Chapter 3

The Wishlist
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Yoongi manages to make it on time today and the first person that he sees is an anxious Jung Hoseok sitting in the waiting area and he jumps out of his seat as soon as he sees him.

“Dr. Min,” he says. “I am…I am ready”

“Uh um all right,” Yoongi says. “Give me a minute”

He just nods and Yoongi goes inside placing his bag and clears out his desk before he opens the door so that Jung Hoseok can come in.

Today, he is dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt and tight ripped jeans and his backpack that he seems to be clutching close to his chest as he sits down.

“So, I have leukemia,” he begins in a very casual tone.

“Yes, acute myelogenous leukemia,” Yoongi completes.

“Oh, that sounds risky,” Jung Hoseok says with a small chuckle surprising Yoongi who didn’t expect to anyone seem so relaxed discussing their disease.

“Well, we have to discuss treatment,” Yoongi says.

“Uh, yeah that,” Hoseok says. “What do you say?”

“Well, you have the option of chemotherapy and radiation,” Yoongi says as he opens his desk and looks for a paper. He finds it and hands it to Jung Hoseok. “Also the hospital is running a clinical trial on a drug; you can be a part of that”

“Not that one,” Hoseok says.

“All right with your subtype of AML, I think you would have to go with the radiation therapy,” Yoongi says.

“How does that work?”

“It basically using radiation to kill cancer cells,”

“Oh,” Jung Hoseok says. “And when should I start the treatment?”

“As soon as possible, I think,” Yoongi says.

“Well I have to accompany my crew to a show today,” Jung Hoseok says. “So can we start after a day?”


“My dance crew, I run a dance studio,”

“Oh, that’s no problem then,” Yoongi says.

Hoseok smiles.

“Thank you Dr. Min,” he says as he stands up. “I’ll see you later”

Yoongi just nods as the man leaves the room leaving behind a very puzzled Yoongi. He doesn’t know if it is an act or is the other man really that nonchalant about the prospect of dying. Either way Yoongi seems confused by his patient as he lurks around his mind the rest of the day until it is the end of the day and Yoongi is leaving when he feels a hand on his shoulder tightening their grip.

Yoongi looks up to see a smiling Dr. Jackson Wang.

“Min, you look in a hurry,”

“I’m not,” Yoongi says loosening from the other’s grip.

“End of shift?” Jackson asks.


“Why don’t you stick around for a bit?” Jackson asks. “I’ve got clinic duty for about half an hour and then we can go have some drinks”


“Don’t say no,” Jackson says. “It’s been too long since we sat down and talked. I miss you man as gay as it sounds”

“All right fine,” Yoongi sighs.

“That’s better,” Jackson says. “I’ll be right back though”

Yoongi nods as he just sits in the waiting room too on his phone until Jackson finally shows up only to be stopped by one of the nurses and they talk to each other in hushed voices for a good ten minutes until Jackson leaves winking at her and Yoongi rolls his eyes.

“So is that your new interest?” Yoongi questions.

“She’s cute,” Jackson says.

Yoongi doesn’t say anything as they get in his car and starts driving while Jackson changes radio stations every five seconds before turning it off completely.

“All they play is lately,” he says.

“Yeah,” Yoongi says as he continues to drive and they soon reach the bar that they usually hang out and since it’s a weekday Yoongi manages to find a parking spot.

“I am not gonna drink a lot, I still have to get home,” Yoongi says.

“Yeah, yeah,” Jackson says as they enter the bar.

They end up sitting on one of the far corners of the bar and Jackson skims the menu while Yoongi looks around to see men and women who seem to be in their early twenties at the most. It makes him feel self-conscious.

Jackson orders some kind of weird cocktail and while they wait for it Jackson leans in whispering.

“See the chick in the back,” he says.

Yoongi cranes his neck and sees a woman dressed in a purple mini dress on a straw. She looks 25 at the most and as their eyes meet she looks away.


“She has been staring at you for the past 15 minutes,”

“Oh,” Yoongi says.

“Go make a move,”

“I don’t want to,”

Jackson sighs.

“Min, come on, opportunities like this don’t really show up,” Jackson says.

“Well, I would like to let the opportunity go away,”

Jackson rolls his eyes as the waiter brings them the drink.

“Excuse me,” Jackson says to the waiter. “He would like to buy a martini for the lady over there”

Jackson points at the purple lady and the waiter just nods leaving.

“Jackson what the ,”

“You are getting laid tonight,” Jackson says.

Yoongi sighs as he sips his drink dreading the conversation he would have to have with the lady. He would, of course, find some way and get out of it. He had to.

“Holy , she is coming here,” Jackson says. “Min, this is your moment”

“I hate you,” Yoongi mouths at Jackson as the woman approaches them smiling.

“Hey,” she says looking at Yoongi.

“Hi,” Yoongi says.

“Do you mind?” she asks Yoongi to let her sit and Yoongi simply scoots over while Jackson looks smug that his plan seems to be working.

Of course, Yoongi is supposed to say something to her, start the conversation and talk about her, make her giggle while she gets drunk so he could take her back to his flat and the her brains out.

No, of course not, not in Yoongi’s life at least as he looks at his watch with a small frown on his face.

“I…I would love to talk to you,” he says. “But I gotta pick up the kids”

“Kids?” she asks with a frown.

“Uh yeah, would you excuse me?”

She stands up letting Yoongi go who grabs his coat and then leans down to whisper into Jackson’s ear.

“She’s all yours,”

Yoongi leaves the suffocating bar. He loves drinking but more in the privacy of his home where he lets a few tears spill. He gets into his car and drives back home where he spends the rest of the evening cooking an elaborate recipe he found online just because it kills time and by the end of the night he is already through two bottles of beer but at least he sleeps better than most nights.



The next day Yoongi is visibly hungover as he walks with his head hung low and he happens to bump into Jackson.

“Min, you look like ,”

Jackson is glowing.

“You seem happy,” Yoongi says as he grabs his second cup of coffee in the morning.

“Let’s just say, you missed out,” Jackson smirks and Yoongi simply rolls his eyes sipping on the coffee.

“See you later Wang,”

“You too,”

Yoongi goes to his office and just as he takes a seat there is a knock on the door and Jung Hoseok is standing there.

“Mr. Jung come in,” Yoongi says.

He nods as he sits down on the chair while Yoongi does the same. For the first time, Yoongi wonders why does the man always show up alone. It wasn’t unusual for patients to show up alone for checkups but for treatments, there is always someone for support.

“The treatment,”

“Yes, we have to start it from today,” Yoongi says as he takes out Jung Hoseok’s file. “Come on follow me”

Yoongi takes him to the radiology and while they are in the elevator Jung Hoseok fiddles with his hands staring upwards at the ceiling.

When they arrive at the radiology Yoongi calls in a nurse who assists Jung Hoseok to get in for the checkup while Yoongi retreats to the small room with the computer.

“I want you to lie completely still,” he says in the mike.


“You don’t have any metal on, do you?”

“Uh no,” Yoongi hears his echoed voice.

“All right then,” Yoongi says as the scanning begins and Yoongi looks for the area of the tumor growth.

When the scan is done Yoongi gets up and helps Jung Hoseok out of the machine who seems to be relived as he stands up and stumbles down but Yoongi catches him before he can fall.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh yeah I yes I’m fine,” Hoseok mumbles incoherently.


Hoseok nods vigorously.

“You should ask someone to come with you…just in case…,”

“I told you,” Jung Hoseok cuts off sounding annoyed. “I am totally fine”

“All right,” Yoongi answers alarmed.

“I um I am sorry,” Jung Hoseok says.

Yoongi just nods as they leave the radiology and head straight back to Yoongi’s office and this time the elevator

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Chapter 8: Love it! :)
Poor Hoseok...and poor yoongi but I like how they interact with eachother :) I reeeeeally wish for a fluffy happy ending but we will see :D
Chapter 6: Wow! You updated!! Yay! I've been waiting for a while and I was incredibly excited when I saw that you had a new chapter up. I hope school's okay and maybe at least a little bit better? I'm happy about Chaeyoung (maybe a little sad for her, too, but mostly happy). Anyway, I'll be waiting for the next one. Thank you!
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 5: Oh no that's so sad! I like Yoongi and Hobi just kind bumped into each other lol. I'm excited to see where it goes from here!
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 5: This story is just so good I could spend the whole day reading it over and over. Anyways, I look forward to the next chapter
Chapter 5: Oh! And thank you for updating. It was a very nice chapter as usual. =D
Chapter 5: Hello again! I just wanted to point out that in the third to last paragraph, it says, "Hoseok fakes a smile" instead of "Yoongi fakes a smile". Also, before that, it says, "Hoseok says hesitantly." It's not that big of a deal (and it's easy to figure out you meant Yoongi), but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to change it. You don't have to, of course.
mrlasagna #7
Chapter 4: Oh this was nice! I'm glad Yoongi's doing the support group thing, I feel like it'll help him get some things off his chest and also look at things in a different light. I'm curious about goes on in Hobi's head too haha. Him being Jimin's dance teacher is really cute! Excited for the next update :]
LadyAlisa #8
Chapter 3: Im so happy that you updated a new chapter because I already adore this ff. Im relieved that Yoongi after a year finaly opened up and shows that he wants to move on. I feel realy bad and sad for the people in the cancer support group and im being touched of the support they give one another:). I will definitely wait for the next chapter!!!
mrlasagna #9
Chapter 3: That was wonderful. I'm so glad everyone got something off their chests, even if the stories broke my heart lol. Excited for the next update :]
mrlasagna #10
Chapter 2: Ooo, excited for the next update! I wasn't expecting Hobi to react that way. Actually I don't know what I was expecting lol. I felt so bad for Yoongi when he saw Jihyo with her new boyfriend but I'm glad Hobi's reaction is distracting him from it