

My brother phoned me. He was angry, because he saw the photos. Junhoe said he will report this to the police and I almost screamed at him to stop, but he hung up. If he do this, Hanbin and his band are going to smash my head. My life is the worst. 
*2 hours later* 
I heard the front door opened and low groans. I was wondering what was going on and went upstairs. I screamed because of the view in front of me. Junhoe was walking inside, his lip and eyebrow bleeding and a lot of scars and blue marks were on his face. He was beaten up. I ran to him and cried in his arms. 
-I told you, I told you! Are you crazy?! Leave me alone with my stupid problems. Oh my God, oppa. - I just can't stop crying. My mom dropped a plate on the floor and cracking sound echoed in the room. If he hadn't seen Hanbin's crew with me earlier, he wouldn't be like this now. 
*time skip 1 hour later* 
I was so scared of them. My brother told me everything and then went to sleep. He said that the officer was Hanbin's father and he wasn't happy to hear that. Then Mr. Kim called his son. When Junhoe was on his way to home, Hanbin and his stupid friends stopped him and started fighting. That's why he was in bad condition when he came back home. The same evening, after dinner, I was sitting in my room, looking for job so I could make money to help my family. What I was good at? I was good at babysitting. I liked that job, because I would never be alone and bored with it. I dialed one number and deep male voice answered:
-Kim Jung Joo on the phone. 
-Um, Hello. Is it possible to talk? - I said and my pulse skipped a beat. 
-Yes, who is this?
-My name is Jiyoo and I'm calling to ask for the job post as a babysitter.. 
-Yes,I need a babysitter. Are you good with looking after kids? 
-Yes, I am. - I answered. He sounded happy to know that somebody is going to look after his children. 
-Great. How about starting tomorrow? At half-past one? I'm at work in the afternoon, but my son will be at home too. He also needs babysitter, haha. - he laughed a bit. 
-Okay, I will be there. Goodnight.- I said, smiling and hung up. After that, I went to the bathroom and washed my face and teeth, then I fell asleep for the first time in while. 
*on the next day* 
I woke up and actually I was smiling. You will see Hanbin-oppa, I'm not useless. I was walking to school alone, because my brother isn't recovered. The thinking about him makes me sad, but I will help him. While I was walking, I saw Jiwon winking at me, while making out with some girl? He is disgusting boy. However, the girl turned around and she was staring at me with dangerous look. I just blushed a bit and walked faster to the classroom. Everyone was talking about me again. I wish I could stop them, but unfortunately I can't. I don't want to be like them. They are married to their expensive phones and nobody is on their level. I don't know why I'm getting all this hate, but I really wish it would stop. Chanwoo was looking at me. Why? Because he was waiting for me to come and he could start his bullying. He came next to me and looked me deeply in the eyes. I broke the eye contact first. 
-What do you want? - I asked. Nothing wrong is going to happen today. It's my first day at work and I should be happy before it. 
-Do you have sandwiches like yesterday's. -the others chuckled. 
-Yes, but I don't share them with headasses. - the students in our room were like "oooh" but I didn't know if its for me in the bad or good way. Chanwoo was victim of bullying before. He was their victim. Hanbin didn't want him but with the time flies he started to get to know him and now Chanwoo is a bully,too. 
-Know your limits, . - he hissed and threw away my pen. Seriously, he could do only that? I saw him walking to the door and then his boyfriends came in. While Hanbin was walking, he kicked my desk, continuing with his walk. It's going to be a very very very long day. 

At lunch I was in the backyard again. This time I wasn't eating. I was just reading book alone. I jumped when I heard familiar voice. 
-I knew that this is your favorite place to wait for us. - Hanbin said sarcastic and then I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Jiwon there. 
-Why were you so interested in watching me with my girl? You want to be her, don't you? 
-No I don't. Hey, stop! - I shouted when my eyes saw Chanwoo taking my backpack and spilling the items on the ground. Jinhwan saw so many notes and grabbed them. I tried to stand up, but Jiwon won't let me go of his grip. 
-So many love letters. Leader, listen to this one. Ehem, Hanbin oppa, I love you so much and I know you will never read this letters. I want this to be my secret. It's better for me. It's painful to hear such a things and being bullied, but somehow I am not that offended when you are doing it. Saranghae, oppa. - after he finished, they all started laughing, except Hanbin. He was angry. Or he looked like angry. But then, devilish smirk appeared on his face. 
-You.. Believe.. That I will ever love you back? Are you okay? You need award for being extra stupid. - he then started laughing like mad. I dropped the book on the ground and Yunhyeong took it. 
-Hmm, romance. I like this page, can I borrow it.. Oh my gosh, thanks. - he then ripped the page and my heart ached. 
-I hate you more now. Such a bull. I hope you kill yourself soon. - he said angrily. Ouch... Am i really being this hated? 
-I don't want to see you anymore. C'mon guys. - after this, they walked away. They took my letters with them. I stayed there with my head down and it felt like years. After a while, somebody was picking up my things. I lifted my head and saw one boy, maybe on my age, which was putting them in my backpack. He handed it to me and smiled a bit. 
-You saw everything, didn't you. - I said sadly. 
-I'm sorry I didn't help you. I thought it was a small thing. My name is Taehyun. 
He was nice. I hope he won't become a bully. 
-I'm Jiyoo. Nice to meet you. 
-The pleasure is mine. Do you want company on your way to home? - he asked me. Why can't Hanbin be like this with me? 
-Actually, I have to go to work but if you want we could go to school together tomorrow? 
-Sounds great. - he smiled. I told him to meet in front of the shop near my house. And after that, I went to work. 
*at Mr. Kim's house*
I was scared but knocked on the door. He opened and smiled. 
-Ah, so you are Jiyoo. Come in. They are upstairs, so you can go there. I have to go now. Goodbye. - damn, he was talking fast. I removed my shoes and went upstairs, when small hands touched my leg. I looked down and saw very cute girl. 
-Helloo there. - I said and smiled. She smiled back and her face reminded me of him. - What is your name? 
-Hanbyul. Let's play with my toys. - her name.. Okay, what was going on? The door on the next opened and somebody said my name. 
Oh my God. No, no, no, this isn't happening. I swallowed and whispered in shock. 
He walked near me, again with his devilish smirk and whispered in my ear. 
-Welcome to Hell. 

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Michaelamonic #1
I love the story><!!
Can't wait for the next chapter>.<
cakeclay3 #2
it looks awesome!