

I was thinking

All night

What I'm going to do with the job

And I decided

That I will leave.

I was smiling like crazy because of the kiss that Tae gave me. I had to get up for school. I did as usually and in the last minutes I had breakfast, then gave kisses to my mom and brother, walking outside with my backpack. I heard them whispering about how I was smiling for the first time in front of them after my father's death. So i arrived in front of the shop and saw Taehyun there. He hugged me and so did I, then we walked together to school. It was great until I felt the stares of the others. It was really uncomfortable, so I slowly stopped smiling and looked at my feet. Taehyun wrapped his hand around my shoulders and whispered in my ear to lift my head and look at him and when I did, he smiled and caressed my shoulder with his palm. In the classroom we sat together and we didn't disturb each other. On the lunch break we went to my favorite place. We were talking about classic literature and romantic poems, he even recited one for me and I blushed again, then he saw the mark on my cheek. He barely touched it and asked "What is this?". I said that I hit my face in the window when I was traveling with the bus but he didn't believe. "It was your bully, right?" I looked down again and he hugged me, trying to comfort the things. "Don't worry, I'm here with you. I will protect you,because.." He lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes. "Because I like you, Jiyoo." Tae said and came closer until our lips met for a gentle and meaningful kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, placing my palm on his face. Soon we heard hand-clapping that made us jump and separate from each other and look at them. Oh God whyy? Hanbin, Bobby and Jinhwan were there. They were smirking devilish and soon he started talking. "Live in the backyard of school. Tsk tsk, it's a shame that we aren't invited." "Give me back my phone, Hanbin." I said and he quickly throw at me a broken plastic thing. noooo! My jaw dropped and I whined. "Why would you protect her, guy, you aren't a ." laughed Trashbin and of course his girlfriend Booty added his stupid jokes "Teach me how to kiss like that. I'm talking to the guy, not to you, ." No wonder you're always with boys. I rolled my eyes and Taehyun hid my face in his chest by gently pushing my head forwards it. "I see you don't like her and you won't leave her alone but why do you do that?" He asked and I grabbed fistfulls of his T-shirt. Why are you even asking, Tae? Can't you see I'm ugly, poor and unhappy? Well, I'm happy now, because of you and.. Him smiling. *Hanbin's POV* I suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. "Listen now, ing newbie, she's the I'm ing and paying every night, I can do whatever I want with her" she screamed "that's not true, don't believe him" and i raised my hand high "do you want another slap?" her ugly half stood up immediately and ran to me but Bobby and Jinhwan stopped him and threw the gay on the ground, starting to kick him while I was trying to shut this up. I slapped her again and grabbed her by the hair, pushing her to bent over the bench. "if you don't ing shut up, I will you in front of all people's eyes even your boyfriend would like that. Ya, leave him breathe, it's too early to kill him" surprisingly, she finally shut . But with hers, there came longer silence. I turned around to see My girlfriend. I'm now in the . *Jiyoo's POV* Another slap are you serious Hanbin?! Well, I didn't want to end up being in front of everybody, including Tae, so I shut up. I turned around my head a bit so I could see what's going on but there was just a girl. I didn't know who is she, maybe neither the others. She was really pretty and looked mad. He pushed me away and so did the others with Taehyun. "Are you ing crazy?! You promised me that you won't be bullying the others but you broke the promise." He was about to say something but she interrupted him. "I don't want to listen. I had enough. We aren't couple anymore. Take your ing gift and don't you dare to talk to me." She threw him the golden bracelet with his letter on it and walked away. Well, nobody knew he has girlfriend. Okay, had. He gave me death stare and walked away with his crew. I saw Tae sitting on the ground and his lip was bleeding, so did his eyebrow. I didn't hesitate a second and I pulled clean napkins from my pocket. "Let me see." I said and carefully removed his hand from his eyebrow and with that he made bloody line down his cheek. "I'm sorry.." Just now I saw his other eye is swollen and becoming slowly blue. I let quiet tears to stream down on my face. He looked at me and whispered. "Why are you crying? You didn't do anything." Shut up, Tae.. I gulped and started wiping the blood around the wounds then got another one clean and pressed it on the one of his bottom lip. He stopped me by touching my wrist. "Thank you." he said and tried to get up and I helped him. "Please don't go..." I said, my voice cracked a bit but he looked at me and smiled. Wtf it's going on? "I won't. As long as you're my girl now." he said and pulled me into his embrace. Umm, it's a bit fast, isn't it? ''What do you mean by that?'' I pretended like I don't know what he was talking about but Taehyun hugged me tighter and placed a kiss on my forehead. ''I mean that I love you and it's soon but yes. If I see him touching you again, I'll kill him.'' he is so cute. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I'm girl after all. ''I like you. But we need time to see how things will work. Give me a bit time and I think at the end we will be happy.'' I said and smiled at him back, while his smile slowly disappeared. ''I'm sorry, Tae. You know how I feel. I can't--'' ''Yes I know there's no need to explain more.'' he said with annoying voice after interrupting me and walked away. Uh, what did I do? My only friend now may leave me. I don't want to be lonely. But maybe the nature wants it. 


(I'm really sorry for the late update. As you know from my nickname, I'm hardcore 2NEKON shipper so i will start writing in the near future new stories with Bom x Junhoe, Dara x Bobby and CL x Mino (I KNOW THAT MINO IS FROM WINNER STFU) so yeah, look forward it. Thank you for reading my story and I promise that from 5th chapter the story will be more interesting! Bye for now. <3)

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Michaelamonic #1
I love the story><!!
Can't wait for the next chapter>.<
cakeclay3 #2
it looks awesome!