Chapter 5

The Wishlist
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Yoongi stares at himself in the mirror, his eyes look droopy with bags under his eyes. His hair messy, the blonde fading showing his black roots, in conclusion, he looks horrid.

Yoongi realizes if he spends more time staring at himself in the mirror he would definitely get late. So he forces himself to the bathroom and takes a quick shower.

He makes a cup of coffee for himself before leaving the house. He calls Seokjin on the way to work.

“Are you free this evening?” he asks.

“Yeah, why?”

“Can you come with me to the salon?” Yoongi says. “I want to dye my hair”


“Thanks, what will I ever do with you?”

Seokjin laughs.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Seokjin says. “I am driving the kids to school”

“Okay, bye,”

Yoongi reaches the hospital and walks into his office and Jung Hoseok is already waiting for him.

“You are a bit early today,”

“Uh yeah,” Hoseok says. “I want to get to the studio”

“All right come on then,”

Hoseok nods and follows Yoongi to the radiology while the nurse helps Hoseok. Yoongi starts the treatment.

“You know I finally ended up seeing Jimin perform,”

“Oh, did you like it?” Hoseok asks.

“I really don’t know much about dancing but it seemed really cool,” Yoongi answers.

“Jimin is a talented kid, he is gonna go places,” Hoseok said. “But don’t tell him I said that okay”

“I won’t,” Yoongi says chuckling.

For the rest of the time, they are silent until the treatment is done.

The nurse helps Hoseok get up who walks out of the room along with Yoongi who watches in concern as Hoseok puts his backpack on.

“Thanks, Dr. Min,” he says smiling.

“Take care Hoseok,”

Hoseok nods before he walks to the elevator and then waves at Yoongi who waves back just when the door closes.

Yoongi goes back to his work and when it’s about 6 pm he finally decides to leave and Seokjin is there waiting for him.

“I picked up the kids and actually left them alone,” Seokjin says.

“What?” Yoongi says genuinely surprised.

“Joon will get home soon,” Seokjin says. “Besides we really needed an evening to ourselves”


Seokjin grins as he gets into Yoongi’s car. Yoongi watches Seokjin put some music on.

“Why does there have to be traffic?” Seokjin groans after a little while.

Yoongi doesn’t say anything and they manage to reach the hair salon in less than an hour.

Seokjin decides to get a haircut as well while Yoongi has his hair dyed by the over talkative hairstylist and Yoongi mostly replies in smiles and ‘hmms’

Yoongi is more than glad that Seokjin is there to engage in a pointless conversation about the love affair of some famous actor.

When they are done Yoongi glances in the mirror quite satisfied with the result. Something about dying his hair makes him look quite younger. People never believe him when he says that he is gonna 30 soon.

“Yoongi, I am starving,” Seokjin says as they leave the salon.

“Me too,” Yoongi says.

Yoongi and Seokjin decide to visit a sushi restaurant that is just by the salon.

While they wait for their food Seokjin is staring Yoongi up and down. For a while, Yoongi ignores him before finally giving in.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

“Trying to figure you out,”


“I don’t get you sometimes,” Seokjin sighs.

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

“That girl in the green dress in the next table,” Seokjin whispers and Yoongi immediately turns his head into her direction.

“Don’t look you idiot,” Seokjin hisses.

Yoongi looks back at Seokjin.

“What about her?”

“She has been looking at you for a while,”

“Oh, okay,”

“That’s it?” Seokjin says.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Yoongi asks.

“I don’t know go talk to her or something,” Seokjin replies.

“Hyung please don’t start,” Yoongi says. “I want a nice evening with you without you going on about my lack of a love life”

Seokjin sighs leaning back into the chair.

“You know I constantly pester you to go on dates because I care about you,” Seokjin says.

“I know that but I am quite happy with how things are now,”

“Really, doesn’t seem like it to me,”

“What do you even mean?”

“You are like some kind of robot Yoongi,” Seokjin says. “You are just existing”

Yoongi opens his mouth but he doesn’t have anything to say so he keeps quiet.

“I just want my best friend back,” Seokjin says sighing. “Is that too much ask?”

“Setting me up with random people isn’t gonna bring the old me back,” Yoongi says.

“I don’t know Yoongi, you seemed so happy until you know…and I just want you to see happy like you used to be,”

“People change hyung,” Yoongi says. “I did too and that doesn’t mean I am not happy”

Yoongi knows what he just said is a white lie.

“Yoongi, Jihyo isn’t gonna come back,” Seokjin says. “It’s time you move on”

The words sting harder than Yoongi had expected them to but Yoongi stays silent because he can’t let Seokjin he stills pines for the woman who cheated on him.

“Fine,” Yoongi says. “Fine, I’ll try”

Yoongi sees Seokjin smile a little.

“You don’t have to do it because I am telling you to,” Seokjin says.

Yoongi nods not even listening. He is completely in his own thoughts.

The sushi arrives and they eat in silence while Seokjin eyes him all throughout their time and when Yoongi drops Seokjin off and declines Seokjin’s invitation to come in Seokjin seems to be catching up.

“No no hyung I am okay just tired,” Yoongi manages to lie quickly. “I’ll see you soon”


Yoongi drives off to his house and lies on his bed for awhile before replaying the entire conversation he had with Seokjin in his head.

Maybe, Seokjin is right.

Maybe Yoongi needs to go out more and socialize or maybe even go on dates. The thought is repulsive. He doesn’t see himself taking a girl on a date, holding her hand or doing something even remotely thoughtful.

But Seokjin is right, he can’t swallow in self-pity and be miserable his whole life, he could at least try,

That’s it, Yoongi thought.

He had a very clear plan for tomorrow. He hoped it would work.



The next day when Yoongi walks into the hospital he can feel his heart thumping a little faster than usual. He is nervous.

That’s when he sees her. Yoongi hasn’t noticed her well before but she really is pretty. Her sleek black hair is tied into some knot strands of it falling out as she talks to one of the other nurses.

Yoongi gulps. You can do this, he says to himself.

It is completely rational that he is scared because he hasn’t asked someone out on a date in more than a decade. He doesn’t know how to do this and he doesn’t want to mess up and make a fool out of himself.

Yoongi takes a deep breath before walking up to her.

He stands next to her and she looks up her brown eyes widened.

Already, Yoongi thinks he has ed up.

“Um, Chaeyoung,” Yoongi says. “I need to talk to you for a second do you mind?”

Chaeyoung nods and Yoongi looks at the other nurse who takes the hint and conveniently walks off, so far so good Yoongi thinks.

“What is it?” Chaeyoung asks.

“I um I was thinking are you free tonight,” Yoongi says.

“Um, yeah, I am free tonight,” Chaeyoung says.

“Well, then would you mind coming to the movies with me?” Yoongi asks.

Chaeyoung blinks slowly and Yoongi thinks he has ed up and that he should just pretend that all of this never happened when suddenly she smiles.

“Yeah um sure,” she says.

Yoongi smiles back a little.

“So, can we leave at 6?” Yoongi asks.

“Yeah okay,” Chaeyoung says sm

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Chapter 8: Love it! :)
Poor Hoseok...and poor yoongi but I like how they interact with eachother :) I reeeeeally wish for a fluffy happy ending but we will see :D
Chapter 6: Wow! You updated!! Yay! I've been waiting for a while and I was incredibly excited when I saw that you had a new chapter up. I hope school's okay and maybe at least a little bit better? I'm happy about Chaeyoung (maybe a little sad for her, too, but mostly happy). Anyway, I'll be waiting for the next one. Thank you!
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 5: Oh no that's so sad! I like Yoongi and Hobi just kind bumped into each other lol. I'm excited to see where it goes from here!
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 5: This story is just so good I could spend the whole day reading it over and over. Anyways, I look forward to the next chapter
Chapter 5: Oh! And thank you for updating. It was a very nice chapter as usual. =D
Chapter 5: Hello again! I just wanted to point out that in the third to last paragraph, it says, "Hoseok fakes a smile" instead of "Yoongi fakes a smile". Also, before that, it says, "Hoseok says hesitantly." It's not that big of a deal (and it's easy to figure out you meant Yoongi), but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to change it. You don't have to, of course.
mrlasagna #7
Chapter 4: Oh this was nice! I'm glad Yoongi's doing the support group thing, I feel like it'll help him get some things off his chest and also look at things in a different light. I'm curious about goes on in Hobi's head too haha. Him being Jimin's dance teacher is really cute! Excited for the next update :]
LadyAlisa #8
Chapter 3: Im so happy that you updated a new chapter because I already adore this ff. Im relieved that Yoongi after a year finaly opened up and shows that he wants to move on. I feel realy bad and sad for the people in the cancer support group and im being touched of the support they give one another:). I will definitely wait for the next chapter!!!
mrlasagna #9
Chapter 3: That was wonderful. I'm so glad everyone got something off their chests, even if the stories broke my heart lol. Excited for the next update :]
mrlasagna #10
Chapter 2: Ooo, excited for the next update! I wasn't expecting Hobi to react that way. Actually I don't know what I was expecting lol. I felt so bad for Yoongi when he saw Jihyo with her new boyfriend but I'm glad Hobi's reaction is distracting him from it