The Unfamiliar

Blessed With A Curse

"JInki! How have you been? I haven't seen you for a while!" Kim Jonghyun said as he gave Jinki a light hug.

The two friends had met up with Lee Taemin for lunch one nice sunny, breezy day.

"It's been good. Me and Taemin have moved in together and we're really enjoying the roommate life" Jinki explained, as Taemin nodded in agreement. 

It had been a year since their car accident, and 8 months since they had put the ghost woman to rest after burrying her bones and donating her fortune to the church, but after that, neither Jinki nor Taemin have had any experiences with the dead. It seemed like their troubles with the undead were finally over. 

"Well that's good. I'm happy that your problems have finally been put to rest, and now we can all live normal lives." Jjong sighed "Would you guys be interested in joining me, Kibum, and Minho? We're going bowling tomorrow night" he asked with the widest grin his face could produce.

"That would be awesome, I'm so down for that" Taemin exclaimed, then turning to Jinki to see what he'd say

"Well.. Even though I miserably at bowling, I'd love to go. It should be nice hanging out with old friends. But don't be too harsh on me" Jinki laughed


24 hours later, the five young men were on their way to the bowling alley in Minho's jeep. They played loud music and danced in the back seat. By far the best time the group had ever had together. When they got to the alley, they bowled for hours, eating pizza, playing in the arcade, and drinking. All but Taemin were old enough to drink alcohol.

After they were ready to go home, at 2am in the morning, Minho and Kibum were hammered to no end, nonetheless, none of them were fit to drive a car, so they called their friend, Taeyang to drive them home. 

When they got home, Kibum, Minho, and Jonghyun were all asleep. While Taemin was inside with his hyungs, Jinki was with Taeyang outside.

"Thanks for driving us home, dude." Jinki thanked him before putting a wad of bills in his hand.

"It's no problem. I know you would've done the same for me and my friends. And I wouldn't take the money, but.. I'm taking this girl out to dinner tomorrow night, and I'm in desperate need of it. So thanks" He said with a smile. 

Jinki nodded and started to walk in but Taeyang stopped him

"Hey, how have you been, lately? I heard about your accident"

"Oh, the car accident?" Jinki giggled, "That was over a year ago."

"It was?? Wow I'm slow. But I heard you can have life changing experiences with those types of accidents, very unpleasant" Taeyang explained

"Trust me.. It has been very life changing" 

"Well I gotta go, goodnight" Taeyang waved and started for his car, but turned around to say one more thing

"Hey, JInki"


"As life progresses, more and more.. Things start to become more unfamiliar. Stay out of the unfamiliar territory" and with that, he jumped into his car and drove away. Jinki watched him drive down the rode and turn a corner, until he couldn't see Taeyang anymore

Jinki started to walk back into his, but stopped and thought

"Unfamiliar territory?"


It was now 3am, and everyone was asleep except Jinki, who was in the kitchen. Thinking about what Taeyang said.

"Why did he have to bring up the accident? That was all behind me" He thought in his head, pacing back and forth.

Finally when 4am got close, Jinki went upstairs and slowly started to fall asleep.

As Jinki started to drift away from reality, Taemin started to come back to it. 

Taemin was awake, 4am, sitting up in his bed. The whole house was so quiet, when BANG!!! a loud bang was heard in the living room downstairs. JInki sprung up, in a cold sweat, shaking with fear

"WE'RE BEING ROBBED!!" he screamed. Taemin ran over to JInki's bed and smacked his hand over Jinki's mouth, indicated him to shut his mouth.

"Shhhh, listen" Taemin whispered in his ear. They both heard footsteps coming up from the stairs. At first, they thought maybe it was Jjong, or Kibum, or Minho. But then the footsteps stopped and they could hear a man talking outside his door. The voice sounded so... "Unfamiliar" Jinki said in his head. The voice was so unfamiliar. Then they started to hear another voice, a woman, talking to the man outside the door. Taemin and JInki stopped shaking and tried to pay attention to the conversation, but they couldn't. The two people outside the door were speaking a different language. Jinki had had enough and went for the door. When the door was opened, Jinki and Taemin saw nobody, just an empty hall way. 

They traveled downstairs and searched to realize that there was nobody in their house but them. They even checked on the other three guys, who were all sound asleep.

They sat on the couch and thought in silence, thinking, until Taemin broke the ice.

"It's happening again..." He said, "the ghosts, they're back."

"Don't say that! They will not come back. have you noticed that we've gone 8 months with no encounters? Why would they come back now?" He rambled

Taemin's eyes windened in horror "It's not over" he whispered "It can't be"

At that moment, something started to fall down the chimney, Taemin and Jinki stood up slowly to prepare themselves for what could come next.

The two boys froze in terror when they saw a severed head fall from out of the chimney. blood still trickling from the neck, as if the person who died this horrible dead has just been killed only minutes ago.

The eyes were rolled back until it's head. The head had belonged to a man, and he looked like he was European. So.. "Unfamiliar" Jinki repeated in his head. Then, an arm fell down into the house.. Then another arm, And a leg, and another leg, another head, which had belonged to a woman

Her face had been deformed in such a horrifying manner, Taemin almost lost what was left in his stomach. Then more body parts proceeded to fall from the chimney. 

Finally, Taemin and Jinki screamed bloody murder and began to cry. 

Jonghyun was woken up by the blood curdling screams of Jinki and Taemin, he ran downstairs to see them crying and screaming facing the fireplace. 

"What the hell are you two doing?!?!? What's wrong?? YAH!!" JJong finally got their attention.

They both turned around to Jjong, in his underwear, dark circles under his eyes, with a confused look on his face

Jinki and Taemin, both damp faces from tears, their throats sore from screaming look at Jjong saying nothing, still shaking and whimpering.

They both look back to the fireplace, which is all clean, no body parts, no heads, no arms, no legs, no blood, nothing. It was all gone... As if nothing... Even... Happened 



Hey guys, it's me Rachel. It's 2013! Holy shet! And it's almost my birthday :D Can't wait. To be honest, this chapter gave me chills just writing it, cause it's almost 2am and I'm in my dark room. Jeez, but I did write it pretty fast, I might add. Well I'm done here. Goodnight :D

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elyannachua #1
HOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!!! Really exciting!! Im excited for the next one... =)))