Angel 4




I woke up feeling of the sunlight striking my face. Hmp my mom always does that, i cant ing sleep.


"Wonu dear wake up! Get ready for school now" she said


"Yes mom" i said as i enter the bathroom to take a bath. As i bathe myself i heard the doorbell ring. I just ignore it 'maybe its just my mom's visitor' and continue washing myself.


"Woowoo there's a visitor here. Get down!" my mom shouted


"Coming" i said as i tie my neck tie. 'who the hell is that?'. I went downstairs and see Junhui waving at me while sitting in the sofa with my mom smiling at him. 'what the hell is he doing here?'


"Good morning Wonwoo" junhui smiling said to me. 


"What are you doing here? " i asked


"Wonu dear, i never thought you have a very handsome and kind suitor of yours


"What?!" i shrieked


"Hahaha don't be that surprise. I was just kidding. Oh okay I'm gonna leave you two now. Bye lovebirds" mom teasingly said to us while waving 'urgh i hate her a lot for doing this'


"What did you say to my mom?" i asked Jun


"Why? Are my babe curious? " he smirk


"Stfu Jun, and also stop calling me babe,  im not Seungkwan" i demanded


"Tsk whatever. Lets go now. " je said and pulled my hand. We exit my house holding each others hands. I can't do nothing but stare at it. 


"Why? It looks completely perfect right? " he said and raised our hands in my face


"Why are you doing this? " i asked him


"Why? Don't you like it?" he asked me


"Didn't i told you before? I like you. Really like you Wonwoo." he said seriously 


I gulped. "Uhm, its not like that. I'm completely lost at it actually. I never thought you'd like me" i state.


He just smile at me and kiss our hands. 


"Let's go now babe." he said to me. And this courting thing starts now. 

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Chapter 1: Short but nice <3
heywonu #2
Chapter 11: Woww it getting more interesting !! Update soon plsss ;)))