3. Hope Maybe?

Not Anymore
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Jimin cowered down in his room skipping another day of school. He couldn't go to that school anymore could he? The place where his friend gave up in life. Every time he remembered of school, those laughter of those crowd would echo in his hears as the same sad smile the boy had shown him would keep on repeating itself on his head.

 Jimin curled up more tightly as he laid on his bed. His room was dark as the curtains covered all the sunlight and Jimin kept on repeating that one event on his mind over and over again, every time letting the memories haunt him and torture him inside. Jimin never came out of his room and could never sleep as the nightmares of that day would play over and over again on his dream ever since that day. Hence this caused heavy dark circles to appear under his weak and almost dead eyes.

There was no light on his eyes as he stared blankly at the ceilings of his room for hours never really realizing it. Jimin looked almost shrunken down even if it had only been some couple of days he had left eating anything and his face was devoid of anything almost as if he didn't know what to feel anymore. His lack of enough intake of nutrients in his body made his Body look hollow and those dead eyes of Jimin made him look almost dead. If it weren’t for his constant breathing making his chest go up and down, many of them would think of him as a dead body. It looked almost as if Jimin had forgotten about his own existence. At this moment his parents didn't even come for him, neither his father nor his mother. Jimin couldn't care less about them. They wouldn't care about him anyway and he held no hopes to them. But as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted someone to care for him. Staying alone was hurting him and he desperately wanted someone to soothe him.

Jimin had not taken even one step outside his room ever since he shut himself in his room ever since that day. He had even skipped Jinyoung's funeral because he had no courage to face him. No courage to say goodbye as Jinyoung's body would slowly get buried. Ever since that day it even hurt him to remember his friend as he begged for his forgiveness inside his mind over and over again. He despised his weakness as his hate for himself grew more and more. It was his fault for not noticing his friend among the crowd. If only he had run a bit faster, his friend could have possibly been saved. It was his fault that Jinyoung was no more there. It was his fault that only thing he cared about was to not get bullied. He didn’t protect Jinyoung when he was still there... when he was still...alive. Jimin kept on blaming himself as he kept on tormenting himself in the process. Jimin curled up even more hugging himself more tightly as if he would disappear from there and get free from all of his complicated situations and feelings.

Just then a soft knock was heard in his door. Jimin was surprised by the sudden disturbance in his solitude. Who would want to meet him? His mom?...never. His dad? He didn’t even know if Jimin existed. He didn’t even have friends. The only one who was, was no more breathing...

 Jimin grabbed his head and shook it trying to shake off his urge to cry. He closed his eyes when all the things threatened to replay in his mind when suddenly a warm pairs of hands wrapped his body. Soon warmth entered his body and his face which was devoid of any emotions began to be filled with pain, grief, regret and hatred. He knew whose kind hands were they and he soon began to cry in his grandfather's pair of arms.

 In his whole life it was only his grandfather who he loved and was open to. His grandfather was the only one

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jiminiepabo_O #1
Chapter 17:
jiminiepabo_O #2
Chapter 16: nooooo kookie!!
jiminiepabo_O #3
Chapter 16:
jiminiepabo_O #4
jiminiepabo_O #5
Chapter 12: Better not mess with home hoseok
jiminiepabo_O #6
Chapter 11: Hoseok and Jimin missing? uh oh!
Chapter 7: finally jungkookie u came thank god u came. i'm sooo happy to see u
jiminiepabo_O #8
jiminiepabo_O #9
Chapter 6: yay koookieeee
jiminiepabo_O #10
Chapter 4: I CAN WAIT! But i can ant wait till kookie arrives ! until then hwaiting authornim!~