after you. "You know im w-"

"Worried... Oppa i know.. but because its me i cant really afford to sleep.. especially since we dont have a home" You did your best not to fall or atleast trip on the stairs as you reached a small plaza. "Im more concerned about you than myself.. ive told you this alot" Kevin just nodded his head because he knew it was true. "So.. where to now" You walked up to a map up Seoul. Wich was huge! but the image changed every few seconds from a small part to a the whole city of Seoul. "We're here.." You pointed to the star.  "Lets have breakfast somewhere..." 

"Not now..." Kevin said in a hushed tone. "Watchers..." You agreed with him. You both avoided the eyes of people staring at you and walked along the path. "Where are we going now?" You shook your head because he asked this yesturday aswell. You took out your watch. Its only noon.. we should keep walking alittle more but... You looked into a small restraunt cafe to see the boy you talked to yesturday. You remembered him for his smile. He was surrounded by 4 other males who were all smiling at him. Hes... "Umi?" You flinched. "Sorry... what are you thinking about"

"Lets stop by here" You grabbed Kevins wrist without hesitation. Kevin didnt argue because it was the first time out of a long time of traveling that you wanted to sit down  and rest. Most the time your always saying 'lets keep going.. alittle longer then we'll rest'. You sat down in a two seated table. That boy's eyes easily followed you. Its her... He smiled to himself and gave a small laugh. The girls in the cafe squealed. "I'll order neh?"

"Yeah..." Kevin smiled alittle. Im glad shes taking a break... but why here... this store is far from the center of Seoul.. is that why... Kevin thought about it while you walked up to the cashier. 

This girl.. i cant read her.. is she human... "May i take your order?" The boy with a baseball cap said with no smile. You stared at him. Can she read me though.. i thought i hid the fact im a Demon.. ugh maybe i should practice more...

"Actually.. i was wondering if i can talk to that boy over there..." Your eyes narrowed to the boy whose laughing with what you remember. His hyungs. 

"GongChan? Ah.. ok hold on..." He left after puting his notepad down. Why does she need to talk to GongChan.. does she have a relation with him..  Ack! He bumped his head into a wall without noticing. Damn.. He stood up again and walked up to GongChan. "Hey.. theres a girl who wants to talk to you" His head paneled toward the you who looked alittle faint.

GongChan smiled. Ahh shes probably gonna ask about last night if im correct.. "Thanks hyung" He smiled and left. He walked up behind you and tapped your shoulders. "Hey" He smiled at you. Like those first meeting smiles in weird romance movies. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" He raised and eye brow like he didnt know.

"You already know what im gonna ask" You didnt smile. Your hands were gripping the menu that was left there on the counter. You knew your stomache would growl at any moment. "Please explain how you saw me..." You looked up from the menu.

Eh.. why is she so concerned about me noticing her... GongChan moved around the counter so hes infront of the cash register. "Its nothing.. i saw you.. and thought you were interesting.. i was also wondering why you were hiding there" You raised your eye brow and gave a slight sigh. "But other than that.. you were a time passer..." Your draw dropped alittle. But then returned.

"Is that so.. " You looked at Kevin who was still lost in his train of thought. Come back to earth kevin.. You smiled alittle. "Alright then.. ill have a number 1 and 3" You handed him the menu. "Me and my friend better keep looking around... after we eat i mean" You reached into your bag that never leaves your side and pulled out a bill. "Keep the change... its not a big tip.

"Eh....alright.... what are you looking for" He gave a very interested smile before pressing the buttons on the cash register. "I can help you look for it"

"Its technacly not an it...." You sighed... You realised that it was just another 3 days before...

"Eh.. than what is it...." GongChan said as he went back around the counter to face you.

You let out a small sigh... and then said... 

"An Answer...."

(Theres more.. keep reading)









You told GongChan to come talk to you after you and Kevin were done eating. You handed Kevin his hamburger meal as you ate your pizza. You found it alittle shocking that this shop had a big variety. There was food from all over the world. This shop wasnt even categorised as World. But it almost had alot on the menu. But back on subject. Kevin swallowed his first bite of the burger before asking. "So.. you really wanna explain the situation to this guy? You dont know him..." 

You shrugged it off then took a sip of your juice. Yes you got juice. You're not a big fan of cola. "I guess.. he seems trust worthy.. he seems different....i dont know.. something is just telling me to trust him" You took a bite of your pizza.

"Maybe your trusting him because hes cute" Kevin snickered.

"No.. i dont fall for a persons charm. You know that." You looked into his eyes then sighed again.

"You sigh to much.." You jumped at the words of the boy with the cap. "Is it a habit?" He raised an eye brow.

"Yes.. it is" You sighed again just to and Kevin who just laughed. "why are you here?"

He laughed "I cant check out my cutie customer?" He winked. You ignored it. You had no interest in players. Let along Demon players.

"Demon.." You said staring at him. He flinched. How did she know.... "Your very bad at hiding your prescense.. well to me.. i dont know about oppa.." 

You turned to look at oppa. "I didnt know..." You sighed and looked at him. "Guess its just me." You smirked at him. He just jolted and walked away. He grabbed GongChans arm and went into the kitchen. You finished your pizza and stood up. "Ima try to find the bathroom" Kevin just nodded his head because his mouth was full.

You walked over to the kitchen door and just kept your back there and listened to their conversation. You didnt care if it was eavesdropping. You already knew what there were gonna talk about anyway. Or you had the best clue in the world.

"That girl is freaky!" The baseball capped boy shouted. "She figured i was a Demon! and i know i used the best of my power to hide it!"

"Hyung calm down!" GongChan said. "Maybe youre power somehow dropped and she figure it out like that"

"No... i cant even tell if shes human! She has such a mix of a prescense! Shes so... what the word..." the boy turned around to think.

"Whats going on?" said a different voice.

"Ah! Jinyoung Hyung, Baro hyung is just confused thats all" GongChan said.

Jinyoung..Baro... who are they....wait.. Baseball cap boy must be Baro... than whose Jinyoung?

"Confused? About what?" Jinyoung said staring at Baro

"A girl..." GongChan snickered. Baro turned around and hit him on the forehead. "Yah!" He chased Baro out of the kitchen.

They both stopped and saw you. Their jaw dropped. "You..." GongChan said. You stared at him for a moment then pushed yourself off the wall. "How much did you hear..." You glared at them for a moment. Then sighed. As if it didnt matter....

"It doesnt matter...All i know is that your hiding something.. Just. Like. Me."


Anyeong! Its 8:11pm here :) This story i find alot more interesting. 

Because im not doing POVs hehe

Looks like i introduced GongChan,Baro, and Jinyoung :)

But not thoroughly.... Hopefully next time :)



Ok.. haha 

What do you think your hiding?

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You could use Kim Shin Yeong as 'You':<br />
<br />
I LOVE your story, you just need to add some designs. And TADA~ Your story will be freakin' famous. Seriously. I'll support you~! #anavidfanhere
Your storyline looks interesting. No kidding. It's out of the ordinary.
iNicole #3
caaan't wait for the first chapter :D supporting you(:
it sounds good! cant wait for the first chapter!!! <3<3