
Barriers [Oikawa x Reader]
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            Breaking someone fully undergoes through a whole lot of process. First, you need to get on that person’s good side.




            Monday. University.


            “I can’t believe you two got that drunk!”, Yumi clapped her hands flippantly as she was astonished to know that you have been caught off guard. It was too bad that she did not get the chance to see it personally.

            “So that’s what they said?”, Kenzo reconfirmed as he rubbed the back part of his neck. “I don’t fully remember everything that had happened either.”

            “Well, it’s the same for both us.”, you pointed out. “We did drink almost the same amount, I guess.”

            “Hai, that’s probably true.”

            “Ohayo, Ms. Drunkard.”, a greeting interrupted the three of you.

            You groaned as you didn't even bother to look as to who it was because you already knew, “Shut up tykawa.”

            It was the brunette along with Iwaizumi by his side. The two approached you three.

            Oikawa turned to Kenzo and smirked, “Ohayo, Ken-chan.”

            Kenzo avoided his gaze, “Ohayo… Thanks for last time.”

            It was weird. Why are you feeling that there is some tension rising up between the two?

            You scanned Yumi's face and it seemed that she hadn't felt the tension at all and then you saw Iwaizumi who shot glares at Kenzo like he has some beef with him. Why?

            “No worries!”, the brunette coolly responded placing his hand on his hips.

            “Heh.”, Kenzo let out a fake laugh.

            You stared at Kenzo then to Oikawa wondering what was going on that you don't know of.

            Maybe it was Oikawa, he looks like someone who'd intimidate people and pick a fight with everyone. You were unconsciously gazing at Oikawa with an aggressive look for quite a long time. It took a short span of time until he noticed and met with your gaze.

            The brunette beamed a sly smile and placed his hands on your shoulders, “___-chan, let's go! Classes are almost starting.”

            Oikawa began pushing along with him, being dragged towards the classroom as Iwaizumi lead the way and opened the door for you. Yumi quickly followed.

            “Ah, bye, Kenzo-kun! Lat-.”, you hurriedly bade as you entered the room and the door separated you from your boyfriend.

            Maybe you were just imagining the tension? Besides, why would the two be in bad terms? If they were, it might be because of Oikawa since he acts all snarky all the time. But you did not need to be concerned of this.


            “___-chan, I know now what Iwa and me would ask you to do.”, Oikawa called as he let you go your way and sat on your seat.

            “What?”, you turned to him as the brunette took his seat beside you.

            Oikawa’s face lit up as he spoke, “Group project!”

            Since the University encourages collaboration and team effort, it was not doubt that a project in groups would be given.

            “That sounds fun. Count me in too.”, Yumi raised her hand ecstatically as she heard the suggestion.

            “Sure. Sure, Yumi-chan.”, Oikawa acknowledged, seemingly that your permission wasn’t needed for this even if you were involved.

            “Oh… okay. Fine.”, you muttered in defeat. This deal wouldn’t be too hard to do anyway, isn’t it?

            But Oikawa wasn’t done yet with his proposal, “And additional tutoring!”

            “What? No. Just one thing is enough.”

            “It’s not like you can’t do it at the same time. You want me to-“

            Iwaizumi immediately cut the obnoxious boy off, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want. Don’t listen to this trash.”

            Truthfully, you were afraid that Oikawa might spill the beans. Besides, you probably might have owed him and Iwaizumi that much since the two took care of you when you passed out. You can at least do this to repay their efforts. It's not that tutoring two boys and an extra friend would be stressful to do so. Who knows?

            “Ahh. Fine. But I can’t everyday.”, you gave a limit so that Oikawa wouldn’t make another tiresome and bold suggestion but the last remark made the conversation feed his large ego more.

            “Who said we’d want to do it everyday?”, he smirked with his face all smug.

            He titled his head boisterously and clicked his tongue, “___-chan, you’re so greedy in spending time with me. You should’ve told me so that I could have adjusted my schedule. But it’s too bad, we play volley every after class so we can only hang out only during practice offs and lunch time.”

            You rolled your eyes and didn’t want the discussion to go elsewhere uplifting his ego, “O-kay… So when are your offs?”

            The brunette pouted. He wasn’t amused that you didn’t argue, “Friday.”

            “Okay. Lunch time and Friday after class.”, you faced you back against him, signaling him that you don’t want to talk anymore.

            “Okay. It’s a deal then.”

            “Hai.”, you nodded, still not facing him as you took out your notebook from your bag.

            “Yay. It’s so exciting.”, Yumi exclaimed as she started writing the names on the piece of paper. “I’m gonna submit in our names then.”

            You let out a sigh as Yumi swiftly wrote all the names and handed the paper to the professor. This can’t be undone anymore.

            ‘Yay. Wow. More time with the Grand King. So fun!’, these were all that you can think about as the professor recorded the group members.

            “Hey, I almost forgot. We should all exchange numbers.”, Oikawa suggested as he held his phone in front of you.

            You shot him a glance and then grabbed his phone to input your number, “Hai.”

            You have to be able to contact your group members and vice versa. So nothing could go wrong with exchanging numbers, right?







            1 week later.


            You thought exchanging numbers would be fine but the brunette used this as a new way to annoy you. You should’ve known but what could you have done? It was necessary to exchange numbers because you were groupmates. You wondered why bad karma still hasn’t stopped coming to you. It’s not like you did anything bad.

            Having your number, Oikawa texted you most of the time and even called you. Most of the time it was nothing important and his purpose was obviously to annoy you just like how he did when he kept on calling your name before. It was too handy for Oikawa since you respond to him through the phone because he tricks you that it’s something important. On your side, what if it really was important and you ignored it?

            This would go on many times a day and you were getting used to it. You weren’t getting irritated or stressed anymore compared to before and this was a defeat for Oikawa in his so-called game that he’s playing. He’s running out of strategies to get to you at the moment.


            ___, we’re gonna go to Iwa-chan’s later to tutor.

            Don’t forget! – Obnoxious Setter


            Yes, I know. You don’t have to remind me. – you


            “Obnoxious Setter”. The name definitely suits him very much for you.






            “Hey, trash.”, you turned to Oikawa who sitting adjacent to you as the four of you were in Iwaizumi’s humble abode.  “Your part would be planning the Marketing Strategy for our proposal.”

            The brunette reacted repulsively, “Ehh, isn't that gonna be hard?”

            “What? But you didn't want to do the other parts too, so I chose this one for you because I think it'll be easy for you.”, you raised a brow at him. “Aren't you good at strategic stuffs?”

            “But that's only in games.”, Oikawa frowned.

            “Well, everything's not all about playing games.”, you lifted your head acting all stern. “You need make an effort because this is a group project.’

            “Yeah, Oikawa-kun. We all have equal tasks to do anyway.”, Yumi agreed because she knew of this too since you were both higher years.

            “tykawa, didn't you know you can let down a member who doesn't help with the project?”, Iwaizumi pointed out.

            “Ahhh. So troublesome.”, Oikawa scratched the back of his head. “What if I can't do it?”

            “Since when were you this negative about something.”, the spike haired boy scowled at the brunette.

            “On schoolworks! Most of the time.”, the brunette whined. “It’s not like you don’t know Iwa-chan!”

            “And ___-chan!”, Oikawa continued. “You may have noticed that I'm smart but I focus too much on volley so I neglect school and studying.”

            You folded your arms and averted your gaze from the pleading brunette, “Yeah. Aren't you smart? I bet you can do it.”

            You emphasized on the word “smart”.

            “Stop being sarcastic, ___-chan.”

            “Like what Iwaizumi-kun said. I'll drop you in the group anytime if you won't do anything.”, you spoke coldly as you closed your notebook, organizing your things to put it on your bag.

            “Ahh. Fine. You don't have to be so mean, ___-chan.”

            It’s not like Oikawa couldn’t do it. He is smart, actually. It can be seen through his plays. He’s just too preoccupied with volleyball that he’s too lazy to do other things.





            And he did accept the part. Of course he had the decency to, if

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Jenduekie #1
Chapter 11: Wahhhhhh thank u for updating T_T
Jenduekie #2
Jenduekie #3
Chapter 10: Another good story will this ever be continued?
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh. This is too good
Chapter 2: Loving this story! Cannot wait for the next chapter :)
Onnanoko09 #6
Chapter 8: This is one of the best Haikyuu fanfics I've read! And that's saying something since I've read a lot of Haikyuu fanfics. Please continue this. I really liked it!