
i'll wipe your tears away (and everything else)

Taehyung’s been watching Jimin for the better part of ten minutes. How he curled up on the simple cushion Taehyung has for his low table with his arms around his legs, how he started squirming, the way he started wiggling and curling up his toes.


He’s really adorable. Taehyung has a hard time not cooing when Jimin starts shifting around, alternatively loosening his grip on his legs and looking like he wants to sit normally and then pulling them tight against his chest again.


“Hey Jiminie,” Taehyung says, managing not to smirk. “Want some more water?”


“I–What? Oh. Yes?” Jimin babbles while squeezing his thighs together, hard.


Nothing is actually stopping Jimin from excusing himself to the bathroom aside from him being so shy around strangers.


Although they’re not really strangers. Taehyung mulls it over on the short way to the kitchen that is more an extension to the living room than anything else. Jimin can definitely hear him fill up two glasses with water. He doesn’t turn around to check if Jimin’s squirming even more now, but he can imagine it just fine.


They’ve been best friends right up until they were eight and Jimin’s family had to move away. Over the internet they still had contact and Taehyung likes to think they’re still best friends ten years later, and he thinks Jimin might feel the same, only he’s insecure and probably needs some reassurance first.


Taehyung wouldn’t mind if Jimin were to wet himself and the cushion he’s sitting on. He could deal with it when they were kids and he can deal with it now. When they were children Jimin was usually the one who looked out for Taehyung except when it came to that. Taehyung had to ask if they could both go to the bathroom or when it was too late and Jimin had already peed himself he’d wet himself out of solidarity so they’d both get yelled at and he’d hold Jimin’s hand through it.


He hands Jimin one of the glasses with a smile and gets blinded by Jimin’s smile in return, like Taehyung being nice and smiling is enough to make him forget he’s about to have an accident. Jimin holds the glass with both of his small hands, looking like a kid, and takes a gulp.


After the second one his eyes widen and he carefully sets the glass down and shifts a bit more so that his thighs are still pressed together but almost crossed.


Taehyung takes a sip of his own water.


“Um, Tae, I–” Jimin starts, stops, fidgets around, and sighs.


“Are you okay, Jiminie?” Taehyung asks, putting his own glass back down as well, but Jimin only nods and takes the glass again. Jimin is probably going to wet himself soon and if the worry on his face is any indication it might make him cry, so Taehyung decides to have some mercy. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”


Jimin’s face gets so red and he stutters a lot. Eventually though he meekly says, “Yes, sorry.”


“That’s okay,” says Taehyung and gets up, holding out a hand for Jimin to take. “I’ll show you where it is.”


It’s honestly not necessary because Taehyung’s apartment is roughly the size of a shoebox and they passed by the bathroom when they came through the front door, but Jimin still takes Tae’s hand and lets himself be pulled up carefully.


Jimin follows Taehyung, shuffling a bit, his thighs close together, and if he had to guess he’d say Jimin already leaked a bit. He doesn’t check for any damp spots that might be there.


Half-way to the bathroom, a slightly longer short way than to the pseudo-kitchen, Jimin stops them with a tiny squeak. Taehyung already knows what he’ll see when he turns around and it would be a lie to say that he isn’t a little excited. He also feels a little guilty when he sees Jimin’s flushed cheeks and wide eyes, because he could have asked earlier if Jimin had to go, but he just had to make it worse and draw it out. Excitement wins out, though, when he sees the wet spot on Jimin’s crotch that’s growing larger and the way it expands down his thighs in streaks.


“Oh," Jimin breathes, “oh no.” The stream of his pee weakens a bit like he’s trying to hold back but it doesn’t work. It’s going down his legs in rivulets and he’s already standing in a small puddle, his jeans and socks soaked. Jimin lifts a foot uncertainly, but places it back down in the puddle when it drips with pee. He whimpers a little and Taehyung can see tears in the corners of his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Tae. Sorry.”


Taehyung puts his hands on Jimin’s shoulders and shushes him. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Just let it all out here, we’ll go to the bathroom when you’re done. Less mess like that.”


“Okay,” Jimin agrees in a watery voice and bites his lip. He’s still peeing and Taehyung’s kind of worried about how much he was holding, but mostly Taehyung thinks it’s the cutest thing. Somehow. Since Jimin is always the cutest, it stands to reason that he’d still be the cutest when he wets himself, so he doesn’t question it too much.


The puddle is big enough now that it reaches Taehyung’s feet and his socks get soaked too. It’s not his favorite thing to step in liquid while he has socks on but it’s warms and it’s from Jimin, so Taehyung smiles and steps closer and presses a kiss against Jimin’s cheek, almost at the corner of his teary eyes. Jimin doesn’t look so distressed anymore, but his arms a hovering like he doesn’t know what to do with them, so Taehyung pulls him closer by his shoulders and settles his arms around his own waist in a hug, even if it gets his own pants a bit wet.


They stand like that until the stream of Jimin’s pee becomes a trickle and eventually stops completely. Taehyung affectionately rubs his cheek against the top of Jimin’s head, causing him to giggle.


He should clean them and the place up soon, though, before it gets too gross and Jimin gets uncomfortable again.  


“Next time you can just go without asking, you know.” To the bathroom. Taehyung means.


“...In the living room?” Admittedly, he’s left it a bit open for interpretation after this whole scene, so Taehyung doesn’t fault Jimin for misunderstanding. And he did already think about how he wouldn’t mind if it happened.


“Sure. It would be cute.” You’re cute, Taehyung doesn’t add. Jimin can probably figure it out.  


“You’re weird,” Jimin says happily and giggles again.


“Yeah,” Taehyung says, leading Jimin towards the bathroom again, this time to shower. “That’s why you like me.”

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Chapter 1: Oh my, that's going to be weird for some people...
But my Jiminie is so cute♡~♡
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Chapter 1: Wow, that's complete acceptance!