
Blessed With A Curse

"This is all a blessing" Taemin said while stacking the crates

"How? We got chased from the church to our house by undead zombies" Jinki argued as he watched the younger boy do his part time job

"What I mean is, we could use this all for good"

"What good?"

"....We have to control it"


"Stop doubting me hyung, this'll work."

"Fine, I'll tag along"

That night, Jinki was looking through a magazine while Taemin flipped through channels on the T.V., when Jinki flipped to a page for an ad with a haunted house on it, the T.V screen went fussy and admitted loud white noise.

"Damn it" Taemin cursed, walking up to the television screen, trying to find the problem

While Taemin acted as a cable man, Jinki continued to look through the ad for the haunted house

"This is it!!" Jinki exclaimed

"What?" Taemin asked, irritated

The ad was for a haunted house that was haunted by a woman killed there for her money by her lover. She haunts the house to this very day. Numerous people tried to stay a full night at the house, to no avail. The ad was recruiting all people who think they could put the woman to rest once and for all

Jinki and Taemin immediately signed up and were in the house the very next night.

Taemin made a nice fire while Jinki read and made bubble tea. They waitied for something to happen for about an hour, when they started to hear moans from the cellar. The cellar door then started to sway back and forth, yet there was no wind in the house and all the windows were closed.

"Who's there?!" Taemin asked

To that, the stopped and the door slammed shut.

"Look at what you did!" Jinki groaned, lightly hitting Taemin on the shoulder

After another hour, the started up again, and the door to the cellar door opened wide open. This got Taemin's and Jinki's attention

"Who's there?" Taemin asked again

To this, the and the cellar door started to get louder and louder. As if the spirit was angry

Taemin and Jinki began to shake with fear. "Please listen to us. We are Lee Taemin and Lee Jinki"

The started to go down and the door was put at rest, but was at the same time, wide open

"We were in a horrible car accident last year, and as you can see, we survived." Taemin explained, as if he knew the spirit was listening

"Now we find as if we can talk and connect with the dead."

"As if... the dead had followed us, giving us this remarkable ability" Jinki said, finishing Taemin's sentence

"We're hoping you could.. cooperate with us.. Because.. We wish to control our new power, or blessing" Taemin said, trying to sound sincere

The ghost had finally came out of the cellar. The ghost looked like she was in her early 20's when she died. She was wearing a torn up white gown. She had no eyes or nose. The flesh on her face started to fall to the ground, revealing more of her teeth.

Jinki and Taemin were taken aback by the ghost's appearence

"I have... two requests..." the ghost said. Her voice seemed like the wind was carrying it through the air.

Her two requests were to find the money that her lover stole from her and donate it all to their local church, and find her remains and bury them properly.

Then, she can finally rest

Since she came from the cellar, Jinki and Taemin searched for her bones and money in the cellar. One of the floor boards in particular were loose, so they searched underneath the floor.

And there was a huge bag of money, underneath the money were bones.

The next day. Jinki and Taemin took the money directly to the church and donated it all.

After, they went back to the house, late at night, took the remains and buried them in the nearest graveyard

When they went back to the church, the woman thanked them one last time and went to rest, never seen again

"So, how was that?" Taemin asked

"Scary AF!!" Jinki yelled

"Come on, seriously"

"I feel like we did a good thing"

"Yes we did. We used our power for good" Taemin smiled

"Well, I was thinking positive the whole time. How's that?" Jinki asked


Wow, I haven't updated this story in a while. Well I should probably update the others. :) This story is a fail. But I hope you guys like it. Read my story "What Year Is It?" It's my most popular :) Adios

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elyannachua #1
HOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!!! Really exciting!! Im excited for the next one... =)))