13. In Remembrance

Not Anymore
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I know I said i was going to publish it a little sooner but then things happened and here i am uploading now. Also this is a continution of the previous chapter so it will still be through Jimin's POV and also it is quite short. Sorry~


(adding it here just cause i felt like it XD)

Jimin looked at the figure before him and nodded looking at Jungkook’s bruise. He gently touched the place where the fist had landed. “You are hurt.” Jimin said softly as he ran his fingers through the spot. He was surprised when the other suddenly yanked his hand and pulled him closer, all the while caressing his cheek.

“Who did this?” Jungkook spat the words venomously. Jimin shivered a bit at the tone but shook his head quick enough to gain back his composure and speak. “Listen I need to speak to you.”

But the said boy was not looking at him anymore. He saw Jungkook glaring coldly at Hoseok and the other doing the same though Hoseok seemed to be more mad about what Jimin had said.

“You bastard!”Jungkook snarled as he landed a punch on the other’s face. Jimin gasped at it and immediately ran towards them to stop the meaningless fight. He pulled on Jungkook’s clothes hoping the other to turn towards him like he had done before but it was to no avail. Then thankfully the other seemed to have finally returned from their daze and quickly ran towards them to separate the two, both struggling to get to each other again. Jimin looked at both of them looking at each other with killing intent. This was going so wrong, if only they would talk properly. Jimin sighed as he went in the middle of both of them.

“Why are you two fooling yourselves? You two act as if you hate each other. Get yourself together. How can you not know your own feelings?”

Every one remained silent when Jimin started to talk with the other two continuing to share deadly stares with each other. The atmosphere quickly tensed up and Jimin didn’t want to be there anymore. The sickening silence remained for a long time with no one to break it with everyone thinking on what Jimin had just said until Jungkook finally let out a deep breath and loosened up. The other let out a sigh of relief but Jimin knew that was not the end at all. There’s still things left to do.

“What do you mean?” Jungkook spoke all the while continuing to look at Hoseok.

“Don’t act like you don’t understand me. You know pretty well that you still care about him and somewhere you have already accepted it. So why are you feigning the hatred? This is only causing trouble for you two, for everyone.”

“Don’t you understand Jimin? This guy over here brought all of them in the middle and left them as a bloody mess. I can’t ever forget that day. How hyungs were wincing through pains only because of me. Only because I tried helping him.” Jungkook said finally breaking the eye contact with Hoseok and instead turning to look at Jimin.

“Yes he did and you can see the bit of regret in his eyes. You’re just being clouded with your prejudice. Why don’t you try looking from his point of view? Why don’t you ask him for the reason to not want help from you? Not everyone wants to say their problems easily. You need them to open up slowly but in that case you were only forcing him to say it. Would he really be able to open up to you just because you asked him for reason? If he had to speak up so easily then think why did he hide it in the first place?” Jimin spoke trying to make Jungkook understand, hoping he would understand. At this point he was being desperate to make them understand before they realize how much it hurts to lose someone when you could’ve done something else. Before they realize the regret they could feel of not being able to do after they finally lose someone. This made him even more determined to speak.

“You…stop acting like you know me bastard. I don’t need you to tell what I feel. So shut the hell up and leave us.” Hoseok spoke up coldly lifting his gaze to Jimin while Jungkook protectively shield Jimin from it. But Jimin wasn’t going to have any of it. He was officially pissed and since he have already started this, he would also have to finish it.

"Stop trying to act strong already. I can clearly see you still care about your god damn group. I don’t know why you are even trying to act as if you don't care and the other also is probably wondering the same thing too."Jimin shouted letting his frustrations leak out. He turned abruptly at Jungkook and spoke up again, "You! You care about him. There I said it aloud, now stop trying

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jiminiepabo_O #1
Chapter 17:
jiminiepabo_O #2
Chapter 16: nooooo kookie!!
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Chapter 16:
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Chapter 12: Better not mess with home hoseok
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Chapter 11: Hoseok and Jimin missing? uh oh!
Chapter 7: finally jungkookie u came thank god u came. i'm sooo happy to see u
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