Be Positive

Blessed With A Curse

Taemin was going to go for a walk on his street when he realized it was extremely busy. He hesitated to go back inside, but convinced himself he would be okay. There he saw many people walking on the street, people he had never seen before. He was almost a mile away from home when he saw, on the other side of the street, the teenage boy he ran into the other night, the boy that gave him the jacket. Obviously, the boy recognized Taemin and started across the street towards him "Yah!" the boy called out. Taemin only waited for the boy to cross and meet up with him, since Taemin wouldn't dare walk into the street. Taemin was wondering what was going through the boy's mind when a car started to race towards the boy. Faster and faster, closer and closer. "Watch out!!!" Taemin screamed at the top of his lungs. The boy stopped right in the path of the car. The vehicle hit the boy, but when it fully passed, the car seemed to go STRAIGHT through him. The car was gone, down the street and the boy was still standing there. He looked at the car as it passed and continued to walk towards Taemin, who was now running. With people watching him Taemin ran as fast and as far as he could towards Jinki's house. The boy stopped in the middle of the road and sighed

When Jinki opened the door to his house to see a sweaty, scared Taemin in front of him, he gasped and jumped back. "What happened to you?" Jinki asked dumbfounded. "M-more like what DIDN'T happen to me!!!" Taemin screamed walking into Jinki house. "Have you been seeing them too?" Taemin asked, while Jinki just froze, as he knew exactly what the younger boy was talking about. Jinki sighed. "Yeah" he replied flatly

"What do you think we should do about it?"

"Well, I don't think there's anything we can do about it"

"I don't wanna live the remainder of my life seeing things I shouldn't be seeing"

"Neither do I. But don't you think this could be a... good thing?"


"Well think about it. It's kinda like a power. We're special"

"Obviously it's special. But what if it goes too far?"

"It won't"

"But what if it-"

"It WON'T! We'll make sure it won't"

After Jinki's and Taemin conversation, Jinki decided to walk Taemin home. On the way, Taemin didn't see the teenage boy and Jinki never saw the old woman. However, while they were walking, two cars were going opposite directions in the same lane and smashed into each other, while another car ran into the mess, making a three vehicle accident. Jinki and Taemin watched in horror and started yelling "CALL 911". People started to stare at them, while they screamed. They looked away from the accident in the rode, but when they looked back, it was gone.

Taemin was about to walk into his apartment when Jinki looked up to see a man on the ledge of a window. He was getting ready to jump. By this time, Taemin was already inside when the man finally jumped off the edge  and fell to his death. The man, blood leaking from his head, was laying there. No one came to his aid and it seemed like no one saw, as if it didn't even happen. Jinki only frowned and walked back home.

"Why do I feel like it's not safe to be outside?" Jinki sighs


This fanfic is kinda boring, I'm getting writer's block. Ughh. Oh well. I need to think of something scary >:)

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elyannachua #1
HOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!!! Really exciting!! Im excited for the next one... =)))